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An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Members guilt-tripping models about breast implants

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HiGirlsRHot said:
Kunra9 said:
However there IS a line that is regularly crossed by members, where they are CLEARLY trying to make the model feel bad, or guilty about her decision.

I'd certainly agree if they'd already had the surgery than badgering someone is just being an asshole. However, before hand I don't know why saying these things are never acceptable.

Yes, badgering someone about it is being an asshole...whether it's before or after the surgery. That's reason enough for a model to ban you, in my opinion.

And Kunra9 said "CLEARLY trying to make the model feel bad, or guilty about her decision." I agree with his statement that it is never acceptable. I'm really surprised at some of the posts on here. Anyone who feels that it IS acceptable shouldn't be too shocked when they get banned from a model's room.

As for the excuse "Well, cam models are putting themselves out there for tons of viewers to watch, so we should be allowed to give opinions on such and such",'re allowed to say "Well, I'm not a fan of breast implants myself, but you gotta do what makes you happy." You are never allowed to badger a model about it.....

You guys get pissed when other people tell you what to do with your tokens. Don't try to tell a model what to do with her body.
Isabella_deL said:
Majority of men like women with big boobs, fake or not and very slim. This tiny figure/large breasts is something that very few women have naturally. Sure many men, including most guys I will be in contact with, are not bothered about this image, but it's clear that there's a majority decision.

how do you get that idea if the majority of members in your chat room and the majority of guys you know irl tell you not to get surgery?
HiGirlsRHot said:
You raise some good points and I'd certainly agree if they'd already had the surgery than badgering someone is just being an asshole. However, before hand I don't know why saying these things are never acceptable. When people are young and foolish they do foolish things. Not that old people don't do foolish things, but enough young foolish people die off that Darwin takes over ;).

I don't even have that strong opinion about breast implants for models with small boobs. I suspect in many cases the additional money they make, more than makes up for the cost. Plus there is a benefit of higher self esteem.

But in general I think too many beautiful woman risk medical complications and decreasing their overall attractiveness by having boob jobs. More importantly I remember a interview with Playboy executive (Jeff Cohen) who said that for every girl that he saw that got a Playboy shoot because of her implants there were four who lost out on the opportunity to be a Playboy model because of a bad boob job.

I also believe in the power of peer pressure. If you ever have successful kept a drunk (generally a guy) from driving home, you know that it is a team effort. If the girlfriend say you are too drunk, he'll say "I'm fine lets go home", but once 3 or 4 people chime and tell him no you are too drunk to drive. The drunk will often reluctantly hand over his keys. I've certainly chimed in to be the 3r or 4th person even when I didn't know the guy that well.

I've even been convinced by an internet forum to do something different. I had a planned to take a wait and see attitude about evicting a roommate. But after every single person on an internet forum told me I was foolish to wait, and several explained the legal and other risks that I had not considered. I changed my mind.

I am sure that there are plenty of models who have their minds made up about implants. If I tell them, I think that that it would be a mistake, and they say my minds is made I don't need anymore input I'll shut up. But generally the conversation starts out this way. "I think I am going to get an implants cause I really would look better with C cups". The word I "think" it is fair game to change their mind,and if I and the vast majority of their regulars tell her that she looks great the way she is and how much we dislike fake boobs, well perhaps we can prevent an unnecessary surgery.

Responding to the bolded points here:

Yes, people make mistakes, of all ages and intelligent levels. We are not automatically young and foolish; indeed I'm certain many of us are much cleverer than you are. I feel like you are implying that a model needs to be told that she shouldn't get them because she is young and foolish; if you really feel that way about the models you are visiting, maybe you should either reconsider either the models you visit or your perception of the intelligence of the women you do.

There is a huge difference between being a young female considering breast implants and a drunk idiot trying to drive. Once again you are implying that we are idiotic if we make this decision, and that's exactly what pisses us off.

The problem with you saying something once is that you are one in a dozen or hundreds of members that would say something. It's easy to say "yeah, if I say it once that's ok" but hearing it once from a hundred members is still hearing it a hundred times. And what if, because we are young and foolish, we decide against to have an operation that would make us happy, because we bowed to peer pressure and became afraid of loss of income? I think there's something inherently wrong with trying to use peer pressure against a woman wanting to do something with her body. It's actually rather sick.

Maybe the surgery is unnecessary in your opinion (personally, I don't find any sort of cosmetic alteration to ever be "necessary", but that's besides the point) but that's not for you to decide.

