AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

If I had a diary, it might read something like this:

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Mar 30, 2011

Dear Diary,

what was supposed to be a relaxing evening has turned to a rather stressful one, and yes, that really wasn't what I wanted. Not only did I have to be on the receiving end of guilt trips, but I really had no feasible avenue to release my feelings until now when I get to write in you. I wish I didn't have to bottle up some of my feelings for the sake of appearing civilized. The worst part about it was that the guilt trip didn't even need to be directed to me, anyway, as it was the least applicable, and yet, it still happened.

The weather was surprisingly pleasant today, but while it's not really suited for T-shirts and shorts, a few people decided to go for it, anyway. Good for them. Myself, I'm kind of stuck with business casual, so yeah...

I wonder what the proper term for Amber's dress code is. I suppose if I weren't as tired as I am, I could go and ask her if she's on cam, but like the last few nights, I need to get to sleep early.

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Mar 31, 2011

Dear Diary,

with the snow melting, not only are we seeing more of the grass, but we're also seeing more of the litter that has piled up over the winter months. It's kind of distressing to see the litter, but at least we're also seeing some outdoor plant life that aren't dead trees or evergreens. Still, I wonder what would happen if the restaurants put on their cups the phrase "Put litter in its proper place" in really, really large font and have everything else in really small font. Better yet, have an instant self destruct sequence once the cup is considered empty. How we can do this without having a bunch of fried hands is another story. I'd still like to see people at least try to put litter in its place without having to even be told.

Ah, it's the end of March. I am curious to see the average temperature statistics for this month. More importantly, though, it's the time where Amber is going to attempt to rise higher than her #19 spot. Maybe I'll stop in for a quick bit and see how the camsite is handling the traffic.

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Apr 1, 2011

Dear Diary,

the obvious thing to tell you about today is that it's April 1st, and no one really played any pranks at work today. I suppose that could be a good thing. Some people tend to be a little over-the-top with their pranks at previous places I've worked, and some people did get offended in some manner. Maybe it's an unwritten rule at this office to be nice to people or something.

I wonder what the variance of pranks that could be played is. They'd have to stay within reasonable confines, of course. By definition, I would imagine that hiding a pen under a sheet of paper could be considered a prank, but would pretending to rob a friend at the ATM be pushing it too far?

So anyway, while I was work, I was really doing a lot of thinking. If there was a thought monster which was tired of munching on genius' musings, then the monster could have had a change of meals and still be mostly satiated. Imagery aside, I was really pondering my situation as it stands. For instance, how much exercise will it take to lose two more pounds.

I'm going to assume that Amber's taking a well deserved break tonight, as she did say that she needed a few days to let her mind be a bit more free. Either that, or my email notifications have somehow not worked today. Still, with the way March has paper-graffiti'd her physical wall, I'd say she should get the rest. Like myself.

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Apr 4, 2011

Dear Diary,

I was feeling a little ill, but I decided to go to work anyway as a show of work ethic. As a result, when I came home, I felt worse than before. I guess I just need to have some more sleep.

Meanwhile, I took a look at Amber's recent blog post and it seems very positive. I don't recall reading much about April, but then again, I'm not exactly entirely focused.

Wow, I can't even write a good entry today. It's coherent but not very long. Sorry, Diary. Might be Z time. Maybe I can catch Amber another day, but it doesn't seem like it will be today.

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Apr 7, 2011

Dear Diary,

feeling a lot better, thank you.

So, today I noticed a spelling mistake on one of the bus ads. I'm sure it was a common oversight as most people tend to get them confused, but I still think a company of that size would have at least a few proofreaders. I don't know why it caught my eye, though. I hope I'm not that critical of Amber during my visits with her. Can you imagine if I pointed out weird flaws everytime I saw something like a jiggle that was done about 3 millimetres differently than the rest of the jiggles done in that sequence? I don't think I'd be popular for the right reasons.

My observant self also noticed the following things on the way to work:

7 advertisements of the same thing
6 restaurants
5 jaywalkers on the same street
4 sets of newspaper dispensers or whatever they're called
3 analog clocks on buildings
2 parking officers,
and a blackbird on a lamp post.

