AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Camgirl ethics

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Feb 25, 2013
Midwest USA
Twitter Username
MFC Username
Saw a tweet tonight that mentioned an MFC model badmouthing other MFC models. How often does this happen? From what I've gathered hanging around here, there's a great sense of camaraderie and shared experience among most models. But business is a competitive enterprise.

LilyMarie mentioned the other day that a new model had plagiarized her profile page. That could be done for any number of reasons ranging from sheer ignorance to blatant theft. Is that common? It takes some creativity to craft a nice profile. It takes none to steal one.

I suspect your community exists pretty much like any workplace in which a few bad apples always seem to find a way to ruin someone's day. Is that the case here? Isolated instances of bad behavior, but that's pretty much it?

Not trying to put my nose in your business (although I guess I sort of am anyway!). Hope I haven't overstepped my bounds by asking. Not trying to stir anything up. Just curious by nature.
I would say that negative interactions are FAR less common than positive.
Just as any work place or social circle, people can be catty or devious but for the most part the cam girl community interacts with each other better than any community I've seen, Business or social.
IMO isolated instances or individuals are the culprit, not the norm.
I see many models telling members to stop badmouthing other models when they start doing it. It's rare I see a model doing the badmouthing herself. I would have to say it's an uncommon occurrence done by a few bad apples. Most are pretty decent about it and understand everyone else is just trying to get by and make a living just like they are. So there's no need for that sort of childish behavior.

And i'm not really talking about 'just' ACF models, it seems to apply for most everyone I've run across.
Not always.

There are some sites I've been to where it is common practice for models to harass, put down, and try to hurt other models.

I've been called names and told I was nasty by a jealous model before.

It's more common than you'd think, most of the models doing the harassing hide behind member names for that sort of thing, though.
I like to watch other models for fun and girlboners, and I once found a model who seemed funny, so I watched her for a bit. But then she trashed a model who I half-know from this forum, and as I was about to close the window I saw a bunch of other members saying, "Not cool!" and others were leaving. It's just not cute! You don't know these people you are talking shit on, they may be awesome people that you would love in real life! They might be close friends of people in your room! Talking shit is just not cute in general and it is a total turn-off to me.

Girl solidarity!
I hate it when people start badmouthing other models (or even other women) in my room! I had someone tonight get upset at me because he "wasn't naming any names" when I told him to cut it out; he'd been telling us about how much he disliked most of the top 20 girls, how most didn't deserve their rank/tips, etc. Then he was like, "I was just trying to tell you that I think you should be in the top!" One: if you want me to be in the top, tip me. That's the only way for me to get there. Two: if your "compliment" relies on insulting someone else, it's not really a compliment at all. You can say, "You're great!" instead of "You're much better than those other boring whores."

Besides the rude factor, I don't like the negative vibe that comes with talking down on people! Talk about a bonerkill.
I've been bad mouthed and harassed by a other model. Sucked the big ones. At the end of the day, I am a real person as is she. I don't know where she is at in life that makes it, in her mind, okay to do. But meh, karma can be a bitch.

As evvie said, I think it's like any workplace. Always some drama, but anyone wanting to do well, stays out of office politics.
AllisonWilder said:
trotskyleon said: many of you models come on as guests and tease other models ? :lol:

I'd guess that there are a lot of models that do that, but I'm having a hard time imagining the models from here doing it.

I'm much more likely to use my perv account to tease/harass asshole members. :mrgreen:
AllisonWilder said:
trotskyleon said: many of you models come on as guests and tease other models ? :lol:

I'd guess that there are a lot of models that do that, but I'm having a hard time imagining the models from here doing it.

The very first model who ever gave me advice (helped me with my profile) was Azarthian. From what I can tell, she doesn't come on ACF. That's my ONLY experience with another model outside of ACF. I'm hoping they're all this nice.

I don't understand the girls who get jealous and nasty. The model a few rows above you probably worked her ass of for months to get to that point? So why be jealous. It's not a hamster wheel (though it does seem that way sometimes ;)). If you work hard you DO get results. :)
MsAllyCat said:
I've been bad mouthed and harassed by a other model. Sucked the big ones. At the end of the day, I am a real person as is she. I don't know where she is at in life that makes it, in her mind, okay to do. But meh, karma can be a bitch.

As evvie said, I think it's like any workplace. Always some drama, but anyone wanting to do well, stays out of office politics.
I am a ninja :confused5:

As my experience with subcultures grow, I am beginning to develop a hypothesis that they are all a microcosm of the society within which they are contained.

