AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Your top 3 advises for a new cam girl/boy/ts!!!

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1. Be comfortable saying No.
2. Be comfortable setting firm boundaries, it's totally OK not to be positive at all times.
3. Show your true personality, and express your humor. Just never give out any extremely personal details, so find a balance between showing who you really are, but also staying safe.
Top 3:

1) SAFETY - Do not give out personal details, do not cross-use images/usernames/emails from your real life
2) BOUNDARIES - (NEVER feel bad about banning someone. This is NOT a retail job, there is 0 benefit to letting someone push you around or disrupt your peace. You have the power in these interactions.
3) CONSISTENCY - maintaining a set schedule will mean steadier income and sanity

Impossible to leave it at 3, so I'll add
- your time is valuable, never let someone low ball you
- someone you know will probably find out eventually, make sure you are okay with that. the internet is forever.
- Working a commission based job means fluctuating income
- you do not need a "helper" or "moderator" to do your job. there are people who try to take advantages of newbies... after 10 yrs I can assure you there is nothing they can do for you that you can't learn to do yourself (and more efficiently)
1. Be comfortable saying No.
2. Be comfortable setting firm boundaries, it's totally OK not to be positive at all times.
3. Show your true personality, and express your humor. Just never give out any extremely personal details, so find a balance between showing who you really are, but also staying safe.
Sometimes I feel like U r ME :D.

These are the ones I was going to say! So I'm quoting for effect.

Just adding one:

  • Don't over-promise things ahead of time. You'll regret it when it comes time to deliver if it's more than you're willing to do at that moment.
(example: offering a certain custom item or certain content for anyone who tips x amount one night, or if you reach a goal, you'll send everyone x content later.)
1. Do not let members tell you how you "have to" or "should" run your show. Do your own research.
2. Do not let members tell you how you "have to" or "should" run your show. Do your own research.
3. Do not let members tell you how you "have to" or "should" run your show. Do your own research.
The way the industry is going (and where it's coming from)

1. Smile, be cool... and contrary to what some others said, ALWAYS be constant, smiling and cool no matter your humor.... More than ever, pervs come and expect to relax and have fun with that cool smiling "camgirl" from beautiful Camlandia who will give them a good time, not to hear their neighbour's trouble. When you go and see a play or a concert in a theater, you don't want to see actors or singers looking like they don't want to be here or hear about their life issues... You want them like it was their best show ever. That's the job.

2. Offer valuable services (other than just your holy presence on camera) and put the time on camera. The way the tipper demography is going (less tippers and more and more smallers ones), camming is becoming a 6-7 hour a day, 5 day a week job as far as making good money is concerned.

3. Just be a good pro. No bulshitting, no begging

People are sick of that, they really are, even the most delusional guys, reason why audience and money have been started to seriously dry these last couple of years. Hell, after eveybody else, now that there's noone to impress anymore and that camgirls brand has taken a serious hit, even whale are quitting, not finding whaterver virtual empowerement or glory they thought they were getting flloding online sex workers "just because" or to be their highest tippet in history of humanity and have their username in big caps lock on a sex site profile...

Emotional scamming doesn't pay anymore for a new camgirl, not that it should have ever done. So forget about the overused rethrorics of a beautiful inside and out, sincere young girl coming to make friends from all over the world (preferably, 40-60 older rich guys from the US) then need their help for their rankings, their house, their car, their pet surgery, their daddy's cancer, their "studies"... or just to "make me happy".... Pevs are sick of this shit. they know you're just here for the money.

Check MFC money rankings and you'll see more and more full time camgirls with lower camscore on top offering valuable shows while big camscore, lower volume camgirls offering wery limited content (unless you think that a 9999 countdown for a "shot" is valuable content) who used to make their bread and butter with a few whales or cam daddies are struggling....

