AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

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AmberCutie said:
I pretty frequently say that the countdown for naked must me made to see boobies. I don't offer flashes often, if ever. Was it just the comment using the word "work"? I took the comment to mean she wanted everyone to chip in for the goal to see boobs. Which to me isn't out of the ordinary at all.

Yeah. That sounded just teasy/jokey to me. I normally say something similar if someone asks for flashes. Only way my boobies are seen is topless dances. And I don't think she was expecting guys to just tip her for being there. She was expecting to tip them for the countdown if there was something they wanted to see.
AmberCutie said:
I pretty frequently say that the countdown for naked must me made to see boobies. I don't offer flashes often, if ever. Was it just the comment using the word "work"? I took the comment to mean she wanted everyone to chip in for the goal to see boobs. Which to me isn't out of the ordinary at all.

The work comment and the tone of it when she said it. It had an attitude of 'you should all just be happy I'm on cam so tip motherfuckers' in her voice. You know, the 'I'm hot shit and I know it' tone some people get.

I don't mind the no flashes until countdown is reached style, if it's how the model does things... provided it doesn't come off as condescending or have a feeling of entitlement about it just because she's hot and on cam. Like I said, it's the model's job to entice tips from members. How she does the enticing is irrelevant... except when it's a snarky, bitchy attitude that makes it seem like she feels that people are just supposed to tip her for being alive.

For some, it's flashes. For others maybe it's names on a board or wall or prizes to be won between the start of the countdown and the end. For you it might be the satisfaction of watching cooties die on the cooties web page you and Jawbs set up. For others it might be in how they tease. But, it's all about enticing tips in a way that people hopefully enjoy.

But the entitled feeling of just because she's online people should tip her and that they have to work for anything she might do, that's annoying. I remember Eevie said in a post, once, how just because a girl is hot and on cam isn't enough of a reason to be tipped or whatever the site in question does. And she's right. Camming is a job. A model can't just show up and expect the tips to rain down on her just because she showed up. I can't just show up at my job and sit in the break room all day on my phone and expect to get paid; and models shouldn't think they can show up and get paid just for showing up. Like the models mentioned in this thread that sit there texting the whole time and look up now and then and are like 'don't forget to tip.' It doesn't work that way.
UncleThursday said:
How she does the enticing is irrelevant... except when it's a snarky, bitchy attitude that makes it seem like she feels that people are just supposed to tip her for being alive.

She wouldn't be the first model to adopt that attitude nor the first woman (or man) to think that merely being pretty is reason enough to never have to have a personality or skill at anything. It's easy to see why women (and men) think that way given how our society celebrates being a shallow, superficial, pretty face.
RainyDayGuy said:
UncleThursday said:
How she does the enticing is irrelevant... except when it's a snarky, bitchy attitude that makes it seem like she feels that people are just supposed to tip her for being alive.

She wouldn't be the first model to adopt that attitude nor the first woman (or man) to think that merely being pretty is reason enough to never have to have a personality or skill at anything. It's easy to see why women (and men) think that way given how our society celebrates being a shallow, superficial, pretty face.

I am absolutely not defending her AT ALL, but I will say that for some models this attitude is actually a part of their persona and for many models it works out wonderfully for them. It is part of their brand and some men are very attracted to it. "Bratty Entitled Princess" is totally a camgirl archetype and I'm not even saying it's an act, though it might be or she might be playing it up as a camgirl persona. I would say though that since you were the one actually watching her, you probably have a much better feel for if this is what she was doing! I feel like the models who do that as their "thing" are usually fairly obvious. I don't even mean this as a bad thing though, because if you choose a brand like that I feel it is probably important to make it obvious so that those looking for that can find you easily.

Either way, I think it's fair to say that this was pretty annoying for you and she's probably not someone you'll visit again. It's not an attitude I enjoy when I watch models but I understand why some do it.
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:
UncleThursday said:
AmberCutie said:
I pretty frequently say that the countdown for naked must me made to see boobies. I don't offer flashes often, if ever. Was it just the comment using the word "work"? I took the comment to mean she wanted everyone to chip in for the goal to see boobs. Which to me isn't out of the ordinary at all.

