AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

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I said 'more', I didnt say entirely.
the fact is,working from home isnt wasting time driving elsewhere and being with people and having to navigate their emotions and perceptions as well as your job.

Working from home is one thing. Working from home in an industry that has a heavy stigma attached and is often kept a secret is another. Cam models have to navigate emotions and perceptions as well and I would say is even more directly related to their income since they primarily work on tips and not hourly wages.
I said 'more', I didnt say entirely.
the fact is,working from home isnt wasting time driving elsewhere and being with people and having to navigate their emotions and perceptions as well as your job.

I don't have a daily commute. You're right...I don't waste my time on that. What I do frequently waste my time on is my hair and makeup on days I go for a more glam and polished look and less girl next door. On average that can take anywhere from 1 hour to almost 2 depending on how involved the whole get up and hair and whatnot is. Also, just because theres not commute there are still errands and cam related upkeep to keep in mind. Going to get my nails done, which my members like can also take anywhere from an hour to two hours, not including the insane amount of traffic where I'm from. And the only reason I keep up with the nails and toes is for business purposes.

OTOH please tell me again how I don't have to deal with peoples emotions and perceptions as I put myself on display for thousands of human beings each day and attempt to please them without really actually knowing them. Let alone if I still worked on MFC....thats a whole there bag of emotions that cam girls have to deal with. In my experiences, the average MFC member is WAY more emotionally involved than any other members I've ever had.
Working from home is one thing. Working from home in an industry that has a heavy stigma attached and is often kept a secret is another. Cam models have to navigate emotions and perceptions as well and I would say is even more directly related to their income since they primarily work on tips and not hourly wages.

ok,ok stop overthinking the obvious. I simply mean the simple truth that working from home is less stress because it actually is.
kissing up to a boss is far different from working at home.
a cam model who was barely 22 one time actually mentioned it..she actually had the freedom to say she didnt like it..she went to an office job and the whole culture made no sense. its like a office space movie totally lol. Younger peoples minds are opening up. they realize the entire system is bullcrap.
but people in the rat race forever cant think that freely. they jumped on the rat wheel and dont know any better.
i still need work and at least now my mind is free even though i'm going to have to go another rat race job. at least now i'll know how to laugh at them and their cliche redundant week day beliefs
I don't have a daily commute. You're right...I don't waste my time on that. What I do frequently waste my time on is my hair and makeup on days I go for a more glam and polished look and less girl next door. On average that can take anywhere from 1 hour to almost 2 depending on how involved the whole get up and hair and whatnot is. Also, just because theres not commute there are still errands and cam related upkeep to keep in mind. Going to get my nails done, which my members like can also take anywhere from an hour to two hours, not including the insane amount of traffic where I'm from. And the only reason I keep up with the nails and toes is for business purposes.

OTOH please tell me again how I don't have to deal with peoples emotions and perceptions as I put myself on display for thousands of human beings each day and attempt to please them without really actually knowing them. Let alone if I still worked on MFC....thats a whole there bag of emotions that cam girls have to deal with. In my experiences, the average MFC member is WAY more emotionally involved than any other members I've ever had.

if you work at a "job" , thats like 10 hours gone from your day,every day. you get maybe 5/6 hours a day to yourself and thats not enough time to be you or think for yourself. The system does that on purpose. they want tired dumb asses to follow orders and be too tired to think they arent free at all
  • Wat?!
I said 'more', I didnt say entirely.
the fact is,working from home isnt wasting time driving elsewhere and being with people and having to navigate their emotions and perceptions as well as your job.

Sounds like you need a new job!

Did you know you could easily earn $10,000 a WEEK working from home? All you need is an internet connection and webcam and a good attitude!
ok,ok stop overthinking the obvious. I simply mean the simple truth that working from home is less stress because it actually is.
kissing up to a boss is far different from working at home.
a cam model who was barely 22 one time actually mentioned it..she actually had the freedom to say she didnt like it..she went to an office job and the whole culture made no sense. its like a office space movie totally lol. Younger peoples minds are opening up. they realize the entire system is bullcrap.
but people in the rat race forever cant think that freely. they jumped on the rat wheel and dont know any better.
i still need work and at least now my mind is free even though i'm going to have to go another rat race job. at least now i'll know how to laugh at them and their cliche redundant week day beliefs

