AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Camgirls who scam

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I believe I recall seeing some false statements in this thread I'd like to address. With regards to MFC, it's true models and members (w 1,000 points) can change their names, however those name changes are normally reflected on profiles (throughout the site actually) within seconds. So comments potentially can be persistent with regards to the correct individuals. The problem though, is that both models and members can selectively delete comments or turn off/hide comments altogether. This is one reason the MFC comment system is useless.

Another is that it's open to abuse by malicious models and members alike, which is why in another thread I suggested comments ought to be linked to registered/verified transactions.
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The thing that bugs me, and from first hand experience, is that on here if a member posts about a scam, they're often told to suck it up. In a reversal of that situation, the model is often told to unleash hell.

It's the same both ways guys.
Ive never seen someone tell a girl to unleash hell on a scamming member. Sorry. Maybe I missed it but it is certainly not the norm. Like mentioned before we do not have blacklists for camgirls OR members so I think it's pretty equal that way.
Yeah, seriously. Unleash hell? LMAO You pull that out of thin air or what?

If a model's been scammed, she's already out time and money. You really think she's gonna waste MORE time by "unleashing hell" on said member? No. It's gonna be back to making money because that's what matters. Revenge doesn't exactly pay bills.

This isn't high school. We have way more important shit to do. :think:
You are still in possession of the content, though. You lost promised money, but if you see fit, you could still sell the video you made. If a customer pays for content that's never delivered, and he can't get the money refunded, what is he left in possession of?

EDIT: @Jillybean, I understand perfectly well the dynamic at play, here. I'm just of the mindset that a lot of this could be mitigated if the underlying attitude was less bitter and paranoid on both sides of the transaction.

Ok so I am reading through this thread from post one, so someone might have said this but this is the first comment to make me stop and reply.

This is soooooo not true. I've had customs where the person wants me to repeat their name over and over. No man is going to want to cum to a video of me repeatedly reminding them the video is for someone else. Maybe there is a small population of people who would mute it or something, but I just disagree with this thought process.

"Oh she can just sell it off." Nah. That's lame, plus I feel like a fool wasting my time if I were to let people pay after receiving the video and then they didn't. It would change my demeanor toward making the next one. It is supposed to be a fun process.
The thing that bugs me, and from first hand experience, is that on here if a member posts about a scam, they're often told to suck it up. In a reversal of that situation, the model is often told to unleash hell.

It's the same both ways guys.
What I find most annoying and always embarassing is how in pretty much every thread like this we always have models rushing into the threads trying to blame the victim. I think I remember when you joined here, might be remembering the wrong person, and a bunch of people tried ganging up on you and blaming you for getting scammed. I was probably the only one to stand up for you. But yeah, it sucks, just how it is here tho.
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Ok, now that I have read everything I want to offer some input.

I recently had someone completely FLIP out (nasty words over snapchat) about me still not sending him his introductory tipping videos. He had offline tipped after I posted a message on snap and I never sent them. That is my bad. I either missed the tip or something must have came up. He was accusing me of being a scammer, posting my SC name in his daily so people would try to randomly add me, etc.

And I felt so bad, I ask for his MFC username and look him up and see we had no chat history beside our first day on MFC. It was over a month since he had tipped. I asked him why he hadn't come to me sooner. I tried explaining that it literally just got lost in the cracks. He could have contacted me the second day and been like, "yo, my vids, where are they?" and he would have had them! I made a true human error and he chose to just not contact me.