Bottom line: you're not necessarily more intelligent than us. We are not idiotic drunks making rash decisions. We are clever young females more than capable of making this sort of decision without any of your input. Peer pressure, while good for keeping drunks off the road, is not welcome when it comes to how we decide to alter our appearance. Isn't that the whole "problem" with breast implants in the first place? That women get them because of peer pressure and not because they want them for themselves?

To sum my feelings up (okay, the bottom line wasn't really the bottom line):

DEAR MEN EVERYWHERE; keep your mouth shut about what us women do with our appearance. I feel like women, in the course of history, have spent far too long doing things to look pretty for men, and ANYTHING a woman can do about her appearance, whether it be a boob job, a haircut, contacts, tattoos, piercings, etc. that she is doing for HERSELF should be supported, because it's the 21st century and we're in the middle of a fucking sexual and feminist revolution. Don't fuckin' ruin this for us. Even IF a girl looks horrible with her new boobs/thinks she made a mistake; we all have mistakes to make in life and we need to learn them on our own. We are not children, and we don't need your approval. By supporting our right to decide what to do with our bodies without any of your input you are a feminist male who FUCKING GETS IT, and you're awesome, and I want your babies. If you think we NEED your opinion, go back to the 1800s where you belong.

Personally, I think the current era is awesome because we ARE finally seeing women altering their appearance based on their own likes. Why do you think we're all so fucking sexy these days?
Evvie said:
I very much hope that our dear Miss Lolli will not mind me using her as an example. A few weeks ago (I think) on Twitter she announced that she was going to get a tattoo - something that she had been thinking about seriously for *years*. A lot of members proceed to treat her very badly, insinuating that she had no idea what she was doing and that she should not be allowed to make that decision (from what I read). After she said, "my mind is made up and I do not want to talk to anyone about this anymore," she continued to get messages that essentially started with, "I know you don't want to talk about this, but my opinions are more important than your boundaries" and members carried on scolding her even though she explicitly said she did not want to talk about it, at all.

The thing about both tattoos and cosmetic surgery, is that even if one has thought about what they want for a long time, they have to realize three very important things:

1. It's more or less permanent (boob implants can be removed, tattoos can be mostly removed or covered up).

2. Who you go to for the work is VERY important. There needs to actually be quite a bit of research into where one goes for a tattoo or cosmetic surgery.

3. For the duration of the healing process, there are fairly strict rules about how to help ensure proper healing.

So a decision about getting a tattoo or cosmetic surgery shouldn't be made as a spur of the moment thing.

Checking on the previous work of a surgeon or tattoo artist is very important, as well as seeing how booked they are and if they have good referrals from customers. There are plenty of fly by night operations for both tattoos and cosmetic surgery, where the people are in it for the fast cash. I can't speak for cosmetic surgery, but insofar as tattoos, if you walk into a shop and they say they can tattoo you fairly quickly, but say something like "Yeah, I can tattoo you, but only the stuff that is on the wall or in the book" then that should be your big red flag to GTFO and find another place. Those aren't artists, they're tracers. If the artist says they don't do walk ins, but want to sit down and discuss what sort of tattoo the customer wants, and then they need time to sketch something up, then chances are the end result will be a much better tattoo.

My artist, for example, doesn't really take walk ins, unless it is slow and what they want is small and simple. She does have to try to make some money when it is slow, after all; however, she is mostly an appointment only artist. But, when it comes to bigger pieces, she will not do a walk in. There is a time to schedule a consultation, where she goes over the ideas in the customer's head, gives input, takes notes, and then says she'll sketch something up and email it to them before the first sitting. Those of you who have seen her work on me can attest, that it is great. I love it, and have gotten nothing but compliments from those who have seen it (as well as girls wanting to rape my left shoulder :lol: ).

