AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Stolen Videos

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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I'm not a fan of vilification. Been there. I'm a woman who accepts money in a sexual context. Many people consider the things I do, and the things I enjoy, to reflect a fundamental defect of character. Some think I must be dumb, or manipulative, or unethical, or they assume I must have some psychological defect to enjoy doing something that they can't fathom doing themselves. Some consider me a threat, whether that's to their wallet or their perception of fidelity, and I've been called names, however childish, and I've been mocked, however weakly. But most often, I've had the validity of everything I say questioned on the grounds that someone like myself doesn't deserve the basic decency of a conversation.

So, needless to say, I'm not particularly comfortable when I see it happen to someone else.
Swirl said:
Trav said:
Alexandra Cole said:
Ugh. I feel gross, so I'm going to add that this is how a certain form of collecting works. When he says it's social, that's what comes to my mind and that's why I don't doubt it.

But I'm not going to say that this is what he is doing. He's spoken for himself very well. This is only meant to support the existence of a social component.

I really feel like rationalizing it in the way you're talking about is like trying to break in through the window of a house when the doors are wide open. 

I'm not discounting that the psychology you're talking about exists. But again, this is a guy with over 12,500 posts across 7+ forums with, as far as I can tell, virtually 0 social interaction on those forums. I think a much easier explanation of this activity than he's trying to develop an encyclopedic and specialized understanding of cam models, is that he's simply found an easy and entertaining source of mostly passive income.

To be honest, I have no idea why there is so much trust of his word happening in this thread just because he's come here and has been able to form complete sentences. If he's making money from this, he has a vested interest in promoting the idea that he's a friendly presence, and that capping is inevitable so you should just appreciate the upside. The less models search for their files, and the less they try to get them deleted, the less his files get DMCA'd and the less he has to worry about re-uploading and re-posting them. Thus the more money he makes on them and the less time he has to invest. And the longer the files stay up, the more his passive income grows exponentially.

Participating in a forum is social, isn't it? Isn't reading and contributing to a forum on the internet social? Isn't AmberCutie forums social? Look, when you become a huge capper and start to develop this reputation for doing this, other cappers start to kiss your ass. I'm sure this feels good to him to have a following. I'm sure these guys PM each other and get to know each other and friendships develop. This is the social part. It's not social sitting there and uploading videos for hours and hours, no, but to deny that any social aspect exists at all just is not correct.

Find one of these forums/posts and tell me it looks anything at all like a normal discussion forum. Because it doesn't. They look like download link repositories with 0 discussion. Sure, there might be some PMing going on and such, but again, this is a guy who has made 12,500+ posts across 7+ different forums. It's not like he's part of some individual forum community where there's a tight social bond. He's just spamming his content in a bunch of different communities and hitting as many eyes as possible.

And just for a second, as a thought experiment, let's say that this isn't about money at all? Let's say his sole motivation is in the small amount of social interaction and 'props' one might receive from doing what he's doing. How fucking horrible a person is he then? He's stealing other people's work and spreading it where they don't want it to go, without their consent, possibly affecting many lives in a negative way(some minor, perhaps some major), and admittedly spending a huge portion of his time doing it, all for a small amount of back patting from people downloading pirated porn on the internet. How many ways are there to socially interact that are not only far easier, but far less damaging to people and far more rewarding? I'm not going to flat out deny there might be some social interaction, but I find it impossible to believe that's the real motivation, especially knowing there is money for him to gain from his activities.

And again, I see no reasons to trust what this person is saying when they are engaging in the above activities, and they have a vested interest in coming to a community like this and portraying themselves as a friendly presence. I have to wonder what Dwight would do if every model he capped and uploaded individually asked him nicely to stop. Because I can assure you, he wouldn't just stop out of the goodness of his heart.
I suppose it is just another internet spawned psychological condition, and probably nothing more.

Unless you're making money from it, in which case you're simply another common bottom feeder.

If you're not actually making any money from it, you probably need some professional help before to many yrs roll by and you wake up one day wondering where your life went.

I use the term bottom feeder because the business you're in not only profits from the work of the models which you steal, you also make a profit off the activities of the ones with truly pitiful internet induced psychological issues who need help, not pushers. No doubt they are paying good money to several downloading sites for premium faster service w/simultanius download privildges .

