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"WebcamTutorials" and Kool Ray. Helpful? No. Comical.

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New Video.

Remember the words of the samurai: When you can, turn and face the cam.
6 minutes of my life I will never get back... I will never waste my time watching another one of these terribly over edited, obnoxious, arrogant videos... Seriously 6 min to tell us to face the cam? Wow how long did it take you to come up with that? more than 6 minutes? You should stop wasting your time giving cam models advice and go take a class on video editing...
He's lost the plot :-D
Has he really just spent sixteen hours (s'what it takes him to make 'em apparently :?) remaking something that was met with utter contempt the first time he posted it, instead of just reposting the original? Or has he ran out of advice already and is now faced with the choice of not making any more videos or rehashing old videos with updated graphics and fresh jokes? Or is this like, a directors cut, with previously cut material being reinstated and new special effects being added?
He's the George Lucas of camming advice videos :(
Wow, he really talks down to models in this one worse than the first version. It's like he doesn't think any model is smart enough to know to look at the webcam and not that screen, well any that aren't his favourite. Maybe mfc should get news people in to teach models, afterall kool_ray is the expert and loves comparing the jobs, as they are basically the same. So remember, when it's time to log off, you have to do the newsreader paper shuffle while the lights go dark...damn, i might have just stole vid #8 from him.

I'm wondering how long it's going to take for him to follow every model on twitter. Surely he can't have 180+ favourites? Especially with his pickiness.
As a viewer, I would be so annoyed to see a model turning to read a line in her chat and then turning back to respond over and over again throughout the night.
Is having the cam off to the side even remotely common even? My cam placement is in a position where it appears I'm looking at the cam even though I'm looking at my self. I move it around quite a bit but that's how it is generally. I was under the impression this is how most girls have it.

I would hate to think a new girl would watch that video and think that placing the cam to her side is standard.
AllisonWilder said:
As a viewer, I would be so annoyed to see a model turning to read a line in her chat and then turning back to respond over and over again throughout the night.
yeah I really don't give a fk where a model is looking personally :lol:
"Hi, Im KoolRay and my tips on how to get money from members are so shit, that they dont even work on me!

I just feel so bad for the newbies following any of his advice :?
I think even a really naive newbie would know that this guy is a know-it-all jackass and to not listen to his garbage.
Pretty sure all that turning my head this way and that is going to give me whiplash. And my brain sloshing around from side to side repeatedly is sure to give me brain damage. Not to mention the fact that I'm gonna lose my place in reading the chat if I have to keep looking away from it.

Thanks for the tips, Ray! You're so kool.
A typical set up for a webcam model?
Really hommie? Yes you are totally right, As a webcam model, while camming it looks just like it goes on the website. We don't have any features at all.
So many girls girls have screen caps of what it looks like from OUR perspective of camming...both using the software and the browser. And yet, you still don't have a clue.

I am so glad he used his thanksgiving weekend making this video. Good use of your time.

I rather him sit and play with his samurai teddies and make videos 6min videos for hours on end----then out in the streets with regular people.
curvyredhead said:
A typical set up for a webcam model?
Really hommie? Yes you are totally right, As a webcam model, while camming it looks just like it goes on the website. We don't have any features at all.
So many girls girls have screen caps of what it looks like from OUR perspective of camming...both using the software and the browser. And yet, you still don't have a clue.

I am so glad he used his thanksgiving weekend making this video. Good use of your time.

I rather him sit and play with his samurai teddies and make videos 6min videos for hours on end----then out in the streets with regular people.

You are right about the fact that he doesn't seem to know what it actually looks like from our perspective of camming. Yet another reason why it just doesn't make sense for him to act like an expert. I get that these are his opinions of things but damn, this is definitely why I mute basics.
TheFluffsta said:
:lol: The waving of the webcam mid screen made me lol. Cos that's the only place it could go so you're facing the screen and the lens right? Right? :clap:

You mean you don't hold your camera directly in front of the screen? :woops:
More imporantly. Kool Ray did not make eye contact with me at all in this video.
Finally finished the video response to Kool Ray, although I may have taken a few... artistic liberties.

Waiting for it to finish producing, then I'm going to upload it and no idea how long that will take... would have finished it sooner, but holidays and rent week and stuff. If nothing else, it really helped me learn to navigate my new video editing software since I haven't really tried it out yet. :)
BluexDakota said:
Finally finished the video response to Kool Ray, although I may have taken a few... artistic liberties.

Waiting for it to finish producing, then I'm going to upload it and no idea how long that will take... would have finished it sooner, but holidays and rent week and stuff. If nothing else, it really helped me learn to navigate my new video editing software since I haven't really tried it out yet. :)
I really, really hope he accepts video replies. If it turns out that he doesn't just upload it anyway! I need to see this! :D

I want to see him turn his head 90° every 10 seconds for 4 hours. But I guess that's what you have to do if you want the guys to relate to you. :(
- God, I had such a hard time getting through this last video. His voice is literally hurting my ears now, it's like a defense mechanism, like my brain is screaming at me to turn that terrible sound off because it associates so many bad things with it.
LilyMarie said:
I really, really hope he accepts video replies. If it turns out that he doesn't just upload it anyway! I need to see this! :D

I want to see him turn his head 90° every 10 seconds for 4 hours. But I guess that's what you have to do if you want the guys to relate to you. :(
- God, I had such a hard time getting through this last video. His voice is literally hurting my ears now, it's like a defense mechanism, like my brain is screaming at me to turn that terrible sound off because it associates so many bad things with it.