And when it comes to healing, if you don't follow the correct procedures to ensure a good healing, the end result will look like shit. This is for boob implants or tattoos. Slacking off and thinking the body will just heal it on its own is a sure way to ensure the implants look horrid, or that the tattoo will fade and scar and look like shit. For implants, there's the immobilization bras one can get, plus the bewbs need to be massaged to let the muscle sit more naturally over the implants. For tattoos, you need the ointment (I use Aquaphor, personally), keep it out of the sun and don't scratch it (slap it when it itches). But you'd be amazed at how many people don't properly take care of either tattoos or implants.
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If you're a dude who hasn't realized that talking to women as though they can't possibly understand the world enough to make their own decisions, nothing you have to say to the fairer sex really matters anyway. Good luck with that. :lol:

The ONLY person who has any right to speak on or get emotional over the body decisions of any other human is the mother that carried them for 40 weeks, and even she shouldn't expect to be listened to.
UncleThursday said:
Evvie said:
I very much hope that our dear Miss Lolli will not mind me using her as an example. A few weeks ago (I think) on Twitter she announced that she was going to get a tattoo - something that she had been thinking about seriously for *years*. A lot of members proceed to treat her very badly, insinuating that she had no idea what she was doing and that she should not be allowed to make that decision (from what I read). After she said, "my mind is made up and I do not want to talk to anyone about this anymore," she continued to get messages that essentially started with, "I know you don't want to talk about this, but my opinions are more important than your boundaries" and members carried on scolding her even though she explicitly said she did not want to talk about it, at all.

The thing about both tattoos and cosmetic surgery, is that even if one has thought about what they want for a long time, they have to realize three very important things:

1. It's more or less permanent (boob implants can be removed, tattoos can be mostly removed or covered up).

2. Who you go to for the work is VERY important. There needs to actually be quite a bit of research into where one goes for a tattoo or cosmetic surgery.

3. For the duration of the healing process, there are fairly strict rules about how to help ensure proper healing.

So a decision about getting a tattoo or cosmetic surgery shouldn't be made as a spur of the moment thing.

Checking on the previous work of a surgeon or tattoo artist is very important, as well as seeing how booked they are and if they have good referrals from customers. There are plenty of fly by night operations for both tattoos and cosmetic surgery, where the people are in it for the fast cash. I can't speak for cosmetic surgery, but insofar as tattoos, if you walk into a shop and they say they can tattoo you fairly quickly, but say something like "Yeah, I can tattoo you, but only the stuff that is on the wall or in the book" then that should be your big red flag to GTFO and find another place. Those aren't artists, they're tracers. If the artist says they don't do walk ins, but want to sit down and discuss what sort of tattoo the customer wants, and then they need time to sketch something up, then chances are the end result will be a much better tattoo.

My artist, for example, doesn't really take walk ins, unless it is slow and what they want is small and simple. She does have to try to make some money when it is slow, after all; however, she is mostly an appointment only artist. But, when it comes to bigger pieces, she will not do a walk in. There is a time to schedule a consultation, where she goes over the ideas in the customer's head, gives input, takes notes, and then says she'll sketch something up and email it to them before the first sitting. Those of you who have seen her work on me can attest, that it is great. I love it, and have gotten nothing but compliments from those who have seen it (as well as girls wanting to rape my left shoulder :lol: ).

And when it comes to healing, if you don't follow the correct procedures to ensure a good healing, the end result will look like shit. This is for boob implants or tattoos. Slacking off and thinking the body will just heal it on its own is a sure way to ensure the implants look horrid, or that the tattoo will fade and scar and look like shit. For implants, there's the immobilization bras one can get, plus the bewbs need to be massaged to let the muscle sit more naturally over the implants. For tattoos, you need the ointment (I use Aquaphor, personally), keep it out of the sun and don't scratch it (slap it when it itches). But you'd be amazed at how many people don't properly take care of either tattoos or implants.

All very good points, but I think most people who do want cosmetic surgery or tattoos have thought this through pretty well. If I want to do something...anything, I research the HELL out of it first.

I think to go into a room and presume that someone has not thought through these decisions is quite insulting.

If I decided to get a boob jb I would have thought about it for a good year or so, talked to ALL my friends about it, talked to peope who had had boob jobs, joined internet forums, researched the best doctor for what I wanted, gone to about a million and one consultations, read countless stories of after care do's and don'ts.

And I can trust that when I went to the consultation with the doctor, he or she would most definitely give me lots of information to read about after care and healing and the whole process.

I could not even begin to imagine how furious I would be if after all that when I was talking about it online, some random was like 'Hmmm let me tell you about aftercare, you probably haven't thought it through'
Uncle Thursday, although you are correct, yes these are all things to be thought through, as Arrietty said, whoever's actually making that decision has probably thought those things through, and even if they haven't, it is NOT your place to say anything.