I almost should make a song for that. It's not really the season, though.

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Apr 8, 2011

Dear Diary,

as I was walking toward the subway platform today, it was hard not to notice that some person was yelling obscenities in my direction. I wondered what I had done to anger this person, but apparently he had a beef with the person behind me. It was difficult for me to get away without attracting attention to myself but I guess if he wasn't focused on me, it wouldn't really matter if I made a mad dash out of the way. Still, to keep a low profile, I had to practice my ninja sneak technique, which is really just sneezing and walking away in a direction rather slowly.

Later on, I had to make a decision between honesty and compassion. It's tough, but sometimes when you hear kids scheming about stuff, you don't really want to intervene (especially if they outnumber you), but if I had to be honest, those kids would have been in trouble. As for leaving them to their own devices, I wonder if was really compassion or just general laziness to do anything. In too many movies, I've seen people intervene with kids and people think that the adult is the harasser.

I think I finally have a night where I am able to see Amber on cam for the first time in a while. Let's just hope she's still on, though. And... let's just hope that my Internet connection works well enough.

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Apr 9, 2011

Dear Diary,

I wonder if it's really a set rule to spend three months' salary on an engagement ring. Not that really has anything to do with my near future, but I did hear someone talking about it. I suppose I could be mean and purposefully find a really low paying job for the three months before I purchase the ring, but that also means that my resume would look a little odd. How does that work if you are a CEO and your salary is pretty much non-existent, since over 99.99% your annual income comes from your company's shares?

I noticed that it's the first Saturday this month where I've written in you. Seeing as how I might be busy in future Saturdays, maybe I should take the time to write in those spaces, and just make stuff up. It's not like anyone's reading you but me. Maybe I should just write my credit card info somewhere for quick access in case I feel the urge to tip Amber.

The weekend is half over, and I'm still contemplating what I want to do this weekend. I probably should have kept my WoW account, so that I might have something epic to play. I'm still a little miffed about how they won't allow camelcaps or spaces for character names, though.

I'm getting sleepy, though. I hope that when I close my eyes tonight, I can see something awesome, like Amber, or the outer reaches of the Milky Way. Pretty comparable.

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Apr 10, 2011

Dear Diary,

it really seems strange that I still think it's early April. I mean, we're in the double digits of days, and yet, the time I've spent with Amber on cam is less than an hour this month so far. I must make up for lost time somehow. Well, maybe not "must", but more along the lines of "should". I ought to do something to show the newer chatters on the site why I've got Amber's name as a prefix to mine, but without doing it in a way that would give me the title of "Attention Grabber" or something similar.

I found a coupon in my drawer today for something I rarely purchase. Should I use the coupon for its intended purpose? It seems to be a large enough opportunity cost if I don't, but by the same token, I get to save money by not purchasing this item which I'm probably not going to use. I suppose I could give the coupon to someone who might want to use it, but the expiration date is in two days. Guess I should drop this off tomorrow, and hope they didn't have any other plans for the evening.

What else did I do today? Not much, and I'm happy for that.

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Apr 11, 2011

Dear Diary,

for a moment today, I thought it was March. I guess if the weather is going to be weird, my mind makes weird correlations. I'm usually a good keeper of time, so I guess this is why it's "usually", and not "always". I could say that I usually make about $700.00 per hour, but not always.

I love how some people are extremely spiteful. At some point today, I happened to see a very huge sign within a portion of a parking lot that said something to the effect of "Parking within this area is strictly forbidden!" and yet, in the huge empty parking lot, people are still parking where they shouldn't be. Maybe I don't know the whole story, but the sign didn't say "Employees only", so yeah. Then again, it might be spiteful if Amber put up a huge sign that said "People with vowels in their user name cannot tip me!" and everyone tips her something.

Indeed, I have nothing else to recall regarding the past 24 hours.

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Apr 12, 2011

Dear Diary,

watching the political debate on TV kind of makes me glad I'm not a politician. If I had to defend myself from spending money on things that aren't considered practical, I wouldn't have any fun in my life at all. Of course, they're talking about taxpayer money and not their own salary, but still, I don't want people to scrutinize and say that I spent too much on facial tissue, for instance.

