AmberCutie's Forum
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Every account I make is fine but when I try to upgrade to supporter it declines or goes through then same day account gets banned.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Apr 2, 2024
Support keeps referring to ticket #22368057 and I have told them multiple times, I am safe to use the site and it is should be my decision, @punker barbie I have been part of CB since I was 18 I am now 28, I don't feel how I am treated is right at all, I have people that count on me to moderate for them, I need to escalate this and if so speak with a manager if there is an email, I can make an account use the site but if I try upgrade to supporter it bans me.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 233752.png
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You were permanently banned from the site because of what is basically a gambling addiction.
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I understand maybe at the start they have done it to protect me, it was an impulsive email I sen them, I play poker for a living, so I don't see why I don't decide if the ban is lifted or not since I requested it
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Hello @mikethekopite I have confirmed that the support team has responded to your inquiry. Ticket #23305350
I have been a loyal viewer and a model on, since 2013. I made an email last year whilst I was going through my divorce that I was unable to control myself mentally in life and I asked for Chaturbate to ban me, since my divorce, I am a lot better, and I am trying to use the site. They allow me to create an account but when I try to upgrade to supporter it keeps declining no matter what card I use, also I have been able to buy tokens but then a few days later I get banned. I have done nothing wrong with the ban I asked for whilst I was getting my life back together, I have emailed and they say the same email and don't help me at all, can this be escalated or if I am on a blacklist my IP or details can it be removed so I can enjoy the site, I have many friends on it.
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I asked for Chaturbate to ban me
You got exactly what you wanted.
You made clear to CB that you are a potential liability.
it was an impulsive email I sen them
You told them in an email you have no impulse control and you are also saying that you could not control your impulse to send that email.
This is a clear example of "be careful what you wish for..."

CB's first priority as a business is protecting their business, not your "fun with friends"
Time to accept the consequences. You can't ask to be banned and then get upset now that you are banned
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CB's first priority as a business is protecting their business, not your "fun with friends"
Time to accept the consequences. You can't ask to be banned and then get upset now that you are banned


OP, the email requesting to be banned presents you as a higher than average chargeback risk, and could also open the site to legal liability if they let you back and then you sued them down the road

I'm not saying you'd do either, but the point is chaturbate doesn't know that. nor do they know that you're in a better headspace now

also, someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe chaturbate doesn't cover chargebacks? therefore putting performers at risk of having earnings clawed back if they let you back and you had another change of heart down the road. I'm not saying you'd do that either, but again, chaturbate doesn't know that

it would be unethical and irresponsible to let you back, IMO. not tryna be harsh, just looking at this from the perspective of what's best for everyone involved, including you
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I hear both of the messages and respect it. I will say this though, I have no issue using chaturbate and buying tokens, they don't ban me, but if I try to upgrade to supporter just declines all the time, as for chargebacks, I never requested charges backs and also for liability I offered to sign an affidavit. They are just being stubborn now at this point
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If you can use the site and buy tokens then the solution is easy; stop trying to upgrade to supporter!. Offering to sign an affidavit is meaningless from CB's point of view. They are not going to piddle about with contracts with individual users. What is CB supposed to do if you renege and violate whatever terms are set out in the affidavit? Take you to court over a few hundred dollars?

Just stay under their radar before they start banning whatever account(s) you are using to buy token, and use the $20/month, or whatever a support subscription costs ,to buy more tokens. I am sure the models would appreciate the tokens more than having a "supporter" in their chat rooms.
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