So at best, you're a victim of the age of the internet and at worst you're just a common bottom feeder. :snooty:

That's not an abusive post that's an honest observation. I personally don't give two shits how you earn your bread. But for the sake of argument you can't really escape being one or the other.
Also to suggest you, as a content thief, can somehow benefit the person from whom you steal your goods from is like a mobster telling the guy who owns the candy store "sure we come in here and steal your candy and chips, but think about it man, we can tell the people we interact with what good stuff you sell. We're actually doing you a favor"

There is really no difference.
Paulie Walnuts said:
Also to suggest you, as a content thief, can somehow benefit the person from whom you steal your goods from is like a mobster telling the guy who owns the candy store "sure we come in here and steal your candy and chips, but think about it man, we can tell the people we interact with what good stuff you sell. We're actually doing you a favor"

There is really no difference.

Also, let's not forget that if models thought that was beneficial or wanted it to occur... they could just do it themselves, and there'd be no place for cappers.
Feels like a whole lot of white-knighting going on in here. :think:

Edit: I know you guys mean well, but chill a bit. Goodness.
AllisonWilder said:
Feels like a whole lot of white-knighting going on in here. :think:

Edit: I know you guys mean well, but chill a bit. Goodness.
At least Mrs. Cleaver saw through Eddie Haskell.
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Evvie said:
(it's okay to steal, just don't steal MY stuff, please).

This philosophy happens in many forms of business. Especially the tech industry, where patents are violated left and right by major corporations (Apple, Microsoft, etc.) but when they're called out on it (IE sued) they try a few things (no particular order, just as I think of them):

1. Try to get the patent invalidated.
2. Claim they're not actually violating the patent because the way they're using the idea is slightly different than the patent.
3. Drag the patent case through the court system for years, especially useful against smaller companies who will likely go bankrupt from legal fees before a verdict is reached.
4. Eventually work out a licensing deal or just outright buy the suing company (or a decent chunk of the company).

But GOD FORBID you use one of their patents without working out a licensing agreement, because their patents are all perfectly valid (hint: they're not, especially many patents Apple has for the iPhone, for example, which fail many tests for patent eligibility) and they will sue the ever living fuck out of you and work to have the courts come to a swift decision because cases they bring up shouldn't be dragged out.

Hypocrisy is at its finest in business.

I mentioned earlier about networks using clips from YouTube and such as if there is no copyright on them, but then order takedowns of their videos on YouTube and other sites. It's a good example of the 'It's fine (for me) to steal, but it's not fine to steal from me.'

Just wanted to comment on that particular line, Evvie, since I have watched it happen so many times in business. Otherwise I might end up on a rant about patent trolls...and I dont feel like working myself up or derailing the thread.
HiGirlsRHot said:
The problem is models, at least on MFC, can't give permission, for cappers to do anything. The videos are the property of MFC and not the models. Mila Kunis maybe on great terms with the president of her fan club, but if he wants to post her clips from the movie Oz on, he needs to get Disney's permission not hers. The same thing is true for capped videos, all the models can legally do is go through MFC. Or appeal directly to cappers good nature. I question the wisdom of the latter approach because now you are giving power to the cappers, "sure dear I'll remove the videos if you give me a free skype show,or other video." I think this sort of like Koolray if you give the cappers attention it just encourages them, but IDK.

To a point. I'm more going to comment on the Mila Kunis aspect over capping cam girls:

The US, and other countries, have Fair Use (or something similar in other countries). This protects people from copyright infringement cases brought against them, so long as the copyrighted content posted falls within fair use.

So, let's look at the Mila Kunis thing you brought up as a hypothetical situation.

If the fan club site wanted to post a 30 second or maybe even a minute clip of Mila from Oz, they are perfectly within their Fair Use rights to do so. This falls under "the amount and substantiality of the content used as compared to the work as a whole" clause of the Fair Use Doctrine. 30 seconds or a minute of footage is a very small portion of Oz (I'm assuming it is at least a 90 minute movie), it's less than 1% of the movie.

So, while Disney might not approve of said clip, there is nothing, legally, they can do about it. It falls within Fair Use.

