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Racism in Model Chatrooms

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The_Brown_Fox said:
Paris_Lee said:
one of my favorie models drops the N bomb on a regular basis, it always kind of bothers me but not enough to stop watching her.

i dont thinks shes racist either, but still, id avoid using that word...

I think I know who you're talking about. On another forum someone spoke about a MFC model dropping the 'n' bomb all the time in her room. Her name's been mentioned often in the "Who's your favorite MFC model?" threads on here.

And if it's true, I'm curious if she'd say that to a Black person's face. LOL.
yep were talking about the same one i remember that thread.
I am Irish by blood raised by a religiously jewish mother... I love potatoes and saving money!

I just wanted to quickly tough on the White people racism thing. A few years back I lived in a prominently black and hispanic neighborhood. I have never seen or experienced so much racism in my life and it was all directed at me.
So I agree that hateful racism can be directed at any color depending on the situation and is never ok.

Go back to the early years of this country and the Irish were one of the most poorly treated cultures in the U.S.
A lot of people don't know that.

Now I'm going to go drink a pint of whiskey and fuck a sheep. :lol: I loves me some light hearted stereotypes.
I can sympathize with you JJ. Growing up a scrawny white girl whose parents are fully irish on one side and fully scottish on the other, I was always teased and bullied because of how white I am/being the only white girl. Things were worse when we lived in New Mexico next to the border but they're still not ideal even here in the south. Now I get bullied because of my drawl and studder and most of it comes from black people, shockingly. It's how I met my best friend; some racist jerks in school were harassing me and she put them in their place. Just goes to show there's a lot of prejudiced people still. :/
My middle and high school were very multicultural and white kids were actually the minority. I was picked on for being a "good little white girl" since it was much cooler to be gangsta.

To this day I'm a bit bitter toward folks who embrace a ghetto and/or gangsta mentality where it's looked down on to take flight instead of fight, so to speak.
Another total WTF moment I had was a couple years ago when there was some major hoopla about the first black coach to win the SuperBowl. I was like WOW, what century are we in?! I never once thought about color and just had to really think back what skin color Walter Payton was for a second. WHO CARES!?
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I see that this thread has taken a more general rather than specific direction. Since I have not seen any racism in my experiences on camsites, my comment will be more general in context with allusions towards specifics.

Everyone, including myself, has their prejudices. That in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. What turns it into a bad thing is when those prejudices preclude any semblance of rational judgement based soley on said prejudices.

I try to make my decisions on a case by case basis without using stereotypes to influence my judgement. Try being the operative word. Do I always succeed? Of course not. But it is part of my consciousness.

Whether it be race, ethnicity, region, sex, age,etc. There is good and bad to be found in every group. By excluding any one group of people based on any of the above denies one the opportunity to experience some really great individuals.

Within this community of "cam people", i.e., models and members, it would seem that there would be a more tolerant attitude. About some issues, this is true. However, negative prejudices still rear their ugly heads in stereotyping models from certain regions. While sterotypes may be valid, "all" and "never" are words that should be used with extreme discretion.

Simple answer to original question: If a model or the vibe in her room was racist, exit immediately never to return.
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Neudiin said:
Jupiter551 said:
Neudiin said:
I loves me some white people talking about racism lol
That's racist lol. White people are subject to racism at times, and besides suggesting we can't even talk about it or have an opinion on it because of our skin colour is itself, racist.

How is that racist? The definition is below, splain it to me.

rac·ist  [rey-sist] - noun
1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] - noun
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

And I didn't suggest anything, that is your prejudice coming into play.
I certainly don't accept those as ALL the definitions of racism.
From a slightly more respected dictionary than, Oxford writes:

[mass noun]
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race"

In other words that races are set apart by various inherent traits. Saying all black people are great dancers is racist, not because it's hateful, not because it suggests they're superior/inferior or that a government policy is based off it, but simply because you're generalising about a group of people based on their skin colour. Saying Jewish people are very very thrifty is a snidely racist remark too, even though many would consider thriftiness a virtue.

Perhaps I misconstrued what you said, I thought you were laughing at us being a bunch of white people having the temerity to talk about racism, and that that would be ironic because we'd never experienced it directed at us.

