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A Model's REAL Instagram Was Suggested to me - but HOW?

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Nov 12, 2017
So myself and this model have known each other over 1 year.
I have her Skype, WhatsApp and follow her on Twitter.

Today, it recommended me her REAL life Instagram account (which uses her real name).
I messaged her to let her know, and it caused problems. She thinks I searched her by name to find her - which I did not. But I can understand why she believes this, and here is why:

The phone number she uses for WhatsApp and the number she has linked to any of her social media are different.
The exact same applies to her emails linked to Skype and Twitter, they are different than her real ones.
The name she has tied to anything is not her real name, it's her cam model name (so her name on twitter, her skype name, her whatsapp name - everything).

How was this suggested to me?

I have no way to be able to prove to her that I didn't search for her. I have known her real name for a long time, she told me, but why would I wait until some random time now to search it?
How else can she have been put on my suggested, I don't get it?
I've had similar things happen. These platforms all now have deep learning that ferrets out connections from various accounts, devices, contacts, other people's contacts, images, etc., that all gets pulled together.

In my own case, somehow Google has linked my real phone number to a Gmail account that I've never used in any way related to that account and never logged in or accessed it from that device. I used Facebook once long, long ago for a particular one-time reason using a throwaway email address on a domain that I have. Deleted that account later. Somehow it figured out another real email address on that same domain where it continues to send me recommended contacts for that account.
I've had similar things happen. These platforms all now have deep learning that ferrets out connections from various accounts, devices, contacts, other people's contacts, images, etc., that all gets pulled together.

In my own case, somehow Google has linked my real phone number to a Gmail account that I've never used in any way related to that account and never logged in or accessed it from that device. I used Facebook once long, long ago for a particular one-time reason using a throwaway email address on a domain that I have. Deleted that account later. Somehow it figured out another real email address on that same domain where it continues to send me recommended contacts for that account.

The whole device/IP thing is the only thing I can possibly think that could have linked us.
We have no similar friends so it's not a case of "if you like so and so then maybe you will like THIS person".

I have had it happen before on Facebook too (different model).

It's just frustrating and annoying because I can fully understand based on everything I have said about (everything being different to her personal + cam accounts), why she doesn't believe me. I would think the exact same thing.
When I download apps to my devices from the app store, Google knows it's the same account using all the apps. Even if I then create new credentials for the actual accounts on whatever the apps are. Another layer of connection we have to actively work against to create identity security. I think this one often goes overlooked. Yes, you can sign up with an entirely different email/#, but whatever app store it is will potentially tie the account back to whichever app store account you have used.
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I know that Apple IDs (email addresses) and Microsoft accounts (computer login email/account information) connect contacts too. Just having a device logged in can link and suggest other users. For example: A model is logged into her computer with a personal account but has a business Skype for camming. Suggested contacts are generated that way. Another example: A model uses a work phone. That phone has an email account just for work linked to it. HOWEVER before she had a work phone, she used her personal phone to access her work email address. Suggested contacts can come up that way also. Another example: A model has a personal instagram and a professional instagram. She uses one device to login to both at one time or another. Instagram realizes the two accounts and suggests accounts share contacts especially when the phone/email/2 factor authentication steps are shared. I honestly think even sharing the same IP address or photo backgrounds can link accounts as well. There is definitely a creepy line factor going on. Personal social media are a liability for any model anyways.
I know that Apple IDs (email addresses) and Microsoft accounts (computer login email/account information) connect contacts too. Just having a device logged in can link and suggest other users. For example: A model is logged into her computer with a personal account but has a business Skype for camming. Suggested contacts are generated that way. Another example: A model uses a work phone. That phone has an email account just for work linked to it. HOWEVER before she had a work phone, she used her personal phone to access her work email address. Suggested contacts can come up that way also. Another example: A model has a personal instagram and a professional instagram. She uses one device to login to both at one time or another. Instagram realizes the two accounts and suggests accounts share contacts especially when the phone/email/2 factor authentication steps are shared. I honestly think even sharing the same IP address or photo backgrounds can link accounts as well. There is definitely a creepy line factor going on. Personal social media are a liability for any model anyways.
Why can't I use one account or use an additional application so that the IP does not change and there are no problems with it?
You did the right thing telling her. I'd be pretty upset initially too if someone had my dox, so I hope she can come around after the initial shock has worn off, and realise that instagram/facebook is notorious for doxing models, and then realise your intent in telling her.
I honestly think even sharing the same IP address or photo backgrounds can link accounts as well. There is definitely a creepy line factor going on. Personal social media are a liability for any model anyways.
I'm certain this is exactly what IG does.
That shit is creepy. Years ago I noticed a former MFC big tipper following me on Pinterest (Which I really don't even use...WTF), which I found odd. And I'm sure this particular person couldn't care less about it making me uncomfortable either. I blocked him on Pinterest, and I don't think I ever said anything to him about it.

