AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

"WebcamTutorials" and Kool Ray. Helpful? No. Comical.

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Am I the only person thinking about making a series of bad cam model advice videos with ads?


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mynameisbob84 said:
Haha! That's you bbs told! :-D

Also, I love that this week's "advice" essentially boils down to

Be a brand new cam girl
Cam with another model
Tell everyone about your sexual history in graphic detail
Risk blowing your ass up by inserting a firework in it
Order a pizza

I also love that he'll stick around if there's a countdown going on. He won't tip towards it, but he'll stick around. And that's clearly what a cam girl should be striving for - convincing guys to stick around for half an hour at a time without actually tipping.

WAIT! So many contradictions my head hurts.

Be a cam virgin, but be old news the next day.
Talk about your sexual exploits but don't have a boyfriend/husband because you'll ruin the fantasy.
Put things in your ass, but don't do anal.
Order a pizza, but don't eat it. That's boring.
Go topless thru a drive-thru. (Don't forget that eye contact with the webcam!)
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah the number 1 way to get guys to stay in your room is to shoot fireworks from your ass, apparently. Incidentally it's also the number 1 way to end up wearing a colostomy bag for the rest of your life.

Also, he apparently likes when a girl tells him about the time she got arrested and ends up having sex with the cop to get out of being charged, creepy and gross. :?
As long as they are not still dating. Then he's OUT! :lol:
I've really been so bored the last 5 days not being able to cam. I know these are horrible but they have made my days slightly more interesting.
AllisonWilder said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Haha! That's you bbs told! :-D

Also, I love that this week's "advice" essentially boils down to

Be a brand new cam girl
Cam with another model
Tell everyone about your sexual history in graphic detail
Risk blowing your ass up by inserting a firework in it
Order a pizza

I also love that he'll stick around if there's a countdown going on. He won't tip towards it, but he'll stick around. And that's clearly what a cam girl should be striving for - convincing guys to stick around for half an hour at a time without actually tipping.

WAIT! So many contradictions my head hurts.

Be a cam virgin, but be old news the next day.
Talk about your sexual exploits but don't have a boyfriend/husband because you'll ruin the fantasy.
Put things in your ass, but don't do anal.
Order a pizza, but don't eat it. That's boring.
Go topless thru a drive-thru. (Don't forget that eye contact with the webcam!)

I thought the same thing about the "talk about your sexual experiences but don't you dare have a boyfriend!" thing! And I'd forgotten about the "no anal" tweet, but you're right. I guess the advice can be extended to

Firework in the ass - good
Sex toy or penis in the ass - bad

I'm beginning to think he might be a little bit mental :?
mynameisbob84 said:
AllisonWilder said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Haha! That's you bbs told! :-D

Also, I love that this week's "advice" essentially boils down to

Be a brand new cam girl
Cam with another model
Tell everyone about your sexual history in graphic detail
Risk blowing your ass up by inserting a firework in it
Order a pizza

I also love that he'll stick around if there's a countdown going on. He won't tip towards it, but he'll stick around. And that's clearly what a cam girl should be striving for - convincing guys to stick around for half an hour at a time without actually tipping.

WAIT! So many contradictions my head hurts.

Be a cam virgin, but be old news the next day.
Talk about your sexual exploits but don't have a boyfriend/husband because you'll ruin the fantasy.
Put things in your ass, but don't do anal.
Order a pizza, but don't eat it. That's boring.
Go topless thru a drive-thru. (Don't forget that eye contact with the webcam!)

I thought the same thing about the "talk about your sexual experiences but don't you dare have a boyfriend!" thing! And I'd forgotten about the "no anal" tweet, but you're right. I guess the advice can be extended to

Firework in the ass - good
Sex toy or penis in the ass - bad

I'm beginning to think he might be a little bit mental :?

Just a little?
Yeah I noticed the "order a pizza!" Yet you're not allowed to eat it?

This one's the creepiest/worst. I have a feeling he is now doing it to get a reaction/to piss us off.

Does he not realise that although room numbers are good, room numbers are nothing if no one's tipping?! Some girls make loads and have really high camscores yet rarely have more than 150 in their rooms!

Also how am I meant to sit close to the cam and tell people about my day and also dance around being sexy at the same time?! Oh AND order a pizza, AND do public shows that could get me arrested.

It's actually getting kind of boring for me now.
Shaun__ said:
Am I the only person thinking about making a series of bad cam model advice videos with ads?

I'm actually on it right now. I've almost finished a spoof video for videos 1 - 5 (it's just one short video in a mock Kool Ray style with permission from LovelyLemon who has too much going on right now to actually narrate it, but added some of her input to it). Hopefully it will be done and up while it is still relevant.
Missed the edit window so double post!