In the camming community, how models treat each other largely depends on what medium they are communicating through. Some websites are well-known or considered to be bitch heaven, where the mini-culture of that site is that models are aggressive towards each other. Other websites, like ACF, are considered to be very friendly and helpful, where even the majority of arguments and debates between models are dealt with respectfully. Just as in real life, the amount of respect and geniality you find in your industry will vary with your workplace.

I do believe that the more a model interacts with other models, the less likely she is to be mean and aggressive towards them (unless that's just a part of her personality). Many young women (myself included) were raised or trained at some point during their lives to be distrustful and disrespectful of other young women. Combine that with a chica who is very attractive and who has an innate disrespect for those poor sluts on the Internet, and it is very understandable to see why a new or inexperienced model (or one who cloisters herself from interacting with other women online) would lash out and create drama. It is almost exclusively new models who try to steal from others as well. I imagine they do not realize how tight-knit the webcamming community can be.

In other circumstances, 100% of the arguments and cat fights I have seen so far were a result of misunderstanding, where both parties think the other is a crazy bitch who doesn't understand reality.
I have seen a LOT of backstabbing, nastiness. I've seen girls do horrible things to each other. Sometimes it feels like highschool.

It rarely happens here. It always seems to happen behind the scenes...

I try to focus on the positive, and ignore the negative. I also think its really important when you come under attack or anything of the sort to make sure you try to stay as professional as possible. I've seen many models resort to name calling and tantrums and it's not a good look.

The stronger this community gets, the less this will be happening..

but ultimately, camming does attract an age group of american women at least that can be very immature.
Most of the models I follow are very friendly with each other (even supporting and wishing good luck, etc). However, there are a few that have the same genre of room-style, personality, and looks so they tend to draw in the same crowd. I have personally heard them say TERRIBLE things about the other, usually not naming names (just giving hints) and trash-talking everything about the other model. From the way she looks, dresses, way her voice sounds, etc. Honestly, I don't think it's a very becoming trait for ladies to behave like that, but their high tippers seem to enjoy the drama and competition. I just shrug and click "Next."
If you think the catty high-school drama is bad on MFC, you should check out a real strip club. All the girls are backstabbing frenemies because they compete for business. It's almost the same on MFC, except it's harder to punch a fellow cam-stripper in the face.

Common reasons for fights at real strip clubs:
1) A girl is talking to another girl's regular customer
2) A girl has been doing lap dances / champagne rooms with another girl's regular customer
3) A girl has allegedly stolen a hairstyle / dance move from another girl
4) A girl has been talking trash about another girl

Notice any similarities to MFC?
bawksy said:
If you think the catty high-school drama is bad on MFC, you should check out a real strip club. All the girls are backstabbing frenemies because they compete for business. It's almost the same on MFC, except it's harder to punch a fellow cam-stripper in the face.

Common reasons for fights at real strip clubs:
1) A girl is talking to another girl's regular customer
2) A girl has been doing lap dances / champagne rooms with another girl's regular customer
3) A girl has allegedly stolen a hairstyle / dance move from another girl
4) A girl has been talking trash about another girl

Notice any similarities to MFC?

My perception is that a strip club is much worse than MFC for being catty, for all the reason Bawsky said. I think when you are competing against thousands of models for hundreds of thousand of members money it seems kinda of pointless to single a few out. On the other hand in strip club their are dozens of girls competing for hundred of regulars money, I think it brings out the catfight instinct.
HiGirlsRHot said:
bawksy said:
If you think the catty high-school drama is bad on MFC, you should check out a real strip club. All the girls are backstabbing frenemies because they compete for business. It's almost the same on MFC, except it's harder to punch a fellow cam-stripper in the face.

Common reasons for fights at real strip clubs:
1) A girl is talking to another girl's regular customer
2) A girl has been doing lap dances / champagne rooms with another girl's regular customer
3) A girl has allegedly stolen a hairstyle / dance move from another girl
4) A girl has been talking trash about another girl

Notice any similarities to MFC?