So while he was in the right that I missed sending him his vids, why in the hell would someone wait over a month before speaking up? I feel like members can forget we are real people, we are actual humans, who function with brains, and things happen, like in every aspect of human life. I question how many of the members that cry, "scam!" ever actually contact the model because of this experience. Then he was all, "I don't even want the videos or to see you ever again!" And I was so frustrated by the situation, I let it go. I know I am human and it wasn't intentional. I super do not understand why he waited a month to ask about them. He told me and I kid you not, "I didn't know when you were and weren't busy." What kind of nonsense is that?
So while he was in the right that I missed sending him his vids, why in the hell would someone wait over a month before speaking up? I feel like members can forget we are real people, we are actual humans, who function with brains, and things happen, like in every aspect of human life. I question how many of the members that cry, "scam!" ever actually contact the model because of this experience. Then he was all, "I don't even want the videos or to see you ever again!" And I was so frustrated by the situation, I let it go. I know I am human and it wasn't intentional. I super do not understand why he waited a month to ask about them. He told me and I kid you not, "I didn't know when you were and weren't busy." What kind of nonsense is that?
Members are in a lose lose situation with the mindset many camgirls have . If he had asked for the videos sooner, some models would have gotten annoyed by him being pushy(how dare he ask for what he paid for)or some other ridiculous excuse so that they can convince themselves not to do something. Why wouldn't you immediately send him the video once you realized you made a mistake? Why should he have to come tracking you down?
Members are in a lose lose situation with the mindset many camgirls have . If he had asked for the videos sooner, some models would have gotten annoyed by him being pushy(how dare he ask for what he paid for)or some other ridiculous excuse so that they can convince themselves not to do something. Why wouldn't you immediately send him the video once you realized you made a mistake? Why should he have to come tracking you down?

These were premade videos, I have like 10-20 sales of those a day. It is quite easy for 1 name to get lost over a year of camming. I did not know I made a mistake until he publicly starting posting my information, and he said he didn't want the videos. Nor did I want someone posting my SC account info possessing my videos. (Serious red flags for him uploading it to some megasite.) But he literally said in the same breath that he cussed me out he didn't want them or to look at me naked ever again.

Do you really not understand that some people can lose a name during hours of camming or (in this instance, I forgot to mention that I graduated from college that day, which is why I likely lost track of it.) Things happen. How would I have known without him contacting me? Why would his first message be spewing hate? Who doesn't remind someone politely the first time they talk to them? Its not like this was a custom, which would make it specific in memory.
What I find most annoying and always embarassing is how in pretty much every thread like this we always have models rushing into the threads trying to blame the victim..

Lol glad to know you're embarrassed for us.:rolleyes:

People put themselves in situations where they could possibly be scammed. Models making custom content or doing Skype shows, members buying customs, buying from models you're not very familiar with, etc. Put yourself in a situation where you could get scammed, get scammed, then get all mad when people point out "Hey, you put yourself in this situation. Sucks, shit happens. Move on." Doesn't matter if you're a model or a member, same thing applies.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Lol glad to know you're embarrassed for us.:rolleyes:

People put themselves in situations where they could possibly be scammed. Models making custom content or doing Skype shows, members buying customs, buying from models you're not very familiar with, etc. Put yourself in a situation where you could get scammed, get scammed, then get all mad when people point out "Hey, you put yourself in this situation. Sucks, shit happens. Move on." Doesn't matter if you're a model or a member, same thing applies.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
By you, not for you.

Yeah no, no. When a member gets scammed, models here(not all thankfully and only a certain type really)always make sure to blame him and make up hilarious excuses for the model. When something bad happens to a model, nobody ever blames her for getting scammed. Like ever. Even if it was super obvious that she was getting scammed. Can't even imagine how salty some here would get if a member told a model that shit happens, move on. Turds for days if the member tried blaming her for it. I do agree that the best thing a member can do is to just take the l and move on, just find it funny how quick some are with the victim blaming and excuses
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Just keep in mind members you DO NOT SEE what is said in MO so dont be so quick to say something never happens here. Just cause you dont see it doesnt mean it's not happening. Just saying and that should be kept in mind.
Just keep in mind members you DO NOT SEE what is said in MO so dont be so quick to say something never happens here. Just cause you dont see it doesnt mean it's not happening. Just saying and that should be kept in mind.
Yeah we are pretty quick to tell "our own" when they fall for the very basic scams something like "Welcome to the Internet!" and link them to threads/pages/wiki entries that state how common the scam is when they post about such things. Most subjects on this are in the MO section.

I certainly know what punk means, because there are groups of girls here who are pretty fast to jump on newcomers (even I do it on occasion) but it goes both ways.