I'm still thinking if I should do my democratic duty again this year. I mean, as a citizen, I should really put in my vote. I just wish it were more of a "if you feel really strongly about this candidate, vote, otherwise, just stay home" type of deal. That's subjective, though. Maybe next time I'll just put my votes for candidates that have the letters "A", "B", "E", "M", and "R" in them, just for kicks.

I noticed during the lunch hour that the dollar is falling to its US counterpart. As a consumer, I really wonder if I should have spent my money on US products while it was still good. Then again, unless I were buying a mansion in Hollywood, I doubt the difference would have been largely significant.

Not much I really want to dwell on for today's entry, so I'll just leave it at that.

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Apr 13, 2011

Dear Diary,

it's nice to be thought of once in a while. Today, I got an email from an old friend, for no particular reason other than asking how I was doing. It's nowhere near my birthday so these random hellos are nice. It kind of put me in a good mood for a lot of the day. I guess I should do a random hello to someone on my contact list who is still there for some reason.

The newspaper horoscope has actually become quite sparse. I guess they're needing more room for advertisements, but one-sentence horoscopes just seem, well, short. At least they try to be as concise as possible and ask you to visit the website for additional info (where there will be more ads). Still, from what I could see of mine, it tells me that I should follow my heart. Well, my heart is inside me, so it's really tough to follow it. If anything, the heart goes where the rest of my body goes, so in a way, I guess I'm set. Amber's horoscope said something about being absent minded and loving it. Maybe truncated horoscopes aren't the best thing, especially if the next line is "Just kidding".

Seeing Amber with an updated avatar on the camsite makes me wonder if I should change my forum avatar. My avatar is almost 4 months old.

Maybe I'll see if I can catch Amber for the second time this month and see how she's holding up with her supposed lack of focus.

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Apr 14, 2011

Dear Diary,

apparently, I need to bring out the snow shovels YET again. Seriously, it's no wonder a lot of people think Canada is entirely snowy all year round. Oh well, I guess I can see if I can make a snowperson on my free time or something. It'll probably melt within a day, anyway.

I'm actually surprised that the traffic hasn't slowed to a crawl as it usually does during the first snowfall. In fact, it seemed like there were actually less vehicles on the road. Bizarre... it's not like it's summer vacation or reading break or anything. Maybe more people are finally taking the bus because gas prices are higher than usual. If that's the case, I'm all for high gas prices, as long as the public transit costs don't increase.

I tried to tell myself last night to "dream about Amber", but instead I got one of those boring "I'm at work doing work" dreams. I think I'll tell myself to dream about work, but knowing my luck, I'll probably get one of those boring "I'm at work doing work" dreams. Maybe if I stick around Amber's room a bit longer tonight, it'll be better.

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Apr 15, 2011

Dear Diary,

on the way home, I noticed there were some new trees growing. I was wondering why anyone would have planted trees in the middle of winter. Then, after a few minutes, I realized that it's already spring, so there were already a few weeks of that. Guess what made me think it was the middle of winter.

I really wonder about some of the signs that need to be put up. For instance, a "Stay away from the railroad tracks" sign. It makes about as much sense as putting a "Do not bungee jump from this roof" on every single building. Shouldn't people know that railroad tracks are where fast moving trains go, and a collision with a train isn't going to be pretty? Canadians aren't as litigious as people in other countries, so I really think our dollars should be used for maintenance of public goods, like roads or railroad tracks.

At one of the crosswalks today, I noticed that they have a countdown of the flashing red hand. While it's not super impressive, the thing that is strange is that heading north/south gives a 19 second warning, while going east/west gives 10. I'm trying to think of the logic here, but I can't. The lights go through their cycles at roughly the same length, so why not just give the same amount of warning? Regardless, most people try to run across the road when the lights turn amber.

Speaking of which, I wonder how she's doing. Apparently she's been having this weird feeling. Maybe I should stop by the room.

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Apr 18, 2011

Dear Diary,

today, I may have come face to face with someone who could have been me seven years in the future. Okay, so maybe that's a little farfetched, seeing as how I didn't vaporize or whatever happens when two of the same person at different time periods see each other. Although, if he were me, he'd probably have found some way to give me winning lottery numbers or good stocks to buy. So, I guess that theory's out.

