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Spoiled fucking brat

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 6, 2011
Kickaz just took #3 spot. Started seeing people mention the [then] displaced #4 was pissed. So I lounged her.

Wow, textbook case of exactly what not to do. She literally threw a temper tantrum.

Direct quotes from #4.

I knew I shouldn't have taken off last night.
There's a twitter page about how I'm a little boy.
She doesn't even get naked. [referring to kickaz]
I could literally kill a cat right now I have so much anger built up in me right now. (this one made me laugh)
She's just scared of me.
She's just scared of a model who's been on here for 3 months.
I'm not going to try for this again, I'm not going to put in 20+ hours a week to be beat out by someone who literally does nothing.
There's more, it went on for a good quarter of an hour.

Over 600 people saw her temper tantrum so this really isn't a secret.

I've never really been in her room before and now I have no desire to ever see her again. I think this was the biggest example of a spoiled little brat I've ever seen on mfc. Definitely NOT a gracious loser. And the sad thing is it's not over yet, she went off immediately after being overtaken - with a day left to the month. Who knows what could happen in a day?

If you're going to behave like a petulant child in need of a time out, maybe get off cam. Doing so in front of all your regulars who tip you may not be the best idea. Well, it's probably good for whoever's #5 right now. Cause that person might have a better shot to overtake her now as well.
I've been completely silent on this topic but this most recent comment really broke my heart because Kickaz has such an amazing spirit. I don't condone talking shit (even this post is a bit much to straight up call someone out in the open, no offense) but I'm glad it's somewhere #4 might come and somehow justify herself...

... but calling another girl ugly is completely unacceptable even if you are freaking butthurt about losing ONE rank. #4 has been insulted, flamed, and trolled in countless ways this month, you'd think that might have taught her some compassion for another human being. You're goddamn #4 and that's insane for her 3rd month and a hardy GOOD JOB and a pat on the back for her. Most girls (and I'm talking more than 95% of girls on the site) might not ever achieve Top 5 ever.

Kickaz has been so gracious this entire time and I've yet to see her say anything negative about #4. That, alone, really proves she deserves #3.

ETA: I meant HARDY, but typed hardly. Completely unintentional. Sorry.
Sounds like what she did was in bad taste but also consider she's eighteen, competitive and camming is her only source of validation.
*hides her cat*

(in all seriousness I think she is super cute (besides the negative things she has said) and that she will some day regret all the negative things she has said. Especially once the stress of this mega month wears off. I have hope for her. She has been working her ass off... I do not condone calling people names though, it's not nice :-/ Kickaz works INCREDIBLY hard to be where she is at and she has been handling the name calling, drama, etc. incredibly well and i have serious respect for her.)
IvyR said:
I don't condone talking shit (even this post is a bit much to straight up call someone out in the open, no offense) but I'm glad it's somewhere #4 might come and somehow justify herself...
I thought about not posting it. But, first, I personally saw it, I didn't get this second hand. Second, she threw her temper tantrum during mfc prime time with hundreds of people witnessing it and talking about it in both rooms (there was back and forth, many people were being banned just for being in kicks room). So this is not something that was just said off hand, she went off for several minutes.

So, if she's willing to make it that public I think I have no problem with making it a public thread here. As for her coming here, I hope she does. I think that would be interesting.
JerryBoBerry said:
(there was back and forth, many people were being banned just for being in kicks room). So this is not something that was just said off hand, she went off for several minutes.

I was in her room when it happened, and while I do agree her reaction was ott, she was banning people who were coming in her room posting gifs of Kick and telling Kat she's anorexic, looks like a dog, etc. Right after Kick got a tip of 10k one guy came in Kat's room and said, "Kick just got a tip of 10k. It's done!" Then he went in Kick's room and said he was banned simply for trying to give Kat newcomer advice. :roll: She's definitely not unprovoked but I think she's misplacing her anger on Kick instead of the catty members taunting her. Her feelings are obviously hurt, and tbh if I were in her position I'd probably start banning people who were coming from Kick's room. They're obviously not coming for any good reason.
I haven't seen her freak out (although I have heard about instances where she did). I think she's totally new to this type of experience and I think she doesn't understand when you're getting that much attention on a site like MFC, people are going to stir shit up. I'm sure there are people who try to do it to every top girl when an instance like this comes up.

