AmberCutie's Forum
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Accomplishments you're proud of, please share yours

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camstory said:
Also, LaylaLux for moving somewhere, with out any thing to move to. This kind of relocation is often the needed motivation in our lives, but more often is too frightening.

Which gets us to the tough part for me. After my release from jail in 1997, I moved from N. Ca. to Austin Tx. with absolutely no reason to do so, except that I had spent a year there 15 years before, and was very fond of the physical beauty of the Tx hill country. Oh, and I also knew that staying in N. Ca. would enable me to keep the life style that had got me locked up in the first place. In 2001, I received one of seven awards given by the city of Austin that year, for my volunteer work.

I am proud of the work I did, but less proud that it has been many years since I have given service of myself. I hope to find myself more giving in the near future. I truly miss working, for no other reason, than to help others who are in need. Anyone who have not had the experience, should.

That is awesome! I love seeing people change there lives for the better and become a success story! I moved from ohio bc i failed at life there .. moving gave me a new outlook on life and really made me push myself .. sometimes we all need a little push!
These are awesome to read, great job guys!
My biggest accomplishment was paying off all my debt. I left a small amount on my car so I can continue to build credit but besides that I'm DEBT FREE and it feels amazing. It's so rewarding knowing all the money I work hard for is mine and no one elses!
Emelie_S said:
My biggest accomplishment is that I got out of a destructive relationship in time. I lived with him for 4 years, I didn't have a job, no money, no were to go. And because of him threatened to kill my cat, I didn't want to leave her there. But I did it. I ended it in time. He never touched the cat. I still don't have a job, or a place to live. But my cat lives with my mother for now. Me and my new boyfriend is looking for an apartment. I'm going to give cam modeling a chance. And I'm going to study the subjects that I missed because of how often I couldn't go to school because of how he made me feel. So I think things will turn out just fine. Now I just want to find an apartment, move in with my bf, and take home my cat.


LadyLuna said:
Emelie_S said:
My biggest accomplishment is that I got out of a destructive relationship in time. I lived with him for 4 years, I didn't have a job, no money, no were to go. And because of him threatened to kill my cat, I didn't want to leave her there. But I did it. I ended it in time. He never touched the cat. I still don't have a job, or a place to live. But my cat lives with my mother for now. Me and my new boyfriend is looking for an apartment. I'm going to give cam modeling a chance. And I'm going to study the subjects that I missed because of how often I couldn't go to school because of how he made me feel. So I think things will turn out just fine. Now I just want to find an apartment, move in with my bf, and take home my cat.


Second that :clap: Don't ever look back.
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greatest accomplishment was repairing my relationship with food and relearning ways to eat, losing 110 pounds (well 125 but i gained about 15 back) staying vegan even when my vegan friends went back to being omni and vegetarian.

otherwise i dont have a lot of things im proud of. im a notorious quitter/flake.
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Jaydenrainey said:
greatest accomplishment was repairing my relationship with food and relearning ways to eat, losing 110 pounds (well 125 but i gained about 15 back) staying vegan even when my vegan friends went back to being omni and vegetarian.

otherwise i dont have a lot of things im proud of. im a notorious quitter/flake.

Obviously you didn't quit on getting to a better place of health. IMO, you should be very proud of that. It's one thing to set yourself to lose 25, 30 pounds, but making up your mind, and losing 125 pounds just seems like pulling a wagon full of rocks up a mountain road in the fog. At first you can't see your progress, and when you clear the fog and can, the summit is still so far away, it's very hard to not just say, screw this, and ride the wagon back to the bottom.

Great accomplishment, you should be proud. And thank you, you have given me inspiration to start, with rock laden wagon, my own ascension, this very morning.
Jaydenrainey.... don't put yourself down.... you are not a quitter... you just haven't found the right reasons to allow yourself to beat those problems yet... for example....

My dad was a heavy smoker for years..... one day when he was in the hospital recovering from an unrelated surgery, his surgeon visited him and told him that he would see him again to operate on him for lung cancer.... that scared the crap outta my dad.... he had a young family to support and the thought that he might not be around to look after them scared him to death.... he quit that very day and stayed that way until he died 30 years later....

People that quit just lose focus of what's really important... getting over the problem, being free of it and enjoying all the benefits that quitting will give them.... my 2 cents...

BTW, successfully dealing with your food issues proves you have great will power when you are highly motivated.... difficult but you did it.... bully for you...
Jaydenrainey said:
greatest accomplishment was repairing my relationship with food and relearning ways to eat, losing 110 pounds (well 125 but i gained about 15 back) staying vegan even when my vegan friends went back to being omni and vegetarian.

otherwise i dont have a lot of things im proud of. im a notorious quitter/flake.
That is awesome girlie!!!! :dance: :clap: Most people have trouble wuth just 5 or 10 pounds and you managed 125! Holy cow that is amazing!
i only went to secondary school, learned a job and settled down..
Then life started to become boring and i went to evening school 3 and a half years every day after work. I did a good job and ended all straight A. I got a scholarship and went to university getting good grades again.
Now i am in the committee that chooses the students for that scholarship and it is a great thing to see bright young people going their way and to be able to give them a little help with that.
Traditio said:
i only went to secondary school, learned a job and settled down..
Then life started to become boring and i went to evening school 3 and a half years every day after work. I did a good job and ended all straight A. I got a scholarship and went to university getting good grades again.
Now i am in the committee that chooses the students for that scholarship and it is a great thing to see bright young people going their way and to be able to give them a little help with that.

That's awesome. My grandfather used to do something similar to that kind of work, and he instilled in me the importance of education.

"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
-Edward Everett
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