I wonder if it would be feasible to place my DVD player in a totally clean room, like where they store computer servers or something. I really don't like finding out that DVD players stop working after accumulating dust. Okay, so it's like that with most things, so maybe I should just get a biohazard suit to keep my skin flakes from contaminating the air.

I received a commendation from my boss today. It's always so nice to be given these. It's probably a good thing, too, since I'm running low on unique compliments for Amber. It's not like they're tangible, but maybe I can give Amber the same kudos that I received, to help lighten her mood a bit. Is she even on? Maybe I should go and check.

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Apr 19, 2011

Dear Diary,

what is it with overzealous sales personnel? I guess the economy is still trying to get back on track, but some people don't really get the "No, I'm just looking" part as well as others. I wasn't even aware a lot of places have people that work on commission, especially the place I went to, but maybe this person used to work for an electronics shop. Still... if that was the case, why would he change fields?

They were selling some pretty gaudy-looking tops, among other things. I almost wonder if I should have bought one for special occasions such as "Gaudy-Looking Shirt Day", which, if it didn't exist, it will probably come to be in about two years, as a moderate estimate.

I thought I had seen the last of that snooty person, but apparently she's still around and making certain people's lives a bit less comfortable. Luckily I'm not an employee at the place, so she really didn't have much of a reason to talk to me.

I was only on for about four minutes in Amber's room yesterday. I really wonder how that affects anything. I probably caused someone else a bit of grief by slowing down the connection. There are some people who are just that affectionate for Amber that even the slightest interruption will cause their veins to feel agony on their right side, about two and a half inches above the kidney at about 3 or 4 degrees clockwise.

I'll stop by the room and hopefully stay a bit longer. I'll just try to hold off on any annoying quirks, just in case.

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Apr 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

I was looking over the horoscopes today and I realize that maybe sometimes, I should heed the advice of another sign instead of my own. I wonder if that would negate the purpose of the horoscope, though. It should just be a general advice column or something. Hey, everyone, stop arguing with people, get your projects done, don't spend too much money, let people know how you feel, and be careful of fairweather friends. That's basically the gist of most horoscopes, anyway.

Some guy phoned me up at work and started rambling about a whole bunch of stuff I really didn't care to know about, and about a few minutes in, the guy said that he may have phoned the wrong number. I, in my friendly manner, happened to say, "okay, talk to you later". I hope he didn't think it was sarcasm. I should stop going on auto-pilot, but it's just so much more convenient.

I found half of a five dollar bill today. It's too bad it's not considered currency anymore. I mean, think of all the things I could buy with $2.50. Most practically, I'd buy stocks in something, but for fun, I could exchange it for coins and put in my jar, which is really just sitting around doing nothing. I seriously forgot about it until I wrote this entry.

Amber's taking the day off, so maybe I should take this time to relax as well. I suppose I could just go to sleep, although relaxing may be a good prelude.

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Apr 21, 2011

Dear Diary,

I'm actually getting pretty good at predicting which of the elevators is going to be the next one available. Maybe it's just my hearing getting better. And if that's the highlight of my day, just imagine what the rest would be like.

Come to think of it... what else did happen today which is worthy of an entry? Work is work, and I don't really want to write that particular part down. Gasp... I forgot to take some ginkgo biloba. No wonder I can't really recall much. There could have been a pink elephant with a beret lining up at the bank machine and I wouldn't have remembered much about it.

As you know, diary, I'm going to be very swamped tomorrow night. Oh, and I guess the morning is pretty much out, too. The afternoon? Yeah, I suppose I have about a half hour of free time somewhere in there. If there were more hours in a day, it probably wouldn't make a difference, since humanity will just adjust itself to be productive for all those hours. That said, I'm considering going to bed early to get the energy I need for tomorrow, but I should still do a check to see if Amber's few hours of camming are up yet.

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Aug 30, 2011

Dear Diary,

sorry for neglecting you these past months. It took about three dustbusters to clear you off. Just now I was thinking about seeing the doctor about the constant sneezing but I think I know the source.

