AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

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JimsX said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
watching this model right now - fucking her ass, then her pussy with the same dildo.

It's maybe not annoying me, as much as making me worry about her.
What are you doing girl!! ???

That and sticking sugary things in pussies. It makes me cringe. It just can't be healthy.

It isn't.
Every time a dude asks me to do this I feel like such a boner killer because I immediately have to launch into a lesson on female anatomy and let them know that unless you want a lady to get a yeast infection, this is a big no no. I mean I could just kindly decline, but I feel like it just isn't right to allow people to think that girls can just stick lollipops and popsicles into their cooters all willy nilly.
Miss_Lollipop said:
I'm assuming you're trying to say that's what I'm saying and it not. there are plenty of ways to be disrespectful. (flipping someone off in traffic.. for example) I don't find doing a non-nude show in a library to be any of them. You do. Why is this so hard to understand? Why must I be making an excuse?? I don't really understand.. though at this point I guess this is rhertorical question.

Libraries aren't sacred to me. So no, its not disrespectful to me :)
Nothing hard to understand about us feeling differently about a situation. I felt you were making excuses and justifying the behavior because it is something you have done. The same reasons you find religious shows disrespectful are the same reasons why many feel libraries shows are disrespectful. Yet you only find the one you don't do disrespectful. Easy to see why I felt you were making excuses. I was simply trying to understand how you didn't find library shows disrespectful and the "because they aren't sacred" line just wasn't very logical unless you only care about what you consider sacred and don't care or respect what others find sacred. I think I get it now tho. One thing we can agree on is that people need to make their own choices. What you and I think shouldn't be important to them. Managed to spell religious properly on my first attempt, pretty proud of myself.

How about we all agree to just give up on the library talk for awhile. Nobody wants to read about it anymore.
NoelleBright said:
JimsX said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
watching this model right now - fucking her ass, then her pussy with the same dildo.

It's maybe not annoying me, as much as making me worry about her.
What are you doing girl!! ???

That and sticking sugary things in pussies. It makes me cringe. It just can't be healthy.

It isn't.
Every time a dude asks me to do this I feel like such a boner killer because I immediately have to launch into a lesson on female anatomy and let them know that unless you want a lady to get a yeast infection, this is a big no no. I mean I could just kindly decline, but I feel like it just isn't right to allow people to think that girls can just stick lollipops and popsicles into their cooters all willy nilly.

Wtf. Man.

I get a lot of dudes asking for me to do ATM stuff too and I just can't handle it.
AedanRayne said:
Can't models use sugar free products? Diabetic Popsicles rock for the VAGEEN!
I play it safe and assume that most things that aren't meant to go in a vageen will offset the correct PH balance in there. Proceed with caution, even with artificial sugars.

AedanRayne said:
I think consistency and keeping your word is important. I'm not making an excuse for girls not showing up when they said they'd be there but here's some food for thought with models being late...

I get the, "If it was any other job, she would be expected at x time" but let's face it - this is not like every other job. A model might try hard to make it at a specific time but someone calls them who doesn't know that they're a cam model and she can't exactly say, "Hey... I have to be at work at X time." Certain shows, looks, etc. take varying times that she didn't anticipate, something she planned is failing, technical difficulties or the model has an anxiety disorder who needs to make sure she's in the right mood prior to logging on before being in front of a hundred eyes. :shrug:
Bingo. Even if it isn't an actual anxiety disorder, it's important for a cam girl to be in the right mindset before logging on. And one of the biggest selling points of this job is the freedom, so not being "fired" for logging on at sporadic times is part of the gig that keeps me happy. And I don't mind when my regs make a few jokes here and there about how "late" I may be some days, but if it gets too much I give them a speech that touches on the reasons I listed above and tell them to knock it off. :)
AmberCutie said:
AedanRayne said:
Can't models use sugar free products? Diabetic Popsicles rock for the VAGEEN!
I play it safe and assume that most things that aren't meant to go in a vageen will offset the correct PH balance in there. Proceed with caution, even with artificial sugars.

Yerp. They usually still have concentrated fruit juices and artificial coloring and stuff in them. Weirds me out.
If you want to use popsicles, I'd suggest getting some popsicle molds and making your own with just water and maybe some food coloring if you need it to be colorful.
HiGirlsRHot said:
To me communications is more important than consistency.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the issue where a camgirl gives a certain time when she'll be on and then doesn't show up without a word.

It's not the not showing up that bothers me, it's tha lack of communication. Aedan makes a good point that there are many possible reasons for camgirls to not be on when they said they would be, and truth be told, whenever a camgirl isn't on when she was planning to be, I tend to assume that something came up. However, if it does and you have a Twitter account, there should ideally not be anything (barring sudden internet problems, of course) preventing her from telling us that it did. If nothing is said, then we're all left to wonder whether she just forgot, changed her mind, is running late or is wearing cement shoes because she had unpaid debts and the mob finally caught up with her.