On one hand I feel bad for her. When I was starting out, I bashed other models openly because another members would say ModelA said this or ModelB totally just said you are that & acted like a brat too (I was lucky to get several big tippers early on) and then I realized "Okay, wait a second. If this is going to be a job it's a really shitty thing to pull other down just to lift myself up and I should probably go directly to the model who memberswhatshisface claimed was talking shit instead of letting my temper get the best of me in public chat."

On the other hand, I would hope it would dawn on her to make this much + build a fan base this quickly should be handled carefully or they might tire of someone who throws a fit whenever she doesn't get the rank/amount she wants from her viewers. But it wouldn't shock me if it didn't for a long while.

Who knows, maybe she'll come here and tell her side of the story. There are a number of reasons she could have spouted off (although the cat comment was sort of..weird) most of which are probably "I've been working my ass off and it seems like it was for nothing."
How can ANYONE dislike Kickaz? She's like one the sweetest cam models I've ever seen. She's like the Jackie Chan of MFC.
YelloMit said:
How can ANYONE dislike Kickaz? She's like one the sweetest cam models I've ever seen. She's like the Jackie Chan of MFC.

You can hate anyone you feel threatened by in a competition, even temporarily. And I honestly think that's what is going on here. Naivety + competition = you're gonna have a bad time.
TittySprinkles said:
YelloMit said:
How can ANYONE dislike Kickaz? She's like one the sweetest cam models I've ever seen. She's like the Jackie Chan of MFC.

You can hate anyone you feel threatened by in a competition, even temporarily. And I honestly think that's what is going on here. Naivety + competition = you're gonna have a bad time.
I found the woman and it says she's 18, so maybe also lack of maturity too? Not every 18 year old is bad obviously, but maybe in this instance it is one of the factors.
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YelloMit said:
TittySprinkles said:
YelloMit said:
How can ANYONE dislike Kickaz? She's like one the sweetest cam models I've ever seen. She's like the Jackie Chan of MFC.

You can hate anyone you feel threatened by in a competition, even temporarily. And I honestly think that's what is going on here. Naivety + competition = you're gonna have a bad time.
I found the woman and it says she's 18, so maybe also lack of maturity too? Not every 18 year old is bad obviously, but maybe in this instance it is one of the factors.

I think making that much, that quickly at 18 will make anyone show their immature side.

Edit: What I don't get is obviously #4 or even #3 is still making bomb ass cash. I wouldn't even be pissed about it (maybe the amount taxes would take) soooo...

..maybe she doesn't realize that she's the minority as far as cam girl averages go for pay? I don't know.
TittySprinkles said:
YelloMit said:
TittySprinkles said:
YelloMit said:
How can ANYONE dislike Kickaz? She's like one the sweetest cam models I've ever seen. She's like the Jackie Chan of MFC.

You can hate anyone you feel threatened by in a competition, even temporarily. And I honestly think that's what is going on here. Naivety + competition = you're gonna have a bad time.
I found the woman and it says she's 18, so maybe also lack of maturity too? Not every 18 year old is bad obviously, but maybe in this instance it is one of the factors.

I think making that much, that quickly at 18 will make anyone show their immature side.
Very true. Hopefully this is a good learning experience for her so she can be better in the future.
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I just hope she stops taking the competition so personally. It's really not and the only thing that makes it seem like that is if 1- one of the other models are harassing you (which you should ignore) 2- (the more likely case) members are filling your head with bullshit to get a reaction. She seems like a pretty nice girl once she calmed herself & it'd be neat to see her stick around to learn not to act that way.
:think: I was in her (Kat's) room for a bit a couple weeks ago and she honestly wasn't really talking or anything, just yawning and rubbing her face for almost half an hour then left to go to the bathroom and was gone for 10+ minutes before I just closed the window.