Props to you, at least, for having the common sense to not follow her IRL Instagram account.
Well, she told me she believes me and everything is ok. It kind of feels like she still doesn't believe me, with how she was saying things, but I will trust her and take her word on it (as she honestly isn't usually someone to mince her words and she will happily tell people how she really feels/thinks etc) and we have ended it (the discussion on it).
She knows I fully understand why it's to be kept secret and why she doesn't want anyone to know about it. I mean this for the way for why she didn't tell me or anyone at all about it, regardless of how much of a "friend" we are.

The bizarre thing to me is why did it suddenly now show me her as a suggestion (I have changed nothing, I don't think she has (I am not sure obviously)) after all this time? Maybe it has shown me before but I have never noticed, I don't know - I very rarely use Instagram.
I told her how to turn off the "Suggestions" bit in her profile, so I hope this will help stop her from being revealed to anyone else in the future.
I do think I have unintentional facial recognition on my phone. As its happened twice, one with tinder (the account was fake but it was non webcam photos she did for a modeling agency but they used her real first name and age).
The second one was tiktok.
Both times I let the models know about it and turns out I'm also very good at forgetting real names, but it's really does freak me out that I came across them without trying.
I'll be lying that I wouldnt like to know more about some of the ladies I follow away from cams but I wouldnt want to without permission (nor would I ask them).

I always tell new girls to set all their social networks to private. Dont know how much that will help.
A model I follow on social media sent a group message just before Christmas seeking donations to her via PP.
No matter what you may think about a donation request, the problem was that she provided her personal PP account details, which included her full real name and her personal email address.......
I let her know immediately, but the (potential) damage was already done.
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So myself and this model have known each other over 1 year.
I have her Skype, WhatsApp and follow her on Twitter.

Today, it recommended me her REAL life Instagram account (which uses her real name).
I messaged her to let her know, and it caused problems. She thinks I searched her by name to find her - which I did not. But I can understand why she believes this, and here is why:

The phone number she uses for WhatsApp and the number she has linked to any of her social media are different.
The exact same applies to her emails linked to Skype and Twitter, they are different than her real ones.
The name she has tied to anything is not her real name, it's her cam model name (so her name on twitter, her skype name, her whatsapp name - everything).

How was this suggested to me?

I have no way to be able to prove to her that I didn't search for her. I have known her real name for a long time, she told me, but why would I wait until some random time now to search it?
How else can she have been put on my suggested, I don't get it?
facebooks tracking pixel does this, if you both spend a lot of time on a specific site fb will start recommending that person as a "you may know this person", I had it happen a bunch of times when models were logged into facebook and used the same pc for camming. since facebook owns instagram I am assuming that it's the same, also for any other fb owned site. I have also had it happen with other sites like forums and shit where it starts recommending users of the forum on my facebook...that was about the same time I stopped using facebook lol

