AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Twitch alternative for gamers.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jul 6, 2011
Youtube seems to have gone live (beta right now) with a youtube specifically for gamers. Can stream live through it now.

Screenshot - 8_26_2015 , 8_57_23 PM.png
Really hope this takes off since Twitch has basically turned into a non-nude camwhore site with minimal "gaming".
Does it have similar music restrictions? That reaaally took a lot of the fun out of Twitch.
I heard they will give you a warning timer, and you have a set amount of time to end whatever is causing the violation. I do not know how long they are allowing you though.
I was overwhelmed, visually, when I first tuned into this yesterday. I think I may like the simplicity and layout of Twitch better. But we shall see how this goes. I may give it a try at some point, though I'm still rather new to the whole scene and would rather stick to Twitch for a while.
Really hope this takes off since Twitch has basically turned into a non-nude camwhore site with minimal "gaming".
Do you really think that's what it's come to? I watch streams pretty frequently, browse through the top rooms or choose a game I'd like to see, and I stumble across a chick playing up the sexy card maybe 1 out of 20 times. I think people like to bitch and moan that it's full of camwhores, but I don't feel like they're the majority. And when there IS a girl who clearly is only there for the objective attention, the trolls (and the streamer) turn it into a drama fest so it ends up getting a lot of negative attention. There are definitely female Twitchers who aren't there for the right reasons and cause a spectacle, but as I said, it doesn't feel like the majority.
Really hope this takes off since Twitch has basically turned into a non-nude camwhore site with minimal "gaming".

Do you really think that's what it's come to? I watch streams pretty frequently, browse through the top rooms or choose a game I'd like to see, and I stumble across a chick playing up the sexy card maybe 1 out of 20 times. I think people like to bitch and moan that it's full of camwhores, but I don't feel like they're the majority. And when there IS a girl who clearly is only there for the objective attention, the trolls (and the streamer) turn it into a drama fest so it ends up getting a lot of negative attention. There are definitely female Twitchers who aren't there for the right reasons and cause a spectacle, but as I said, it doesn't feel like the majority.

I visit three mfc models who game on twitch. I've never even seen a hint of that sort of thing. They're there to game, chat and have fun for awhile. If someone even tries to talk about the camming sites they work on it's put in check immediately. And i've never seen any of them flash their boobs while there. Usually they are too busy being killed in the game. :bag: :hilarious:
Do you really think that's what it's come to? I watch streams pretty frequently, browse through the top rooms or choose a game I'd like to see, and I stumble across a chick playing up the sexy card maybe 1 out of 20 times. I think people like to bitch and moan that it's full of camwhores, but I don't feel like they're the majority. And when there IS a girl who clearly is only there for the objective attention, the trolls (and the streamer) turn it into a drama fest so it ends up getting a lot of negative attention. There are definitely female Twitchers who aren't there for the right reasons and cause a spectacle, but as I said, it doesn't feel like the majority.

About half of the female streamers on Twitch I come across are doing this:
1. Either having their webcam on them blown up and the game footage shrunk down or not even playing a game at all
2. Asking, even begging for donations for bingo/tic tac toe/hangman/dice roll games or do stupid shit like dancing or jumping jacks
3. Using manycam to watermark their donation goal and/or highest donator on the video stream (gee, I wonder where they go the idea for that)
4. Posting/linking amazon wish lists (mind you most of 'em that do this have their list filled with non-gaming/non-tech items like clothing, jewelry, food and household items

What pisses me off the most is that Twitch is well aware of this and they just look the other way because it makes them money. The site was made for gaming content, not all this stupid shit I posted above. If this keeps up, the site will go downhill quick.

P.S. I'll admit looking back @ my previous post, I should have reworded my reply differently.
Really hope this takes off since Twitch has basically turned into a non-nude camwhore site with minimal "gaming".
Why do you think Youtube will change that? Why wouldn't it bring the same kind of people on their platform? What would make it immune to the alledged "camwhore"?

3. Using manycam to watermark their donation goal and/or highest donator on the video stream (gee, I wonder where they go the idea for that)
I'm not sure why you're against that, I follow a dude from NZ whose only source of income is now Twitch and he highlights his top donations too (often hundreds of dollars) because he is thankful for them.
Does it have similar music restrictions? That reaaally took a lot of the fun out of Twitch.

Supposedly ContentID is alive and well on live streams, shutting streams down if it picks up music.

Ironically, all video game music is in the ContentID system. If they really are shutting down streams because of ContentID, I give YouTube Gaming about a week before it's a ghost town for live streams.
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Why do you think Youtube will change that? Why wouldn't it bring the same kind of people on their platform? What would make it immune to the alledged "camwhore"?

I'm not sure why you're against that, I follow a dude from NZ whose only source of income is now Twitch and he highlights his top donations too (often hundreds of dollars) because he is thankful for them.