Other things also fall under Fair Use. Editorials/reviews may use portions of copyrighted works for illustration or comment. Parodies are protected under Fair Use. There are also other ways something can be protected by Fair Use, as well.

When it comes to capping cams from adult sites, while people could claim 'well, it's a small amount of what happened on cam! She was on for hours!' to try and get a fair use defense; the intent of the capping is different. The intent isn't for fair use, it's for whatever other purpose they have (profit [fair use is not supposed to be used for profit, though there can be exceptions], get their e-peen bigger, try to look cool on the forum, whatever). Fair Use defenses also have to show the intent of the use of the copyrighted work was for reasons of Fair Use. Spreading videos of a girl fucking herself/whatever she is doing all over the internet is certainly not an example of Fair Use intent.

But, I also am not in the mood to go into a rant about how overly draconian the big media companies want copyright laws to be, how the Public Domain is obviously bad when their works are about to enter it but perfectly fine for them to take ideas from, that Fair Use should be abolished, etc.
Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Feels like a whole lot of white-knighting going on in here. :think:

Edit: I know you guys mean well, but chill a bit. Goodness.
At least Mrs. Cleaver saw through Eddie Haskell.

It's not like I don't understand that there's probably a lot that I don't know about BeetFarmer, I just don't see a reason for him to lie about it. If he wanted to lie, he could have easily signed up as an inconspicuous member and we would have been none the wiser. He said money was made by cappers and even said he personally made money off of it, so it's not like he's even attempting to hide it.


Or maybe I don't care enough to try to pick apart everything he says here. In all honesty, I work on Streamate so I'm already being recorded and uploaded on tube sites by Streamate itself (just like every other SM model), so it just doesn't matter. And anyone capping me on SM is either seeing me completely clothed in free chat (boring) or they're paying my private rates for a show, so I guess it just doesn't matter that much. I'm one of the models who doesn't actively try to get their content down because I look at it as advertising. If someone I know finds me, well, they were browsing porn in the first place..
AllisonWilder said:
Nordling said:
AllisonWilder said:
Feels like a whole lot of white-knighting going on in here. :think:

Edit: I know you guys mean well, but chill a bit. Goodness.
At least Mrs. Cleaver saw through Eddie Haskell.

It's not like I don't understand that there's probably a lot that I don't know about BeetFarmer, I just don't see a reason for him to lie about it. If he wanted to lie, he could have easily signed up as an inconspicuous member and we would have been none the wiser. He said money was made by cappers and even said he personally made money off of it, so it's not like he's even attempting to hide it.


Or maybe I don't care enough to try to pick apart everything he says here. In all honesty, I work on Streamate so I'm already being recorded and uploaded on tube sites by Streamate itself (just like every other SM model), so it just doesn't matter. And anyone capping me on SM is either seeing me completely clothed in free chat (boring) or they're paying my private rates for a show, so I guess it just doesn't matter that much. I'm one of the models who doesn't actively try to get their content down because I look at it as advertising. If someone I know finds me, well, they were browsing porn in the first place..
I understand, and I'm not suggesting he's lying. We really don't know, but does it even matter? It's like hauling in a suspect to a mass murder, and in the interrogation room, the guy admits to it but in an extremely polite and "respectful" way. Does that change anything?

Not comparing capping to murder but using a hyperbolic example as an analogy. I understand Ted Bundy was extremely cordial and polite too.
AllisonWilder said:
Feels like a whole lot of white-knighting going on in here. :think:

Edit: I know you guys mean well, but chill a bit. Goodness.

Perhaps some, but those of us who have made a living out of producing intellectual property, and watched our and our friends companies fail in no small part to rampant piracy have a visceral reaction to thieves, even when they aren't stealing our stuff. It wouldn't matter if Dwight was stealing big screen TVs from orphanages, or ripping off pimps to "recycle" money into MFC and donates the rest to the Salvation Army. He is still a thief.

I've been listening to the rationalization of pirates for a decades, and even if everything Dwight says 100% true it doesn't matter much. Just because something only exists in a digital form, doesn't mean that it is acceptable for someone to copy it without compensating the person(s) who created it. A book, a movie, a song, a video game, and yes even a camgirl chatting all have value, the same as iPad or a diamond ring.