Cliffnotes: So just be a good pro proposing good, valuable shows and respect your audience. That's what people expect... not be taken for suckers.
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1: dont be afraid of hurting people's feelings if they cross your boundaries. sometimes you can't always be nice.
2: express yourself how you want. if you want to smile, do it. if you want to keep your resting bitching face, do it.
3: must have a tough skin.
Thank you very much for your replies, I like how this thread is going up so far! I'll add 3 more tips for newbies:

1. Did you know that probably more then 70% of wanna be cam models, quit before they even start? Invest part of your time to research for tips related to the cam site you are trying and don't be afraid to try other platforms in the meanwhile. It might take several months, sometimes even more to find the proper environment for you and to learn most of the important things related to this activity.
2. Be unique, remember that we all are different and it's much simpler to be you and attract customers with your uniqueness... even if you don't manage to do it from the start ... try to impose your personality and your own ideas on the way.
3. You may find that 1-2-3 members that they pose themselves as saviors, telling you that they want to help you to get rid of this miserable activity, asking maybe for your personal details to send you funds via Western Union or other means.. DON'T DO IT. Not only that you are putting your personal data at risk, you may be banned by the platform you are working with.. but also it's a very bad way of conducting your activity. If things go wrong with that member/members they might even accuse you of fraud/scam and so on. Always remember that a good cam model earns more money then probably 90%+ of what their customers are earning...
How can I have forgotten piece of advise #4: Stay away from Lovense buffoonery/scammery...

That is the dagger that have even the most resilient guys giving up on tipping camgirls. Because be sure that for that one percent of smart pervs who will really believe the toy is connected and all these fascinating eye rolling, ceasure like convulsions and oh-ah'ing 100 times day is actual female pleasure or orgasm, 99% will only see a grotesque young girl embarassing herself, taking them for suckers and trying to scam them.

(My apologies somehow to the very few girls who really have it connected, even though I have to admit I have never really understood the appeal of a little pink alien out a girl's vagina.. But to each their own.)

I have stopped counting the number of girls you're like "hey" when you stumble upon their rooms, contemplating the idea of bringing them private or whatever , then "oh... well" when you starts seeing her shaking and clowing around to every single 1 token by one token some dude is tipping... There's your fantasy, there's your boner, there's your respect and money for the girl and there's your overall camgirl reputation.

Lovense is making more arm than good andj just short term thinking. That's also one of the reason audience (and money) have changed on camsites, with you a younger and less resourceful audience besides your traditional older, lonely guys.. Along with overall begging and lying, that's what lead all the "normal", somehow cool guys that used to make the whole thing lively and entertaing to leave the chatrooms, now mosty constituted by freeloarders, fanbois and worshipers.
Thank you very much for your replies, I like how this thread is going up so far! I'll add 3 more tips for newbies:

1. Did you know that probably more then 70% of wanna be cam models, quit before they even start? Invest part of your time to research for tips related to the cam site you are trying and don't be afraid to try other platforms in the meanwhile. It might take several months, sometimes even more to find the proper environment for you and to learn most of the important things related to this activity.
2. Be unique, remember that we all are different and it's much simpler to be you and attract customers with your uniqueness... even if you don't manage to do it from the start ... try to impose your personality and your own ideas on the way.
3. You may find that 1-2-3 members that they pose themselves as saviors, telling you that they want to help you to get rid of this miserable activity, asking maybe for your personal details to send you funds via Western Union or other means.. DON'T DO IT. Not only that you are putting your personal data at risk, you may be banned by the platform you are working with.. but also it's a very bad way of conducting your activity. If things go wrong with that member/members they might even accuse you of fraud/scam and so on. Always remember that a good cam model earns more money then probably 90%+ of what their customers are earning...

Let me disagree with that "be yourself" advice. It is adult enternaiment and called a "show" for a reason. If you ask me, it is important for a camgirl to find what persona works for you, which doesn't necessarly correspond to your real personality or what you would like.

Sure girls can do as they wish and prefer, but if we're talking purely business and money, one thing I can tell you, as a perv, and girls don't necessarly apprehend on camsite when they start, if ever, is that guys will build in their mind an image and fantasy about you litterally the first second they see you, based on your looks. That's someting you can't control and will basicallty be the same image and reprensatation you'll project and how you'll be perceived by everyone. That is then what you'll have to sell to your visitors (who like it clear, easy and simple on camsites) if you want to optimize your potential.