1. As far as I've seen, Youtube Gaming doesn't have a donation feature. So it will give people less incentive to milk viewers of their money.

2. I said that I don't like it watermarked on the video, because frankly, I don't give a shit who the highest donator is since I don't donate to Twtich streamers. However, I never said I was against the concept of donations. If Twitch streamers, male or female, actually use the funds they get from donations to improve they quality of their content then I have no problem with it. It's the ones that beg for donations and don't use to improve their content is what annoys me.
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As far as I've seen, Youtube Gaming doesn't have a donation feature.
I believe it supports donating directly from google wallet, actually...

3. Using manycam to watermark their donation goal and/or highest donator on the video stream

Nearly every streamer who does this more than a few hours a week does that. You do realize that there are people who make a career off of this, right? Subscriptions and donations are very common among the streamers who are broadcasting for multiple hours every day. Yeah I know, "but gaming isn't a job?!omgz!!!1one" but here we are, watching them, being entertained by them, why shouldn't they get something back?

About half of the female streamers on Twitch I come across are doing this:
1. Either having their webcam on them blown up and the game footage shrunk down or not even playing a game at all
2. Asking, even begging for donations for bingo/tic tac toe/hangman/dice roll games or do stupid shit like dancing or jumping jacks

I think you may be doing the browsing equivalent of going to page 3-5 of MFC and finding streamers who aren't the cream of the crop, maybe. Because I've stumbled upon a room like this *maybe* once every few weeks. But then again, I browse the more popular games and streams on Twitch, so that lowers my chances of this incident.

If you're going to Twitch to watch gamers play games, you'll find that, no problem.
If Twitch streamers, male or female, actually use the funds they get from donations to improve they quality of their content then I have no problem with it. It's the ones that beg for donations and don't use to improve their content is what annoys me.
Are you also in the mindset that cam girls shouldn't use any of their tips for something other than improving their shows? Tangential, I know, but I'm getting the feeling that you're bitter about Twitch and anyone who broadcasts themselves on the Internet, in general.
1. As far as I've seen, Youtube Gaming doesn't have a donation feature.

I believe it supports donating directly from google wallet, actually...

Multiple ways gamers can be paid for gaming on youtube, with another coming soon.

From this site
In terms of monetization, YouTube is carrying over the preexisting system, including skippable pre-roll ads, in-stream ads, and popups. While YouTube has revealed plans for a subscription system, it does not seem that it will be ready in time for YouTube Gaming’s launch. Our source asked about this, and all YouTube would tell them was that they were very interested in the option. For now, there is a YouTube Fan Funding system that allows fans to make one time deposits.
Multiple ways gamers can be paid for gaming on youtube, with another coming soon.

From this site
In terms of monetization, YouTube is carrying over the preexisting system, including skippable pre-roll ads, in-stream ads, and popups. While YouTube has revealed plans for a subscription system, it does not seem that it will be ready in time for YouTube Gaming’s launch. Our source asked about this, and all YouTube would tell them was that they were very interested in the option. For now, there is a YouTube Fan Funding system that allows fans to make one time deposits.

The big difference, though, being how difficult it is to become partnered and make ad revenue.

On YouTube, get AdSense. There. Done. Now you can monetize videos, and now live streams.

On Twitch, the rule is stream 3 days a week and have a consistent viewership of 500 people. This rule does get bent, at times, but that's the general rule.

Another difference is the pre roll ads. With YouTube, if the video isn't monetized, then there should be no in video player advertising. With Twitch, they put an ad on everyone's stream, even if the broadcaster isn't making anything back from that ad. So, add in the fact that ads are forced on every stream, but the requirements to be able to get a piece of that revenue back are very high, and its little wonder people resort to donations on Twitch streams.

HitBox recently upped the ante with ad revenue. Now anyone streaming there can join in for revenue sharing. It's still not as popular as Twitch, but this change may bring more streamers to them.

As for the ladies who are almost cam models, but don't want to be actual cam models, @AmberCutie , they are there. And there are a lot of them, but they seem to focus on specific games. LoL, as an example, is popular with streamers like Kaceytron, who's entire schtick is to troll the players in the games she's in, her own viewers, and wear the lowest cut shirts possible. I've seen others who do the 90% of the screen is them, 2% is other graphics, and 8% is the actual game, like @BloodRed87 says. They're out there, and can be in fairly large numbers in certain games and at certain times. I've seen some do the 'write on my cleavage for donations' thing, twerk for donations, etc.

It's not all the women streaming, but they do get a disproportionate amount of viewers vs. the girls not dressing and acting that way who may be on at the same time. Despite Twitch's rules expressly forbidding this sort of behavior, they do absolutely nothing about it, because they're making money off of it. I guess you could compare Twitch to MFC in that regard, where rules are ignored if money is coming in.
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Supposedly ContentID is alive and well on live streams, shutting streams down if it picks up music.