I had popped into her room twice before and each time she wasn't really engaging her audience.

I decided to not come back because I figured her popularity was on looks alone and I can't really learn any techniques from that. :/

I just popped into her room now and same thing, doe eyed and empty.

If you're going to claim someone "literally does nothing" you miiiiiiiiiight wanna check your own game.
SenaLuna said:
:think: I was in her (Kat's) room for a bit a couple weeks ago and she honestly wasn't really talking or anything, just yawning and rubbing her face for almost half an hour then left to go to the bathroom and was gone for 10+ minutes before I just closed the window.

I had popped into her room twice before and each time she wasn't really engaging her audience.

I decided to not come back because I figured her popularity was on looks alone and I can't really learn any techniques from that. :/

I just popped into her room now and same thing, doe eyed and empty.

If you're going to claim someone "literally does nothing" you miiiiiiiiiight wanna check your own game.
I was in there too and she was just wandering around her room, not talking at all.
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SenaLuna said:
:think: I was in her (Kat's) room for a bit a couple weeks ago and she honestly wasn't really talking or anything, just yawning and rubbing her face for almost half an hour then left to go to the bathroom and was gone for 10+ minutes before I just closed the window.

I had popped into her room twice before and each time she wasn't really engaging her audience.

I decided to not come back because I figured her popularity was on looks alone and I can't really learn any techniques from that. :/

I just popped into her room now and same thing, doe eyed and empty.

If you're going to claim someone "literally does nothing" you miiiiiiiiiight wanna check your own game.


God damn it. I really didn't want to say this, but for the 20-30 minutes I watched her tonight this was what I saw. What I saw in Kick's room was the opposite.

I also feel stalkery for agreeing with a lot of Sena's posts. :lol:

Edit: I should add it was shortly after the fallout so maybe she just needed to decompress and didn't want to turn off her cam to do that?
TittySprinkles said:

God damn it. I really didn't want to say this, but for the 20-30 minutes I watched her tonight this was what I saw. What I saw in Kick's room was the opposite.
That's what I did too, and kickaz was smiling, extremely happy and talkative and I engaged her and she was awesome, as usual.

If you have personality as great as hers, anything else is just a bonus. Kickaz is well... kick-ass.
Before I left her room (about 20 minutes ago) she said she was trying to sober up so she could stay on cam all night. She also was changing and putting on makeup but before the placement switch happened she was up, dancing around, and singing along to song requests. I think the drinking/feeling of defeat bummed her out and was pretty clear in the way the atmosphere of her room shifted. When you're on cam for as many consecutive hours as she has been this month I can understand moments of downtime or seemingly long bathroom breaks. :twocents-02cents:
In the top 20 after 3 months - she is doing something right, but if, " I'm not going to put in 20+ hours a week" is accurate, (and not suggesting it isn't), I might question how easy she thinks it should be. If she was talking about just cam time, it's one thing, but if that is total time spent at camming the job I don't see that as anything extreme. I am sure there are models here who spend prolly twice that and more when you consider everything. :twocents-02cents:

Just putting a plug in for the strong work ethic of models like JJ (JoleneBrody), SophiaLocke, Miss Lolli, KayleePond, lucy_goose, etc... (And, I would guess KicKaz puts in a lot more than 20H/week also) And, if you consider running ACF part of her work at camming, (and I would), than I am sure Amber puts in overtime every week with little exception.

AW that makes more sense @80/week
camstory said:
In the top 20 after 3 months - she is doing something right, but if, " I'm not going to put in 20+ hours a week" is accurate, (and not suggesting it isn't), I might question how easy she thinks it should be. If she was talking about just cam time, it's one thing, but if that is total time spent at camming the job I don't see that as anything extreme. I am sure there are models here who spend prolly twice that and more when you consider everything. :twocents-02cents:
Just putting a plug in for the strong work ethic of models like JJ (JoleneBrody), SophiaLocke, Miss Lolli, KayleePond, lucy_goose, etc... (And, I would guess KicKaz puts in a lot more than 20H/week also) And, if you consider running ACF part of her work at camming, (and I would), than I am sure Amber puts in overtime every week with little exception.