So why don't you tell me what it is you were trying to say with "I loves me some white people talking about racism lol", I don't want my prejudice to come into play so explain it in your own words please.
SoTxBob said:
As for the "Romanian Gypsy bashing".... Unless you actually take the time to TALK to a Rommie and allow yourself to be educated, you will never understand why they feel as they do. The gypsy term/lifestyle is not even close to the romanticized and glorified harmless image of a pretty "belly dancing girl" so many US people have. There are a few well educated Rommies that belong to this forum and might help you if its something you really want to know....
I've talked to a number of Romanian models in depth about Roma (gypsies), and while I understand plenty of the things they say it's exactly the same as people say here about Aborigines or in Alaska about Inuit - that they get drunk all the time on government money, steal, and beat their wives.

In short, exactly the same attributes and issues that are blamed on indigenous/minority groups all over the world.

I adore Romanian women, some of the coolest I've ever met on MFC, I'm not saying they're any more racist than anyone else but those particular beliefs about gypsies (or any minority group) are your standard racial stereotypes. A Romanian model asked me if I wanted to hear a joke one day, I said "sure" so she told it: "How do Gypsies reproduce? The male ejaculates on the floor and the flies do the rest."
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I would like to go on official record about something:

If you hear me joking about Teep Me BB, I want it to be understood that I am not bashing any ethnicity in particular. Instead, I'm picking on all models who use that. I was under the impression that models of every country and race use such expression, and did not know it carried racist overtones. Simply thought it was poking at less-educated models of any country.

With that out of the way, the biggest thing I judge people on is how they talk, because that is a sign of how educated or not they are. And I don't mean how slow/fast they talk, but how they put their sentences together and what sorts of things they say.

About the only thing based on looks alone are the people that have what I call a "sour" mouth. It usually starts around a person's late 30's, and gets worse as they get older if they don't change their outlook on life. The common cause is a bad outlook of life. Usually people with the sour mouth grow up to be bitter individuals unwilling to believe in the goodness of other people. Hence, I judge them when I see the sign of that.

However, regardless of initial impressions, I do give people a chance to show me their "true colors". Are they generally respectful of others, and make an effort to be sure their beliefs (other than religious ones) are based on facts? Are they more of a "Live and let live" philosophy, rather than "kill/insult/hate anyone different from me" philosophy? Then I am cool with them no matter what color their skin is. If they tend to be purposefully disrespectful (and I do take into account that different people have different ideas of what respectful looks like), if they tend to get stuck in their beliefs and refuse to accept facts that contradict their beliefs, if they tend to hate/insult/kill people just because of a little difference, then I have trouble getting along with them no matter what color their skin is.
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Jupiter551 said:
Neudiin said:
Jupiter551 said:
Neudiin said:
I loves me some white people talking about racism lol
That's racist lol. White people are subject to racism at times, and besides suggesting we can't even talk about it or have an opinion on it because of our skin colour is itself, racist.

How is that racist? The definition is below, splain it to me.

rac·ist  [rey-sist] - noun
1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] - noun
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

And I didn't suggest anything, that is your prejudice coming into play.
I certainly don't accept those as ALL the definitions of racism.
From a slightly more respected dictionary than, Oxford writes:

[mass noun]
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race"

In other words that races are set apart by various inherent traits. Saying all black people are great dancers is racist, not because it's hateful, not because it suggests they're superior/inferior or that a government policy is based off it, but simply because you're generalising about a group of people based on their skin colour. Saying Jewish people are very very thrifty is a snidely racist remark too, even though many would consider thriftiness a virtue.

Perhaps I misconstrued what you said, I thought you were laughing at us being a bunch of white people having the temerity to talk about racism, and that that would be ironic because we'd never experienced it directed at us.

First things first your definition is incomplete and what you left off is HUGE for the definition of racism:


[mass noun]
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race , especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
theories of racism
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:
a programme to combat racism

Second - you are trying to say that stereotyping is racism and it is not. Your statement "Saying all black people are great dancers is racist" is in fact a racially generalized stereotype. Why? Because the part of the definition you left off, that statement does not distinguish them as superior or inferior to other race(s). Racial because black is used, generalized because all is used and a stereotype that they are great dancers but not that they are inferior or superior.

Racist - Black men in the US Navy during WW2 were not allowed to be gunners because they had bad night vision. Why? Because it was said they had a characteristic which made them inferior.

Jupiter551 said:
So why don't you tell me what it is you were trying to say with "I loves me some white people talking about racism lol", I don't want my prejudice to come into play so explain it in your own words please.
When I posted that I believe everyone that posted before me was/is white, most of the posts about race was people talking about derogatory things about blacks but not all, some of the posts basically said people need to lighten up about racism and I find it funny that white people would tell black people to lighten up on racism. Just like I find it funny that Jewish people are told to lighten up over the holocaust.

