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HUGE coupon deal for local restaurants in your area

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Jan 6, 2011
Turns out this is a pretty big coupon code! - put your zip code in, chances are they have dozens of local restaurants participating within 15 miles of you.

You can buy 25, 35, 50 (up to $100+) gift cards, for huge discounts.

For example, I'm seeing lots of $100 gift cards available for $40 through

That's a great deal already, but then there's this: enter the code "VDAY" to get 80% off of that price.

So you can pick up a $100 gift card for $8.

The catch, I suppose, is the minimum purchase. Some restaurants are different, but most require a minimum purchase. $25 cards must be used on $35 orders. Some $100 cards must be used on $200 orders. But if you have a family or are going out to dinner with a bunch of friends, this can really be a big saver if everyone just pays you back to use your gift card.
I've actually printed a coupon for my area from the site before. I just never used it because of the minimum. It's a great deal moneywise, Jawbs and I just usually go out alone and can't eat that much. :)
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