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Yet Another Chaturbate Profile Editor

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Feb 19, 2018
North America
There are several great profile editors [1,2] that allow users to create gorgeous profiles without writing a single line of HTML… This is not one of those editors.

This editor is for the masochists out there that want to write their own HTML/CSS as much as possible but find Chaturabte’s requirement for inline CSS styles to be…um… a bit inconvenient. For example, @Dan202 shared a gorgeous Lovense menu in pure HTML/CSS… but it takes a brave soul indeed to edit that HTML! And that is not Dan’s fault, that is what Chaturbate requires.

So, I present the CSS Inliner (name suggestions welcome). The tool allows designers/coders to write HTML using an external CSS file, preview the page as it will appear on Chaturbate, and then generate HTML with inline CSS ready to be pasted into the “About me” section of a Chaturbate profile.

  • Keep content (HTML) and styles (CSS) separate making both easier to edit and use.
  • Syntax highlighting and coloring to make things easier to read/edit.
  • HTML and CSS validation. Errors in the CSS or HTML are highlighted with short descriptions of the errors and how to fix them.
  • Two default templates to get you started including Dan’s Lovense menu (used with permission).
  • Chaturbate Preview. Click the “Preview” button and see what your profile will look like (more or less) when rendered on the Chaturbate web site.
  • Code generation. Once you are happy with the HTML/CSS click the “Generate” button to get the HTML with inline CSS that is ready to download or copy/paste directly into your Chaturbate profile.

  • User registration. Registration is not required to use the site, but it will be if you want to save your changes. Currently the only way to save your changes is to copy/paste the HTML and/or CSS into a text file on your local machine.
  • Project management to allow users to work on and maintain multiple profiles at once.
  • Register a domain name so users don’t have to use the wonky IP address.
  • Write some documentation and provide a better landing page.
This is just a hobby project of mine that I started because I wanted to play around with Google’s Cloud Platform (for the geeks I wanted to play around with deploying Dockerized Spring Boot web applications to Kubernetes clusters on GCP). Since it is just a hobby project I don’t spend a lot of time on it, particularly since it has reached the point that it is perfectly useful for me. However I thought I would share it to see if anyone else would find it useful.

The only thing I ask is that if you do use the editor to generate a profile that you host any images on your own and change the image URLs in the templates. I will be moving those images in the future which will break any profile that refers to them.

Comments and suggestions welcome.


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