Sorry for the long post, normally I don't get into these sorts of discussions but this one struck 2 nerves in one. First implying that what I said was racist and therefore implying that I am racist, this is one of those rare times when calling me a name will trigger a reaction. Secondly, the misuse of definitions of words. All words are made up therefore all definitions are made up but if it is accepted that "THIS" is the definition of the word, then use it correctly.
Neudiin said:
Sorry for the long post, normally I don't get into these sorts of discussions but this one struck 2 nerves in one. First implying that what I said was racist and therefore implying that I am racist, this is one of those rare times when calling me a name will trigger a reaction. Secondly, the misuse of definitions of words. All words are made up therefore all definitions are made up but if it is accepted that "THIS" is the definition of the word, then use it correctly.

Firstly I apologise, because I wasn't trying to imply you were racist, I was originally replying quite jokingly but I have seen people claim that white people have no right to comment on racism or that it even exists for white people.

Secondly, it may be that we're splitting hairs on the difference between racial discrimination and racism but, if an employer refuses to hire a black applicant even thought he/she KNOWS they're better at the job than a white applicant, is that not racism? That's not at all dependent on the belief that one's own race is superior, quite the opposite.

What I left out of the definition is not "HUGE" - it says "especially" in cases where there is the mistaken belief one race is superior. "Especially" certainly does not imply always.
No matter what site I am on, if somebody says a racist comment in my chat, they are BANNED for LIFE. I DON'T put up with that shit very kindly. Unless somebody wants to be humiliated, because there actually is a fetish for that. Most of the fetish guys, however, are cool enough not to discuss that in free chat.
I do not like people being racist in my chat room, I usually just warn them, and ban them if they get too out of hand. I have no problem with doing "race role-plays". I always make the guys do it in exclusive, so they are the only ones in there and to not offend anyone else. I had one guy insist I say "I want your big black nigger cock" in free chat where there were over 70 people in there, I told him politely, "I will not do that in free chat to not offend anyone, if you want to see stuff like that take me exclusive" then he proceeded to call me an "ugly dumb whore" and I "should do my job better".. :icon-rolleyes:
I was raised in a relatively multi-cultural home, until I started 1st grade I only spoke Spanish at home. I grew up in a minority-white city. Middle school was an eye opener, as the school was maybe 20% white. My buddies and I were pretty much left alone, because the Hispanics and Blacks were too busy hating on themselves. The biggest thing I was given shit about was that my family was "rich". That was said because my sneakers came from K-Mart and I "wealthy" enough to bring a lunch from home. Even then, I thought that was funny, because we could not afford the 10 cent student bus fare, and me and my buddies walked the 2+ miles to & from every day.

Later on, there were occasionally subtle digs here and there. I got a kick out of the reaction when I let out a well timed retort in Spanish. When I started working, almost every store I managed was in a low income area. Certainly there were some uncomfortable moments, I feel it was mostly a "turf" issue. In all most every instance, once the neighborhood saw that I treated (or tried to) everybody the same, there was a sort of acceptance.

So while I have experienced "some" racism directed at me, it was always on a "temporary" basis. I have no idea how it really is to have that on me 24 x 7. That is what drives me to this day. I try to treat folks as they treat me. This is no big news, as most of the posters here have expressed those sentiments.
schlmoe said:
So while I have experienced "some" racism directed at me, it was always on a "temporary" basis. I have no idea how it really is to have that on me 24 x 7. That is what drives me to this day. I try to treat folks as they treat me. This is no big news, as most of the posters here have expressed those sentiments.
Honestly I think once you interact with people it's difficult to be racist about them, because fundamentally we're all pretty similar - the differences are the most superficial stuff like color, maybe the way we dress or the food we like - the similarities are deep and striking; love for our family, desire for a better life, and just being a fellow human.

As Del said:
Why should I hate you we ain't that different
We may act differen't in some ways
But we still grouped together like a fuckin survey
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I experience racism at least once a week on MFC, mostly by guests (if their not muted yet) or basics. It doesn't happen so often with premiums though. Although I did have a racist premium tipping me saying shit like "mmmmmmmm love your nigger cunt" lol, I just laughed it off and took his money though.

I don't let the word nigger affect me and to tell you the truth I've been called nigger a lot more on MFC then I have in RL, guess thats kind of a given though.

I grew up with mostly whites, asians, and hispanics around me and have only been called a nigger once in my life, when I was like 10. I think that's one of the reasons why I'm not easily offended when it comes to racist stuff.

