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Games that remind you of the holidays.

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jan 21, 2013
In recent years, for whatever reason, I've grown to associate Fallout 4 with the holiday season. I must've got it around this time of year, but I don't think I've played it exclusively during November/December or anything. Still, I have it linked in my mind. A Youtuber I like is streaming it, and my first thought was, "yeah, that makes sense -- it's a Christmas game."

Anyone have games they think of holiday games, or game you play as part of seasonal tradition?
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The Sims Bustin’ Out and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Both Christmas presents. Both of them I played from waking up to going to sleep during Christmas break.
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Is this the part where old people mention Amiga 500 games? Yes? 😌
Definitely Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. Got it as a christmas present and played it until I went blind.
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Is this the part where old people mention Amiga 500 games? Yes? 😌
Definitely Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. Got it as a christmas present and played it until I went blind.

I don't remember that one from Lucas Arts. But, did play Sam & Max, Full Throttle, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Dark Forces and a couple of others after I got my 286sx in the 90's. Slowly moving up the x86 architecture until I capped out at the 486DX4-120. I preferred AMD back then, never did like Intel and stayed away from Pentium processors as long as possible

But, I'll make you feel at least a couple years younger... I got King's Quest II and F-15 Strike Eagle for Christmas and played them on my Tandy 1000EX with Hercules Monochrome monitor.
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But, I'll make you feel at least a couple years younger... I got King's Quest II and F-15 Strike Eagle for Christmas and played them on my Tandy 1000EX with Hercules Monochrome monitor.
Haha, wow! I remember those, but I wasn't really that much into gaming save for adventure games, puzzle stuff and other slow paced things. I played Elite a lot around the time F-15 Strike Eagle came out.
On the other hand, I later got to se F-15s in "action", in the skies over the Middle East when IAF flew their Baz high above. You could almost set your clock after the sonic boom of their recce runs. High and very fast. A contrail with a tiny black dot at the tip ...
I'm now reinstalling Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4. The call of the Christmas Spirit is too strong. lol
So, I broke down and bought an XBox controller recently for my laptop so I can play Assassin's Creed again. But, have to say that I enjoy some of the holiday themes and special events that EQ has done over the past 20+ years.
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I used to love the events in EQ, too. Haven't played in a long while. Last time I put some time in was P99 a couple years ago.
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