AmberCutie's Forum
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You wonder why we bristle...

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Cam Model
Nov 3, 2022

This isn't okay. "oh you're a sex worker, take whatever I have to say". No. I refuse. Treat me with the respect that I'm putting myself out there while you're just throwing coin. It's almost like I want to just scream "get the fuck over yourself as you treat me like I'm less than you." Have some fucking respect. You want quality models, be quality guys.

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I'm all for finding out more about how to be "quality" but I think this needs more explanation because I can't figure it out from the image alone. The "your" in place of "you're" kind of annoyed me though.
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This isn't okay. "oh you're a sex worker, take whatever I have to say". No. I refuse. Treat me with the respect that I'm putting myself out there while you're just throwing coin. It's almost like I want to just scream "get the fuck over yourself as you treat me like I'm less than you." Have some fucking respect. You want quality models, be quality guys.

I glanced at a couple of female cams on CB the other day and some of the crap I saw guys post was pathetic garbage. Same in some of the male rooms, too.
But there are a lot of assholes out there. It's sad what you guys have to go through.
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I glanced at a couple of female cams on CB the other day and some of the crap I saw guys post was pathetic garbage. Same in some of the male rooms, too.
But there are a lot of assholes out there. It's sad what you guys have to go through.
There is nothing and I mean NOTHING that grinds my gears and pisses me off faster than someone telling me to smile and to go so far as to create a username like that? Utter trash.

But I will say that out of all the sites I've meandered to and browsed chat on, CB is the least problematic because of how much control we have in blocking words and phrases and the right to ban anyone even if it is just because of their user names.

Thank you for understanding the spirit of my post. 🙂
I was told to smile because I'm beautiful yesterday at the grocery store. I wear noise-cancelling headphones because for whatever reason I'm a beacon of popularity that my social anxiety cannot handle. The dude had to tap me on the shoulder to get my attention. I told the guy my mother died. My mother isnt dead. But fuck that guy. Whatever disgruntled face I was making was probably because I forgot my grocery list and was trying to remember.

It's hella mysgonistic to tell/ask/demand women to smile. I don't tolerate it in real life, and I sure as hell will never tolerate it with cam.

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING that grinds my gears and pisses me off faster than someone telling me to smile and to go so far as to create a username like that? Utter trash.

But I will say that out of all the sites I've meandered to and browsed chat on, CB is the least problematic because of how much control we have in blocking words and phrases and the right to ban anyone even if it is just because of their user names.

Thank you for understanding the spirit of my post. 🙂
At the risk of causing more bristle, I will say that yes sure, you can ban anyone for any reason - but I do not go around telling my friends, family, or someone I meet on the street "I can ban you anytime for any reason I choose, or change your name from a male one to a female one" (for example) If you did that there would be constant anxiety and lack of trust. I do not think this user had you in mind when they named themselves.
I was told to smile because I'm beautiful yesterday at the grocery store. I wear noise-cancelling headphones because for whatever reason I'm a beacon of popularity that my social anxiety cannot handle. The dude had to tap me on the shoulder to get my attention. I told the guy my mother died. My mother isnt dead. But fuck that guy. Whatever disgruntled face I was making was probably because I forgot my grocery list and was trying to remember.

It's hella mysgonistic to tell/ask/demand women to smile. I don't tolerate it in real life, and I sure as hell will never tolerate it with cam.

What a douche that guy was. I'm glad you crapped on his attempt to be that guy. I'm almost militant about it on cam. It's my face, not yours and smiling causes wrinkles. 😂
At the risk of causing more bristle, I will say that yes sure, you can ban anyone for any reason - but I do not go around telling my friends, family, or someone I meet on the street "I can ban you anytime for any reason I choose, or change your name from a male one to a female one" (for example) If you did that there would be constant anxiety and lack of trust. I do not think this user had you in mind when they named themselves.
Yes, but this is a business situation where a service is being paid for. This is not a friend's or family situation.

If a model wants to clearly communicate and warn members what kind of behavior gets a ban, then that is a noble, direct thing to do. It sets clear expectations and boundaries. If an individual has an anxiety disorder, or issues with social anxiety/ anxiety talking w women, that is for them to handle with mental health/ a therapist. Not for them to be projecting and putting on to a broadcaster, to be responsible for handling.

