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Sep 4, 2017
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Just had a bit of a random thought that I wanted to discuss. Has anyone ever lived with other models? I'm in a bit of a shitty situation right now. I'm still living at home and share a room so I can only cam downstairs in the early hours of the morning (1-5am usually) and the risk can be fun at times but it's also too stressful so I'm taking a break while I figure things out. My friend has offered to let me cam at his house when it's free (on my own of course don't freak) so I can at least get a few sessions in every now and then..

Finding a flatmate is hard because you need to find someone who will understand what you do and be okay with it. Then that got me thinking... Imagine living in a house with other cam girls. That would be pretty cool. You all understand and support each other's careers and can even do group shows together. Won't have to worry about taking other people home either, as they'll be sex noises all the time anyway haha.

Would you ever live in a house with other cam girls/sex workers?
I would love to and if anyone else in south UK does too then hmu
If I wasn't living with a SO, and honestly, even with him if the potential roommates were cool with it, I would love that. The freedom of not having to worry about someone you live with finding out what you do would be really nice, as well as just the benefits of having someone around that "gets it" in regards to work struggles. That being said, being a camgirl doesn't exclude someone from having shitty roommate traits, and I'd still be super particular about finding people that were on the same page as me as far as normal housemate stuff; care/cleaning of common areas, bringing people to the house (an extra concern here I would say). Plus, depending on the house/apartment, I'd be a little worried about noise- whether the other persons noise was picking up on your mic if both people were broadcasting at the same time.
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I never thought about this but yes, absolutely, that's a fantastic idea if you can find someone. Living with another model would not only be benefit financially from splitting the cost of rent, but also for camming itself; bouncing ideas off eachother, filming new content for eachother, collaborations, etc.
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I was living with a couple who decided to move out and leave me with the whole entire rent. I posted ads on the internet and in coffee shops for a roommate, and I ended up having a random girl move in with me, who turned out to be a cam model! eventually the other room in our house was taken by her friend who was also camming here and there. The first roommate was a really great friend who introduced me to the whole world of cam modeling and gave me a ton of advice starting out!
One thing I will say though: You better have really good internet if you are going to live with other cam models! We had I think AT&T starter internet... and I would have issues when more than one of us were trying to stream our cam or watch a movie/etc at the same time.
I would love to live with other camgirls. One of the main reasons I have not cammed much in the past few years is because I have to lived with other people who are not aware I cam. To be honest, even in cases where people who I've lived with have been aware before they moved in, it hasn't always led to them being easy going about it. I feel like if you were with other camgirls you could not only support each other and encourage each other to keep a regular schedule, you would have someone there to talk about cam problems. Plus you could share props, bulk buy things to sell stuff and take turns in going to the post office to send things. Obviously doing double shows is an option too, maybe even just pre drinking before a night out it would be fun to go on cam, but mainly it'd just be good to live with someone who understands. Don't get me wrong though, camgirls are loud as fuck! This could get annoying if you were also needing to work/study, so I guess the best situation would be with girls who are in the same situation as you so you can keep a regular schedule. Actually, it makes me wonder now if I could find fellow camgirls/wannabe camgirls at my university who would be keen to get a house together. Problem is actually finding these people without making yourself public. While my university is really open minded and the sort of place that might actually form a "sex workers at university society", I mean, they're pretty dam proud of their BDSM society, I would not want to cause any kind of scandal.
It sounds better on paper than I imagine in practice there's a LOT that could go wrong.

The main issue is you're professional workplace is also your living place as well as your roomates. Also you can't really put professional stipulations on a housing lease. What if you're a 8 hour scheduled model and the other is 'so so' logs on for an hour then spends five hours wanted to gossip with you about all the terrible things that happened in that one hour? What if they bring over that 'creepy' friend you don't want to be naked around even if there are doors in between you? If one of you has a stalker problem you BOTH now have a stalker problem.

