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Grudges and loyalties: A member questionnaire.

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Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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Here's something to discuss:

If you're a pretty die-hard fan or at least a pretty loyal member to one model, and this one model has a public or well known grudge or dislike for another model...

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model?
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal?
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around?
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal?

We've touched on similar topics when "possessive models" come up, but never asked this directly.
It depends on the reason for the dislike.
I think I'd prefer to make up my own mind as to whether the disliked model was being a bitch or misunderstood.

I stopped watching one model I liked (not die hard but tipped fairly regularly) because she started a bit of a campaign of hate.
But to answer your questions:

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model? If I liked her and saw no good reason for the dislike then YES
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal? NO, not my fight.
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around? only if asked directly but it's unlikely to come up in conversation.
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal? NO, she's not my girlfriend we don't owe each other that sort of loyalty. I doubt she'd ban another member because I disliked them.
Just_mark__ said:
It depends on the reason for the dislike.
I think I'd prefer to make up my own mind as to whether the disliked model was being a bitch or misunderstood.

I stopped watching one model I liked (not die hard but tipped fairly regularly) because she started a bit of a campaign of hate.
But to answer your questions:

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model? If I liked her and saw no good reason for the dislike then YES
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal? NO, not my fight.
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around? only if asked directly but it's unlikely to come up in conversation.
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal? NO, she's not my girlfriend we don't owe each other that sort of loyalty. I doubt she'd ban another member because I disliked them.

Except for the stopped watching a model part. I haven't had to deal with any of that. If a model starts bitching about another then I pretty much lose interest, unless she's funny about it. If she's saying something funny, I'll listen. Funny wins every time.
I've never really had possessive models lol, or at least ones that I took seriously...

1. I might visit, depends how she came across to me/and or a bunch of other factors....I wouldn't NOT visit because of what someone else said/thought
2. loyalty would have nothing to do with it
3. I wouldn't lie about it, but I wouldn't rub her nose in it either...would you tell or would you sneak around is a really loaded question lol
4. no, though we might have online friendships here and there...I just don't see models expecting "loyalty" like this, I think it's more of a concept members make up for themselves.
It depends.

If I'm a regular in a model's room just because I perv on her, then I could care less who she has beef with. I'll do whatever I want. There's no loyalty because fap material is readily available.

However, if I'm a regular in a model's room because I would call her one of my internet friends, then I would be loyal to her and try to avoid contact with people that she's annoyed with. I'm loyal in this case because there's more to our relationship that tits -- wank, ass -- wank, pussy -- wank. You know what I'm saying?
AmberCutie said:
Here's something to discuss:

If you're a pretty die-hard fan or at least a pretty loyal member to one model, and this one model has a public or well known grudge or dislike for another model...

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model?
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal?
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around?
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal?

We've touched on similar topics when "possessive models" come up, but never asked this directly.

Context is everything. Depends upon the nature of the grudge, my "relationship" (friendship) with the models in question, depends upon history and more.

There are far too many factors that are not clarified about nature of grudge, relationship to model (friend, casual chatter, tipper, freeloader) and the second model, who started it etc. It is impossible to give any reasonable response to these questions currently - as the answers may change dramatically under different circumstances.

e.g. I would say, if both models are friends, that for Q1 I would still visit both models - but only as long as the issue isn't something I consider bad. If (2) intentionally slept with (1)'s father, therefore causing the breakdown of her parents marriage - then like fuck would I visit (2)...

If, however, (1) is just jealous of (2)'s success and sits moaning about lack of tokens and saying "teeeep me" (well, I'd never sit in (1)'s room anyway) but then like fuck I'd hang out in (1)'s room and probably be happy with (2)'s room if she's a friend.

Context is everything and the answers will change drastically depending upon circumstances ;)
AmberCutie said:
Here's something to discuss:

If you're a pretty die-hard fan or at least a pretty loyal member to one model, and this one model has a public or well known grudge or dislike for another model...

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model?
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal?
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around?
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal?

We've touched on similar topics when "possessive models" come up, but never asked this directly.