She actually misspoke and immediately corrected the 20 with 80. :)

ETA: I feel weird to keep defending her when so many on here dislike her totally but ah well. I was only in her room for the first time tonight so I can't speak on anything else she's supposedly done but I feel like it's important to speak up if I know something was misheard, etc.
AudreyMyers said:
ETA: I feel weird to keep defending her when so many on here dislike her totally but ah well. I was only in her room for the first time tonight so I can't speak on anything else she's supposedly done but I feel like it's important to speak up if I know something was misheard, etc.

For the record I don't 'dislike' her either. Like I said this was really the first I've seen of her too. I'm just use to most of the top models showing a bit more decorum. Many support each other openly. I've seen ginny and mj cam together and send tippers to bomb the other one. I've almost always seen a fairly good camaraderie among the ladies in the top...hundreds place for that matter. Yes, I know there are some dislikes, some hatreds toward some other models. But most hide it better. They get off cam, not sit there and throw a tirade belittling the other just because they got bumped out of a spot.

It didn't look good. In fact it looked more like...the topic I chose.

Edit. Also for the record I don't think I misheard. Everything I typed in the OP was a direct quote from her. She said it. Unless you were talking about the 'being banned just for being in kicks room' part. I understand that may have been people posting stuff in chat i didn't see from the lounge.
JerryBoBerry said:
AudreyMyers said:
ETA: I feel weird to keep defending her when so many on here dislike her totally but ah well. I was only in her room for the first time tonight so I can't speak on anything else she's supposedly done but I feel like it's important to speak up if I know something was misheard, etc.

For the record I don't 'dislike' her either. Like I said this was really the first I've seen of her too. I'm just use to most of the top models showing a bit more decorum. Many support each other openly. I've seen ginny and mj cam together and send tippers to bomb the other one. I've almost always seen a fairly good camaraderie among the ladies in the top...hundreds place for that matter. Yes, I know there are some dislikes, some hatreds toward some other models. But most hide it better. They get off cam, not sit there and throw a tirade belittling the other just because they got bumped out of a spot.

It didn't look good. In fact it looked more like...the topic I chose.

Edit. Also for the record I don't think I misheard. Everything I typed in the OP was a direct quote from her. She said it. Unless you were talking about the 'being banned just for being in kicks room' part. I understand that may have been people posting stuff in chat i didn't see from the lounge.

I mean... if I came on here and found a thread titled "spoiled fucking brat" about me I'd feel pretty disliked whether that was your intention or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She did say 20 hours but within a second followed it up with 80 which is definitely a more fitting number looking at the chart Allison posted.
Soooo I think drinking might have a lot to do with the outburst. Currently she's suffering from what I have deemed in my personal life "holy crap, I drank too much and stayed up too long" hangover a.k.a. she's still drunk, but hello headache, how are you syndrome.

I don't think this chick is naturally malicious at all from what I've seen. I think she's new to this, she got excited by achieving certain ranks and then let down when she didn't (so far, I don't know the token counts obviously).
Sevrin said:

Cute, but not so classy. I think the reasons have been pretty well covered.

This was only a few days ago.


Wow....just wow! Let me just say for the record I was eighteen once and I also felt the world revolved me. She is obviously insecure and worried about others opinions of her. The best way to make your haters upset is by not acknowledging their ignorant statements and recognize their cries for attention. Her actions are that of a teenage girl and have no idea why people are so surprised. What do you want? She's eighteen, making good money, and adrenaline is high. I'm sure to some capacity shes not a bad person, but will immediately go on the defensive,like a teenage girl can and will do.. when she is being talked about negatively. Someone recommend the amberscutie forum to her so she can get the kick in the tush to not be so bratty....inless thats your thing of course.. :shock:
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