AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Uploading GIFs/Images to Camsoda chat.

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May 3, 2017
Hi, I'm a viewer and moderator of some girls and while on Chaturbate I'm able to upload a variety of GIFs/Images custom made to "my models" in Camsoda I'm not finding how to do it if there's a way at all to do it.

So, anybody more used to the site can gimme some information about it?

Thanks in advance.;)
You can't tell what you are really asking. Which is why no one has answered you.
Try to be direct and clear.
Well, how is not clear? I want to know how to upload GIFs to that site to use in the chat.

Thanks for the reply.
Surely you can email the site itself
1) You might be able to post images into chat which display directly in chat but you'd have to host them yourself somewhere.

2) I am completely unfamiliar with CamSoda beyond having glanced at it when they were new-ish, but I just watched the most popular room for 5 minutes and I didn't see a single person use an emote in the chat. They may simply not be a thing on the site?

3) I'd just contact support as @nzhere suggested. I think you would have gotten an answer faster than you did asking around here. :)
I don't think you can, unless Vip/ExtremeVip can do it (but just guessing, no idea if they can or not).
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Hi, I'm a viewer and moderator of some girls and while on Chaturbate I'm able to upload a variety of GIFs/Images custom made to "my models" in Camsoda I'm not finding how to do it if there's a way at all to do it.

So, anybody more used to the site can gimme some information about it?

Thanks in advance.;)
Hey About the gifs in chat is that the same thing when I see a model and she has like auto replay and a cute little gifs shows thanking the topper automatically. How is that done. Do you somehow upload your own gif with the app or bot running?
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