1. Yes. (although in my early days of MFC I wouldve said no, lets just say I got a lot of criticism and got accused of talking shit to one popular romanian model I used to frequent just because I switched to another Romanian, this was back in 09 )

2. No. Its MFC. I go where im amused, entertained and most interested in. (I dont stay for public shows, rather I stay for the conversation ,. the good looks, and personality of the model and the room vibe)

3. I would be completely honest and tell the original model friend that I was visiting the other model. Id visit the other model more just to get some sort of a reaction from the original model lol.

4. No. Like I said its MFC. Why should I feel guilty in any way shape or form just because one girl doesnt like another. I like reading up on occasional drama that goes on between other models and teasing/joking to the ones I feel close to but thats about it. (lets just say making comparisons/ jokes to one model to another, baaaaaaad idea :woops: )
On one occasion, I got caught up in the middle of a squabble between two models and what happened in their personal lives -- off cam. Being friends with both, I was somewhat pressured to take sides. It was between them and really had nothing to do with me. I still felt awkward visiting both and hearing each side of the story... as if I was supposed to be judge, jury, and executioner or something. It got to the point where I just flat out let them know that it was really just between them and didn't want to let that get in the way of our individual friendships. Everybody makes mistakes and I didn't want to add any fuel to the proverbial fire.

On another occasion, I was banned for being friends with another model in competition for MissMFC. Paranoid drama queen thought I was spying for intel or something, it was rather pathetic.
Pretty interesting...I would do the same thing that I do in RL, be a neutral party. If Model A dislikes Model B, I don't see why I can't be friends with both, and I do NOT get in the middle of pissing matches. If one of them wants an opinion or to vent, I'm cool with that, but I will not spread messages or friend or unfriend because of someone elses opinion.
AmberCutie said:
Here's something to discuss:

If you're a pretty die-hard fan or at least a pretty loyal member to one model, and this one model has a public or well known grudge or dislike for another model...

1. would you still visit that (unliked) model?
2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal?
3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around?
4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal?

We've touched on similar topics when "possessive models" come up, but never asked this directly.

This is a good set of questions, and I have been caught in some drama from one girl or another a few times in the past 3 years at mfc alone, there's other sites that drama entailed but I will just stick with mfc for this one.
1. Yes and not hide it from the other model
2. No, wouldn't matter to me if they are in a pissing match with each other, I visit just about everyone which a lot of people here know already.
3. If she asks I will not lie about it, if it doesn't come up in conversation, I won't go out of my way to rub it in their face.
4. I have not found anyone that I feel that I should be that loyal to at this time. Not saying that it will not happen, but at this time it has not happened. I tell the girl I am visiting with if I am leaving the room or at least try to, more for manners, not to rub it in that I am leaving.

I am (NOT) the shy one, and those that know me knows that I am not afraid to talk to anyone no matter what the situation. If I am going to add someone to my friend list, I make sure they know I have added them. it doesn't mean that we are going steady and staying exclusive to each other but I like them enough to want to talk to them more at any given time.
1. would you still visit that (unliked) model?
Yes, and no. It would depend on the circumstances. An argument between models would not concern me, but bullying or spite for no reason would put me off that model.

2. would you feel as though you were being disloyal?
Not really, unless i had already stated i would avoid someone it wouldn't bother me too much.

3. would you tell your original model friend, or sneak around?
No. Although if asked a direct question i wouldn't lie, although i may try to wrangle out of it. Out of politeness i try to not talk about other models in a room unless the model starts the conversation.

4. would you avoid any model that your favorite model friend disliked just to be loyal?
Not necessarily, although as already stated i wouldn't mention it. Again, depending on the circumstances i may avoid a model who is rude or cruel about others.

If i did choose to show loyalty to one model or another i wouldn't do anything about it. a simple hide model and ignore click is sufficient for my needs.
I guess I have been pretty lucky, (or just don't go to enough rooms) but none of the girls I visit on a regular basis has ever had a disagreement or grudge with another model (at least not that they have mentioned on cam)

As a hypothetical situation however I guess my answer would be totally dependant on what the cause of the grudge was and how the parties concerned dealt with it.

The idea of having to pick sides freaks me out a bit though. I get enough of that in my family ffs! :-D
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