Simple as anything, yes there are many things to consider, but this is a complete stranger!!
crappuccino said:
Isabella_deL said:
Majority of men like women with big boobs, fake or not and very slim. This tiny figure/large breasts is something that very few women have naturally. Sure many men, including most guys I will be in contact with, are not bothered about this image, but it's clear that there's a majority decision.

how do you get that idea if the majority of members in your chat room and the majority of guys you know irl tell you not to get surgery?

Crappuccino, the reason I get this idea is through girls on here saying breast implants pay for themselves, the amount of popularity it gets etc.

Remember, many guys think it's ok to convince a girl out of plastic surgery, but most guys are aware that if they pressured a girl into plastic surgery it would be ridiculous!
Saying to someone that they should get an expensive operation to make them look better is completely twattish, and I don't think anyone would argue about that one!

Guys who like boob jobs will generally stay quieter, also chances are will visit a girl with already fake/big breasts. I would imagine members will get more vocal if they hate boob jobs and a girl says she's getting them. Often the minority can speak the loudest. For example foot fetish guys. Majority of guys do not have a foot fetish, yet it is every other request!

Basically, do not make personal comments. Do not give unsolicited advice to strangers/people you don't know very well. You are not this girls boyfriend, you are not her father, you are not her best friend. So keep quiet.
If it's a model you know very well then you may ask her in private why she's doing this etc, but be tactful, let her speak. You can say you prefer her how she is now, but essentially, I very much doubt the model gives a flying fuck about your opinion, chances are you'd just piss her off/even make her feel more determined.

I forgot to mention in my last post about the drink driving analogy. What. the. fuck? So a young female making a long life decision is the equivalent of a drunk trying to drive? You can't get breast surgery overnight. If she is someone who is dumb enough to rashly make the decision and get some shit job, then that's her fault, leave her be!
Remember she's the person who's going to live with it for her life, she's the one who'll be spending the money, and she's the one who'll be going under surgery. I think she may have thought it through a bit more than you have.
Most of the people disagreeing with me in this post seem to be under the assumption that every woman that gets breast implants hasn't thought it through at all.

When you guys say on here "Sometimes it takes a good friend, or even a random stranger on the internet to make you realize what you've missed"

It's somewhat implying that the MFC members are the only people in their lives.
It's acting on an assumption that they have not discussed it with ANYONE.
It's also somewhat implying that the decision was made 30 minutes before logging onto MFC on a whim.

Voicing your opinion repeatedly, or rudely about the subject implies that the girl is not smart enough to have put any thought or research into this at all, and is downright insulting.

So many dudes go on these cam sites and want to "save" women from their life. I laugh everytime I see a guy comment about flying to her country and taking her away from "all of this". Because in reality (in most cases) that woman is probably making TRIPLE that man's yearly salary (or more) and fucking loves her life.

Women are smart guys. Give them SOME credit. Don't assume we live in the 1920's where a woman is so overwhelmed by the world outside of her kitchen.
Kunra9 said:
Most of the people disagreeing with me in this post seem to be under the assumption that every woman that gets breast implants hasn't thought it through at all.

When you guys say on here "Sometimes it takes a good friend, or even a random stranger on the internet to make you realize what you've missed"

It's somewhat implying that the MFC members are the only people in their lives.
It's acting on an assumption that they have not discussed it with ANYONE.
It's also somewhat implying that the decision was made 30 minutes before logging onto MFC on a whim.

Voicing your opinion repeatedly, or rudely about the subject implies that the girl is not smart enough to have put any thought or research into this at all, and is downright insulting.

So many dudes go on these cam sites and want to "save" women from their life. I laugh everytime I see a guy comment about flying to her country and taking her away from "all of this". Because in reality (in most cases) that woman is probably making TRIPLE that man's yearly salary (or more) and fucking loves her life.

Women are smart guys. Give them SOME credit. Don't assume we live in the 1920's where a woman is so overwhelmed by the world outside of her kitchen.
I want to hump your brain.
This has been mentioned once or twice before in this thread, but by and large, it is being totally ignored in the barrage of auto-rage that's so common here:

These conversations take place in internet chat rooms. If a topic is brought up, pretty much by anyone, but especially by the model, people are going to comment on it. If you're going to be insulted that someone commented on something, for fuck's sake don't bring it up because you know what's going to happen if you do. This is true on virtually any topic: favorite food, a certain video game, a type of music, politics, nose hair, anything. For sure it's going to happen on a topic like altering breasts when breasts are such a focus on cam sites to begin with. The guys aren't necessarily assuming anything about your intellect or lack thereof. They're just chatting in a chat room like they always do, and you've given them a topic they're excited to talk about and may have strong opinions on.