These common profession arrangements work because 'work' isn't being done in the living space.

I'm just being devil's advocate on this since nobody really seemed to be weighing any pro or cons on this.
It sounds better on paper than I imagine in practice there's a LOT that could go wrong.

The main issue is you're professional workplace is also your living place as well as your roomates. Also you can't really put professional stipulations on a housing lease. What if you're a 8 hour scheduled model and the other is 'so so' logs on for an hour then spends five hours wanted to gossip with you about all the terrible things that happened in that one hour? What if they bring over that 'creepy' friend you don't want to be naked around even if there are doors in between you? If one of you has a stalker problem you BOTH now have a stalker problem.

These common profession arrangements work because 'work' isn't being done in the living space.

I'm just being devil's advocate on this since nobody really seemed to be weighing any pro or cons on this.

Basically all of these issues can arise in some form or another with any roommate, not just camgirl roommates. You have 8 hours of scheduled work and your roommate wants to gossip? That sounds like a shitty roommate that doesn't respect your time. It could happen just as easily if you had homework and your roommate wanted to gossip.What if they bring over a creepy friend and you AREN'T a camgirl? It would still be a creepy friend that would make you uncomfortable. None of these issues are really unique to camgirls.
I lived in a house with 3 other camgirls for a year.


-Vent about camming at any time and be fully understood.
-Have someone willing to do a girl/girl show or film a video at any time.
-Have real-life interaction with a human being instead of only internet relationships.
-Share regulars and viewers who come to view your house as a sort of novelty reality show.


-Complaining about camming can become a bit of a soundboard and might amplify the problem.
-So distracted that you work way less hours because you are having parties for days on end.
-Losing regulars to a close friend feels really bad and can cause bad blood.

Ultimately, I was already good friends with the girls I chose to move in with. It ended up being so so fun, but not very good financially. The money I saved splitting rent did not come close to how many less hours I was working at the time. I was having so much fun talking and hanging out with my room mates, and we would often make a group decision not to cam and go out or host a part instead. I find that my work ethic is much improved when I live on my own.
I got a lot of regulars during those days because it was a novel experience to see four camgirls living together. Being a part of a four girl show once a week brought in huge viewership for all of us and required almost no extra effort to make the shows fun and profitable.
As you can see, we did not stay living together passed that one year. That should speak volumes about how convenient and beneficial the situation actually was. We did, however, mostly stay nearby to each other after getting our own apartments. I still have super close friendships with two of the girls and I think living together solidified that bond.
It was interesting, exciting, and I don't regret doing it at all. Just find the right person/people who you like beyond their cam persona or what they can provide financially.
Basically all of these issues can arise in some form or another with any roommate, not just camgirl roommates. You have 8 hours of scheduled work and your roommate wants to gossip? That sounds like a shitty roommate that doesn't respect your time. It could happen just as easily if you had homework and your roommate wanted to gossip.What if they bring over a creepy friend and you AREN'T a camgirl? It would still be a creepy friend that would make you uncomfortable. None of these issues are really unique to camgirls.

I actually find MOST of these issues are less of a thing with camgirl roommates. When I lived in an all cam girl house, we encouraged each other to work so we could all get the bills paid on time haha. Two of us were going to school at the time; and since that house was all camgirls, if someone camming was too loud for someone to concentrate on their homework, they'd go to the library to do homework. Its a lot harder to cam elsewhere- I think that's something you may very likely fight with non camming roomies about.
Being experienced in sex work has taught me how to sense crazy people a mile away, avoid stalkers, and know how to deal with them better than most. My roommates were the same way, thus no creepers brought around the house.
However, I did hear a story about someone I know who got a stalker from camming and he ended up finding out her address; she lived with a roommate and both her and her roommate were terrified. I think laying down ground rules from the beginning is good. (everyone uses location block for the state theyre in, secure amazon wishlist, whatever. I'm sure there's great threads to read on here about safety)
It sounds better on paper than I imagine in practice there's a LOT that could go wrong.

