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How much caffeine in a day?

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Dec 19, 2019
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Just curious how much caffeine products y'all are consuming in a day? I noticed that since quarantine, I'm now downing 2 cups of coffee, a light energy drink, and at least 1 diet pepsi, on an average day. Before all this, it was 1 coffee and 1 D. Pepsi. What's everyone else's daily looking like?
My normal intake is 1 cup of strong coffee (Nespresso pod) in the morning, then maybe a couple times a week I have a caffeinated diet Dr Pepper with my alcoholic beverage in the evening.

I used to be legit addicted to caffeine about a decade ago and just before that, since I worked ina corporate office that offered coffee service throughout the day. I had a very hard withdrawal from it every weekend without realizing it (I'd have 2 days off in a row where I'd have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and nothing else vs. the 5 cups I'd have at the office!) and thought I was having some kind of neurological problem when I had debilitating migraines on weekends!

Went in for MRIs and all that... just to have a neurologist tell me I was having weekly withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.
My normal intake is 1 cup of strong coffee (Nespresso pod) in the morning, then maybe a couple times a week I have a caffeinated diet Dr Pepper with my alcoholic beverage in the evening.

I used to be legit addicted to caffeine about a decade ago and just before that, since I worked ina corporate office that offered coffee service throughout the day. I had a very hard withdrawal from it every weekend without realizing it (I'd have 2 days off in a row where I'd have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and nothing else vs. the 5 cups I'd have at the office!) and thought I was having some kind of neurological problem when I had debilitating migraines on weekends!

Went in for MRIs and all that... just to have a neurologist tell me I was having weekly withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.
OH, and even after that, I went on a looooong caffeine hiatus (had NONE for like 1.5 years) but eventually got back on a cup of coffee a day... but then started having an energy drink (Red Bull or Monster) in the afternoons... kinda got addicted again to the point I had mood swings in the early evenings daily.

Caffeine is a fucking harsh chemical, the addiction is real. It has a very outward affect on our moods and energy!
Just curious how much caffeine products y'all are consuming in a day? I noticed that since quarantine, I'm now downing 2 cups of coffee, a light energy drink, and at least 1 diet pepsi, on an average day. Before all this, it was 1 coffee and 1 D. Pepsi. What's everyone else's daily looking like?
Marked this as a helpful thread because I think a lot of people who drink alcohol or smoke/ingest weed/THC daily might not realize that this drug may be even more addictive and affecting their life than what they are used to.
Marked this as a helpful thread because I think a lot of people who drink alcohol or smoke/ingest weed/THC daily might not realize that this drug may be even more addictive and affecting their life than what they are used to.
Yes, I am asking because I have a history of issues with stimulants. Adderall and caffeine to be exact, together. Got to the point where I started seeing auras, and thinking I was having mini seizures. I tend to fall pretty easily into wanting to drink insane amounts of coffee and energy drinks in a day. Reality/ perception check is helpful. Looking like my 400-600 mg daily jump from 150, might be a little on the high end. I will see what others say they are consuming tho too. I don't know much about caffeine addiction, but I think all of that stuff, is pretty harsh n the heart in excess.
My normal intake is 1 cup of strong coffee (Nespresso pod) in the morning, then maybe a couple times a week I have a caffeinated diet Dr Pepper with my alcoholic beverage in the evening.

I used to be legit addicted to caffeine about a decade ago and just before that, since I worked ina corporate office that offered coffee service throughout the day. I had a very hard withdrawal from it every weekend without realizing it (I'd have 2 days off in a row where I'd have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and nothing else vs. the 5 cups I'd have at the office!) and thought I was having some kind of neurological problem when I had debilitating migraines on weekends!

Went in for MRIs and all that... just to have a neurologist tell me I was having weekly withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.

While kind of a serious thing at the time for you, I kind of have to laugh about it. I was going through some cardiac health issues for a while, and my (ex)wife was freaking out about it. She went from drinking one cup of coffee a day up to 3-5 cups by noon. She was jittery, very anxious, and her heart was racing. Because I'd been in and out of so many tests and such, along with a lot of personal studies from being a competitive athlete for many years, I casually mentioned to her that it might be due to the amount of coffee she was drinking.

She called me a dumbass, said that I didn't know what I was talking about and made an appointment with the doctor for the next day. I get home from work, ask her what the doctor said and her response was "Oh, he said I was drinking too much coffee so I need to cut back." No acknowledgement of what I said the day before, nor apologizing for what she said. Sadly, this was pretty typical in the relationship.