Also, if you're aware of this problem being a common occurrence for you, I'd personally suggest either starting to give more vague indications of when you might be on or switch from "I'll be on at 10PM" to "Hoping to be on at 10PM" and updating as more info regarding "being on" becomes available.

I will never have a problem with hearing "Sorry guys, not going to make it after all" five minutes before a show would have started, not even if I'd specifically stayed up/woke up early to see a particular model.
NataliaGrey said:
To make it creamy and more comfortable you can add coconut oil, too!

Straight coconut oil could be great. It's pretty much rock solid below 15C/59F, melts at skin temp, good lubricant, if needed, and it has topical antimicrobial properties, which includes candida. (Caprylic acid, which is around 9% in coconut oil, is a mild antifungal.)
Yeah, I think most members will understand that camming isn't like most other jobs where you must be here on time. It's not enough to have done your make-up, picked out the right clothes, prepped the right games, settled on the right countdown and made the right playlist. You also have to be in the right frame of mind, lest everything go to shit, and sometimes that means your members will have to wait a little while longer for that than they'd planned to.

Communication is definitely key though, as touched on above. A tweet saying "sorry guys, running late. be there soon" is often the difference between a member waiting for you to get online, and a member deciding that they've already waited long enough and seeing as they don't even know if you're gonna log on that night, they'd be better served going to see another model (or models) and spending their money there.
Alexandra Cole said:
NataliaGrey said:
To make it creamy and more comfortable you can add coconut oil, too!

Straight coconut oil could be great. It's pretty much rock solid below 15C/59F, melts at skin temp, good lubricant, if needed, and it has topical antimicrobial properties, which includes candida. (Caprylic acid, which is around 9% in coconut oil, is a mild antifungal.)

Yeah, coconut oil is the best idea, it won't fuck up your PH.
A healthy vagina has a PH of 3.5 to 4.5, water has a PH of about 7. Baaaaad ideaaaaa with the water.
Awesome points here about timing and it's great to hear from members.

I only give out ETA anymore. Emphasis on the estimated part. I am NEVER on time but always in constant communication about my status. 6pm ish at least let's people know it won't be 10!

A simple "getting ready!" And then at 6pm an update on my status. "Almost ready" kind if stuff.

It's reasonable for a cam girl to be late often, I've sneezed lipstick up my nose enough time to know that.... It is not reasonable to just not say anything and act like it never happened. The people who tip you deserve more respect and communication than that.

Not trying to make anyone feel bad, just offering a view as to how going silent could possibly really hurt you.
NoelleBright said:
Alexandra Cole said:
NataliaGrey said:
To make it creamy and more comfortable you can add coconut oil, too!

Straight coconut oil could be great. It's pretty much rock solid below 15C/59F, melts at skin temp, good lubricant, if needed, and it has topical antimicrobial properties, which includes candida. (Caprylic acid, which is around 9% in coconut oil, is a mild antifungal.)

Yeah, coconut oil is the best idea, it won't fuck up your PH.
A healthy vagina has a PH of 3.5 to 4.5, water has a PH of about 7. Baaaaad ideaaaaa with the water.

"Yo baby baby, are the PH levels of your vagina on the upper side of normal, cos' dat thing is PH4.7/PHAT!"

I'm sorry. I'll leave now... :shifty:
Leon_Omega said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
To me communications is more important than consistency.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the issue where a camgirl gives a certain time when she'll be on and then doesn't show up without a word.

It's not the not showing up that bothers me, it's tha lack of communication. Aedan makes a good point that there are many possible reasons for camgirls to not be on when they said they would be, and truth be told, whenever a camgirl isn't on when she was planning to be, I tend to assume that something came up. However, if it does and you have a Twitter account, there should ideally not be anything (barring sudden internet problems, of course) preventing her from telling us that it did. If nothing is said, then we're all left to wonder whether she just forgot, changed her mind, is running late or is wearing cement shoes because she had unpaid debts and the mob finally caught up with her.

Also, if you're aware of this problem being a common occurrence for you, I'd personally suggest either starting to give more vague indications of when you might be on or switch from "I'll be on at 10PM" to "Hoping to be on at 10PM" and updating as more info regarding "being on" becomes available.

I will never have a problem with hearing "Sorry guys, not going to make it after all" five minutes before a show would have started, not even if I'd specifically stayed up/woke up early to see a particular model.

