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Since you are in fact not a model, let me chime in with some actual "ask a model" insight

I find it hard to believe a model will decide to put something on their menu (Writing on themselves), set the price for that.
And then complain when someone tips for it, and complain its degrading.
If one of my very well supporting regulars over uses one of the things on my list/in a game, I get in his face about it. Things on tip menus are meant for multiple people to use in one session, not one person to dominate it. Things are priced in a way that invite many users/new users to use it. Not one person to tip over and over for it.
Hello Yummy.
Yeah maybe. But its one side of a story.

I find it hard to believe a model will decide to put something on their menu (Writing on themselves), set the price for that.
And then complain when someone tips for it, and complain its degrading.
This seems more like a jealousy complaint, than a model complaining about what she herself programmed and setup.
And i think complaining about the user who tips for an item on the models menu, instead of complaining at the model who put it on her menu. To be biased.

And I don't consider a viewer tipping 1000, which could be for a menu item.. To be taking over a room.
Compared to for example, the 1000 could have been used to take the model private for a long time.
Closing the room to a private would be dominating the room more than a 1k tip in public for no reason, which is over with quickly.
I'd also assume they tipped the 1k instead of closing the room, to try and keep the room open and tips/users flowing.

So apart from some possible jealousy, Also don't know how much the model is playing both sides, in PM's and offline.
I would assume, the model's PMing the whale off site, With ..... Oh thanks for your support yesterday, i'm saving up for xxx yyy zzz and this helps a lot.
I'm streaming again tomorrow 12-8 and would love to see you again, love you, bla bla.

And then hitting the other regulars with..
Thanks for your support yesterday, Sorry Joe took over my room a bit (AKA tipped more than you)
But i love you in my room, and tipping what you can. You are so special to me, bla bla.

+ Could also be a jealousy post, rallying model support, for banning the guy who's tipping more / and getting more attention.
Hello Model, here's a link to a thread, when they suggest you ban the person tipping more than me.

I just don't like jumping on the ban the whale train, based on 1/2 a story which has aspects which doesn't make sense to me.

It doesn't matter what you believe. It's not about you. You're the only person in this thread trying to justify that dude's behavior, and it's really bizarre.
Maybe written on a forum it looks different and more open to interpretation. But as experienced models this is a pattern that is all too common with certain users (like this Pushy Fuck), so we know from experience (multiple times over and over and over) what is going on. When you start dealing with 100s and 1000s of people you see patterns. It would be nice if people deviated from them more often, but the fact is they rarely do. So as models we get really good at calling things early on, and saving ourselves time, income and stress. This is something that the majority of users won't see, unless they are spending like 20-40 hours per week in rooms, for years on end. So this is why it really is helpful to hear the responses of models in this section, and why at times, many user's perspectives can be so, SO off, and time-wasting. Although sometimes, to be fair, there's some good helpful stuff.

This isn't just words and heady ideals or cerebral convo on a forum to us. This is our day-in and day out lived, real experience that we are talking from. Not a hobby, or something we do to pass the time because we are bored, or want to be amused/ entertained. Our ability to eat, pay our rent/ mortgage, and pay our heat bills depend on it. So you can guarantee we know what we are talking about, and we take our shit seriously as Hell.
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I just don't like jumping on the ban the whale train, based on 1/2 a story which has aspects which doesn't make sense to me.
Then don't jump on the train, no need to tell us all the ins and outs of how you engage in various rooms. It's not offering another perspective if you start talking about an entirely different situation with no connection.

Going on and on about what you think could be happening and that you assume OP is lying is weird. Any performer who has one single member carrying their entire career is going to have a hard time for one reason or another, the pressure is enormous, even with the most well-meaning folks. And they are rare. This annoying purple dude is statistically unlikely to be one, and sure doesn't sound like one.

You said you see yourself in the annoying purple character in OP, that bias might be harming rather than helping your "insight" here.
Been away for a couple of days.
Just wanted to reply to IQH to clear up a few evident misunderstandings.
The model never complained about anything, other than to ask me what I thought of the controlling behaviour; in fact she is one of the most uncomplaining people I have interacted with, anywhere.
It is on her tip menu because it was popular (yes, was) as a fun aspect of her show. But doing it every single show, and demanding she keeps it there for the full 7 or 8 hours? That's too much, surely? The term 'branding' was one I chose to describe how it appears to several regulars, as well as to me, and I have no doubt it is putting off others from tipping for it.
It's crazy to suggest anyone has an issue with a model receiving 1,000tkn tips. Good for her, that's why she does this! The point was about someone appearing to deliberately compete with every single tipper, every time, and killing the mood. Her room count has dropped off dramatically of late, and the number of individual tippers has halved at least. This is the issue I was seeking advice on here.

One final point, you seem to suggest I am smitten by this model and acting hurt and jealous. I am wise enough to understand how this industry works, and I know my boundaries. Oh, and I don't have any back tattoo.
I hope it's OK to link another post (that isn't mine), but I felt like this post here was so beyond relevant to this thread too. And would be really helpful to this situation, and understanding this situation, also... This type of stuff literally does happen to us all of the time, by the same types. It's messed up. Whether they are meaning purposefully to be assholes or not... isn't as relevant, as the fact that their behavior needs to be addressed and dealt with. For the whole room's good.

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