To answer @EliMarie717 original question: About the same, or less. I haven't had any kind of soda/pop since before I was mandated to work from home in early March. So, it's either water with a small amount of powder mixed in for flavour or orange juice. I'm surprised I'm not drinking any green tea either. But, since it's relatively temperate where I'm at now, compared to the deep freeze of the Midwest it hasn't been on my mind to drink any.
Just curious how much caffeine products y'all are consuming in a day? I noticed that since quarantine, I'm now downing 2 cups of coffee, a light energy drink, and at least 1 diet pepsi, on an average day. Before all this, it was 1 coffee and 1 D. Pepsi. What's everyone else's daily looking like?

I gave up on caffeine almost 2 years ago and drastically reduced my level of sugar from drinks a year ago. Now I keep to water, milk or tea. I probably prolonged my life ten years just from the weight loss and reduction of other health issue due to cutting all that sugar. I maybe spend $5 a week on liquids if you don't count the occasionally buying replacement filters for my faucet filter.
I had a very hard withdrawal from it every weekend without realizing it (I'd have 2 days off in a row where I'd have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and nothing else vs. the 5 cups I'd have at the office!) and thought I was having some kind of neurological problem when I had debilitating migraines on weekends!

Went in for MRIs and all that... just to have a neurologist tell me I was having weekly withdrawal symptoms from caffeine.

Same exact thing here but the neurologist didn't figure it out it ended up being a co-worker that figured it out. I had it pretty bad just drinking a mountain dew in the mornings vs none in the weekends but if I actually have cups of coffee and then stop caffiene cold turkey for 2 days? oh man the level of pain is just awful like forget 4 advils it will do nothing so now I try to take time release vitamins that have caffeine in them to kind of keep my caffeine intake consistent.
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Same exact thing here but the neurologist didn't figure it out it ended up being a co-worker that figured it out. I had it pretty bad just drinking a mountain dew in the mornings vs none in the weekends but if I actually have cups of coffee and then stop caffiene cold turkey for 2 days? oh man the level of pain is just awful like forget 4 advils it will do nothing so now I try to take time release vitamins that have caffeine in them to kind of keep my caffeine intake consistent.
Yeah it really doesn't take much caff to trigger the withdrawal/rebound situation.
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I can tell when I need a kick, but caffeine doesn't really affect me overall. Like if I have a Dr. Pepper or Pepsi towards the end of the night it isn't going to keep me up. While working in the office, I would say I probably had 3 cups in a day. Usually one at the start, one mid morning, and one late afternoon. Really depends on when I would leave for lunch and to break up housing water. After work probably a can or glass with dinner or post dinner.

I'm shifting to working from home this week and I don't make coffee/buy coffee at home. My soda intake will probably be about the same or maybe add an extra glass or so. I expect my water intake will jump. Because my house is usually just littered with bottles anyway.
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I'll second what Amber said about the addictive properties of caffeine. I had never drank coffee prior to joining the military when I turned 17, and developed quite a strong habit of day long usage for more than 20 years. Trying to quite altogether has been a futile attempt, and a proven lack of willpower on my part. The best I can do now is to manage my daily intake of no more than a single cup of coffee in the morning, with an occasional soda during the day. It's a tough substance to kick, for sure.
I can only manage having one cup of coffee in the morning. Any more and I experience negative effects like anxiety and jitters. Paradoxically, I feel like drinking coffee too often makes me sleepy! I used to work at a coffee shop and could drink as much coffee as a I wanted... it really did a number on my adrenals!

I tend to cycle between drinking coffee and tea. I really enjoy black and green tea, though if I drink black tea too often it gives me stomach issues; it's the tannin content. But I could drink green tea as much as anything and feel great.

I used to drink soda, but quit. I would seriously recommend quitting soda; it has no nutritional value and is highly addictive! The caffeine only makes it more so. I do, however, enjoy sparkling water and even use a SodaStream to make my own--it really does cut the cravings.
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Thanks for answering everyone who did, and those who may yet do so. I was telling myself "Oh I bet the average American drinks like 4-6 cups a day (or equivalent in caffeine intake), especially anyone that works mainly w computers, in the home. I am sure everyone at ACF prob drinks that much or more a day." It's good for me to realize that that is prob way on the high end, and not the reality at all. It's been hard and boring week at home. But drinking 6 cups of coffee a day or whatever, is only going to make things worse, and does not seem on the normal/ average/ moderate side at all. Glad I did a reality/ perception check. I won't have any issues cutting down, now that I have realized the need to. All will be good, after a short term headache, moody and extra tiredness spell.
Thanks for answering everyone who did, and those who may yet do so. I was telling myself "Oh I bet the average American drinks like 4-6 cups a day (or equivalent in caffeine intake), especially anyone that works mainly w computers, in the home. I am sure everyone at ACF prob drinks that much or more a day." It's good for me to realize that that is prob way on the high end, and not the reality at all. It's been hard and boring week at home. But drinking 6 cups of coffee a day or whatever, is only going to make things worse, and does not seem on the normal/ average/ moderate side at all. Glad I did a reality/ perception check. I won't have any issues cutting down, now that I have realized the need to. All will be good, after a short term headache, moody and extra tiredness spell.
Please just taper yourself down slowly. Start with one less cup for a week, then each week reduce a bit. Don't cut it like in half cold turkey.
Usually just a cup of coffee in the morning before working out if that. I switched to peppermint herbal tea that doesn't have caffeine and I prefer the taste and that I can drink it at night, enjoy the warmth and still sleep. I used to do 3+ cups when I worked in an office job I hated. Used to go make coffee as an excuse to step away from the hellhole that was my desk.