I can understand listening to a thief, if they look like George Clooney and their heist are as elaborate as Oceans 11 etc. I don't think what Dwight does requires mad hacking skillz, so I am not at all impressed. If you and other Camgirls find it interesting and valuable whatever. The admittedly screwed up intellectual property laws haven't made much of a dent in piracy, so I have this naive view that if pirate are ostracized the same way as racist are by young people it might make a difference.
Nordling said:
Not comparing capping to murder but using a hyperbolic example as an analogy. I understand Ted Bundy was extremely cordial and polite too.

You've always been incredibly reasonable, Nordling, but you realize that you, and several others, have effectively shut down the conversation with what, to me, just looks like a lot of anger. You've suggested we're naive for taking what he says seriously. You're comparing him to a serial killer now. I have to believe that you know this isn't an innocent analogy.

For a fleeting moment, models were asking questions, Beet was answering them, and there was an exchange happening there. That's pretty huge. It doesn't happen very often, and given how this thread's played out, it probably won't happen again. But it seemed, to me, to be the whole point of a forum like this. However you feel about pirates, or Beet, models are the ones affected. We should be able to talk to them without feeling the need to shout.

That exchange quickly degenerated into a hatefest, as if anyone needed convincing that piracy is a problem. It was as though you, and others, wanted to drive this guy from the site, even though we were in the middle of a conversation. And I don't know why. I don't know how that helps anyone. I just know that it only hurts those of us who were interested in that conversation.

I can understand being angry at Beet for his exchange with BrownFox (someone I've always respected as well), but it feels like that there's got to be a point where the vilification stops, or at least gets placed to the side. What's happening here, right now, it isn't good. And I'm worried this kind of relentless contempt is going to spread from thread to thread.

You're obviously not the only one, and again, I'm just responding to you because you've always been so reasonable. I guess I'm just hoping there's a solution. Because right now, I'm at a total loss.
Alexandra Cole said:
Nordling said:
Not comparing capping to murder but using a hyperbolic example as an analogy. I understand Ted Bundy was extremely cordial and polite too.

You've always been incredibly reasonable, Nordling, but you realize that you, and several others, have effectively shut down the conversation with what, to me, just looks like a lot of anger. You've suggested we're naive for taking what he says seriously. You're comparing him to a serial killer now. I have to believe that you know this isn't an innocent analogy.

For a fleeting moment, models were asking questions, Beet was answering them, and there was an exchange happening there. That's pretty huge. It doesn't happen very often, and given how this thread's played out, it probably won't happen again. But it seemed, to me, to be the whole point of a forum like this. However you feel about pirates, or Beet, models are the ones affected. We should be able to talk to them without feeling the need to shout.

That exchange quickly degenerated into a hatefest, as if anyone needed convincing that piracy is a problem. It was as though you, and others, wanted to drive this guy from the site, even though we were in the middle of a conversation. And I don't know why. I don't know how that helps anyone. I just know that it only hurts those of us who were interested in that conversation.

I can understand being angry at Beet for his exchange with BrownFox (someone I've always respected as well), but it feels like that there's got to be a point where the vilification stops, or at least gets placed to the side. What's happening here, right now, it isn't good. And I'm worried this kind of relentless contempt is going to spread from thread to thread.

You're obviously not the only one, and again, I'm just responding to you because you've always been so reasonable. I guess I'm just hoping there's a solution. Because right now, I'm at a total loss.
It was an analogy. The elements of an analogy do not represent the elements of reality; they represent points of a pattern. However, I am sorry to have participated in the ruination of a conversation you and others feel is important. I don't see it, but it's not for me to decide, of course, so I'll try to restrain myself from injecting my opinion in this thread.
Alexandra Cole said:
I can understand being angry at Beet for his exchange with BrownFox (someone I've always respected as well), but it feels like that there's got to be a point where the vilification stops, or at least gets placed to the side. What's happening here, right now, it isn't good. And I'm worried this kind of relentless contempt is going to spread from thread to thread.