I sometimes feel like I experience it more from my own people because I'm not your stereotypical black chick, then by white people. I've always felt more accepted by any race but my own actually, unless they were someone like me and they were "the weird one" of the family.

People are to easily offended these days and take things way to serious. I agree with what Amber said...

"if more people could laugh a little at stuff like racial/stereotypical/homosexual jokes instead of getting so immediately defensive, the world could be a happier place. And as bawksy mentioned, being too PC is annoying, too."
I was raised by racist grandparents, they had black and mexican friends but they tend to group them into a category as a whole. I was raised with slight racism and I won't say I am not racist, I generally hate people as whole - no matter what race they are of.

I do think there are stereotypes for a reason, but I don't think you should perpetuate the cycle by falling into the stereotypes. You as a person are able to make decisions because you ARE an individual.

I had some redneck family, but I am not redneck in the slightest bit. I am from Texas and I could be a shitkicker, but I am not. I hardly have an accent at all, so when I see movies where they make all Texans look uneducated with the horrible southern accent and make them look like we all own cows and horses and were raised on a farm, I get mad. I think that is horribly demeaning.

My father was mexican, so my grandparents told my mom that they wanted nothing to do with me or my mother again. When they finally met me, they ended up raising me and being parents to me when my own parents did not want the responsibility.

My own father (whom I did love at one point) legally disowned me. My grandfather was more of a father to me for in the short few years that he was alive than my own father was, My father is the reason why I call him a dirty mexican, not because I want to be racist, but because HE, as an individual, was just that. He was physically abusive to my mother and verbally abusive to me.

I spent the last ten years living in a border town where 80% of the population were mexican people. They are some of the nicest people I have ever encountered. I am actually more comfortable around mexican people than I am with white people. Even growing up most of my friends were mexican or black.

I do think there are stereotypes for a reason, but I don't think that means you have to live that way. A LOT of people I have encountered have said black people are uneducated. I have seen so many black people that are very well spoken and live very successful lives. Even one of my former best friends said that black people cannot escape the ghetto (which I came from and know a lot of people from other races that have come from), He said that they are stuck in that situation because that's all they know.

I call bullshit on that. There are PLENTY of black people that have come from less than most and still manage to make something of themselves. I read a news article (not sure I can find it again) that said most black people that have higher IQs than most choose not to let their intelligence shine through because they become alienated, bullied, and harassed when they have good grades in school - by their OWN race.

How can ANYONE want someone to fail their goals and not be what they want to be just based on their own race and because they cannot gain the acceptance from people of their race.

I want nothing more for people that deserve it to be successful and live their lives out being everything they want to be and more. I don't care who you are, even a shitty awful person does not deserve to live a life of agony or pain because of who they are. No one deserve that.

People as individuals should be judged, not just people from an entire race. Everyone is a bit racist, but to a certain extent. I think there's a pretty thick line from having normal racist tendencies and having racist tendencies that prevail.

I would like to THINK that one day racism will cease to exist, but I don't think that will happen in our lifetime.

I think Morgan Freeman said it the best:

I don't think it is POSSIBLE to completely remove race as a way of talking about people, but I don't think skin color should be the way you start off telling someone about another person. I also don't think you should dance around the topic of skin color either (as long as it isn't meant in a negative manner. I can say that my white friend or Irish friend and not worry that people will say I am racist.

It's always a joke in movies where the white person doesn't want to call the black guy "black" because it is demeaning. I am sorry, I am not going to call all black people African American, because as it was said before, not ALL black people are from Africa. I think that is MORE insulting to assume where they are from than to say black.

What do I call someone from Japan that lives in America? Japanese? Or Japanese-American? Unless they TELL me they are from Japan, I can't just look at someone and say they are Japanese. I wasn't raised in such a way (or perhaps not cultured enough) to know the difference based on looks alone. I don't want to generalize someone because of the way they look or their skin color. Someone from Japan might not want the American part placed into what they are.

That being said, on a slightly different topic, if I go to France to live there you bet your sweet ass that I will learn French. If I go to Italy, I will learn italian. Why? Because they are allowing me to be a part of their country and I should respect them and not make them cater specifically to me. In the town I lived in, there were PLENTY of people that would come into your business, start speaking spanish, for me, I would politely tell them I did not understand and they were start speaking english right away. PERFECT english.