Unfortunately when it comes down to it, these situations are more easily chalked up to a buyer beware deal since there no easy fix or perfect scenario. I always say an established model has more to lose by scamming than a member because reputation is important, even if it is only the lounge or a camming forum to call her out on.
Pretty cool to read about less coddling in models only but out here in the streets if you're a dude and new and had a problem or any negative experience, expect to be blamed for it and ganged up on and usually insulted at some point. New model that had a bad experience? Expect to be treated like a dainty and delicate little flower that couldn't possibly ever be held to the same standards as men and must be spoken to very carefully as to not hurt their feelings. It's ok sweetie, just blame everything on others. No need for personal responsibility when you can just blame everything on other people. How shitty would the members here be if we all piled on every time some noob didn't do her research and blamed her when something shitty happened? Tough shit toots, thems the breaks. Do some research next time asshole. Would be silly.

Honestly tho, things have gotten so much better over the years, can't even remember the last time that I bitched or whined about this. And even more honestly tho, I'm kinda guilty myself of sometimes having a too bad pervert, that's what you get for trusting internet strippers attitude when it comes to these threads.
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Let's get back to what OP asked. I think it was advice on how to prevent getting scammed in the future, not asking you to oust or finger point.

I think a good way to prevent getting scammed by someone who owes you a custom video or photoset would be to get to know them a bit before you purchase or request something like that from them. Perhaps start out by tipping her for things that already exist, like videos or photosets she has already made and has for sale. "Scamming" probably wouldn't happen to you if you had some idea of who you're requesting work from at the start. It's the same as outsourcing any type of work, really... Do a little bit of preliminary research into her past works... See if she can deliver on other levels before you make an investment for something she can flake out on. Also, paying for things with amazon GIFTcards seems a little silly... It is a GIFTcard after all. Some fine human pointed out that MFC member support can sometimes be very helpful with returning your tokens to you in the event that you pay for something with tokens. That was another really good point! That'd keep you from getting the wool pulled over your eyes. A little bit of insurance!
Seriously, my post with advice that he asked for is a bad troll attempt? Okay, I won't venture out of models only and express my opinions.

A facepalm doesn't mean anything bothered me. I facepalmed because your long winded posts make you sound like an absolute maniac with too much time on his hands.
Seriously, my post with advice that he asked for is a bad troll attempt? Okay, I won't venture out of models only and express my opinions.

A facepalm doesn't mean anything bothered me. I facepalmed because your long winded posts make you sound like an absolute maniac with too much time on his hands.
No, the facepalm was the bad troll attempt. Did my post hit a nerve because you are one of the models that only really posts to be shitty to new people and always making excuses? My bad if so, and yeah yeah I'm a total maniac with way too free much time.
No, the facepalm was the bad troll attempt. Did my post hit a nerve because you are one of the models that only really posts to be shitty to new people and always making excuses? My bad if so, and yeah yeah I'm a total maniac with way too free much time.
I didn't even read your whole post. I got about two sentences in. The facepalm was just a generalized "you are ridiculous" across the board. I think it's hilarious that you are making assumptions about me though. You really are a fucking maniac. My facepalm really offended you, huh?
I didn't even read your whole post. I got about two sentences in.
Well that certainly is a mature way to go about things and yes, again, total maniac. I am whatever you think I am, doesn't matter. Must have really bothered you if you feel the need to resort to name calling so quickly. Sorry, didn't mean to offend you personally.
Well that certainly is a mature way to go about things and yes, again, total maniac. I am whatever you think I am, doesn't matter. Must have really bothered you if you feel the need to resort to name calling so quickly. Sorry, didn't mean to offend you personally.

you sure do make a lot of assumptions based on nothing. I've read plenty of your posts before. I know how you are. I've told you I wasn't offended. Maybe you should look up what facepalm actually means. It means I think you're ridiculous, which you really are proving quite well.
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Yeah, understood, I'm ridiculous and whatever other names you feel like calling me. My bad for the posts, didn't expect this childish of a reaction.
Having now read through all of the thread, I understand both sides of the discussion but my opinion, even as a member is that the Camgirls have much more to lose if this transaction goes south than a member, I am sure there are models who just take tokens/giftcards/money without any intention of ever delivering but with a bit of care the risks are, in my opinion minimal