The work comment and the tone of it when she said it. It had an attitude of 'you should all just be happy I'm on cam so tip motherfuckers' in her voice. You know, the 'I'm hot shit and I know it' tone some people get.

I don't mind the no flashes until countdown is reached style, if it's how the model does things... provided it doesn't come off as condescending or have a feeling of entitlement about it just because she's hot and on cam. Like I said, it's the model's job to entice tips from members. How she does the enticing is irrelevant... except when it's a snarky, bitchy attitude that makes it seem like she feels that people are just supposed to tip her for being alive.

For some, it's flashes. For others maybe it's names on a board or wall or prizes to be won between the start of the countdown and the end. For you it might be the satisfaction of watching cooties die on the cooties web page you and Jawbs set up. For others it might be in how they tease. But, it's all about enticing tips in a way that people hopefully enjoy.

But the entitled feeling of just because she's online people should tip her and that they have to work for anything she might do, that's annoying. I remember Eevie said in a post, once, how just because a girl is hot and on cam isn't enough of a reason to be tipped or whatever the site in question does. And she's right. Camming is a job. A model can't just show up and expect the tips to rain down on her just because she showed up. I can't just show up at my job and sit in the break room all day on my phone and expect to get paid; and models shouldn't think they can show up and get paid just for showing up. Like the models mentioned in this thread that sit there texting the whole time and look up now and then and are like 'don't forget to tip.' It doesn't work that way.

If you read between the lines here of what you are saying, you are basically saying the show as a reward is not enough and a model is expected to put on a show in order to reach a show...
We may all like to throw in little incentives but it should not be a damn requirement, that members then get all pissy in their pants about if a model doesn't do it.

Asking for a flash of boobs, unless the model is advertising it, while a countdown for boobs is running is like asking for a Skype because you don't want to pay full token price of private. It screams cheap bastard to me, and she may have taken it exactly that way, insulting.

I wasn't there, and nobody but someone who was actually there will really be able to understand your gripe here sense tone played such a huge part...
If that model is there on cam, conversing with people and being interesting enough for you to still be watching... she IS doing her job entertaining you. Being a cam girl, especially on MFC, is more entertainment driven than nudity driven and YOU of all people should know that.
NoelleBright said:
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:

Yes, I'm sure calling black people and black vernacular "ghetto" has nothing at all to do with race.
missrosexox said:
NoelleBright said:
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:

Yes, I'm sure calling black people and black vernacular "ghetto" has nothing at all to do with race.

I rarely, if ever, have heard someone describe a black person as 'ghetto.' I've just heard it as an adjective to describe something that's shitty or trashy or falling apart. Even then it always seems like it's being used somewhat endearingly.
missrosexox said:
NoelleBright said:
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:

Yes, I'm sure calling black people and black vernacular "ghetto" has nothing at all to do with race.

Those are very specific in reference to an actual person or a persons actions, I don't think anyone gathered that from your first post.
I use the word "ghetto" all the time to describe things that are less than livable... I fail to see at all how that is racist when I'm talking about a house?
missrosexox said:
NoelleBright said:
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:

Yes, I'm sure calling black people and black vernacular "ghetto" has nothing at all to do with race.
Well, maybe they have a sense of history and mean "place to keep people you hate pending future murder"? Give a sister the benefit of the doubt, will you?
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I was called ghetto just 2 days ago by a model. I'm a white man. We were talking about Kool-Aid and she asked what my favorite flavor was and I said "Red". :lol: She said "I know you are ghetto because you said Red and not Cherry". Sometimes a word is just a word.
missrosexox said:
NoelleBright said:
missrosexox said:
White cam models using the word "ghetto." Because really it's just a less direct, politely coded way of throwing around the N-word.

I respectfully disagree, even though I don't use the term myself.
The way that people (generally) currently use that term has nothing to do with race and even if it did, if you look at the history of the word it actually originated to describe a neighborhood that Jewish people were restricted to sooooo it essentially originated with white people. :confusion-shrug:

Yes, I'm sure calling black people and black vernacular "ghetto" has nothing at all to do with race.

In that specific situation, ie saying "all black people are ghetto" IS racist. That is one situation. Its in the way you use it, the word cracker is even racist if you put it in the wrong context.
In general you are WAY off base, though.
When the average person uses it, that is not how they're using it.