ETA: theres no definitive proof that it's the facebook tracking pixel or part of their cookie but from what I have seen it makes sense.
I was also advised that different devices on a common wifi connection can be linked through that IP address as potentially belonging to the same household, or even the same user. In the same way, if you allow location services on your mobile device(s), that can also place them in the same area, with the same potential for linking to a common user/household.
So even if you're keeping a personal device with personal accounts totally separate from a work device with work accounts, and don't share a common network, the potential is still there to link them.
I was also advised that different devices on a common wifi connection can be linked through that IP address as potentially belonging to the same household, or even the same user. In the same way, if you allow location services on your mobile device(s), that can also place them in the same area, with the same potential for linking to a common user/household.
So even if you're keeping a personal device with personal accounts totally separate from a work device with work accounts, and don't share a common network, the potential is still there to link them.
True, from what I have noticed though as long as you arnt acctually logged into the Facebook account (like if you dont press the log out button instead of just leaving the page) it dosnt seem to happen, but that could be 100% a coincidence that I had never noticed it happen when doing that ofc.
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Interesting. I don't do FB (or whatever they rebranded as) but do use IG and WA, so guess FB is still keeping tabs on me one way or another. Yay
Could one just not have a separate tablet or phone or computer connected thru a VPN just for camming related social medias?
sorry i didnt read through all the replies, but did she search your instagram account while logged in to her real insta? facebook did something similar where if you search someones profile you would show up in their recommended friends, im not sure if this is still the case, but instagram may be similar
One suggestion would be to create another browser profile (firefox can create other profiles) and use that profile for everything you want to be separate. That browser/profile won't have any common cookies, or open web pages, so at best it can only be linked via ip address.
I've dealt with this a lot but the other way around. My work account was being suggested to my friends and family. I assumed it was because I had both accounts on the same app so that I could toggle between the two but now I've heard there are a lot of other factors that can make someone come up in suggestions so idk anymore. I had this problem in the strip club a lot too but with Facebook. If Facebook sees you and another person both spending a lot of time at the same place, they'll start suggesting them as a friend. That meant that my personal Facebook account started coming up for customers in the club.
I can't help but to wonder if this is just another way of sites trying to bully sex workers off of their platform.
sorry i didnt read through all the replies, but did she search your instagram account while logged in to her real insta? facebook did something similar where if you search someones profile you would show up in their recommended friends, im not sure if this is still the case, but instagram may be similar
This was my first idea. It *could* be possible that she was looking for you first and that this was connected by IG resulting in the recommendation.
and this is why i dont do social media in RL
Exactly why I never made/had a personal FB or Insta or Twitter. Can't cross accounts if you only have one for your cam persona!

The one thing I have done, however, was share a tiktok video with my SiL via text message. After she opened it, she started showing up in my suggested friends on there and I imagine it prompted her to friend me, too. But she knows about my cam persona accounts and whatnot, so I did it knowing there was that chance and not being worried.
Exactly why I never made/had a personal FB or Insta or Twitter. Can't cross accounts if you only have one for your cam persona!

The one thing I have done, however, was share a tiktok video with my SiL via text message. After she opened it, she started showing up in my suggested friends on there and I imagine it prompted her to friend me, too. But she knows about my cam persona accounts and whatnot, so I did it knowing there was that chance and not being worried.
oh yeah i remember a friend sent me a tiktok and when i clicked on the link at the top it said " *friend's name* is on tiktok! add them now!" or something like that so yeah, gotta be really careful with that. i also don't have any personal social media, at least none with photos of me or otherwise identifiable. it's just too risky and i'm not into social media anyway.
When I decided to start camming I made some choices to protect myself and 1 of them is to dump all social media in my real name. For the past 3 years it has worked but who knows with the continued success of cyber security breaches. I also have models as friends and even if they have told me their real name I still use there cam name. I have never been asked why but if I were to.he asked I would share this story so thanks for sharing your story
Very helpful.
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