AmberCutie's Forum
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Handling tip menu disputes

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Oct 5, 2016
How these are handled is a very common problem between model/member.

When a member tips then argues the model didn't perform the correct tip menu item or did nothing at all. How's the best way to resolve the situation?

As a member when you see a model ban immediately it's a red flag that the models is running a scam.

Has any model found a happy middle that best resolves these situations without either escalating the entire room or leaving a good tipper or regular upset?

How do you feel when other models aren't respecting their own tip menu?
I had someone tip me for something I wasn't comfortable doing before, and then get kind of pushy when I didn't do it. It wasn't on my tip menu so /shrug emoji/ I reserve the right to say no. As for actual members having disputes with me over my tip menu, can't say I have had that happen yet. Had someone tip for something right as I logged off, but I made sure to do it next time they entered my room.
Tip notes, or a chat message with the tip on sites that don't have tip notes, are your friends. If you tip a performer who does the wrong thing, or nothing, and you didn't send it with a tip note or chat message to tell them what the tip was for, that would be the thing I'd change first on the customer side. As a performer, I figure a tip is simply a tip unless otherwise specified. If it is still an issue, bring it up to them (privately to avoid room drama, if you are so inclined) or stop tipping that person. It doesn't seem like there are too many other ways for this to go.
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