IMHO, saying that the word ghetto is synonymous with the n word is far more offensive than people who use the term ghetto in conversation.

Where I'm from, people would use the term ghetto to describe this:

I would like to know how using the word in that sense is "throwing around the n word".
I think it may be more racist to assume that someone is using the word ghetto to refer to a black person.

I use it all the time for a whole assortment of things and never once does it have any reference to the n word.

As was said above: sometimes a word is just a word.
Hmm....*points to the past few posts* I got nothin.

Most words have no meaning unless they're used in a certain context. I'm guessing that's what Rose was getting at? Perhaps a model used it in the wrong context.

Back on topic: Have her TV blasting in the background and get all pissy at the members, blaming them for their lack of attention/tips. Maybe if you weren't so concerned with George Lopez, you may get some tokens.
KristinaReapsMe said:
Back on topic: Have her TV blasting in the background and get all pissy at the members, blaming them for their lack of attention/tips. Maybe if you weren't so concerned with George Lopez, you may get some tokens.

I saw a few MFC models reblogging a Tumblr post about how they use Tumblr while camming. I was really surprised and can't imagine that being too inviting. When I'm on Tumblr, I probably look like a zoned-out zombie :lol:
I use ghetto a decent amount. Garage door is acting ghetto as fuck lately. All slow and janky sounding because of the cold. Anyone remember Ghetto Child?

Was a sweet skateboarding brand when I was a kid.
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When models yell at people in their room/bitch on the news feed for not getting tipped.
No one HAS to tip you, especially if you have a horrible attitude and sense of entitlement.
Camming is still a job, something to work at.
Not just 'sit on your bed and people throw money at you'
I've seen way too much of it recently, like yes it's been slow but most of the time these people pay when they can.

Another thing;
Pee 'squirting'
No offence to anyone that does this
But it's really annoying being asked to 'squirt buckets' when it's obvious that no girl can do that without pissing all over the place. (especially as someone that doesn't cater to the pee fetish)
Granted I don't mean an actual squirt, FEMALE EJACULATION IS ALIVE AND WELL! Hallelujah !
But it doesn't come out of the wrong hole in a thick stream with barely any stimulation.
Just bringing back the ghetto thing, again: technically you're both right. Word meanings evolve. In the 60s and 70s, the word "ghetto" DID evolve to be derogatory to black people. It was a racist term for as long as I can remember until very recently, when it's sort of been co-opted to just mean "trashy". So it is a racist term that is no longer used exclusively in a racist context. If you feel like using it, great, but be prepared for people who remember its former use to assume you're a racist, even if you didn't mean it that way.
ChooChooMinou said:
Another thing;
Pee 'squirting'
No offence to anyone that does this
But it's really annoying being asked to 'squirt buckets' when it's obvious that no girl can do that without pissing all over the place. (especially as someone that doesn't cater to the pee fetish)
Granted I don't mean an actual squirt, FEMALE EJACULATION IS ALIVE AND WELL! Hallelujah !
But it doesn't come out of the wrong hole in a thick stream with barely any stimulation.

Good god how close to the cam does that squirt have to be for you to feel confident that "this lady's squirt isn't coming out of the right hole!?" lulz

Whether the squirting of which you speak is legitimate or not, the fact that you've caught enough zoomed-in-urethra-shows to make this specific anatomical assessment startles me.

I don't watch a ton of live cams but I didn't think "zoomed-in-HD-vaginal-physiology-shots" were that epidemic in public chat *shudder*
KristinaReapsMe said:
Hmm....*points to the past few posts* I got nothin.

Most words have no meaning unless they're used in a certain context. I'm guessing that's what Rose was getting at? Perhaps a model used it in the wrong context.

Back on topic: Have her TV blasting in the background and get all pissy at the members, blaming them for their lack of attention/tips. Maybe if you weren't so concerned with George Lopez, you may get some tokens.

Wait...George Lopez is still a thing? Man, it has been so long since I have had cable :lol:

Right now I hate it when models take forever to send out fan signs. Mainly because I am so bad/forgetful at it. :geek:
AmyLemon said:
ChooChooMinou said:
Another thing;
Pee 'squirting'
No offence to anyone that does this
But it's really annoying being asked to 'squirt buckets' when it's obvious that no girl can do that without pissing all over the place. (especially as someone that doesn't cater to the pee fetish)
Granted I don't mean an actual squirt, FEMALE EJACULATION IS ALIVE AND WELL! Hallelujah !
But it doesn't come out of the wrong hole in a thick stream with barely any stimulation.