But the percentage where people find the success in camming is small compared to people who try. And that's a fact, Jack. When you work for yourself you lose a lot of employee benefits. Once you pay for health insurance out of pocket, you miss those payments coming out of your paycheck. You also have zero paid time off. If you aren't putting out new content, streaming, or marketing you don't make anything. Also nothing is guaranteed, you are working on 100% commission.

i'm not a perky/hot 25 year old girl thats good at lying :)

You never know unless you try!
But the percentage where people find the success in camming is small compared to people who try. And that's a fact, jack. When you work for yourself you lose a lot of employee benefits. Once you pay for health insurance out of pocket, you miss those payments coming out of your paycheck. You also have zero paid time off. If you aren't putting out new content, streaming, or marketing you don't make anything. Also nothing is garenteed, you are working on 100% commission.

You never know unless you try!

i'm only talking about the mindset of home vs job. I'm not debating cost of anything/ medical benifits.
jobs dont offer decent benefits now anyway and the medical profession is a rat race rip off as well.
i'm only talking about the mindset of home vs job. I'm not debating cost of anything/ medical benifits.
jobs dont offer decent benefits now anyway and the medical profession is a rat race rip off as well.
But that is the reality of home vs work. Also cause a lot of stress. Sometimes the shit benefits you had at your old job is better then then what you have working from home. Especially when your premiums go up to the point where your totally affordable good insurance to downgrade. Your deductible is $7,000 a year now! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

There are jobs that do offer great benefits! Know from personal experience. My husband had the best insurance plan with his old company that was a rat race environment you seem to resent like how the emo resents highschool jocks. Reason why we got married quicker.
if you work at a "job" , thats like 10 hours gone from your day,every day. you get maybe 5/6 hours a day to yourself and thats not enough time to be you or think for yourself. The system does that on purpose. they want tired dumb asses to follow orders and be too tired to think they arent free at all
You clearly have no idea what sort of time commitments go into camming. But please do enjoy those rose colored glasses up there on the high horse.

We work from home-have it easy-peasants are just here for your pleasure after all. :cat:
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

wheres the negative/hole part?
i'm supporting freedom of thought and individuality and the obvious fact that working from home is in fact easier then going to a job and being a mindless rat race drone.
it is in fact easier on the mind and body regardless of all the govt bull that everyone deals with. Thats a separate issue and debate.

gee whiz, being positive is now a negative lol
wheres the negative/hole part?
i'm supporting freedom of thought and individuality and the obvious fact that working from home is in fact easier then going to a job and being a mindless rat race drone.
it is in fact easier on the mind and body regardless of all the govt bull that everyone deals with. Thats a separate issue and debate.

gee whiz, being positive is now a negative lol

This is clearly bait.
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This is clearly bait.

no, its clearly clarification of my point. Youre complaining about nothing. Youre inventing an issue that isnt there in my remark.
in and of itself, working from home is easier then going to a job. Thats it,thats all, complete and total truth.
when you are alone with your own mind, you have time to think in ways you cant with all the white noise of a job etc.
You clearly have no idea what sort of time commitments go into camming. But please do enjoy those rose colored glasses up there on the high horse.

We work from home-have it easy-peasants are just here for your pleasure after all. :cat:

you're complaining about having the 2 hours to put on make up in your own house, as opposed to needing to be out of the house anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning to please some other fool. which would you rather do? I think we already know.
high horse? i'm complimenting you! I'm saying "good for you!"
see that? youve been conditioned by society to look for slights and negatives while even being complimented.
why put in effort and create the body you want when you make absurd money and can just buy it?

because who in their right mind wants a larger ass?
its called being fatter. it shows ho people are easily conditioned. People watch a rap video or see someone make a comment on tv and all the sudden young girls think they arent attractive or in the in crowd if they dont have n ass that bounces around for twerking. Twerking is for high school girls anyway lol.

3 years ago, girls were complaining about not having that triangle hole where their vagina ends and their thighs start.
if you work at a "job" , thats like 10 hours gone from your day,every day. you get maybe 5/6 hours a day to yourself and thats not enough time to be you or think for yourself. The system does that on purpose. they want tired dumb asses to follow orders and be too tired to think they arent free at all

you're complaining about having the 2 hours to put on make up in your own house, as opposed to needing to be out of the house anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning to please some other fool. which would you rather do? I think we already know.
high horse? i'm complimenting you! I'm saying "good for you!"
see that? youve been conditioned by society to look for slights and negatives while even being complimented.