If what pervs see on cam is that cute little traditional sweetie, that's what they'll want and what your persona will have to based on, no matter if you're and hardcore goth IRL listening to heavy metal all day long.... If the first thing people think seeing you is. "wow, classy lady"... that's where your money is, no matter if you're trashy and bitchy as fuck IRL. Same if the first thought in their mind is "I wanna fuck the shit of this hottie"... Making them fantasize and let them virtually fuck you is where your biggest money is. Don't wanna play the pimp but I have seen many girls fail or not make as much money as they could because their persona and shows weren't corresponding to what people were expecting and ready to pay for.

There's that hot girl I saw on MFC the other day, beautiful, sexy body, the kind of girl you're already happy to see on cam... Thing is she basically spend her time legs or ass wide open selling hardcore stuff... I have no problem and even paying for that with or other girls, but this girl could make 5 times more jsut teasing in sexy outfits, wihch is somehting I'd pay for.

Then there's that other russian cutie you necessarly know if you're perving around since she's doing good on 4 or 5 of the main casmites. She wouldn't show her nanny when she started as a shy girl. Fast foward 3 years, she sweetly and comfortably dildo her ass and squirts in public like nothing making it look like you're watching a Disney movie.... making 10 times more than she did.

In other words, like in any other business, it's about what the client is ready play for.
1) Ignore everything said by @MarkJanus

2) Know yourself. Often newbies will craft a show based on the perception they have of what men want, they think men want to see open beavers.. so the show they come up with is completely removed from their own self and it tends to come with a supersexualized image. This is a mistake. Think very hard about the type of camgirl you want to be, think the type of show you would be proud of running if you got outed, or at least the type of show you wouldn’t be embarrassed to be associated with. This is a better guideline, think you will be performing several hours a day so you either like and respect the persona and the actions or there will be a lot of self hatred and embarrassment to go through later. The more you like your own show the more sustainable it will be. This isn’t a sprint.

3) Be flexible. Know that this business is constantly changing and the faster you adapt to the ebbs and flows the more consistent your earnings will be. So keep an eye on the meta and your actions slightly ahead of the curve for maximum payoff.

Somewhere between (2) “knowing yourself” and (3) “being flexible” lies the jackpot.
more 3s

1: when your expensive lovense lush inevitably stops wanting to work properly. totes okay to act like it still isuntil you are able to purchase a new one. end of the day, you are selling a fantasy and dudes can't tell from real to fake.

2: if you get a small tip, and not wearing a lovense. just go "mmmmmm thanks. that feels good" like your interactive toy went off. they might tip you again. when i get questioned if im wearing one, i always say "no. feels good getting tipped"

3: not everyone is going to be into the same shows or toys that you use. don't worry about it. they can move on to another model who might fit their needs. they were never your target audience to begin with.
1) Ignore everything said by @MarkJanus
Definitely THIS^^^^^.

Noone who actually makes money, or is a cam model liked a single one of his posts... for a reason. Just rambling subjective bull shit, based on his own pet peeves. So here I'll add a #4

4) Don't EVER take advice from people who've never made a penny camming in their lives, and try to present themselves as experts. That would be a fool's errand. They will tell you stupid stuff like; The customer is always right. Which is completely unsuited to the adult/ sex work world. They will also often ramble on about their business experience in other unrelated fields. .Just ignore them and write them off in your head, as power trippers that love the sound of their own empty voices, puffing hot air out into the galaxy :giggle: .
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1) Ignore everything said by @MarkJanus
1b. Ignore everything said by members. Their advice is usually the exact opposite of what you want to be doing.
1c. Make time to regularly learn from more experienced models than yourself. Try out their advice, and if it doesn't work for you, don't be afraid to try something else. Experiment.
Replying to the Lovense/toy acting statement.
Sure, it happens that it is overdone. But if someone enjoys the response, and continues to tip for it, where's the issue?
And if the model does get pleasure from it, that's a win-win. Earning money, having fun.
In most cases the model probably only receives pleasure in the tips that roll in to keep it "on". But probably, only in very rare cases, the model actually gets pleasure from the toy itself. Many mixed reviews over the years on how weak they are, and that they're more tickly/startling than actually "pleasurable".

