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Movies and Margaritas.

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Mar 1, 2010
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Saturday was Cinco de Mayo. Though many people don't know the actual history of the holiday, many people still celebrate it as an excuse to drink Mexican beverages, eat Mexican food, and party the day away. While we didn't party much, we did enjoy some margaritas and make somewhat healthy tacos to honor the day. My favorite mix is Trader Joes Margarita mix, Patron Silver, and Grand Marnier. We went with blended this weekend, but on the rocks is pretty tasty, too. For our tacos we made 2lbs of lean ground turkey with taco seasoning, onions, pico de gallo salsa, lettuce and some La Victoria green and red sauce. Super nom and not too terrible on the waistline.

Saturday was also movie night. Chronicle was the first movie we watched. It was interesting and entertaining but somewhat predictable. I couldn't really get past how the lead actor looked like a sullen, depressed Leonardo DiCaprio, though. Worth a watch, but I'm glad we didn't waste money in the theater for it.

Next up was Thor. We will probably end up seeing The Avengers at some point, so catching up on the preceding Marvel comic movies is a must. Now, back when Thor came out, I was hearing all these comments about how it was silly, and how he made an appearance at Starbucks and said some embarrassing lines about coffee, and that he rode a horse down a rainbow bridge. Clearly, I hadn't watched many previews or read about it from credible sources, and just took these comments to mean the movie was not worth seeing. Watching it on Saturday I realized that all of it fit right into the storyline, and the rainbow bridge wasn't really as dainty as it was made to sound. I think one of the differences between this and other superhero movies is that more than half of this film is in a fantastical world of magic and folklore. We are used to the hero having some special powers, or incredible gadgets, but not as used to almost the whole movie being set in such a fairy-tale setting. There was also a lot less combat than I'm used to in a superhero movie. Maybe that was what threw people for a loop and led them to make the comments about it being silly. I ended up liking it, and I'm glad we watched it.

Also, it had Natalie Portman in it. I had no idea until the movie started that she starred in it. That was pure win all in itself.

Sunday we continued the Marvel catch-up with Captain America. Lots of fun fighting scenes, a more evil and scary looking bad guy (like we are used to in comic books) and a wonderful cast. I enjoyed the story very much, and am now looking forward to seeing more of this character in The Avengers.

If I can take my eyes off of Tony Stark long enough. ;)

So that's our weekend! OH, except I forgot to mention: I made another batch of hardboiled eggs, and they're perfect! Thanks for all the advice in the previous blog. Feel free to add comments to this one about anything discussed above, even if it's to hate on my feedback about Thor. :mrgreen:
I enjoyed Thor to, watched it again on the big screen projector a couple nights ago. My only complaint would be that it felt like a prequel to another movie for when he really goes to town. I was a huge Thor fan as a kid so long ago I don't remember what the comics were about, lol.

Chronicle was ok to good, yep predictable, but a different storyline to other similar movies.

Captain America... I think I need to watch it again, i already forget much of it.
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Natalie Portman was one of the main reasons I had to watch Thor but I still thought it was pretty good. I need to re-watch it after reading an article on The Escapist but I'll get around to it eventually. I'm also not sure if I've actually seen all of Captain America. I've caught pieces of it when it's been on television a few times. I probably need to watch it from start to finish to fill in some gaps but I knew the character well enough that I don't think it had an impact on seeing the Avengers.

As for Cinco de Mayo, I actually didn't do a damn thing to celebrate it. I suspect I am part of the minority of people who did more to celebrate May the Fourth than Cinco de Mayo. >_>
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I think Cinco de Mayo was a Mexican victory in the war with France? Mexico is two borders away so I am not up on Mexican history.
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