Thinking about it logically the member agrees with the content he wants, pays for it, that is the end of his involvement to the point of delivery

Now said Camgirl has to plan the custom, go out and buy/organise props/outfits etc then take time away from her "day job" of actually camming and entertaining us members ( and this is often on top of a real life job/education!) to squeeze in setting up and filming of the video and will often be at the detriment of something else in her life, then there comes editing, ensuring she is happy and you will get what you asked for

There is a hell of a lot more invested in one side there than the other, I don't blame people for asking for payment up front! its the accepted way to do business. personally I would not buy content from any model i had not spent at least a little time getting to know. that way you build up a little trust that extends both ways. I've heard some horror stories from a couple of models I m close with about how members see fit to treat them over twitter/snapchat about content. The sad reality is that for every "good member" there are probably another 9 absolute dicks hiding facelessly behind the internet

So in conclusion, trust is a very important thing, especially on the internetz. people who scam will, in time lose their reputation and members who act like dicks will get found out

Be nice to each other
Heres a goat
What I find most annoying and always embarassing is how in pretty much every thread like this we always have models rushing into the threads trying to blame the victim. I think I remember when you joined here, might be remembering the wrong person, and a bunch of people tried ganging up on you and blaming you for getting scammed. I was probably the only one to stand up for you. But yeah, it sucks, just how it is here tho.
In general, I totally agree with this, and it's extremely annoying. I've tried discussing "scamgirls" with camgirls before and their immediate reaction is usually something like "Yeah, you probably did something to deserve it", "You are probably a rude asshole", "It's probably a missunderstanding" etc.

I have no problem at all admitting that imo there are lots of viewers who are complete assholes and probably wouldn't think twice if they had the opportunity to scam a camgirl, so why be all defensive and assume from the beginning that it's probably my fault in one way or another when I raise the topic of camgirls who scam?

That said, even though I've seen some of these reactions in this forum as well, I still think that the discussion here usually have high standards compared to other places, with both cam girls and viewers being able to see things from different sides. So I'm positively suprised by this place so far.
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Members are in a lose lose situation with the mindset many camgirls have . If he had asked for the videos sooner, some models would have gotten annoyed by him being pushy(how dare he ask for what he paid for)or some other ridiculous excuse so that they can convince themselves not to do something.
This is my experience as well. While I don't excause the guys behaviour, this might be a part of the explanation. I hate to nag so in general I try not to, and it has happened more than once that the gal has freaked out when I've tried to remind her, which in some cases has led to her taking even longer to give me what I've paid for, just in spite.

That said, I would probably have waited 1-2 weeks and then mailed you a reminder @NerdieBirdie . Waiting a month and then flip out on you is not ok imo. Like you say, all can do mistakes and forget stuff.
There is a hell of a lot more invested in one side there than the other,
I think this is a stupid assumption from your side. You have no idea how much work a customer must do to get the money to pay for a custom. And all camgirls do not invest a huge amount of time in their customs.

It's different from deal to deal, so I can't see how you can make a general statement like that.
I think this is a stupid assumption from your side. You have no idea how much work a customer must do to get the money to pay for a custom. And all camgirls do not invest a huge amount of time in their customs.

It's different from deal to deal, so I can't see how you can make a general statement like that.

I think whatever the requirement, there is almost always significantly more invested by the Camgirl, and I do not just mean in $$ terms. time is the most precious commodity we have, once its gone thats it

I must stress that this is only my opinion, albeit from years on MFC and getting to know a few camgirls very well and considering them close friends. There are always exceptions to the rule

As an interesting aside the would the amount of "work" a customer must do to pay for the videos not influence how realistic he is about the timescale it should take or what he should be expecting? I think, and again its only my personal opinion but if you have to save up for weeks and weeks to get something from MFC that is it healthy? Its not really expendable money any more. I've known models ban people for tipping too much when they know people cannot afford it
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