Yes, some people are insensitive, go too far in their comments, or won't let go of an argument when asked to stop, but it is a fact that people, even nice reasonable people, customarily do comment on topics raised in chat rooms. If you announce to your room that you're getting your breasts done, people will respond. If you don't want to hear it, don't mention it. If you must mention it and really don't want responses, at least preface it with something like "I've done my homework on this, and I've made my decision. I would appreciate it if you'd keep your thoughts on this to yourself." Someone may still say something, but that's about the only way I can think of to bring up the topic and not get much feedback if you don't want it.
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HarmlessSquirrel said:
This has been mentioned once or twice before in this thread, but by and large, it is being totally ignored in the barrage of auto-rage that's so common here:

These conversations take place in internet chat rooms. If a topic is brought up, pretty much by anyone, but especially by the model, people are going to comment on it. If you're going to be insulted that someone commented on something, for fuck's sake don't bring it up because you know what's going to happen if you do. This is true on virtually any topic: favorite food, a certain video game, a type of music, politics, nose hair, anything. For sure it's going to happen on a topic like altering breasts when breasts are such a focus on cam sites to begin with. The guys aren't necessarily assuming anything about your intellect or lack thereof. They're just chatting in a chat room like they always do, and you've given them a topic they're excited to talk about and may have strong opinions on.

Yes, some people are insensitive, go too far in their comments, or won't let go of an argument when asked to stop, but it is a fact that people, even nice reasonable people, customarily do comment on topics raised in chat rooms. If you announce to your room that you're getting your breasts done, people will respond. If you don't want to hear it, don't mention it. If you must mention it and really don't want responses, at least preface it with something like "I've done my homework on this, and I've made my decision. I would appreciate it if you'd keep your thoughts on this to yourself." Someone may still say something, but that's about the only way I can think of to bring up the topic and not get much feedback if you don't want it.

I completely get what youre talking about. But we're not just talking about someone 'expressing their opinion'. We're talking about barraging the model with comments, some very negative and abusive...when she has already expressed that she is not interested in discussing further.

Also I know it's easy for it to seem like we're just flying into auto rage. You have to understand that while some subjects on here may seem exciting, interesting, new and cool for you guys to talk models we hear a lot of these topics almost every day. And not just once or twice. Like...pretty much constantly. Over and over again. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over till we feel ready to explode in frustration.

And then they are brought up on here. And I think most models tend to reply fairly evenly and calmly at first. But then some people argue that we're wrong. That we should be willing to bend our ideals and ethics for those who want us to. And then they argue again. And over again. and over again. And over again. And over again.....

And we rage.

It's a bit like being back at work and being in free chat. With no chance of being paid. So we rage.

I don't think any of us want to make you feel like we're constantly jumping down members throats.
I think it'd be pretty hard as a camgirl to not mention you're getting your boobs done. It would probably do more damage if you just turned up one day with massive hooters. Lol just sayin!

Telling someone you're going to do something isn't inviting discussion. Saying "hey guys, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo/getting my boobs done, what's everyone's opinions on that?" is inviting discussion.
Informing the room that soon there's going to be a significant change in what they're viewing is not inviting discussion, it's just informing them. As a camgirl you do kind of have to inform people of these changes first or all hell will break loose.

Kunra9, thank you! Lol you got the exact point across!
HarmlessSquirrel said:
This has been mentioned once or twice before in this thread, but by and large, it is being totally ignored in the barrage of auto-rage that's so common here:

These conversations take place in internet chat rooms. If a topic is brought up, pretty much by anyone, but especially by the model, people are going to comment on it. If you're going to be insulted that someone commented on something, for fuck's sake don't bring it up because you know what's going to happen if you do. This is true on virtually any topic: favorite food, a certain video game, a type of music, politics, nose hair, anything. For sure it's going to happen on a topic like altering breasts when breasts are such a focus on cam sites to begin with. The guys aren't necessarily assuming anything about your intellect or lack thereof. They're just chatting in a chat room like they always do, and you've given them a topic they're excited to talk about and may have strong opinions on.