ETA, I freaking love being a cam model. I love being able to ban, cuss, create my own scheu and do whatever I want that complies with TOS. Best decision!😆😆
I start my day with a bowl (more or less 4 cups) of black coffee with many sugar.
Then I don't drink any till the next morning, or rarely a little 'social' one with coworkers.

Else, I drink almost only still water the whole day (and smoke too much for nicotine).
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I used to drink a cup of coffee a day in the AM, but 2.5 months ago switched to green tea kombucha with honey. I'm very sensitive to caffeine and an energy drink will really ramp up anxiety.
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Several Mountain Dews a day, or half a pot of coffee. It doesn't really affect me, I can slam a Dew and go straight to sleep. I've never experienced jitters or anything from caffeine, and I've had inadvisable amounts at once.
Several Mountain Dews a day, or half a pot of coffee. It doesn't really affect me, I can slam a Dew and go straight to sleep. I've never experienced jitters or anything from caffeine, and I've had inadvisable amounts at once.
Yeah different people are affected by it really differently. I know many people who are not affected by it. Who can have a coffee, and go to sleep. I have noticed that I go through phases where it causes jitters etc, then other phases where it has no effect on me at all. With me it's linked to my hormone cycle. The body and genetics are so complicated, but also so interesting (to me anyways).

I have cut down to the equivalent of 2 cups a day now. It was only over the space of 10 days that I was up to 4 or 5 equivalent, it had not been a long term change. I was just compensating, or trying to, for the effects of being sick, low energy, and on bored lockdown in the house. Yeah... extra caffeine won't work for that. But I am sure everyone already knows that.
I'm drinking 1.5L of diet coke a day sometimes more. Really want to stop it but it's hard as hell (I had less troubles stopping smoking, really). Tried to replace it with other soft drinks but always back to diet coke.

Howver i don't think I'm affected by caffeine, I can drink quite a lot of it and go to sleep. Same for energy drink.
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I am around 23 years mostly caffeine free, except for naturally occurring amounts in food like you find in chocolate. Also sometimes at company events water is not always an option and I get stuck with sweet tea.
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Still on 6 cups per day. 2 cups with breakfast, 1 mid morning, 1 with lunch, number 5 around 3 - 4pm and last one before 8pm. One thing I just thought about is that I don't drink much coke these days, I'm more likely to reach for unsweetened flavoured water instead. Carbonated lemon, often with ice and a slice, that's my wheelhouse. 🍹:happy::happy::happy:
Still on 6 cups per day. 2 cups with breakfast, 1 mid morning, 1 with lunch, number 5 around 3 - 4pm and last one before 8pm. One thing I just thought about is that I don't drink much coke these days, I'm more likely to reach for unsweetened flavoured water instead. Carbonated lemon, often with ice and a slice, that's my wheelhouse. 🍹:happy::happy::happy:
Are you one of those people where coffee/ caffeine slows you down? Or does each cup have more of a "get you going" kind of effect? Just curious. If I could get away with drinking 6 cups in a day, I certainly would. But I cannot.
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Are you one of those people where coffee/ caffeine slows you down? Or does each cup have more of a "get you going" kind of effect? Just curious. If I could get away with drinking 6 cups in a day, I certainly would. But I cannot.

I find that my morning coffees help me kinda jump start the old grey matter to get the day going, so I'm at my sharpest before lunch. I guess that the others help prevent me flagging as the day wears on. As long as I don't have any coffee after about 8 pm I usually don't have any issues getting to sleep at night. I only need about 5 - 5 1/2 hrs sleep though. :snooze:
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My caffeine habit started in an office. Then I had a laborious job with free coffee so I'd have at two a day for a couple years. Since quarantine I've decided the debilitating caffeine headaches just aren't worth it so I cut it out completely. Super tempting looking at my coffee maker every morning but I do feel much better with just hot lemon water.
I agree caffeine is a hell of a drug.
My caffeine habit started in an office. Then I had a laborious job with free coffee so I'd have at two a day for a couple years. Since quarantine I've decided the debilitating caffeine headaches just aren't worth it
I relate to this exactly.
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