I said I wasn't going to post in this thread again unless my name was brought back into it. Please keep my name out of this conversation, and stop assuming that every opinion Nordling expresses in ACF posts is all related to me. It's sad that every time he expresses his opinion in a thread I've posted in, people dismiss his posts and just say "Oh, well you're just siding with your favorite person." It's insulting to him, and he might as well not even post anymore in the same threads as me if people are gonna be like this every time we post in a thread.

Models in this thread have every right to listen to BeetFarmer, thank his posts, think he's a 'respectful' guy, and express their opinions. Just like PaulieWalnuts, Trav, Nordling, Isabella, etc. have the right to express their opinions about his hobby, without people telling them "Whoa, hold on right're not being fair." What's so unfair? It seems like some of the people in this thread are getting jumped on for having an opinion different from most of the posters, and it's not right. And by the way, just because most of the models in this thread are A-OK with Beet and his hobby doesn't mean every other model and member have to agree with you.
It's not really a matter of 'jumping on' someone who has a differing opinion, it was more a 'hey, some of us are actually interested in having some questions answered' sort of thing. Shutting a poster down before they have a chance to answer some legit questions is just sort of rude to the people doing the asking.

AllisonWilder said:
It's not really a matter of 'jumping on' someone who has a differing opinion, it was more a 'hey, some of us are actually interested in having some questions answered' sort of thing. Shutting a poster down before they have a chance to answer some legit questions is just sort of rude to the people doing the asking.


He's had plenty of chances to answer, and he did. And people are expressing their opinions on his answers, which they should be allowed to do.
Trav is correct. The dude on filexuidx is using an automated system to record virtually every MFC model who appears on a particular day. He uses various nicks but most often calls himself the "MXC Arxhivxr." He has set up his own file sharing site so that he can defend his posts against "white knights," and he monitors carefully other forums for any mention of his site or his activities. Speaking of "veiled threats," the MXC Arxhivxr" does not respond well to DMCA notices - unlike forumophilia or [site name banned*6] where models can usually get their content taken down. Instead he will use any communication from a model about stolen content to single the person concerned out for special attention. MFC Legal should deal with him. Nobody else can.
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UncleLewis said:
Trav is correct. The dude on filexuidx is using an automated system to record virtually every MFC model who appears on a particular day. He uses various nicks but most often calls himself the "MXC Arxhivxr." He has set up his own file sharing site so that he can defend his posts against "white knights," and he monitors carefully other forums for any mention of his site or his activities. Speaking of "veiled threats," the MXC Arxhivxr" does not respond well to DMCA notices - unlike forumophilia or [site name banned*6] where models can usually get their content taken down. Instead he will use any communication from a model about stolen content to single the person concerned out for special attention. MFC Legal should deal with him. Nobody else can.

But it would be many times cheaper to either go to a secure stream like chaturbate has, or put a limit on bandwidth a user can use at a single time or a max number of rooms. One member has proof that mfc allowed him to have 30 rooms open at once. 30 rooms open is going to be using at least 10Mb/s per second its really not hard to see that if you add in code to the script to have a page in the admin panel showing all the current IP's listed in order of most bandwidth used.

Its also not valid if the Model or her white knights are sending out a DMCA notice, as they both are not authorized by myfreecams to work as a legal agent for them. Also DMCA can be totally ignored if the content is being hosted outside of the United States, most of the file hosts are only doing DMCA just so that they can keep their .net or .com website and not get heat from the major studios and software companies.
Alexandra Cole said:
Nordling said:
Not comparing capping to murder but using a hyperbolic example as an analogy. I understand Ted Bundy was extremely cordial and polite too.

You're comparing him to a serial killer now. I have to believe that you know this isn't an innocent analogy.

Without wishing to be Captain Obvious, he did say "hyperbolic example" - which if you know what hyperbole means it explains perfectly what he just said.

hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

He is merely pointing out that being polite doesn't make things "okay". I understand perfectly the idea of "oh my, this one can talk and is engaging with us" with regards to the guy himself - pick the brains, try to understand motivations etc - but I understand Nordling is just pointing out that being cordial or engaging doesn't make things okay. Guess he felt it needed to be said because people questioned why others debate/go on about him. Of course, "it affects camgirls not members" is fine and valid. But at the same time, whomever it effects is a half part of the conversation. At the heart of it is legality - not the subjects.