If you have an idea for something I should add to the video, please PM me and let me know. I'd really love to include other people's input into the video as well. It's almost finished (I have all the main effects copied in mock style) but I haven't narrated it yet and can easily add more to it. : )
BluexDakota said:
Missed the edit window so double post!

If you have an idea for something I should add to the video, please PM me and let me know. I'd really love to include other people's input into the video as well. It's almost finished (I have all the main effects copied in mock style) but I haven't narrated it yet and can easily add more to it. : )
can I get a shout out to Jolene and SophiaLocke please? :D Been trying for over a week now to get them a shoutout in Fool Ray's :p
mynameisbob84 said:
Haha! That's you bbs told! :-D

Also, I love that this week's "advice" essentially boils down to

Be a brand new cam girl
Cam with another model
Tell everyone about your sexual history in graphic detail
Risk blowing your ass up by inserting a firework in it
Order a pizza

I also love that he'll stick around if there's a countdown going on. He won't tip towards it, but he'll stick around. And that's clearly what a cam girl should be striving for - convincing guys to stick around for half an hour at a time without actually tipping.
From this video, and his previous one on reasons guys leave, it's pretty clear he's only there to watch a show. He said that if a model is smoking/away from cam/eating there's no possibility of anything happening and that's why he leaves. Obviously enjoying a models company isn't what he's after, he just wants a crazy show with no anal and attention on twitter lol.
To two of his rules:
#8 - The look into camera when talking about your day thing. If a guy cares about a models day, he'll listen. Staring down the camera doesn't make people want to listen more and looks a little creepy. I can't help but wonder if when he tells people about his day, he walks right up to them and goes face-to-face to make it more personal.
#4 - Camming with another model he likes. Well damn, where to start with this. While of course it would be nice to see two models you like cam together, it's not possible to do that. Different members like different models, does he expect models to ask every member every model they like and then to go around camming with them all? My mind has been brokened, not just broken but brokened!!

He's really making me appreciate the other members that are on this site. How much more realistic they (and hopefully myself) are towards camming, models and the fact that models are actually people too. We're still not perfect but at least we aren't like him lol.
LilyMarie said:
This just in:
He's been a basic for five years.

As a metaphor, he's like those teenagers who hang around supermarkets and get in the way without ever buying anything.
Nah, he's worse...
No matter what metaphor anyone comes up with, KoolRay will always be worse. IMO.
Am I a horrible bitch for wanting to send MFC a link to his videos, including the one where he claims he's underage, and see if they can ban his IP for recording content and being underage? Is that crazy?

Not that they would do anything, but it would be so awesome to see him kicked off the site, considering it seems to be his whole life lol.
AllisonWilder said:
I don't understand why he keeps saying 'My parents were basics.'
Because he thinks it's hilarious.
LilyMarie said:
AllisonWilder said:
I don't understand why he keeps saying 'My parents were basics.'
Because he thinks it's hilarious.
Yeah this and that thing about having a gf be illegal in Canada makes me think he just cracks strange jokes that aren't even jokes to anyone but him. It's a measure of what an oddball he is I guess.
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SophiaLocke said:
The "5 years as a basic" thing is making me raaaage right now! Of all the entitled, idiotic assholes - this guy takes the cake!
I dunno what to believe about this idiot, since he keeps saying his 'parents were basics'
Yeah, he's a troll. I refuse to believe this guy is for real anymore. He's probably a really big spending, amusing, great guy to have around and is playing a big joke on us. That's what I'm telling myself anyway. :?
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I wonder if it was always a troll thing, or if it is now a troll thing because he knows he's pissing us off/getting attention and has realised the worse they are the more attention he gets.....
I still don't think he's a troll BUT he is starting to get all passive-aggressive with his videos - the whole "if you don't like it you can just leave a nasty youtube message like everyone else" bit and the use of that crappy "Titanium" song (the lyrics of which are something like "You can shoot me down but I won't die") definitely speak to him being all annoyed that his videos aren't being taken seriously. But I'm of the opinion that the first four were totally earnest.

Also, lol at his five years as a basic and his refusal to concede that signing up as a premium might be worthwhile. And double-lol at MFC being "prejudiced" against members who just sit around taking up bandwidth without ever paying for their entertainment.
I feel his pain though. I used to spend hours upon hours in the strip club every week and I'd never ever tip the dancers and then one day one of them asked why I never tip and I was like "well, my parents never tipped erotic dancers, hahaaaaaaaa" and she was like, "well that's not funny" and I was like "you can take your prejudice and stick it up your aesthetically pleasing ass, bb!" :?
Yeah, I don't actually think he's a troll either, I was just telling myself that to ease the headfuck of the 'prejudice' comment. :lol:
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Nordling said:
LilyMarie said:
This just in:
He's been a basic for five years.

As a metaphor, he's like those teenagers who hang around supermarkets and get in the way without ever buying anything.

... and who then upload a series of videos to youtube explaining how to be a better supermarket :?
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