The main issue is you're professional workplace is also your living place as well as your roomates. Also you can't really put professional stipulations on a housing lease. What if you're a 8 hour scheduled model and the other is 'so so' logs on for an hour then spends five hours wanted to gossip with you about all the terrible things that happened in that one hour? What if they bring over that 'creepy' friend you don't want to be naked around even if there are doors in between you? If one of you has a stalker problem you BOTH now have a stalker problem.

These common profession arrangements work because 'work' isn't being done in the living space.

I'm just being devil's advocate on this since nobody really seemed to be weighing any pro or cons on this.

I agree with Caireen on this, stuff like this happens with any room mates you have. I actually think a fellow full time camgirl would be more sensitive as they share the same issues and fears. It really depends on the housemate, but I've had two housemates before who I had while camming full time, both of them frequently brought people back which could have been a safety issue for me. My male housemate brought over a guy who raped my friend in my bathroom when she was drunk, and despite me telling the housemate this and him believing me, he still couldn't work out how to tell the guy (he was a co-worker) that he wasn't allowed over when he invited others round, so I continued to occasionally have a known predator in my home. Me and my housemates now continuously end up having great conversations in the kitchen when we should be studying, and one housemate starts not so exciting conversations which are nearly impossible to get out of. And the stalker issue, well camgirls having a full blown stalker is still pretty rare. I mean it's common in the cam world overall, but still pretty unlikely, and you're probably safer if you're all together and completely aware of the situation, and I imagine you would all be reasonably vigilant about your security, which a non camming housemate would not necessarily be. Plus, stalkers tend to choose who they stalk, they will sometimes move onto another person, but if they're obsessed with one girl it doesn't necessarily mean they'll start obsessing about another just because she lives there.

The cons I would say are the same as moving in with anyone. Don't just move in with anyone, you should know you would work well living together. As Kate pointed out, picking people who you get along with super well isn't always the best as it could lead to more procrastinating rather than work, so I guess it needs to be a good balance of getting on well, but also encouraging each other to work rather than skipping off.
I think though that living situations are generally better with people who are living a similar lifestyle. Like if you're a student it's best to live with other students because they understand that home is also a study space, but also have more similar hours to you so will be more tolerant of certain student habits. Same as if you're a professional working 9-5, you wouldn't necessarily want someone working shift work, always coming in late and cooking dinner, going out during weeknights and then having their work nights when you want to let loose.
The guy in the room next to me is a twitch streamer and because I cam it doesn't bother me as much as it might bother someone else, because I know that there will be days when I'll want to cam and I'll make noise chatting or doing shows. Granted it's a bit more embarrassing making sex noises or talking about sex than him chatting on about his room viewers and whatever game he's playing, but I know that if he ever complains I can point out that he often streams until past 1am. So I think with that in mind I would much prefer to live with other camgirls.

The main con of living with other camgirls I think would be that if they were bitchy or generally not very nice people then they could really fuck with you. I have heard some pretty awful stories about some of the UK girls trying to cam together (ones I don't think cam anymore but were once pretty successful). I cannot remember exactly what happened but it sounded like a few of them were a bit insane, which isn't unlikely seeing as the nature of camming or really any kind of sex work tends to draw in some crazy ladies. I guess there is that if the girl was nuts then she could share some awful stuff about you, I have heard of this happening before, and she could easily put your life and livelihood in jeopardy. If she were successful it could also cause a lot of hate. They would know a lot about you, your sexuality, whether you have a partner, maybe about your parents, things you like, they'd even likely know all about you complaining about that regular you actually love but who sometimes gets on your nerves. I mean, that's a lot of information if it went south. I've lived with a crazy girl before who would have been vindictive enough to do this sort of thing, fortunately she didn't ever start camming so she didn't have any information from cam to use against me, but she did make camming nearly impossible while I lived there.
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