Yeah, lol, I'm not sure if he will actually accept it, but it's going up on YouTube regardless. I took a lot of liberties with it and kind of changed it to fit the mood of how his videos make me feel when watching them instead of doing a direct mocking of his style--I tried, but then my own voice started to annoy me so I changed the mood. I covered topics from videos 1 - 6 but didn't get to add the "turn when you can" bullshit but I did make sure to cover the whole eye contact thing from video one... Hopefully it isn't too "out there" for anyone :)
ughhhhh that one's so much worse than the others! How many times can I make that comment! 7! I have said it 7 times!!

I love how he also thinks he needs a little toy to repeat over and over again for several minutes to turn your head. Now I have my cam set up in a way that it's close to looking at the cam and I do a certain amount of eye contact, but essentially his advice is shit. But regardless of what his advice is, it is a VERY simple thing to explain "make eye contact with the lens" cool, done, but nono, he has to go on about it and do an example as though camgirls are so retarded that looking at the lens and then the screen is completely beyond them! Fucking retard.

BluexDakota you'd get a shout out from me anyday! ;)
Kinda feel bad for the guy. I should probably insult him or something for being so delusional but from what I've seen/read it's just kinda sad. Guy is lonely enough to be a male attention whore on Twitter, lonely and delusional enough to make multiple "tutorial" vids in which he seems to honestly think they are helpful, and still doesn't seem to "get it" even after camgirls have tried to set him straight.
I really liked this video and thought it was clever. I was smiling from start to finish.
This was well done; I'm sure it took a lot of time to create and produce.
I'm going to promote this video via my twitter.
I sure hope you make another one.
WebcamTutorials 1 hour ago

Lol at the comment on the piss take video. I don't think he quite got it. Either that or he thinks he's now "in" on the joke.
Oh god he's seen the parody video, apparently likes it and says that more should be made... also did anyone else find it ironic that in his latest video, #8, which is about privacy and security, that he not only says that he can see any model in Ontario (which is where he says he lives), but also explains how he's able to do it... BREACHING SECURITY AND PRIVACY MUCH!!! Oh yeah... but then says there's the ability to do proxies... but he doesn't want to explain how to do that because he doesn't want to divulge to others how to do it for model privacy and security reasons... this hurts... this hurts so much! :woops:
Oh dear, Ray. Oh dear. Not only does he never tip, but he also visits the rooms of girls who don't want him there for fear of him knowing them in the real world or wanting to take advantage of their close geographical proximity. Furthermore, he's just told everyone how to get around the location block and he's admitted he knows how to find out a model's home address (but stopped just short of admitting he's taken the time to actually do it) :?
I just watched his latest video. Up until now he's merely been a freeloader, moron and attention whore but not he's being a sociopath, too. I don't care how many people already know about the proxy thing. It's still super inappropriate to talk about it in a video that can be watched by anyone. Telling people indirectly how to get around a location block, that's where it stops being amusing -.-
At least he didn't say how he's (supposedly) able to find out the streets of the models! If he'd said that in the video, I would have dropped dead.
BY THE WAY what was wrong with that LAUGH at 5:40....
LilyMarie said:
I just watched his latest video. Up until now he's merely been a freeloader, moron and attention whore but not he's being a sociopath, too. I don't care how many people already know about the proxy thing. It's still super inappropriate to talk about it in a video that can be watched by anyone. Telling people indirectly how to get around a location block, that's where it stops being amusing -.-
At least he didn't say how he's (supposedly) able to find out the streets of the models! If he'd said that in the video, I would have dropped dead.
BY THE WAY what was wrong with that LAUGH at 5:40....

He's anti-helping and doesn't even realize it! I get the feeling that he's going to take down the latest video, but then redo it like with what he did with his first one! He's not going to learn his lesson, nope, I expect to see more bullshit!
LilyMarie said:
I just watched his latest video. Up until now he's merely been a freeloader, moron and attention whore but not he's being a sociopath, too. I don't care how many people already know about the proxy thing. It's still super inappropriate to talk about it in a video that can be watched by anyone. Telling people indirectly how to get around a location block, that's where it stops being amusing -.-
At least he didn't say how he's (supposedly) able to find out the streets of the models! If he'd said that in the video, I would have dropped dead.
BY THE WAY what was wrong with that LAUGH at 5:40....

I agree. I said a few pages back that his advice wasn't harmful at least. He's kinda tip-toeing over that threshold now from ill-advised but harmless to potentially dangerous. All it's gonna take is one stalkery-type to see that video and use the information within to - at the very least - start cyber stalking models in his location. Or one dood to pose as a model and ask him how he finds their addresses...
Creepy. Hey girls in Ontario block Germany lol.

NataliaGrey who I think posts here got a shoutout this time :-D
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