Good god how close to the cam does that squirt have to be for you to feel confident that "this lady's squirt isn't coming out of the right hole!?" lulz

Whether the squirting of which you speak is legitimate or not, the fact that you've caught enough zoomed-in-urethra-shows to make this specific anatomical assessment startles me.

I don't watch a ton of live cams but I didn't think "zoomed-in-HD-vaginal-physiology-shots" were that epidemic in public chat *shudder*

They are, oh gosh they are.
Usually these are the girls that go through a whole cumshow as just a torso xD
But that's the thing that worries me the most, if you're THAT close and you pee squirt while yelling "IMMA SQUIRT IMMA SQUIRT", like wat. D:

And this issue was brought up by a few regulars in my room, I def had to investigate because I thought they were lying...Nope. :shock:
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ChooChooMinou said:
AmyLemon said:
ChooChooMinou said:
Another thing;
Pee 'squirting'
No offence to anyone that does this
But it's really annoying being asked to 'squirt buckets' when it's obvious that no girl can do that without pissing all over the place. (especially as someone that doesn't cater to the pee fetish)
Granted I don't mean an actual squirt, FEMALE EJACULATION IS ALIVE AND WELL! Hallelujah !
But it doesn't come out of the wrong hole in a thick stream with barely any stimulation.

Good god how close to the cam does that squirt have to be for you to feel confident that "this lady's squirt isn't coming out of the right hole!?" lulz

Whether the squirting of which you speak is legitimate or not, the fact that you've caught enough zoomed-in-urethra-shows to make this specific anatomical assessment startles me.

I don't watch a ton of live cams but I didn't think "zoomed-in-HD-vaginal-physiology-shots" were that epidemic in public chat *shudder*

They are, oh gosh they are.
Usually these are the girls that go through a whole cumshow as just a torso xD
But that's the thing that worries me the most, if you're THAT close and you pee squirt while yelling "IMMA SQUIRT IMMA SQUIRT", like wat. D:

And this issue was brought up by a few regulars in my room, I def had to investigate because I thought they were lying...Nope. :shock:
:( That is the face your tone gives me. There is a level of judgement here that feels and sounds pretty icky.
JoleneBrody said:
ChooChooMinou said:
AmyLemon said:
ChooChooMinou said:
Another thing;
Pee 'squirting'
No offence to anyone that does this
But it's really annoying being asked to 'squirt buckets' when it's obvious that no girl can do that without pissing all over the place. (especially as someone that doesn't cater to the pee fetish)
Granted I don't mean an actual squirt, FEMALE EJACULATION IS ALIVE AND WELL! Hallelujah !
But it doesn't come out of the wrong hole in a thick stream with barely any stimulation.

Good god how close to the cam does that squirt have to be for you to feel confident that "this lady's squirt isn't coming out of the right hole!?" lulz

Whether the squirting of which you speak is legitimate or not, the fact that you've caught enough zoomed-in-urethra-shows to make this specific anatomical assessment startles me.

I don't watch a ton of live cams but I didn't think "zoomed-in-HD-vaginal-physiology-shots" were that epidemic in public chat *shudder*

They are, oh gosh they are.
Usually these are the girls that go through a whole cumshow as just a torso xD
But that's the thing that worries me the most, if you're THAT close and you pee squirt while yelling "IMMA SQUIRT IMMA SQUIRT", like wat. D:

And this issue was brought up by a few regulars in my room, I def had to investigate because I thought they were lying...Nope. :shock:
:( That is the face your tone gives me. There is a level of judgement here that feels and sounds pretty icky.