I would imagine the amount of models that actually get sexually stimulated or orgasm from them are in the <2% range.

I've had insertable toys like that in the past and all they did was make me feel like I had to pee.
^ That's great feedback, I understand that the later Lush (2 and 3) are more powerful than the first version, but appreciate not everyone uses that device.
I'm really interested if only from a curious male perspective, but guess it's entirely up to the individual, how aroused they are, and the context, rather than outright what the device is doing.
In most cases the model probably only receives pleasure in the tips that roll in to keep it "on". But probably, only in very rare cases, the model actually gets pleasure from the toy itself. Many mixed reviews over the years on how weak they are, and that they're more tickly/startling than actually "pleasurable".

I would imagine the amount of models that actually get sexually stimulated or orgasm from them are in the <2% range.

I've had insertable toys like that in the past and all they did was make me feel like I had to pee.
That used to be the case with Ohmibod, to a degree, but the Lovense toys have come a long way since then and the intensity and steadiness of the vibration is super. I am not someone who finds it easy to get aroused on cam by that type of thing.. I get very shy which interferes with the experience and yet with Lush I can. Also, the interaction makes it so much more pleasurable than doing it on your own simply because it’s unexpected.. twists and turns so to speak. If you have some time do give them a try I promise you will be positively surprised, the vibration is quite strong. That said I don’t insert it (personal preference) I use it as a bullet in my panties.
I use it as a bullet in my panties.
Ahhh yes, that would be a different experience for sure! I based my comments on experience with insertable rechargable devices.

Those are underwhelming lol.

I have considered using my Domi with the interactive tip stuff, having it rested on my good spots. Now THAT I can believe really does something worth the OOHS and AHHHs and OMYGODS. :D
In most cases the model probably only receives pleasure in the tips that roll in to keep it "on". But probably, only in very rare cases, the model actually gets pleasure from the toy itself. Many mixed reviews over the years on how weak they are, and that they're more tickly/startling than actually "pleasurable".

I would imagine the amount of models that actually get sexually stimulated or orgasm from them are in the <2% range.

I've had insertable toys like that in the past and all they did was make me feel like I had to pee.
The Nora is my absolute fav. I use that when all alone and off cam lol. Lush 3 is pretty good but I like clit stim. Hush in while sex with mr Dani is really fun. I do laugh at those going overboard with single original lush reactions. But hey, whatever fantasy works for their audience. Tokens coming in is my biggest turn on anyway 🤣
How can I have forgotten piece of advise #4: Stay away from Lovense buffoonery/scammery...

That is the dagger that have even the most resilient guys giving up on tipping camgirls. Because be sure that for that one percent of smart pervs who will really believe the toy is connected and all these fascinating eye rolling, ceasure like convulsions and oh-ah'ing 100 times day is actual female pleasure or orgasm, 99% will only see a grotesque young girl embarassing herself, taking them for suckers and trying to scam them.

(My apologies somehow to the very few girls who really have it connected, even though I have to admit I have never really understood the appeal of a little pink alien out a girl's vagina.. But to each their own.)

I have stopped counting the number of girls you're like "hey" when you stumble upon their rooms, contemplating the idea of bringing them private or whatever , then "oh... well" when you starts seeing her shaking and clowing around to every single 1 token by one token some dude is tipping... There's your fantasy, there's your boner, there's your respect and money for the girl and there's your overall camgirl reputation.

Lovense is making more arm than good andj just short term thinking. That's also one of the reason audience (and money) have changed on camsites, with you a younger and less resourceful audience besides your traditional older, lonely guys.. Along with overall begging and lying, that's what lead all the "normal", somehow cool guys that used to make the whole thing lively and entertaing to leave the chatrooms, now mosty constituted by freeloarders, fanbois and worshipers.

Damn, dude. Who hurt you?
In most cases the model probably only receives pleasure in the tips that roll in to keep it "on". But probably, only in very rare cases, the model actually gets pleasure from the toy itself. Many mixed reviews over the years on how weak they are, and that they're more tickly/startling than actually "pleasurable".