My only (recent) interest is in his motivation to appear "honest and polite" - or should I say how that has resulted in the behaviour of cam girls responding :D
To me, the motivation seemed obvious. He has nothing to lose - only to gain. Likewise he has nothing to gain by being a twat - it will only cause more haters which cause more problems for his files.
If his polite, explanatory dialogue results in fewer reports of uploads - it is saving him huge amounts of time. The last thing people who upload lots of content need is people who intentionally search out his posts and report every single last link just to be ... erm, well, whatever you want to call it (good, vindictive, self righteous, moral etc). If being polite, seemingly honest, and removing financial jealousy aspects from the equation result in people getting less angry and reporting fewer items, then it is very worthwhile to engage and be rational.

Several times he has made claims about profitability and more. The simple truth is, if he was sat there saying "I'm making a fuck-ton of money" it would probably increase the amount of hate/reports he gets as it likely infuriates or motivates others to have a vendetta.

However, having clicked on his links they're not "you must be premium to download this file" - irrespective of their size - which kinda helps support the idea he's not making money (or as much as he could anyway). At least not until you check out what the pay-per-click relationship is for downloads - but I cannot be bothered because I don't really care.

Is the dialogue "interesting" at any point in the thread? Not really... nor is it surprising. Slightly surprised you ladies thought his posting is.
Zoomer said:
Without wishing to be Captain Obvious, he did say "hyperbolic example" - which if you know what hyperbole means it explains perfectly what he just said.

hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
If only there were some tool, some way people could search for themselves, in the rare cases they didn't actually know what a word meant, for definitions and stuff. Thankfully, we have many helpful people that post definitions for us!

Disclaimers don't make ridiculous analogies better. "I'm not really going to godwin this thread, but yeah, fuck it, I'm going to godwin it!"
This whole thread has been beating it into the ground on both sides, which is why it's 9 pages long. We have a group of very opinionated, inquisitive people on here who want to know WHO...WHAT...WHY...WHEN...WHERE.

Also, I'm curious...what makes you feel that people in this particular thread are on a witch hunt (that's been happening lately in the "This is my new cam site" threads, that's for sure)? Is it simply because they/we didn't greet BF with a warm embrace like the other posters have? I'm not being a's a serious question. I think people are scratching their heads in puzzlement, because they're surprised to see a person join this kind of forum and admit to being one of the nicer cappers. It's

This thread could've ended up a lot worse than it has, actually...with people cussing each other out and flippin' out. So far, I think the "worst" thing said to BF was that he's a 'thief', which isn't exactly a lie. He would've been called way worse than that had this been other forums where models don't take too kindly to the cappers.
Zoomer said:
Without wishing to be Captain Obvious, he did say "hyperbolic example" - which if you know what hyperbole means it explains perfectly what he just said.

Of course. Hyperbole can be used to clarify a point. Hyperbole can also be inflammatory. I wasn't talking about Nordling's opinion - I was talking about the overall escalation of inflammatory language.

The course of this thread started with some pretty diverse perspectives on piracy and ended with an us-vs-them polarization. And I was hoping it would be possible to go back to that diversity of perspective, but when a defense of calm discussion is interpreted to be a defense of piracy, I don't think it can.

What worries me is that it looks like this is going to happen again, and again, and again. And if we can't talk without reducing one another to extremes, there isn't much point in talking at all.
OK I try read through some of this thread..ugh

I just want know, if videos found on file sharing sites, what is best way to remove? Does contacting MFC do anything? Do you need file full DMCA complaint? Does simply e-mailing them telling them content violates terms enough?
Sam5 said:
OK I try read through some of this thread..ugh

I just want know, if videos found on file sharing sites, what is best way to remove? Does contacting MFC do anything? Do you need file full DMCA complaint? Does simply e-mailing them telling them content violates terms enough?
If you're the model that is seen in the video, simply send the link to the file to MFC. They will send a DMCA for you, which usually results in the video being taken down by the host site.
If you're a member, let the model know where you found her video so she can take care of it.
vlad.mazare said:
But not all sites have to abide by dmca notices, wcgu never removes videos.

How many more times are you planning to put your foot in your mouth on this forum. Jesus Christ, you only signed up 3 days ago.
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