ContentID is screwing things up a lot more than just that. An Australian youtuber who does a lot of Game of Thrones reviews and other interesting videos just put out a rant on the subject.

Lot of swearing, but it highlights how much of a problem it's becoming for the future of youtube.
I don't get the rage about girls getting sexy on Twitch. It's not like people are forced to watch them. This is the internet. The times when we got to dictate to people how they should behave, or insist that others abide by our rules of purity are over. Just like MFC, if you don't like what you're seeing, click <Next>.
ContentID is screwing things up a lot more than just that. An Australian youtuber who does a lot of Game of Thrones reviews and other interesting videos just put out a rant on the subject.

Lot of swearing, but it highlights how much of a problem it's becoming for the future of youtube.

It's been an issue for a while, now. It's especially bad, since people who don't even own the copyright can put stuff in the ContentID system and try and monetize other people's videos... and it can take up to 90 days to fight it. During that time, the claimant, valid or not, can monetize the videos and the original video maker won't see any of it come their way, even if the claim is dropped at the 90 day mark.

Even game makers that allow streaming/videos with no restrictions and allow monetization don't always have control over what gets claimed. The music in a game, even if original and non-licensed, can be claimed by the people who control the distribution of the music rights, which leads to fighting with them, because they only control the distribution rights to the in game music, but not the actual music itself. And it's not always easy to get the game maker to step in.

People get claims on game videos from companies they have never heard of, but they end up having the distribution rights to the music.

ContentID is crap, and it is easily abused, since it is automated; and it automatically assumes the entity claiming copyright is correct, no matter what.

Oh, and they are stopping streams and region blocking them based on ContentID:IMG_20150827_213456.jpg
I don't get the rage about girls getting sexy on Twitch. It's not like people are forced to watch them. This is the internet.

It's just the normal problem of envy - some people see women being successful in Twitch , compare them to their favorite streamer (or themselves) who aren't getting as many viewers and immediately go for the 'simplest' explanation ("she is using her looks!") instead of comparing the entertainment value provided by both.

With that said, it is true that some broadcasters went for the easy route of using their looks to attract viewers, but as usual the rage is targeted only at women (for example, I have yet to see anyone complain about Ducksauce wearing tight shirts or frequently showing off his abs - just watch him for a day and you will see him talking about his physique a few dozen times) and the claims that this is the majority of female broadcasters is also exaggerated.
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Are you also in the mindset that cam girls shouldn't use any of their tips for something other than improving their shows? Tangential, I know, but I'm getting the feeling that you're bitter about Twitch and anyone who broadcasts themselves on the Internet, in general.

Not if you're milking it for revenue off a platform that It was not designated for.

I'm not bitter, I am aggravated that these girls who either obviously couldn't make it on adult webcamsites or are too stuck up to do it whatsoever are only use their looks, dress in skimpy clothes, ask donations for sexual teasing and most importantly, DO NOT play video games on a video streaming site that was specifically made for streaming video game based content. And worst part is that Twitch does nothing about it.

Now I'm guessing you're rebuttal question will be something like, "So are you saying that you're opposed to camgirls who use their looks, wear skimpy clothes and ask tips for teasing/sexual favors on MFC/Chaturbate/Streamate etc.?" No, because that's what those sites were designed for, Twitch however, was not.
I'm not bitter, I am aggravated that these girls who either obviously couldn't make it on adult webcamsites or are too stuck up to do it whatsoever are only use their looks, dress in skimpy clothes, ask donations for sexual teasing and most importantly, DO NOT play video games on a video streaming site that was specifically made for streaming video game based content.
Yeah, girls who don't use the site for gaming are pretty lame. I don't disagree. I just, I guess, don't feel that it's as abundant as you and @UncleThursday seem to make it out to be, unless you go looking for it. That's all I was saying. I know it's out there.
Now I'm guessing you're rebuttal question will be something like, "So are you saying that you're opposed to camgirls who use their looks, wear skimpy clothes and ask tips for teasing/sexual favors on MFC/Chaturbate/Streamate etc.?" No, because that's what those sites were designed for, Twitch however, was not.
No, I was mostly commenting on it because of this:
3. Using manycam to watermark their donation goal and/or highest donator on the video stream (gee, I wonder where they go the idea for that)
because it isn't just the non-gaming girly Twitchers that do it. It's a site-wide thing among streamers who do this as more than just a tiny hobby. Streamers setup their OBS or whatever software they choose to include follower shoutouts, donation goals and subscribers. Sure there are some streams that are purely just the game on the screen, but I personally don't choose to watch those streams because I enjoy seeing the human behind the controller. And those follower goals and shout outs on screen have encouraged me to interact with and follow, so it works.
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I don't get the rage about girls getting sexy on Twitch. It's not like people are forced to watch them. This is the internet. The times when we got to dictate to people how they should behave, or insist that others abide by our rules of purity are over. Just like MFC, if you don't like what you're seeing, click <Next>.
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