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Webcams on Streamate lag

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May 28, 2012

I registered to about 4 months ago and it's been a week that I'm facing a problem and I contacted the admin of the website but the admin hasn't replied my email yet.I thought maybe by posting this thread i can find a solution!

all the webcams on lag and freeze non-stop, but it seems that it happens only on Streamate or webcams on similar sites with different domains, I've checked other live cam sites like or, no lags on these websites though. everything's running perfect on other websites but Streamate!!
(I haven't had any problem like this before)

Have any of you experienced such a problem?
any solution?

My Internet connection is good and I have installed the latest flash player on my laptop.

I made a video of my issue to just show it more clearly. []

Any help would be very much appreciated. :pray:
Are you using wireless internet? If at all possible, use wired. It really does make a difference.
Based on a lot of forum posts I've read lately, lots of models have been having tech issues with Streamate.
Yeah, I just had guys in my room complaining about choppy, and I *know* both computer and internet are up to par.

Don't sweat it hun, it's not you. It's them. Maybe they don't have fast enough servers, maybe the servers can't handle the current load, or maybe it's just that the heat is getting to their servers and they need better cooling systems for them. Whatever it is, the best we can do is all of us send them our complaints. The first 10 or so, they'll try to troubleshoot our end. But after that, they might realize it's on their side.
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