TBH, this has been me, far more than I would like int he last two years. My personal life has become more than a shitstorm, so it makes it incredibly hard for me to cam consistently AT ALL. All my regs do know this, && we do make jokes about my being late constantly, & of course, we make even bigger jokes when I'm on time, or early. Sometimes it get's out of hand though, so I kind of have to chatise them, && then I explain every single reason why I was late, etc. Lolololol. By then, they usually get it. :). there have def been some times where I've Tweeted all day about getting on, blogged, && let people know individually, then last minute, or even last minute [but really, like last few hours before I'm supposed to get on] something has come up, to where I'm not really able to let anyone know that I can't make it on. I have also had some health issues lately, && because of that, I have literally fallen asleep like 4 hours before Iw as supposed to get on, && then not woken up til like the next day, or like 15 hours later. :(.

To compensate this, I have been a LOT better about communicating using the MFC newsfeed, && my Twitter. I usually say something like that I will be getting on MFC between 9 && 11 pm PDT, && then I add EDT in there just in case. Then I tweet as I go along getting ready, etc. I understand how it feels to wait up, etc, && it can really suck. But I completely understand running late. I'm literally late for EVERYTHING, because something ALWAYS happens to fuck my shit up, no matter what. I can start getting ready 6 hours before, && I'll be like 30 - 60 minutes late. :(.

mynameisbob84 said:
Yeah, I think most members will understand that camming isn't like most other jobs where you must be here on time. It's not enough to have done your make-up, picked out the right clothes, prepped the right games, settled on the right countdown and made the right playlist. You also have to be in the right frame of mind, lest everything go to shit, and sometimes that means your members will have to wait a little while longer for that than they'd planned to.

Communication is definitely key though, as touched on above. A tweet saying "sorry guys, running late. be there soon" is often the difference between a member waiting for you to get online, and a member deciding that they've already waited long enough and seeing as they don't even know if you're gonna log on that night, they'd be better served going to see another model (or models) and spending their money there.

Amen to this! :).

AmberCutie said:
AedanRayne said:
I think consistency and keeping your word is important. I'm not making an excuse for girls not showing up when they said they'd be there but here's some food for thought with models being late...

I get the, "If it was any other job, she would be expected at x time" but let's face it - this is not like every other job. A model might try hard to make it at a specific time but someone calls them who doesn't know that they're a cam model and she can't exactly say, "Hey... I have to be at work at X time." Certain shows, looks, etc. take varying times that she didn't anticipate, something she planned is failing, technical difficulties or the model has an anxiety disorder who needs to make sure she's in the right mood prior to logging on before being in front of a hundred eyes. :shrug:
Bingo. Even if it isn't an actual anxiety disorder, it's important for a cam girl to be in the right mindset before logging on. And one of the biggest selling points of this job is the freedom, so not being "fired" for logging on at sporadic times is part of the gig that keeps me happy. And I don't mind when my regs make a few jokes here and there about how "late" I may be some days, but if it gets too much I give them a speech that touches on the reasons I listed above and tell them to knock it off. :)


I actually cannot tell you how many times I have planned something specific,. that I have been vague about to everyone - because I wanted it to be a surprise, etc... && I have planned for extra time for something, but then stuff just keeps going wrong, lol. =P. I also have seem to had a lot of tech difficulties over the last couple months as well. As far as being int he right mindset, that is so on pointe. Sometimes i have to sit here an extra 30 mins, after I've said I was gonna go shower, to be able to really get going. Sometimes it's cause my moos is that off, that I'm taking a little bit of extra time to have some wine, or smoke a bit of pot, etc to be able to relax enough to put myself in the right mindset.
NoelleBright said:
Alexandra Cole said:
NataliaGrey said:
To make it creamy and more comfortable you can add coconut oil, too!

Straight coconut oil could be great. It's pretty much rock solid below 15C/59F, melts at skin temp, good lubricant, if needed, and it has topical antimicrobial properties, which includes candida. (Caprylic acid, which is around 9% in coconut oil, is a mild antifungal.)

Yeah, coconut oil is the best idea, it won't fuck up your PH.
A healthy vagina has a PH of 3.5 to 4.5, water has a PH of about 7. Baaaaad ideaaaaa with the water.

Just wanted to note something super fast,. coconut oil can also be used as lube. :). For butt sex too. Just have to be careful with your toys. Only toys that a very high grade silicone can be used with coconut oil :)
MelodyFaye said:
Call herself fat on cam. I'm sorry it is just incredibly unattractive to me.

I agree with you totally even though I am terribly guilty of this :-( LOL
I gained a lot of weight Jan-March due to depression, which only made my depression worse. So, I would call myself fat on cam before anyone else could. I know that is silly, but its what I did. Now I am losing the weight and even though I have lost 30lbs, I am still doing it!

Thank you for your post, I realize I gotta stop!
ScarletRaven said:
MelodyFaye said:
Call herself fat on cam. I'm sorry it is just incredibly unattractive to me.