Yes, some people are insensitive, go too far in their comments, or won't let go of an argument when asked to stop, but it is a fact that people, even nice reasonable people, customarily do comment on topics raised in chat rooms. If you announce to your room that you're getting your breasts done, people will respond. If you don't want to hear it, don't mention it. If you must mention it and really don't want responses, at least preface it with something like "I've done my homework on this, and I've made my decision. I would appreciate it if you'd keep your thoughts on this to yourself." Someone may still say something, but that's about the only way I can think of to bring up the topic and not get much feedback if you don't want it.
Just because that's the way things are does not mean that's the way things should be.

And I agree with Arrietty; there is a huge difference between "I'm responding to your breasts!" and "That model has no idea what she's doing, we need to use peer pressure and emotional manipulation to control her body."

I have already said that feedback is not the issue - the issue is that men assume we are so stupid that we would NEED to tell them that we've thought it through at all.

I'm not trying to get all member-hatey right now, but I have been aware for quite some time that many members assume we are very unintelligent. A member will tell me I'm the smartest girl on the site one minute, and the next minute scold me for talking about selling my texting number because he assumed I had not thought about any of the risks associated. I do not think that models should have to say, "you guys, I'm making a decision, but please don't yell at me because I've already thought it through."

I agree that members are going to say what they like and what they don't like, and I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with members assuming that unless we preface everything with "I'm an adult and I know what I'm doing," then we are children who need their guidance.
Haha. Jebus. Three pages and no consensus :-D This one's pretty cut and dry, surely?

If someone (male, female or other) has decided to spend thousands of monies on life-altering surgery -and "decide" is the key word there - then I think it's fair to assume they've thought things through. It's likely that they've given it some thought, ya know? Maybe even consulted their family/friends. And even if they haven't - maybe, just maybe, they're capable of making decisions for themselves without the input of others.
To assume that someobody you speak to on the internet is clamouring for your all-important advice on what they should or should not be doing with their own body is a wee bit arrogant, no?
Is there a chance they're doing something they might later regret? Of course there is. But it's neither your job nor your responsibility to stop them making that mistake. People need to be able to make their own decisions and sometimes, they need to be allowed to make their own mistakes too. :twocents-02cents:
It isn't just members who are like this.

It's all men. (sorry but it's true)

I remember my Mother had to break up with her long term boyfriend several years ago because they were doing a long distance thing and it was taking its toll. They still loved each other, but they had been struggling for a year. Obviously they had thought of every possible thing they could do that might make it work, but at the time neither of them were comfortable with those possibilities.
She was devastated, as you would be having to break it off with someone you love.
I remember her complaining about how when she told one of her best friends, her answer was "that really sucks". When she told her best friends husband he was full of possible solutions!
Essentially, he may have felt he was being helpful, but all these possible solutions he'd literally just thought up off the top of his head! To genuinely think that someone who has been going through this situation for over a year, has not thought of the things you are saying after hearing about it 2 minutes before is insulting and pretty insensitive/stupid.

A lot of men, and some women, like to fix things. So a woman will say "x and x" as a statement of what's going on, and the man will come out with a load of possible answers.
The person who had the problem is thinking "well, duh!".
Although a lot of men can understand it, it is built into many of your natures to think if someone says something to you, they're wanting advise/a solution rather than just saying it, as women like to do.

Kind of like a total stranger going up to someone who smokes "did you know, that could give you cancer?" Well yes I am sure that person smoking is fully aware of this information. They have made that choice. You may not like it, but it is their decision. I very much doubt a total stranger saying that/having a go at them/trying to force them not to smoke is actually going to remotely change their minds.

Lol I remember I once said to a member I couldn't think of what to have for dinner, then as an answer he started coming out with random foods/meals I could possibly eat. Well great, thanks for that info... Now shut up I'm trying to actually make a decision. Not of the utmost importance, but it was pretty annoying.

Ahhh Bob! another insightful post from a man! Some of you give me faith!
Evvie said:
Kunra9 said:
Most of the people disagreeing with me in this post seem to be under the assumption that every woman that gets breast implants hasn't thought it through at all.

When you guys say on here "Sometimes it takes a good friend, or even a random stranger on the internet to make you realize what you've missed"

It's somewhat implying that the MFC members are the only people in their lives.
It's acting on an assumption that they have not discussed it with ANYONE.
It's also somewhat implying that the decision was made 30 minutes before logging onto MFC on a whim.

Voicing your opinion repeatedly, or rudely about the subject implies that the girl is not smart enough to have put any thought or research into this at all, and is downright insulting.

