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What is your guilty pleasure movies?

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Blues Brothers, must have seen this over 30 times.
The Commitments, if it's on TV I will cancel other things to watch it.
Love Song For Bobby Long, I have only seen this about 5 times but can see myself watching it over and over (Scarlett Johansson, mmm)
If it has Clint Eastwood in it I have to watch it. Unforgiven being my favorite with Gran Torino rising through the ranks pretty rapidly.
Raiders of the Lost Ark probably 100+ times . Probably the one movie I've watched the most. The other three Indiana Jones-movies are far behind. Can't seem to ever grow tired of watching this one.
Star Wars the original trilogy (episodes 4 and 5) 50+ times at least
Howard The Duck 30+ times (can't deny I really like it even though it bombed at the box office)
The Terminator 25+ times
Alien 25+ times
The Piano 25+ times (most of those while writing a paper about it during Cinema Studies class but I really like this movie too)
Jaws 20+ times probably (Robert Shaw!)
Amadeus 20+ times (return to this over and over for the music and the visuals)
Rear Window 20+ times (Hitchcock at his best and because I'm a fan of James Stewart and Grace Kelly)
North by Northwest 20+ times (Hitchcock again, and I'm a fan of Cary Grant )
Leaving Las Vegas 20+ times
Gone with the Wind 20+ times
Broadcast News 20+ times
Dodgeball watched it around 20 times at least...Still find it hilarious...

There are some more but I don't want to make the list too long.
28 days later
Army of Darkness
Tank Girl

Believe it or not, Bridget Jones's diary is one of my favorite films of all time....I do not like the face what's her tits lemon mouth pout makes all the time when being photographed but she actually pulled the role off very well and I adored it and have since I was a teenager.
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I like all of the Fast and Furious movies but the 2nd one. On a related note, I am trying to start a movement which will burn all traces of the 2nd movie and will, instead, inject the 4th movie into the 2nd movie's place. Now let's see if Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson can kill the franchise completely for me with "Fast Five."

ok so i have the most cliche kinda movie i wached over 20 times.. titanic! i love it.. its my number 1 movie of all times! haha lame!
i also saw hollow man like 10 times..
deep blue sea 6 times..
de-ja-vu for 4 times..
and there is an animation movie called the big friendly giant (litterly translated from the dutch name) and i saw that over 20 times.. as a kid.. and i still watch it now and then..
then there is meet joe black.. i saw that one for 11 times.. (was on tv last week)
lassie.. over 10 times...
blackbeauty over 10 times...
i lost the dvd (grr) but i saw unleased atleast 5 times.. oow what a great movie..
i saw the butterfly effect atleast 10 times..
i'm a big movie freak.. so i'm sure there are loads of movies i saw 5+ times but didnt just pop in my mind...

damn reading this back makes me think i have waaay too much time on my hands..
Forest Gump 20+ times

& Gone With the Wind 10+ times

I dig the old westerns with Clint Eastwood and most of the ones with Robert Duvall (Lonesome Dove and Open Range) or Kevin Cosnter westerns as well as Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson and Butch Cassidy. Mostly outdoorsmen type movies. Oh ya, and Mountain Men comes to mind too. They're all timeless classics AFAIC.
*watched 50+ times as a kid - teen* :lol:



^ I want to bone all of them... ESPECIALLY Fairuza Balk. Fuck, I had a crush on all of those girls at a very young age & it definitely confused me.
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Just_mark__ said:
The Devil wears Prada - I'm clearly a proper closet case
I totally love that movie.
I used to be a program director, so I have seen MANY movies over and over. But I guess the movies I really enjoy to watch numerous times are:

1. Dazed and Confused
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Hudson Hawk
4. Clerks
5. Southland Tales
I wont actually watch these on purpose but if they are playing on tv Im compelled to watch. Not in any particular order:

1) Death of Cheerleader (Tori Spellings Lifetime Movie, yep, Im embarrassed)
2) Never Ending Story
3) Any Disney Movie
Aliens. I got my hands on a vcr of the director's cut and wore a bad spot into playing it so much.

And my favorite movie of all time The Crimson Pirate. Pirates, comedy, damsels in distress, a very early Christopher Lee (yes, Saruman from Lord of the Rings), and acrobatics from Burt Lancaster and his circus and vaudeville days partner Nick Cravat. Great movie.


If you haven't danced your anger out in a flour mill, pounding your fists (but not too hard) on the trunk lid of your Volkswagen bug... then you've never truly been angry.
SirLes said:
Blues Brothers, must have seen this over 30 times.
The Commitments, if it's on TV I will cancel other things to watch it.
Love Song For Bobby Long, I have only seen this about 5 times but can see myself watching it over and over (Scarlett Johansson, mmm)
If it has Clint Eastwood in it I have to watch it. Unforgiven being my favorite with Gran Torino rising through the ranks pretty rapidly.

The Commitments and Blues Brothers are two of my favorites!
Also, all the Back to the Future movies :)

And I watch Practical Magic wayyy too often.
Real Steel--- can't not love Atom
Fright Night (1985 version)
I, Robot--- again, cute robot gets my vote
Melena--- Monica Bellucci at her finest(imo), even though I don't understand a darn thing without subtitles
Napoleon Dynamite
Shaun of the dead
Dead Alive
Jurassic Park
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Exorcist
I've seen all of these easily over 50+ times:

-The original star wars (episode 4-6)
-Fight Club
-phantom of the opera (version with emmy rossum and gerard butler)
- clerk 1 and 2
-jay and silent bob strike back
-finding nemo
-little mermaid (obsessed as a child)
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Flash Gordon, Ladyhawke, Beastmaster, Waxworks: 2 lost in time, gremlins 2 , Golgo 13 Queen Bee and fast times at ridgemont high just name a few. Guilty pleasure movies to me are movies you know are bad but love anyway. :D
That's a valid question. I would never feel guilty about loving The Princess Bride or all of the Harry Potter movies as much as I do, but I think that maybe something like Sorority House Massacre 2 or anything from Troma might count.
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