My perception is that a strip club is much worse than MFC for being catty, for all the reason Bawsky said. I think when you are competing against thousands of models for hundreds of thousand of members money it seems kinda of pointless to single a few out. On the other hand in strip club their are dozens of girls competing for hundred of regulars money, I think it brings out the catfight instinct.
Then again, being behind the smoke screen of the Internet, it's easier for some girls to be a lot sneakier and under the radar about their tactics. It may be just as cutthroat, but a lot less obvious to outsiders.
I don't believe fights should go public, BUT
I don't have to like every camgirl just because we work in the same field. There are girls I dislike. It's not out of jealousy but because of what they say/do. So you may see a fight and think everyone should just love each other, but we are individual people. Not just camgirls.
PlayboyMegan said:
I don't believe fights should go public, BUT
I don't have to like every camgirl just because we work in the same field. There are girls I dislike. It's not out of jealousy but because of what they say/do. So you may see a fight and think everyone should just love each other, but we are individual people. Not just camgirls.
Go on Megan ... get in there! :-D
Well it's not rocket science. Most girls know that guys HATE it when a girl badmouths a girl they think is attractive. Guys don't mind and often encourage bitching about a girl they don't like or know, and in fact in my experience can be much worse than girls, but when it comes to someone they fancy, even if it's a friend you have to step so carefully and be very careful with your wording. If a guy thinks a girl is bitching or even hinting at something rude about another girl that they like they do tend to pick up on it fast and will often rise to defence. Usually thinking you're jealous or are trying to ruin their happiness or something like that. Or they just think you're a crazy bitch and suddenly the other person comes out looking like a saint.
If you're talking about girls the guy doesn't know then most guys I know seem to make the judgements fast.

It's in a certain order who guys will listen to. Penis always comes first. Then friendship. Random girls they don't know will usually be the bitches.

It's the same with camming. I'll be honest, sometimes I want to slag off another model. No one on here, but occasionally another model has annoyed me and I get that horrible ugly surge, when you want to angrily spill a load of nasty stuff about her for no good reason. It might be that a regular tips her a lot and I really don't like how she appears as a person. In fact, it pretty much always stems from it being a model I don't like, who is also possibly a threat, and always who is more successful than me. Sometimes hearing men doting on a girl annoys me. When it's someone awesome I don't care but I don't particularly like it when they do it to me, so when someone is going on about how a girl who just doesn't seem like a very nice person is the most perfect girl in the world... well, it's stupid and shallow and that annoys me.
But... the reason I don't succumb to these urges is because I'm not really angry at them. I am angry with myself. I am angry that a girl who I feel that I am better and nicer than is more successful than me. That they're better at playing the game. I'm angry that in general I'm not doing better and I always feel unsuccessful in camming. And I am more angry that when you start disliking a model it raises this horribly ugly feeling. Whilst having it I am then over wracked with guilt and shame for it. So yeah, I don't give in. I also know that if I did give in, the person I rage at would look at me with disgust, would think I'm this terrible horrible person. And my god, I can live with the guilt of feeling it for a few minutes like once every few months, but I couldn't deal with people knowing.

So yeah, it does happen. It is a seriously bad idea to go around myfreecams slagging off other models. Everyone gets bad feelings about other models every now and then. It's for all sorts of different reasons. Essentially though, as a model on this subject your opinions are not relevant. Members should be able to choose for themselves, whether the model is a good person or not doesn't really matter or effect me. Life sucks, it's sometimes unfair, you've just got to deal with it. I'm sure plenty of models dislike me, I appreciate that they don't take those feelings out on me or other members.
It's a seriously stupid idea for business to be bitching about models and the only members who'll stick around will be nasty ones who condone that kind of behaviour.

I feel sad for the models who cannot control themselves and let the nastiness control them. The best part about the myfreecams community is all the awesome girls I've talked to and have got to know. They've been here to support me when in life all my closest female friends have moved away. To miss out on all this just to get worked up over the 1 in thousands that you don't like is just plain stupid. And I know if I ever were seriously nasty to another model/overly slagged her off I couldn't face the girls here again.

Instead I just bitch about stupid members. I mean let's face it, they give us a hell of a lot of ammo!
Im new here and and on MFC but fromthe get go Ive seen and been apart of nothing but great people. I have had numerous models stop by to wish me luck, compliment me, and help me. The girls here have been so inspiring and helpful. A couple girls have went above and beyond to give me lil tips here and there.Being new is hard in the cam world, but because of great sites like this, its not as hard. ok ok... I said all my mushy lol.....

That being said, i have seen a few meanies. And once i decide your one of the no reasn to be mean girls, i no longer stop by your room or say good things about you. I won't be mean, but ill no longer say hey go check out so and so they are hot.. lol. i dont like to be negative nancy so I steer clear of them.
I think its obviously a big issue seeing as how SM just put it in their rules to try to stop it. Camsites dont amend their rules for no reason, so obviously they were getting serious reports of model on model harassing.