So many dudes go on these cam sites and want to "save" women from their life. I laugh everytime I see a guy comment about flying to her country and taking her away from "all of this". Because in reality (in most cases) that woman is probably making TRIPLE that man's yearly salary (or more) and fucking loves her life.

Women are smart guys. Give them SOME credit. Don't assume we live in the 1920's where a woman is so overwhelmed by the world outside of her kitchen.
I want to hump your brain.

Me too!
VeronicaChaos said:
it's the 21st century and we're in the middle of a fucking sexual and feminist revolution. Don't fuckin' ruin this for us.

Many women would argue things like implants are horrible for the feminist revolution. This is a very insular community so I wouldn't expect to see many women disagreeing with each other but if you could try to not sound like you're talking for women everywhere, that'd be great.
PunkInDrublic said:
VeronicaChaos said:
it's the 21st century and we're in the middle of a fucking sexual and feminist revolution. Don't fuckin' ruin this for us.

Many women would argue things like implants are horrible for the feminist revolution. This is a very insular community so I wouldn't expect to see many women disagreeing with each other but if you could try to not sound like you're talking for women everywhere, that'd be great.

Mmmmm I don't particularly agree with plastic surgery (unless say you're having physical problems, or have been severely scarred/had breast cancer/a broken nose etc and want to be put back how you were before), besides that I'm pretty downright against it, but I also believe in what Veronica was saying.

If I decide to wear a low cut dress out in the evening, a lot of it may be because I'm wanting men and women to look at me, but I'm not doing it for men to enjoy looking at me, I don't care about their enjoyment, I care about mine. And every now and then I enjoy the attention.
If a woman gets a boob job, sure, she may be doing it partially to get the appreciative looks/attention/popularity. But it's because she enjoys that attention, she's not doing it out of the kindness of her own heart for all the horny men out there, she's doing it because getting those looks makes her feel good.

So it's not really much of a deal on the feminist revolution.

In fact, that we get the choice, and get to do what we want to our bodies is a big part of the feminist revolution. Who gives a crap whether men like it or not?!
I'm sure there are many other women who are against plastic surgery, and maybe find it degrading etc, but if any of those women were feminists/agree with woman's right I bet they would agree with Veronica's post, that it's our choice and we don't need men telling us what to do/what we think.
She wasn't saying "we need to all get boob jobs to support woman's rights!" she was saying that it is our right to have a boob job if we wish to. If a feminist argues with that, then they're no feminist.
PunkInDrublic said:
Welp, I guess she speaks for women everywhere then.
Do you wake up and say, "I think I'm going to be a dick to everyone on the internet today" or is it something you can't help?
Kunra9 said:
Voicing your opinion repeatedly, or rudely about the subject implies that the girl is not smart enough to have put any thought or research into this at all, and is downright insulting.

So many dudes go on these cam sites and want to "save" women from their life. I laugh everytime I see a guy comment about flying to her country and taking her away from "all of this". Because in reality (in most cases) that woman is probably making TRIPLE that man's yearly salary (or more) and fucking loves her life.

Women are smart guys. Give them SOME credit. Don't assume we live in the 1920's where a woman is so overwhelmed by the world outside of her kitchen.

PREACH! It's not just boobs,and body modification it's everything! Lot's of men are in a time warp or truly believe women know nothing,make assumptions, and men can get away with saying more of how they really feel because we're internet people without emotion and that's why we flip out, because we have to work hard to smile and nod through ALL the ignorance.
It's the same as the guy who says, "have you thought about school?"
Ummmm uuuuhhh the college I graduated 6 years ago? What thoughts about it, in particular, would you like me to share? :think:
Not that college makes you smarter or better in any way, but since this person clearly does...and since I'm comfortable doing sexual things for money I obviously couldn't have went... you get what I mean...
Allow me to dumb it down for the guys who can't understand...
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PunkInDrublic said:
Welp, I guess she speaks for women everywhere then.

Saying "women should be able to do what they want as part of the feminist revolution" isn't really that novel of a concept, bro.
I liked your post a cut a nice swath between outrage and understanding.....
one thing caught my eye tho....

VeronicaChaos said:
I feel like women, in the course of history, have spent far too long doing things to look pretty for men

This thread has -in some ways- been like a huge plate of "assumptions spagetti" with everybody making sure that they're slurping up the right strands.