On the site that is my main site, men come in nightly new to cams, asking for the rules/ guidance.

Again "anxiety and trust" this is a transaction, not a long term relationship. Your post seems really out of context to me, and way off base.

ETA; Yes, for anyone reading this; if you are thoughtless and rude, and put in 0 effort (even though it's online) some people will still directly note that, and call you on it 🤷‍♀️ Or, in my personal case, straight up decide you are a huge turn off, and ban you from the getgo (for clearly being so oblivious that you'd end up being more work than you were worth, in a business context).
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I was told to smile because I'm beautiful yesterday at the grocery store

love the Sam Jackson reference in the vid

I haven't gotten that demand (they never phrased it as a request) in years but was a thing for a while back in the day. "smile sunshine". so not a thing in my area thankfully. I laugh constantly because the world is a hilarious and absurd place, but even my grade school photos had the expression of someone facing a firing squad

on cam I laugh a lot, occasionally smile, but those dudes are paying me. why on earth would I smile randomly for a stranger's screen name when not in a paid session?

it's indeed totally misogynistic IRL. my face is not a painting at an art gallery and it's not here for your pleasure

on cam that means being expected to show (for free) how overjoyed you are that they entered your room . hi random stranger, good luck with that!
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When I was a teenager, I had an older guy tell me that I SHOULDN'T smile, because I looked better serious. (I had braces back then). I smiled back even wider, though, this made me conscious about my smile ever since. And I still remember how angry I was inside.
So, trust me, this is not about smiling or not smiling. This is about dictating a woman's behavior, and no man has such right over us.
I am working here. Want something? Ask nicely if I do that and, if yes, how much it would cost.
The audacity baffles me every time.
Jesus I'm a guy and I'm not a natural smiler (it's been suggested that it might be an autism thing with me) and I get told to smile and be cheerful all the time. My real life nickname is happy jon because people think I'm depressed (i am but thats not why im not smiling, wait maybe it is) . I've gotten a lot of "cheer up love" "you should smile more" no one ever said I look beautiful though 😭

I think it's a human thing that people are more attracted to someone or something if it/they comes with a smile, it's the human version of purring. How many sales ads are everyone smiling? People shouldn't be that cheerful buying toilet bleach.

It sucks being told to smile and I prefer people didn't fake their smile but I also know people assume you are depressed or you really don't want to be doing what you're doing, even if you are happy.
I was told to smile because I'm beautiful yesterday at the grocery store. I wear noise-cancelling headphones because for whatever reason I'm a beacon of popularity that my social anxiety cannot handle. The dude had to tap me on the shoulder to get my attention. I told the guy my mother died. My mother isnt dead. But fuck that guy. Whatever disgruntled face I was making was probably because I forgot my grocery list and was trying to remember.

It's hella mysgonistic to tell/ask/demand women to smile. I don't tolerate it in real life, and I sure as hell will never tolerate it with cam.

😂😂😂😂 omfggggg dead fucking love it
There is nothing and I mean NOTHING that grinds my gears and pisses me off faster than someone telling me to smile and to go so far as to create a username like that? Utter trash.

But I will say that out of all the sites I've meandered to and browsed chat on, CB is the least problematic because of how much control we have in blocking words and phrases and the right to ban anyone even if it is just because of their user names.

Thank you for understanding the spirit of my post. 🙂
For me its pissing me of if any guys has requests in their nickname like : showmeyourfeet1969 or even not requests but : ilikemuscles. those guys thinking that while entering room, we should show them what they like. Once for joke i made account wigth nickname: ilovetokens hahahahha and you know what? Nobody was tipping me more because i had requests in my nickname. Pffff sigh haha
For me its pissing me of if any guys has requests in their nickname like : showmeyourfeet1969
Do the guys with names like that really think they are going to get it for free just because of their name? It wouldn't surprise me if they did given the number of greys asking for free shit, but I never thought that about the user name itself.

Now the smileifyourhorny guy would get a grammar lesson before anything else...

Your - showing possesion
You're - contraction of you are
Example: I can tell by your grammar that you're an idiot.