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full moon fever

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May 6, 2011
humboldt county, CA
Does anyone else get especially CRAZY around the full moon? This weekend is gonna be a doozy...

This month's full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth.

This Saturday, the moon will come within 221,802 miles from Earth.
This month's full moon is due to be about 16 percent brighter than average.

To view this weekend's supermoon to best effect, look for it just after it rises or before it sets, when it is close to the horizon. There, you can catch a view of the moon behind buildings or trees, an effect which produces an optical illusion, making the moon seem even larger than it really is.

Oooh I bet it's going to be so pretty! I better make sure my camera is charged and ready for some time exposures. :dance:
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So this is why my parents wanted to come over this Saturday. :shock: No, but seriously I've never noticed a change in my own behavior or tracked the full moons to see if I got nutso. I might now...that's pretty damned interesting.
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I have been keeping track of MFC in relation to full moons and it's been consistent. A full moon = room full of crazies!
Mirra said:
So the question is how will a 16% bigger full moon and a lot more people drunk on Tequila, Dos Equis, and Corona on the same night play out? I'm thinking I'll stay off the roads personally. >_>
Ditto that! I'll be doing my timed exposures safely from my balconey far away from traffic and drunk neighbors. :thumbleft:
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Oh dear, I blame all my drunken-manic PSYCHO episodes on the moon. (Tis a rare but memorable occasion when I go running off into the night with a bottle of whiskey and an attitude...) I can't tell you how many times I have sat there stunned, buried in the rubble of my escapades, pondering why...
And then I realize--OH shit, the moon was full...

Moonstruck! Does The Full Moon Influence Behavior?

It happens at least once every month. Sometimes, rarely, it happens twice a month. Up there in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's a FULL MOON.

Popular legend has it that the full moon brings out the worst in people: more violence, more suicides, more accidents, more aggression. The influence of the moon and behavior has been called "The Lunar Effect" or "The Transylvania Effect." The belief that the full moon causes mental disorders and strange behavior was widespread throughout Europe in the middle ages. Even the word "lunacy" meaning "insanity" comes from the Latin word for "moon."

You may hear people say,
"Just ask an emergency room nurse or a police phone operator. They will tell you that they are busier on nights when there is a full moon."

Is there scientific evidence to support these beliefs? Let's look at the data.

Here's more stuff to read if you like... :-D

Lunacy and the Full Moon

Does a full moon actually affect people’s behavior?

*I don't care what any of the damn studies say, that's 'my story' and I'm 'stickin' to it' bb's It is the moon that made me do it...

Great minds bb...


* I tried to see last years big moon you speak of, but unfortunately on the Northern coast of California, the evil FOG tends to ruin it...but this year I am gonna be on the mountain far far away from the foggy coast so YEah for me finally seeing one close up.


Edit: I wonder whose is bigger, mine or Boce's? :whistle:
My friend who went to the Chili Peppers concert with me is headed to Atlanta today for a Lacuna Coil concert. The whole big full moon + Cinco de Mayo + Leaving Atlanta after 11 PM has him a little concerned.
oh man full moons make me so impulsive and reckless!! ive done so much crazy shit on full moon nights, including having a 4 way (jan 19 2011, a date to remember :p ). its funny cause i keep track of when the full moons coming (also my time of the month generally coincides with it) but im always surprised by it, first i get all sleepy then super restless and then i typically go out, get wasted, and do something reckless like break a bunch of shit or something. last night i got dumped :violin: so hopefully i dont do anything too nutty tonight!!

as far as MFC, i notice that members definitely exhibit the "restless" side of it, one full moon i noticed TONS of people kept scanning through my room like no one was feeling satiated anywhere.
I wasn't impressed. or

"I've seen bigger"

I'm also sure every woman has said these two lines in reference to something else. Hahahaha :lol:
I'm talking about the moon though...Fo Cereals!
Last night was the opposite of what I expected from MFC on a crazy full moon. It's never failed in the past but instead of being extra weird and irritating it was extra fun and awesome! Everyone was on their A-game and we had a great time!
Harvey Birdman said:
I wasn't impressed. or

"I've seen bigger"

I'm also sure every woman has said these two lines in reference to something else. Hahahaha :lol:
I'm talking about the moon though...Fo Cereals!

Or the occasional "I've seen smaller" for an sch guy. They seem genuinely surprised that their 5 inch dick is not all that small. Shoot, I had one guy whose dick was at least 7 inches and didn't believe me when I told him the national average is 6 inches, give or take a half inch.
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