The light at the end of the tunnel should arrive on September 1, if things go according to plan. That's not too far away! Maybe then I can get back to a normal Jason-like behaviour for a few days before I have to head back into the dark.

If there was ever a day which had many indications that I shouldn't be doing certain things, today could have been that day. There were just too many coincidences pointing me in one direction, which is the direction I didn't want to be in. Maybe I'm the star of a hidden camera movie. In that case, I wonder what the rating system would be. Crud... looks like it'd have to be for adults only. Ah, society.

There were also many instances at work and the way home where it would somehow remind me of Amber. People mentioning someone named Amber, the word Amber showing up on documents, a new trailer for a game which has tree sap, and a tube of lotion which I accidentally made fall in the store.

I better go to bed. Maybe I'll dream about Amber, too.

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Aug 31, 2011 Jan 11, 2012

Dear Diary,

apparently I'm too cheap to buy myself a new diary for 2012 until they go on sale later, and no one really thought to get me a new diary for whatever reason, so I'll just use my 2011 diary until it runs out. At least I don't have to worry about the day of the week being mismatched today.

Well, I should be grateful, though, that I still have the option of buying a diary if I want a fancy new cover. I saw someone today who, at least from my initial impression, is having dreadful issues with money. Of course, it could be that the person is way more conservative with money and is actually making a six figure income and does not want to boast. That's real strength. Still, it doesn't mean that the person had to go all out and use an unsafe non-microwavable container in a microwave just to make a point. A microwave is supposed to make life easier, not incur health issues.

Okay, on to some optimistic news. The credit card company called me today and said that because of my great standing, I can have my credit limit increased. I figured that it was too tempting, and opted out. Besides, I'm not even close reaching my current limit, anyway. Now, MFC... that should be where the credit limit should be increased, at least for number of transactions.

Ooh, it looks like someone thanked me for a post on Amber's forum. That's pretty nice. I wonder which post that was, though. Speaking of Amber, she's been quite happy to see me recently. I guess my smiley is smiling so that has something to do with the mood. I suppose she's quite happy to see everyone else, including trolls, so that's a moot point.

Snarkiness aside, though, seeing Amber at the end of her show today was still just enough to get my spirits up. Of course, it's time for bed, so now I need to relax again. Maybe, if I see that person with the weird container again, I should offer the person a decent microwavable bowl, and maybe that person will offer me $100 for passing the test.

Oh, right. Bed.

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Sep 1, 2011 Jan 12, 2012

Dear Diary,

writer's block is a horrible thing to have. I mean, I guess I wouldn't really know since I'm not really a writer, but I can imagine that the writer would kind of look like the model in the MFC banner on Amber's site, except the person would be frowning. Writing takes a certain type of motivation, but it also takes a lot of ideas. The fact that I'm bringing this up is that, despite having a pretty general day, I can't really find anything to pick apart. The robotic golem, the karate guy, the person taking over the intercom and yelling about some prize, the bus... wait, there we go. There's something I can write about.

I really shouldn't draw conclusions about people I see on certain buses that I myself do not take, but when many of my assumptions seem to align to a pattern, it's very tough to not make judgments. Since I know the bus's final destination, I tend to draw upon the likely incomes of the people who live in that area, and use the incomes to determine possible education level. So, when I see someone running toward a bus and banging on the door and swearing when the driver doesn't let them in, I tend to draw conclusions. And, of course, that's not a very moral thing to do, considering that it's none of my business.

So, I guess this flaw means that I am human, and as a human, I can enjoy Amber's shows with a rational mind.

But, for now, I must be away for a while, even from you, diary.

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Sep 6, 2011 Feb 21, 2012

Dear Diary,

I visited Amber's room today. That's probably the most important thing I am noting here. Amber is still as awesome as she was over a month ago. I made a comment about her hair being different, but I was told it was a trick of the light. Still... I can't help but wonder if Amber cuts off every millimetre of hair to keep it consistently the same length, while also making sure she doesn't shed hair, in order to keep it the same.

Maybe I should compare with my photographic memory. Oh wait... I haven't developed it. I wonder if the pun was intended...

