AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Advice needed

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Feb 19, 2018
North America
I have a situation I need advice on.

The past few nights I've been hanging out with a new model on CB. She is absolutely killing it. She is smart, confident, engaging, and of course, very attractive. However, I think she is a little naive and may be over confident to the point she is putting herself in danger.

In my opinion she gives out waaay too much information about her location. She hasn't said her exact city, but she has certainly narrowed it down. Worse (much much worse), on at least two occasions that I have been present for she has accidentally blurted out her real name! Always while relating some story where her friends say, "Hey <real name> blah blah blah". Once it was even her first and last name! I immediately warned her (in a hefty tip note), but I am concerned she is still too cavalier about her privacy and the danger she is putting herself in. She says she wants to become a lawyer and I am really concerned she is making bad decisions now that could have negative consequences for the rest of her life.

I spent two minutes on Google and found what I think is her LinkedIn profile (yes, she has a LinkedIn profile). I took the headshot from there, went to one of the recording sites to grab a screen shot of her face, and according to a free face matching website it's her (82% match).

I have no interest in stalking her or tracking her down beyond what I've done as a proof of concept, but you all know there are lots of guys out there that would. How do I broach this with her without creeping her out? Do I even broach the subject with her? Maybe she does need to be creeped out a little bit so she realizes the danger she is putting herself in? I was thinking of messaging her on LinkedIn; maybe if she saw my real info she would take it more seriously and not as just some rando on the internet? The only thing I would say on LinkedIn, is "Hey it's me, <CB username>."

I have asked her to Google "ambercutie forums" and sign up here, but I don't think she has so far.

What would you do, and/or what would you want a concerned member to do in this case?
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  • Sorry to hear that.
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Yeah. I thought about it a lot before posting, and in hindsight it may have not been the right decision. I was a little too exuberant in my initial post (I'm actually really happy for her), but I can't edit it now; that ship has sailed. But the few people here pale in comparison to the people in her room at any one time. I know, from my time here, how much models love having members giving them advice and telling them what to do and I don't think there is much more I can say directly without crossing more lines than I already have.

So I think I'll just let it go. It's her life to live..
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Yeah. I thought about it a lot before posting, and in hindsight it may have not been the right decision. I was a little too exuberant in my initial post (I'm actually really happy for her), but I can't edit it now; that ship has sailed. But the few people here pale in comparison to the people in her room at any one time. I know, from my time here, how much models love having members giving them advice and telling them what to do and I don't think there is much more I can say directly without crossing more lines than I already have.

So I think I'll just let it go. It's her life to live..
I do appreciate you cared. Sometimes lessons have to bite people in the ass as a model. They are hard lessons but ultimately, yeah it's her life.
Look. Full honesty here....I've been Michelle for 20 years in September.
I still doxx myself by accident sometimes.

Also, she may be lying about the region she's from.
When doing strip shows and topless waitressing I used to say I lived in an area that I did live in previously but not anymore...but that's because everyone I worked with/for was in driving distance of my home and could see my license plates.

Online 99.999999% of the people are nowhere near you so the ease of access is much lower.

Yes it's super important to stay safe and we should do so as much as possible, but we're still human and accidents will happen. It's normal.

Definitely worth mentioning to her about this forum and that she should try to keep her personal stuff somewhat private, but TBCH I give out my city freely as well as all kinds of info about myself like favourite cafes.and restaurants.
It's -
a. Just who I am, open book.
b. In Melbourne everyone knows everyone anyway, I was camming for under 15 minutes before someone I knew IRL found me!
I edited the OP and replies to include less identifying INFO.
Well from fellow user, I would just write in tipnote once or twice just warn her that you think she's giving too much info out and leave it at that.
I don't think that's a problem, like warning a girl who's about to show photo of herself as child not to.

I have come across a girl on cb on tiktok (freaked me out as much as her, we think some cookie algorithm spotted couple of words that when connected spelt her cb username, its the closest besides 1 in a million odds for us to figure it out) just told/warned her that it had happened and glad that I had said something to her, so I dunno I'm not sure I would say you went looking for her on LinkedIn though.