Someone I went to school with came to the US to go to school and have a better life, he learned english and graduated third in our class. Spanish was all he knew, but he learned english and learned it well. So I guess what I am saying is that there is no dishonor in being in the US and still speaking your own language, but to be polite to everyone else around us that knows only english, I think learning it would be nice.

Language barriers are hard and I don't think English should be the nations official language, but I think you should show respect to those around you. In my town they had jobs ONLY for spanish speakers, even though we were qualified for the job, they required this because there was such a vast majority of people that could not speak a word of english. I don't think that is fair. EVERYONE should just be equal and respectful of all countries.

/crazy, disorganized post.
Is stupid a race? cause I hate stupid people and I swear its a race cause there are soo many of them. Ban stupid people!! hehe
ohmystarz said:
I spent the last ten years living in a border town where 80% of the population were mexican people. They are some of the nicest people I have ever encountered. I am actually more comfortable around mexican people than I am with white people. Even growing up most of my friends were mexican or black.
/crazy, disorganized post.

Separating out culture from colour is always the difficult bit. People are the product of their upbringing and their peers. Their colour is the the physical consequence of their parents and actually has nothing to do with who they are. Someone might be a white gansta or a Hispanic academic. Their social arrangements will dictate that, not their genetics. Your friends are good people because of their upbringing, not their genetics. You are a pretty while girl who I'm guessing speaks some Spanish. If you were a 300 pound white guy with a shaved head they would be rather more guarded around you until they got to know you better.
Neudiin said:
some of the posts basically said people need to lighten up about racism and I find it funny that white people would tell black people to lighten up on racism. Just like I find it funny that Jewish people are told to lighten up over the holocaust.

When I want people to lighten up about racism, I don't mean I want them to ignore true racism. I mean that I want them to stop calling everything I say or do racist just because I'm white. I don't fucking care what the color of your skin is, unless you're in a group of people and I'm trying to find a way to describe your physical appearance so that someone else can know who I'm talking about.

I have been called a racist simply for making a remark that one chick was being stupid. Just because she was black, she said that I was being racist. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that black people are allowed to act stupid without being called out for it, especially by someone who also calls out white people for acting stupid. I told her "It has nothing to do with how you look, I'm remarking on how you act." She didn't drop it, so I did with a "whatever".

*That* is what I mean when I say they need to lighten up on racism.
LadyLuna said:
Neudiin said:
some of the posts basically said people need to lighten up about racism and I find it funny that white people would tell black people to lighten up on racism. Just like I find it funny that Jewish people are told to lighten up over the holocaust.

When I want people to lighten up about racism, I don't mean I want them to ignore true racism. I mean that I want them to stop calling everything I say or do racist just because I'm white. I don't fucking care what the color of your skin is, unless you're in a group of people and I'm trying to find a way to describe your physical appearance so that someone else can know who I'm talking about.

I have been called a racist simply for making a remark that one chick was being stupid. Just because she was black, she said that I was being racist. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that black people are allowed to act stupid without being called out for it, especially by someone who also calls out white people for acting stupid. I told her "It has nothing to do with how you look, I'm remarking on how you act." She didn't drop it, so I did with a "whatever".

*That* is what I mean when I say they need to lighten up on racism.
Completely agree.

I'd go so far as to suggest that we are a victim of racism simply for the fact that this sort of shit happens. We shouldn't have to be afraid to say certain words or comment on certain behaviors just because of the color of a persons skin. And yes by we, I mean white people. :lol:
LadyLuna said:
Neudiin said:
some of the posts basically said people need to lighten up about racism and I find it funny that white people would tell black people to lighten up on racism. Just like I find it funny that Jewish people are told to lighten up over the holocaust.

When I want people to lighten up about racism, I don't mean I want them to ignore true racism. I mean that I want them to stop calling everything I say or do racist just because I'm white. I don't fucking care what the color of your skin is, unless you're in a group of people and I'm trying to find a way to describe your physical appearance so that someone else can know who I'm talking about.

I have been called a racist simply for making a remark that one chick was being stupid. Just because she was black, she said that I was being racist. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that black people are allowed to act stupid without being called out for it, especially by someone who also calls out white people for acting stupid. I told her "It has nothing to do with how you look, I'm remarking on how you act." She didn't drop it, so I did with a "whatever".

*That* is what I mean when I say they need to lighten up on racism.

This completely...

I was talking to an Indian guy the other day, and he started being a jackass so I started ignoring him and he pulled the "What? You wont talk to me because I am Indian?" No, I wont talk to you because you are a jackass, it has nothing to do with your race...
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