What other things happened today? Well, it seems like my laptop is really showing signs of age. Error messages are popping up regarding my hardware, and the frequency is just mind boggling. Where can I get some extra cash?

I saw an advertisement on a random bus shelter, claiming that they will pay big $ per day. Odd that such an important job would be posted on bus shelters and not in a newspaper. I looked it up, and of course, it was too good to be true. It makes me wonder how such practices are allowed.

I passed by a scene on the way home today which looked like one of those big arrest scenes in movies and TV shows. It's kind of exciting to know that those "tons of police cars surrounding one guy" scenes aren't exaggerated. I hope he was the guy that was in charge of the above company, although that does not seem likely.

Oh my gosh... did I miss Valentine's Day to send Amber a greeting? Where the heck is my time machine?

Tired now. Bed feels comfy. I'll look for the machine later.

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(written on the bottom of the page last written in, as not to waste any of his pages)

Dear Jason,

I feel really bad. I don't like intruding on another person's space, but as you like to leave your diary sitting open on the coffee table, sometimes I'm halfway through the page before I realize what I'm doing. I'm a very curious person.

So, I wanted to apologize. But also to thank you. Your posts have been inspiring, and interesting to read. Reading your posts helps me to appreciate what those on your side of the screen might be going through. They help me to get on camera, knowing that there might be someone waiting for me on the other end, who is just too shy to say anything about it. I hope you don't mind if I continue to read in the future. I really don't think I'll be able to stop myself, they are that enjoyable. But if it bothers you, I'll do my best to stay out.


(PS- I LOVE this thread ^_^)
Sep 7, 2011 Feb 22, 2012

Dear Diary,

I was anticipating a non-trollish, fun and totally chaste conversation with Amber tonight, but alas, MFC fail strikes again. Well, it's outside of my control, so meh. Maybe there are just too many twos in the date. You know, I had even gone through the trouble of using twice as much mouthwash tonight so that Amber wouldn't say that I had bad breath. Obviously, she wouldn't be smelling me through the Internet. I was suggesting that my breath would travel all the way to California, and Amber would be able to tell from whom the exhale came.

How did people even come up with the idea of mouthwash, anyway? I suppose back in the day before the concept of killing those nasty germs in one's mouth, people were happy with what they got. They probably chewed on mint leaves or something. It's like, one day, some scientist said, "Let's get a bunch of test subjects to try rinsing with this new formula which may or may not dissolve their tongues or teeth into oblivion." I suppose focus groups were around at that time, although I don't think the marketers toyed with the idea of mouthwash flavours too much until they were sure that the raw thing could do the job.

That was probably the longest paragraph I've written regarding mouthwash in my entire life. I suppose that's why I'm not in the medical field. I can't imagine having to write some multi-page thesis on mouthwash, although to be fair, if I were a medical student, I could find enough to talk about. I guess I just made a circular argument. Are circular arguments arguments about circles? What's there to argue about? A circle is a circle. There's a drawn circle (ie the type that a person draws on a piece of paper or a computer) and there's the actual circle (no imperfections, even at the molecular level). Or something like that. I think the geek is surfacing again, but not enough to use proper terminology.

Maybe I should have split that previous paragraph into two, considering that I had several ideas in there. Oh well. Some people have been commenting on my writing style as of late. Apparently, people find my work inspiring. This fact raised my spirits so much that I even forged LadyLuna's handwriting and complimented myself yesterday, just to make it look like I wasn't actually the one complimenting. I think that's what I did, anyway. My memory isn't as good as it used to be.

Speaking of which, my laptop REALLY should get some more RAM. How in the world does a simple word processing program crash several times in a day?

Hmm... crash... maybe I should crash for the night, too.


P.S. I got deja vu while writing this post. Weird. I don't know the written accents on deja vu, but whatever.
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Sep 8, 2011 Feb 23, 2012

Dear Diary,

Yesterday, I was ranting about something, and didn't really write down what happened on the entry to you. Hmm. So now, what am I supposed to do? It's just weird to say "So, yesterday, [insert the really wacky thing that happened yesterday]". Oh well. I guess it'll be lost in the ether, or at least, kept in my mind until I forget about it.