Sure....camland is full of guys who wanna exercise some image of ownership and/or control over a model: some limit it to their favorites, other just like doin it to women period.....that seemed to be kundra's point in starting this thread.....I really haven't heard anyone take issue with that fact.

I've heard guys (including myself) say...."hey, we're gonna have opinions"
and that thing you said is one of the reasons i -at least- am gonna have 'em, because i agree with you completely, and while there's probably a good number of models in camland that don't wanna hear the same old question pile up on their screen...because y'all have thought about and weighed the choice, and don't really give a crap what anyone else thinks....not all guys are asking those questions because they wanna feel like a person of influence in your life

I come from the place where it might well sound like I'm doubting your intelligence.....but consider that -for me anyway- saying "awwww" in a models room that i don't know who just said "i'm gonna go and get my boobs done" (or whatever)'s not about her individual intelligence....i just wanna make sure that the social and cultural revolution is still paying attention....

because i sure don't feel it all the time in the mainstream media.

and out here closer to the edge, i'm hearing a lot of skepticism from all of us that anyone can be smart enough to "get it", unless we wanna learn how to do some kind of revolutionary line dance

Don't fuckin' ruin this for us.
us?.....that would imply a "them"...aka the "have nots"......
*sigh*....and all this time, i thought this was a revolution of conciousness, that would benefit us all

Personally, I think the current era is awesome because we ARE finally seeing women altering their appearance based on their own likes. Why do you think we're all so fucking sexy these days?

heheh....same reason i always have.....not even camland can teach an old dog new tricks :lol:
VeronicaChaos said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Welp, I guess she speaks for women everywhere then.

Saying "women should be able to do what they want as part of the feminist revolution" isn't really that novel of a concept, bro.

Who said it was? I just said that other women don't agree with with everything you say. Understand Bro?
PunkInDrublic said:
VeronicaChaos said:
it's the 21st century and we're in the middle of a fucking sexual and feminist revolution. Don't fuckin' ruin this for us.

Many women would argue things like implants are horrible for the feminist revolution. This is a very insular community so I wouldn't expect to see many women disagreeing with each other but if you could try to not sound like you're talking for women everywhere, that'd be great.

I can't think of a woman that would argue that another woman getting breast implants to satisfy her own personal desires for her own body as 'horrible for the feminist revolution' as a woman making choices for herself is sort of the point of a feminist revolution, is it not?

If I wanted a cosmetic procedure of any kind to become more comfortable in my own skin it wouldn't be damning to feminism, it would simply be me doing something that would make me happy.
Isabella_deL said:
crappuccino said:
Isabella_deL said:
Majority of men like women with big boobs, fake or not and very slim. This tiny figure/large breasts is something that very few women have naturally. Sure many men, including most guys I will be in contact with, are not bothered about this image, but it's clear that there's a majority decision.

how do you get that idea if the majority of members in your chat room and the majority of guys you know irl tell you not to get surgery?

Crappuccino, the reason I get this idea is through girls on here saying breast implants pay for themselves, the amount of popularity it gets etc.

Remember, many guys think it's ok to convince a girl out of plastic surgery, but most guys are aware that if they pressured a girl into plastic surgery it would be ridiculous!
Saying to someone that they should get an expensive operation to make them look better is completely twattish, and I don't think anyone would argue about that one!

Guys who like boob jobs will generally stay quieter, also chances are will visit a girl with already fake/big breasts. I would imagine members will get more vocal if they hate boob jobs and a girl says she's getting them. Often the minority can speak the loudest. For example foot fetish guys. Majority of guys do not have a foot fetish, yet it is every other request!

Now see, this is sort of what I was talking about in an earlier post when I said guys react this way because many believe women are getting boob jobs to become more sexually attractive to men.

This was something I actually witnessed while lurking in an mfc room. The model was talking about getting a boob job, the members were universally reacting negatively, and the model said(not a direct quote, but close) "you guys say that now, but I know guys like big boobs."

This is a misconception that women seem to have about men. If you took a poll of men, I would be willing to bet my soul that the order of preference consensus would be something like Natural C-D cups - Natural smaller than C cups - Natural larger than D cup - Fake of any size.

Generally, in my experience as a man, and knowing men, men do not like fake boobs over natural boobs. Period. And like crappuccino said, this is what guys say. We're not lying. Yet for some reason women seem to think the opposite and I am honestly confused as to why.
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