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Logitech brio cam

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Jun 21, 2017
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Hello! does anyone having a logitech brio cam? i am clueless on setting it , use it... any apps i need? for zooming, setting colors and stuff? downloaded logitech cam settings, but now ive done something on obs and keys on logitech soft dont work anymore lol. thank you
Hello! does anyone having a logitech brio cam? i am clueless on setting it , use it... any apps i need? for zooming, setting colors and stuff? downloaded logitech cam settings, but now ive done something on obs and keys on logitech soft dont work anymore lol. thank you
I have this app:

Also in obs if you right click your video capture device and then go to filters, you can add a filter called color correction. Some people like to modify the hue shift slightly.
I have this app:

Also in obs if you right click your video capture device and then go to filters, you can add a filter called color correction. Some people like to modify the hue shift slightly.
Damn, I wish there was something like that for Mac. The different Logitech software for Mac isn't very good, leaving out so many features available on the PC versions, and they are discontinuing Capture and replacing it with Ghub, which is awful for non-gaming streamers.
Damn, I wish there was something like that for Mac. The different Logitech software for Mac isn't very good, leaving out so many features available on the PC versions, and they are discontinuing Capture and replacing it with Ghub, which is awful for non-gaming streamers.
You might see if this will work, I have tried neither as I don't have OSX but they are forks of the linux tools I use.
this is command line:

this one has gui of sorts:

Both tools should let you control the cameras UVC controls and let you do quite a bit (assuming they work). I use a tool similar to the first one on linux and it lets me adjust quite a bit.
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there is also logitech capture i think its called.... i have same webcam and i like it.... :)

I avoided buying the Brio for a while because I was turned off from that $200 price. But when I went from using the Logitech C920 to finally buying the Brio (After I'd gotten one of those stimulus checks), it was so worth it when I noticed the huge improvement in quality. Now when I go back and look at my old videos (From before I got the Brio, and before I got my softbox lighting), I'm like damn...they look sooo much better now.
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I use a logitech webcam brio 4k stream edition
And i have problem with light and colours
Help me to set up good
And how i put the light please in my room
Color temperature will change the colors. If the lighting in your room is various color temps (say some warm white, some cool white and some daylight) that will confuse the camera and you may have to disable auto on the color temp and manually set the temp. If you are on windows you will need to use the logi tech tool to adjust this I believe. The color temp being wrong will make all of the color not be right.
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Yes i try but is n t good :(

You should have at least the key light and fill light.

Once you have the lights where you want them open your camera settings and make sure the brightness saturation contrast and sharpness is at the default of 128. Disable automatic exposure and make it as dark as you can while still being able to raise the gain to bring it to the brightness you desire. If you have default brio drivers you want to aim for like a -8 exposure but if you only plan to do 30dps broadcasting then -6 is ok. (please note that these numbers are only for the default brio drivers that come with windows, if you have installed logitech drivers that you downloaded or had on a CD then the exposure values will likely be different).

After configuring exposure/gain move on to the white balance slider until you have the desired look. If you feel like its too pink or something you can try the hue shift from color correction filter in OBS but only move it slightly to the left.

As far as the other settings you can disable the auto focus, disable backlight comp, never increase brightness past 128 but in some situations lowering it a little bit is helpful.
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