I've been doing some looking at some new laptops that could replace the one I have. However, given my tendency to want to replace the laptop with something that won't be obsolete soon will mean that I'll have to dish out $1200. I suppose I can wait a while longer. Bearing through the crashes and stuff may be tough, but I suppose I can wait until $1200 gets me a super fast (by tomorrow's standards) mentally controlled computer.

That would be pretty neat. I just hope it won't be hearing "Don't crash, you blasted thing" too often. With the mentally controlled computer, I might be able to start transcribing my day onto a computer instead of onto you. I suppose I COULD move to the 21st century in terms of writing down my day, or, as I imagine, mentally scribe my thoughts.

What would I do with my hands, then, if I don't need to type? I suppose there's always martial arts. Of course, that will require A LOT of determination and a clear mind. Hmm... but then, I can't be distracted by Amber. Well, I guess no martial arts for me. I suppose I could use my hands to write out poems. It works better this way because I have to make the rhymes work properly. I can't just write a sonnet to Amber without carefully picking out my words...

So, what did I do today? I ate a lot less than I should have at breakfast. I ate more than I should have at dinner time. I did some ironing, I tried to pump some iron, I had some iron supplements, and I took a look at a poster of some actor whose name began with Jeremy. Some day, huh?

Looks like I don't have much to do tonight since Amber's off cam at the moment, so I might as well collapse on the bed, which is not made of iron.

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Sep 9, 2011 Feb 24, 2012

Dear Diary,

I had considered placing some radio tags on everything that I own. I lost my letter opener until I eventually found it twenty minutes later. Mind you, I could have easily used a ruler or something, or go the more barbaric route and ripped the envelope open, but it's the principle of the lost item. It's not like I get many time sensitive documents. Can you imagine if I were fifteen minutes late in receiving the information? Then again, there's a first time for everything. Thus, radio tags it is. The big problem is, of course, locating the radio tag scanner thing if it's lost. Maybe I better attach a phone to it so I can call it...

I'm probably thinking WAY too much into this, though. Maybe I should try and remember other things, like why I felt my dreams last night were weird. It's probably because of that large dinner last night. I didn't really think food affects dreams but apparently, it does. Of course, I can't remember the dream, just the feeling of it.

I feel so sick in my stomach right now... but I can't go to sleep. Not until I see Amber again on cam for the last time until May. Good thing she's on right now. Hmm. I wonder what she's wearing. Probably perfume and her glasses, but that's all I can really say for sure.

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Sep 14, 2011 May 16, 2012

Dear Diary,
how did I misplace you and not find you for a long time? I've almost forgotten what weird events have happened in my life, despite my great memory for other things.

In a discussion about my writing, someone at work commented about IQ. It got me wondering about a few things, but mainly that 100 is the average IQ. How did the IQ scalers decide this? I assume back when they were making IQ tests they got a large enough sample of people and figured out that some people will be under 100 and some over 100. I'm guessing the 100 is arbitrary, just like how 100 degrees is boiling and 0 degrees is freezing, but maybe I'm just over-thinking this. It can't be a coincidence that the average IQ is 100. Maybe the next time I visit a high-IQ society, I'll remake the scale so that even some of the geniuses won't be, according to the Jason IQ scale. Because, you know, I have the authority :p

I do love having a good score, but somehow, there's a new score which I'm not aware of. Apparently, I have 0 for my ACF score. Maybe it's like golf. Perhaps the next time I see Amber, I'll ask her about it. Of course, there's probably a note or something on the forums explaining it, and there's no justification for not reading it if she's taken the time to write it.

On an unrelated note, I don't see lemonade stands anymore... right now it's kids selling lemonade from within their garage. I suppose it protects the lemonade from the elements, but if it's raining, I doubt many people would be in the mood for lemonade. If I were a kid again, I'd be selling something that everyone wants, regardless of weather. This mysterious item, though, escapes me. I can't exactly sell teleporting abilities or love, and even if I could, the chance of a multi-trillionaire walking by my street is about zero. As well, selling air seems kind of pointless, aside from the fact it's something everyone NEEDS, not WANTS.

What I want right now is to apologize to Amber for only showing up once a week ever since I said I would be available. What I need right now is sleep.

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