I would imagine the amount of models that actually get sexually stimulated or orgasm from them are in the <2% range.

I've had insertable toys like that in the past and all they did was make me feel like I had to pee.

Ahhh yes, that would be a different experience for sure! I based my comments on experience with insertable rechargable devices.

Those are underwhelming lol.

I have considered using my Domi with the interactive tip stuff, having it rested on my good spots. Now THAT I can believe really does something worth the OOHS and AHHHs and OMYGODS. :D

Don't tell my members, but I could have the Lush and Ferri going on high for my whole 3 hour stream and not react at all. I'll give a little moan if someone sets them off on high for a bit because it does feel nice I guess, but I personally couldn't cum from them. I personally like and need very strong vibrations to cum. I will say though that they are startling and the bulk of my reactions to the Lush are just startled yelps when I forget that I'm wearing it and someone sets it off. People find it funny and like to do it when I'm focused on something else like drinking water or solving my Rubik's cube (they get more tokens off the countdown if I'm slower than a certain time).

The Domi on the other hand... I'm obsessed with. I have both the 1st and 2nd one, and oddly the 1st one is stronger and is easily my favorite toy out of the ~80 or so that I own. It's not good to use for a whole stream since I have to hold it in place, but I do let people tip to control it for 10 minutes at a time and if that's done right and I'm feeling generous, 10 minutes of Domi is enough for an orgasm. My Domi reactions are legit and I use it for almost every cumshow even when I don't have it set up to be tip controlled. It's a great toy.

The Hush is nice too, though I don't use it often since I don't do butt stuff on cam much and it's a big plug. The Osci feels nice as well and I like using it during cumshows. It does actually make my orgasm stronger if people tip for it when I'm getting close. The Mission I could take or leave since I don't necessarily get much added stimulation from internal vibrations, but the shape of it does feel nice.

I know all of this is off topic lol but I wanted to chime in.

As far as relating it back to giving advice, a Lush is a good investment for new cam models, imo. I don't think I'll replace mine when it dies unless someone gifts me a new one, but it does definitely make me money. I have a few members who pop in my room every few days and will only stick around if I'm wearing the lush and they'll tip well to set it off or control it for a time.

There are members who dislike them, but I think they're outnumbered by the members who either LOVE them or are neutral about them. I only wear mine a few times per month usually since I am lazy about setting it up and don't want my room to become totally lush focused, but just because one person here (😒) hates them doesn't mean getting a lush is a bad idea.
1. Always thrive to improve yourself from any point of view - socialising, teasing, etc.
2. Know your boundaries. Don't do something you are not going to be comfortable with. Being a camgirl gives you the opportunity to truly discover your sexuality, but that does not mean you should pass your boundaries when it comes to fulfilling fetishes.
3. Never share sensitive or personal data with any of your members.
Don't compare yourself with other models and be on cam sulking/crying/complaining about Model A joining AFTER me but is doing BETTER than me. She is not as fun or sexy as me, blah blah.
That is very unattractive and will scare away any of your current tippers/regulars. Especially if it's something you do regularly.

It's ok to have your down days and be looking at other models thinking this to yourself, or privately to another person, but don't be doing it on your live stream. Remember that your opinion is only your opinion, regardless if you think Model A SHOULD be doing better or worse than you.

Instead of thinking these negative thoughts, see what it is SHE IS doing RIGHT and maybe see if you can copy it to a degree. Is she doing teasing for guys and they love it? Is she dancing around and being lively and you're just sat or laying down Try to take positives from those who are doing well and not be bitchy about it.

One model I knew, she was a model for years and she used to do well but then my god, she just complained EVERY DAY, and for HOURS about a few different models because they were having more luck/success than her. And honestly, I avoided her room so much, and so did her other tippers - presumably for similar reasons. So don't do this - even if you're having a bad day/week, don't.

(It's ok on the rare chance to do it and getting your regulars to cheer you up, we all need this some days, but please don't do it all of the time or often. It emotionally drains your viewers and is not fun).
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