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Mass Affect 3 now pre-loading

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What do you think of it so far? I'm fairly early on still and I like it..but I've read enough reviews to know what's coming..not sure what I think of it...I'm hoping the trip makes up for the destination.
No spoilers please!

I *ahem* downloaded an umm, liberated copy, and loaded it up to check it was all working, imported my me2 save etc...didn't start it yet though, still stuck on kingdoms of amalur
DaddyDominant said:
What do you think of it so far? I'm fairly early on still and I like it..but I've read enough reviews to know what's coming..not sure what I think of it...I'm hoping the trip makes up for the destination.
Well I've been enjoying it greatly so far despite speed bumps like my annoyance with importing my shepards. The femshep i made in me2 didn't resemble the original, and the one I've had since me1.... Well I'm sure some of you have heard about that issue.

I'm loving the nova ability of my vanguard, but shockwave feels less impact full than i remember it being in me2. Maybe it's just something about how they changed how it looks.

The point i am at is about where you first get control of the Normandy. I heard that i should go trough the mining stuff before progressing. Which was fine for the most part. There where some systems that were annoying to try to get done in one sweep.
Like the one that i am at now that has five points of interest.
Michael_G said:
Just started playing, awesome start very very sad.


I knooooow! The dream sequence (though very well done) just kind of...cemented the melancholy that is just oozing out of every crevice in the game so far. Since I always play as a goody-two-shoes paragon first and then a fem shep of mixed ethics the second round, I am always going with the paragon conversation options. Most of them revolve around that kid or how depressed shep feels as soon as earth is mentioned! What a bummer this game is turning out to be, lol!
Greatly enjoying it so far, I haven't read any reviews so I don't know whats coming and I'm doing my damndest to keep it that way. I do love how my romance continues with Jack though, god damn my shepard should have been that much of a renegade to bang her right then and there.

The prothean dlc is well worth it, he's been on my team since i got the download and it's been all sorts of crazy fun, with him, and garrus at the sniper position with me adepting people's faces off.
Not to apply any spoilers...

what has everyone thought of 'the ending'?

I put it in a quote since a few theories abound that the 'real' ending is still to come...
After been told 'the ending' by a friend I decided to take my time on completing this game. I've been enjoying the multiplayer a lot instead gets pretty intense even on bronze because the guns I have right now lack awesomeness but playing as a krogan is hilarious.
So, after reading about why some say its a false ending...I have to agree. Still, its well done if not a bit unsatisfying.

This is a long read (since its about video game) but really really good... ... 7688087/1/

Another good, but long, dissection of the end ... ex/9727423

if you don't want to be spoiled about the ending DO NOT look at the pages.

Though in my playthrough just about EVERYONE from ME2 dies.

So, I bought the genesis DLC for ME2, which is a comic book that allows you to make all of the big decisions from ME1 and import them into ME2. I'm playing through ME2 again to import the character into ME3. I'm also trying to talk myself out of the Day 1 DLC for ME3...but losing a fighting battle.

I also have the iPhone ME DataPad app that increases your war readiness for ME3 without having to play multiplayer.
Yeah, basically bioware got so much hatemail over the ending that they're changing it lol.

I found this piece of youtube wtfuckery, had no idea Garrus could bust moves like that
I havent touched my story since I heard how the ending was going to do nothing but make me mad. So since I have been playing the multiplayer which is a lot of fun and can get quite intense. In attempts to make up for making people upset about the ending they are going to be giving away DLC with new maps, weapons and characters for free Tuesday.
I didn't think the ending was as bad as everyone made out. It was bad, it just wasn't the "OMG I MUST SUE THEM" bad that I was led to believe. Stupid, perplexing and kind of vague would have been better ways to describe it.

Leading up I was mostly hoping the universe wouldn't end so there could be more ME games (I know they said it was a trilogy but I think they meant Shepard's trilogy - I don't know why they would abandon such a successful franchise). I wouldn't have been shocked or upset if Shepard died in the ending, though the actual endings did manage to surprise (and annoy) me.
yeah but when I have to hear them talk about it being their artistic vision and whether we like it or not it's their vision I get upset because they gave up that artistic vision as soon as they allowed our decisions to impact the story. So we'll see when I finish it.
SweepTheLeg said:
yeah but when I have to hear them talk about it being their artistic vision and whether we like it or not it's their vision I get upset because they gave up that artistic vision as soon as they allowed our decisions to impact the story. So we'll see when I finish it.

They gave up their artistic vision when they turned it into a cover based shooter, that made you worry about the high price of gas and finding ammo.
I think my favourite ME3 moment is the reporter I decked in the first 2 games is ready for me and tries to hit back LOL
Lol this is hilarious:

To accomplish this feat, I did no loyalty quests or ship upgrades, which resulted in:

1. Jack dead: Lasered by the Oculus.
2. Legion: Electrocution from the power core.
3. Thane: Crushed by a Normandy beam.
4. Jacob: Volunteered for suicide and died to a rocket to the face.
5. Samara: Died escorting the crew back.
6. Grunt: Swept away by insects
7. Miranda: Dead after final boss.
8. Garrus: Dead after final boss.
9. Mordin: Couldn't hold the line.
10. Zaeed: Died with Mordin watching the back.
11. Tali: Bullet to the chest.
Shaun__ said:
They gave up their artistic vision when they turned it into a cover based shooter, that made you worry about the high price of gas and finding ammo.

lol! True.

SweepTheLeg said:
yeah but when I have to hear them talk about it being their artistic vision and whether we like it or not it's their vision I get upset because they gave up that artistic vision as soon as they allowed our decisions to impact the story. So we'll see when I finish it.

Well said.

Two of my favorite youtube videos on the subject:

and the much longer but very in depth:

It also really bugged me that to see the different endings you have to stagger in slow motion for what seems like forever being unable to save the game lol. The last save you can have before the end is right after the reapear blows everyone to hell and you're the only survivor lol.
Jupiter551 said:
It also really bugged me that to see the different endings you have to stagger in slow motion for what seems like forever being unable to save the game lol. The last save you can have before the end is right after the reapear blows everyone to hell and you're the only survivor lol.

Yeah. Pretty much everything about the last ~15 minutes is utterly horrible.

What makes this worse is how great the previous ~30 hours were. The ending is so bad, I haven't been able to bring myself to even load the game up for a replay. Every previous Mass Effect game I replayed at least one more time immediately after the first completion.

So sad.
I still preferred the setting of the previous 2 games - a giant war effort doesn't leave much time for sidequests or details; I loved fighting through the depths of Omega, and solving detective-y style quests on the citadel. I would dearly love another game set in that universe that deals with something other than the ever-present reaper invasion.
Been enjoying the latest DLC the new maps are quite intense, one is wide open feels like on the silver difficulty that the bad guys come from any and all directions can be over run easily. My favorite races to play as so far have been the Krogan, you truly get the sense that these guys really are the universal bad asses that you heard about during the game, but one race I didn't expect to enjoy so much but truly have fallen in love with has been the Asari either as an Adept or Vanguard two completely different play styles but either one I love just as much.
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