:thanks JJ, I tried "taking the long way 'round" but obviously failed miserably.
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JoleneBrody said:
:( That is the face your tone gives me. There is a level of judgement here that feels and sounds pretty icky.
Oh man, I'm not trying to judge anyone ever, really, that's why I started this with "I don't mean to offend".
I just feel like we should call it what it is.
And this is coming from someone that has been trying for many years to actually ejaculate, and finally just had the experience lest than 6 month ago.
I feel like it's taking something wonderful our body can do (with luck and practice) and turning it into a novelty.
And, you know, anyone that offers this service is great! There's so many fetishes out there and I think it's great there's someone for everyone's viewing pleasure.
But I think if you are in fact peeing, you should just call it peeing.
I get so many members in my room that assume I can squirt large amounts with little stimulation because many models (hell, porn stars even) do it and I don't feel comfortable peeing on cam to create the illusion.
And when I do actually get myself to squirt, I feel let down because it's not satisfying to the general 'norm' of what a squirt is.

And seriously, this is just my 2 cents, I seriously don't want anyone getting upset at my posts. There's 30 pages of posts of models and members alike posting things that they've seen on cam that annoy them, this is just one thing that annoys me.
ChooChooMinou said:
JoleneBrody said:
:( That is the face your tone gives me. There is a level of judgement here that feels and sounds pretty icky.
Oh man, I'm not trying to judge anyone ever, really, that's why I started this with "I don't mean to offend".
I just feel like we should call it what it is.
And this is coming from someone that has been trying for many years to actually ejaculate, and finally just had the experience lest than 6 month ago.
I feel like it's taking something wonderful our body can do (with luck and practice) and turning it into a novelty.
And, you know, anyone that offers this service is great! There's so many fetishes out there and I think it's great there's someone for everyone's viewing pleasure.
But I think if you are in fact peeing, you should just call it peeing.
I get so many members in my room that assume I can squirt large amounts with little stimulation because many models (hell, porn stars even) do it and I don't feel comfortable peeing on cam to create the illusion.
And when I do actually get myself to squirt, I feel let down because it's not satisfying to the general 'norm' of what a squirt is.

And seriously, this is just my 2 cents, I seriously don't want anyone getting upset at my posts. There's 30 pages of posts of models and members alike posting things that they've seen on cam that annoy them, this is just one thing that annoys me.

Some girls can pretty easy, others just can't. It's not something you can't practice, its biological (or the birth control you take)

You can't learn to squirt if you just can't, you can try holding your lubrication as much as you can and do this with a contraction after, but if you can' just can't and that's not a big deal.

EDIT: ... squirting/ this is relevant.
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Gween said:
ChooChooMinou said:
JoleneBrody said:
:( That is the face your tone gives me. There is a level of judgement here that feels and sounds pretty icky.
Oh man, I'm not trying to judge anyone ever, really, that's why I started this with "I don't mean to offend".
I just feel like we should call it what it is.
And this is coming from someone that has been trying for many years to actually ejaculate, and finally just had the experience lest than 6 month ago.
I feel like it's taking something wonderful our body can do (with luck and practice) and turning it into a novelty.
And, you know, anyone that offers this service is great! There's so many fetishes out there and I think it's great there's someone for everyone's viewing pleasure.
But I think if you are in fact peeing, you should just call it peeing.
I get so many members in my room that assume I can squirt large amounts with little stimulation because many models (hell, porn stars even) do it and I don't feel comfortable peeing on cam to create the illusion.
And when I do actually get myself to squirt, I feel let down because it's not satisfying to the general 'norm' of what a squirt is.

And seriously, this is just my 2 cents, I seriously don't want anyone getting upset at my posts. There's 30 pages of posts of models and members alike posting things that they've seen on cam that annoy them, this is just one thing that annoys me.

I squirt almost everytime i masturbate, and i never do cum shows on webcam or record videos, i even went to a doctor when i was 16 cause i got scared i had some problem down there :lol:

Some girls can pretty easy, others just can't. It's not something you can't practice, its biological (or the birth control you take)

You can't learn to squirt if you just can't, you can try holding your lubrication as much as you can and do this with a contraction after, but if you can' just can't and that's not a big deal.
And some girls are so lucky it's crazy.
Many of my ex's were, I just never could get it out.
Then I trained myself to relax my muscles and let it out instead of tensing/holding it back and BAM there she goes.
But man did it ever take me a while though.
When I worked in my towns local porn store and I'd help couples get the toys or finger placement to bring them to the wet wonderland for the first time, they'd always come back and thank me so happily.
And I would weep :violin:
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