We are very close here but another forum that shall not be mentioned is known for the drama, bad mouthing, and slut shaming. They are not as close knit, or helpful to each other. So it's definitely out there more than we see here. Thankfully you can end that stuff pretty quickly with a ban. :)
I've noticed that some Streamate models get annoyed when MFC models join SM and start doing prize wheel contests/raffles on SM. I guess some models are thinking "God, not the prize wheels and raffles...this isn't MFC." And it's okay to think that to yourself, but to actually go into that model's room and harass her ("Take your damn prize wheel back to MFC where you came from!") would be pretty stupid and immature.

A model was talking about how she used to have fellow SM models coming to her free chat complaining "Oh, great...another MFC model..." :naughty: And, of course, a person can post stuff like that and then run out of the room without getting blocked.
yummybrownfox said:
I've noticed that some Streamate models get annoyed when MFC models join SM and start doing prize wheel contests/raffles on SM. I guess some models are thinking "God, not the prize wheels and raffles...this isn't MFC." And it's okay to think that to yourself, but to actually go into that model's room and harass her ("Take your damn prize wheel back to MFC where you came from!") would be pretty stupid and immature.

A model was talking about how she used to have fellow SM models coming to her free chat complaining "Oh, great...another MFC model..." :naughty: And, of course, a person can post stuff like that and then run out of the room without getting blocked.
My theory is if a model brings a raffle to a different market and the market likes it, then tough noogies on the other people. They either adapt and compete or get left behind. Free market system at its finest.
On the general subject of CG ethics, I know how its viewed/handled on MFC. On other sites tho, if another model, acquaintance or not, comes in your room , chats briefly, perhaps tips a tiny bit [5-10 tokens] and then announces "I'm going on cam. Come visit" and then leaves your room.... how would you handle that?
To me it seems rude as hell no matter the guise its done under because ultimately it will cost you some viewers, unless ofc the girl is .. well... completely undesirable.
SoTxBob said:
On the general subject of CG ethics, I know how its viewed/handled on MFC. On other sites tho, if another model, acquaintance or not, comes in your room , chats briefly, perhaps tips a tiny bit [5-10 tokens] and then announces "I'm going on cam. Come visit" and then leaves your room.... how would you handle that?
To me it seems rude as hell no matter the guise its done under because ultimately it will cost you some viewers, unless ofc the girl is .. well... completely undesirable.
I'm a bit passive aggressive, I'd probably catch her on cam and do the same. Hey, I'm 21, I'm allowed to be an immature twat sometimes, right?
SoTxBob said:
On the general subject of CG ethics, I know how its viewed/handled on MFC. On other sites tho, if another model, acquaintance or not, comes in your room , chats briefly, perhaps tips a tiny bit [5-10 tokens] and then announces "I'm going on cam. Come visit" and then leaves your room.... how would you handle that?
To me it seems rude as hell no matter the guise its done under because ultimately it will cost you some viewers, unless ofc the girl is .. well... completely undesirable.

I typically do not mention I am a model in another girl's room, and avoid the question if a member asks directly in the room. Some girls have outright promoted me when in their room, which is awesome, but I really don't want to take the focus off them during their show.

I also try to not go in their room on my model account, I have done it, but I feel like shit once I realize the mistake.
SerenaMoon said:
I typically do not mention I am a model in another girl's room, and avoid the question if a member asks directly in the room. Some girls have outright promoted me when in their room, which is awesome, but I really don't want to take the focus off them during their show.

I also try to not go in their room on my model account, I have done it, but I feel like shit once I realize the mistake.

It's a completely different animal if its someone promoting you from their own room. I agree, that kind of awesomeness usually benefits both parties.
SoTxBob said:
On the general subject of CG ethics, I know how its viewed/handled on MFC. On other sites tho, if another model, acquaintance or not, comes in your room , chats briefly, perhaps tips a tiny bit [5-10 tokens] and then announces "I'm going on cam. Come visit" and then leaves your room.... how would you handle that?
To me it seems rude as hell no matter the guise its done under because ultimately it will cost you some viewers, unless ofc the girl is .. well... completely undesirable.

Business is competitive, but there are some things you just don't do. This would be like someone wearing khaki and red standing next to a Wal-Mart greeter and telling people to go next door to Target.
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