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Audio Problems

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 26, 2010
Usually somewhere between flippant and glib.
Many models have awful sound quality in their rooms, so please ask someone you trust how it is when you begin if in doubt. As of late, a few more popular models have had squelch issues where the higher decibels come through as scratchy and inaudible. I'm not all that tech saavy, so am open to suggestions on how to help them fix squelch issues.
I'm not shy about letting them know, but would also like to be able to suggest a fix for the squelch problem. Maybe it's just their mic sensitivity settings? Just curious if anyone has experience with that squelch problem.
Audio problems. *grumbles* my logitech isn't transmitting sound at all. :|
I either can't get sound at all or I sound like a chipmunk until I go away and come back. A little happy I'm not the only model having audio issues. Most are probably the models cam or connection, but I think some of it has to be MFC. :\
my problem isnt with MFC, or at least I havent gotten any complaints when I've used my camcorder. I just dont get sound my from my logitech (i've tried with other programs, so its not mfc... for me)
Frankie said:
I either can't get sound at all or I sound like a chipmunk until I go away and come back. A little happy I'm not the only model having audio issues. Most are probably the models cam or connection, but I think some of it has to be MFC. :\

LOL I know someone else who has the chipmunk problem, it's funny as hell :p
pyrite1965 said:
Frankie said:
I either can't get sound at all or I sound like a chipmunk until I go away and come back. A little happy I'm not the only model having audio issues. Most are probably the models cam or connection, but I think some of it has to be MFC. :\

LOL I know someone else who has the chipmunk problem, it's funny as hell :p

I feel so annoyed when my sound actually does work, because now the first words out of my mouth are "Do I sound like a fucking chipmunk" -_- lol
I have a question and I'm trying to figure out if this is just a problem with my ISP or MFC in general, but when I'm just chilling out and watching models, I keep getting "hiccups" in the streaming. Like the image will freeze and then speed up or the audio will cut out and then speed up. I have my laptop plugged in via ethernet at the moment instead of using the router (which always registers 5 bars) to see if there's a difference and there is, slightly. Way fewer hiccups, but still a few sprinkled here and there. I hesitate to say it's my ISP because when I do speed tests, the sites tell me my connection is fast enough for broadcast...then again my ISP is a piece of crap and I hate them. They're very inconsistent with their signal but I'm not supposed to complain because they have the monopoly and it's free with my rent. :/

Sorry, I'm a tech n00b as far as this goes. Does streaming takes more kbps than broadcasting?
MzMarche, what you are referring to is what I call lag-spikes. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but it could be due to any number of reasons ranging from the connection of the girl you're watching, an MFC glitch, or even your own ISP.
Hey girl, I can help you on that one. To see if it's your computer, open up Windows Resource Monitor. For all you know, a program ('virus' or otherwise,) could be using your internet randomly to do shit. If so you may be a zombie. Because if it's not your ISP, and your bandwidth with MFC is over 600 most of the time, it's probably you.

As for the chipmunk problem, yeah, I get it. I can't even fix it with going away though. I have to go into the control panel and disable/enable the mic. But I find doing that before going on cam prevents the issue most of the time.
Thanks y'all. :) Knowing what it was called helped me use the almighty power of Google to eek out some solutions. I don't think it's my ISP anymore because hardwired or not I still get the spikes (and my building just recently got the hardwired option. Before, outside of the universal router going down every week, everything streamed perfectly). I'm using vista in combination with a linksys wireless old one which a lot of posts said may be the cause. After going through and trying to reconfigure everything with no success as far as lag, I finally came across a board where a lot of gamers recommend this: Hopefully getting that works.

ETA: Whatever I did last night, it looks like it's working. Audio is running a lot smoother today.
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