As someone who cams in addition to working an office job, maaaaybe you should try getting a different cubicle gig if you're that miserable.

My office job is pretty cool. On an ideal day where my work ethic is functioning well: I roll out of bed at 11:30am, throw on what's clean, feed my cats, leave at noonish, eat breakfast, and proceed to stick my earbuds in and listen to whatever music, podcasts, and creepypastas I want to while I mash a keyboard until 9pm. Then I make my way home, stick something of sustenance in my facehole, try to get ready to cam in 30 minutes, actually take 90, log on, show people my boobs for money, log off around twoish-threeish in the morning, do the bathing thing, crawl into bed sometime between 4&6, sleep, repeat. I'm fortunate enough to be someone who needs less sleep than the average hu-man, so this schedule is doable for me.

You think that 6 hours a day "isn't enough to be yourself", but what does that entail? I'm myself all damn day. Sure, I have a manager, but it's not like she's breathing down my neck all day. My job is repetitive and boring, so I'm able to zone out and focus on what I'm listening to, and actually enjoy myself.

You don't like "needing to be out of the house anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning to please some other fool"? Find a job where you can work mid-shift, or late shift. Something with a more chill environment where you don't feel so beholden to the boss. There are options that don't require you being miserable, bro!
You think that 6 hours a day "isn't enough to be yourself", but what does that entail? I'm myself all damn day. Sure, I have a manager, but it's not like she's breathing down my neck all day. My job is repetitive and boring, so I'm able to zone out and focus on what I'm listening to.

youre still only thinking in terms of accepting the reality you live in. Youve basically just said your whole day is working. You have no freedom in that.
your job is repetitive and boring. Yes, of course it is. They want you to remain a zombie, therefore you zone out and dont really ponder the reality of your existence.
You accept your slavery.
yes,yes people. I already know this. You are a slave to the system whether you work at home or another job base.
but the fact is, I was just making the simple point that it is easier to work from home...because it is.

we are all debt slaves. They cornered us into needing to make money to exist/live.
but everyone on earth would rather do it from home instead of answering to strangers to make a so called living.
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youre still only thinking in terms of accepting the reality you live in. Youve basically just said your whole day is working. You have no freedom in that.
your job is repetitive and boring. Yes, of course it is. They want you to remain a zombie, therefore you zone out and dont really ponder the reality of your existence.
You accept your slavery.
yes,yes people. I already know this. You are a slave to the system whether you work at home or another job base.
but the fact is, I was just making the simple point that it is easier to work from home...because it is.

we are all debt slaves. They cornered us into needing to make money to exist/live.
but everyone on earth would rather do it from home instead of answering to strangers to make a so called living.

I have the freedom to choose. Nobody is forcing me to work. I could disappear, run away, hitchhike across the country. My sister did it, it's not hard. There's communes and shit to stay at, cool people to meet. I just happen to prefer sleeping in a building rather than a tent, so I do what I need to in order to make that happen.
Yes we all need money to survive. Maybe use some and go on a vacation dude. Sounds like you forgot what it is to be alive. There's more to life than the grind that you've put so much of your energy focusing on.

That's why we have these things called hobbies too. Occupies our mind. Makes us feel good. Meet new people with similar hobbies.
I really can't believe someone's entire argument boils down to "you don't have to drive to work."

Even when I worked at a vanilla job, it was only a 2 minute walk. My place of work was a block away. It took me 5 minutes to put on a uniform. Like the argument is completely irrelevant to my life.
you're complaining about having the 2 hours to put on make up in your own house, as opposed to needing to be out of the house anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning to please some other fool. which would you rather do?

for me, sometimes other work is easier, mentally/emotionally,than the bother of having to put on a performance. I haven't cammed in over a week because I'm just not feelin' it lately. I'm currently doing some gardening and woodworking and cleaning in the meantime, which is work I find much easier because it's purely mechanical. I don't have to be in the right headspace, I don't have to deal with people, I don't have to worry about how I look, I can just ignore everything except the task at hand.
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