I agree with you totally even though I am terribly guilty of this :-( LOL
I gained a lot of weight Jan-March due to depression, which only made my depression worse. So, I would call myself fat on cam before anyone else could. I know that is silly, but its what I did. Now I am losing the weight and even though I have lost 30lbs, I am still doing it!

Thank you for your post, I realize I gotta stop!

I'm calling myself fat too, but it's not out of a need to ask for pity for my insecurities or re-assurance I am not. It's just a fact that I don't mind talking about. If I gain muscle, I'm going to say so, if I gain fat because I eat junk food, I'm also going to call it like it is ...fat?! I certainly don't understand why it's seen as a turn off, or as an insecurity.
JordanBlack said:
ScarletRaven said:
MelodyFaye said:
Call herself fat on cam. I'm sorry it is just incredibly unattractive to me.

I agree with you totally even though I am terribly guilty of this :-( LOL
I gained a lot of weight Jan-March due to depression, which only made my depression worse. So, I would call myself fat on cam before anyone else could. I know that is silly, but its what I did. Now I am losing the weight and even though I have lost 30lbs, I am still doing it!

Thank you for your post, I realize I gotta stop!

I'm calling myself fat too, but it's not out of a need to ask for pity for my insecurities or re-assurance I am not. It's just a fact that I don't mind talking about. If I gain muscle, I'm going to say so, if I gain fat because I eat junk food, I'm also going to call it like it is ...fat?! I certainly don't understand why it's seen as a turn off, or as an insecurity.

The way you do it sounds fine but I understand the point. Its is not hot when a girl is trying to be all sexy and naughty but then starts saying she is fat.
I saw a lady with an unhealthy interest in examining the composition of her bogies, of which she'd spent a good 10 minutes scrapping from inside her nose. I am going to be camming soon and have been checking the models at the top, middle and some at the armpit end of mfc (the latter naturally to see what not to do). I know luck plays a part in success, but unless she was catering to a very specific fetish in booger- raiding or doing snot-science then I can't help but conclude that she wasn't helping herself. *insert vomit smiley here
ScarletRaven said:
JordanBlack said:
ScarletRaven said:
MelodyFaye said:
Call herself fat on cam. I'm sorry it is just incredibly unattractive to me.

I agree with you totally even though I am terribly guilty of this :-( LOL
I gained a lot of weight Jan-March due to depression, which only made my depression worse. So, I would call myself fat on cam before anyone else could. I know that is silly, but its what I did. Now I am losing the weight and even though I have lost 30lbs, I am still doing it!

Thank you for your post, I realize I gotta stop!

I'm calling myself fat too, but it's not out of a need to ask for pity for my insecurities or re-assurance I am not. It's just a fact that I don't mind talking about. If I gain muscle, I'm going to say so, if I gain fat because I eat junk food, I'm also going to call it like it is ...fat?! I certainly don't understand why it's seen as a turn off, or as an insecurity.

The way you do it sounds fine but I understand the point. Its is not hot when a girl is trying to be all sexy and naughty but then starts saying she is fat.

Insecurity is what turns me off so I agree it does sound like you are saying it differently. There are a couple girls I had in mind when I typed that who said "ugh I'm so fat" upon taking an item of clothing off or moving their position and making a sad face. I left their rooms that second. I'm just only attracted to people who are 110% confident, that's my taste. Turn offs are just turn offs, we all have them.
ArtStar80 said:
I saw a lady with an unhealthy interest in examining the composition of her bogies, of which she'd spent a good 10 minutes scrapping from inside her nose. I am going to be camming soon and have been checking the models at the top, middle and some at the armpit end of mfc (the latter naturally to see what not to do). I know luck plays a part in success, but unless she was catering to a very specific fetish in booger- raiding or doing snot-science then I can't help but conclude that she wasn't helping herself. *insert vomit smiley here

Never know, there are people out there who are fans of nose picking. was an actual paid subscription porn site for a long time. Seems to be down now though. :snooty:
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This doesn't qualify as the most annoying thing, but I did find it annoying.

Models topic "say hey, or be banned." Now this isn't really unreasonable, and if I'm in models room for more than 5 minutes I pretty much always say hello. I get that it is frustrating to have 300 people watching on only 2 people talking. Still there are time I just want to spend a minute or two checking out a models room, without the threat of being banned. I feel anytime that premium end up with potentially worse treatment than basics or guests something is fucked up.

I ended logging out and going to her room as guest. The irony is that since I had the tip the model before, if there was something I wanted to tip the model I would have just tipped her. But since I was watching as guest, tipping would have required me to log in, go back to her room, and then tip her at which point the reason I was tipping very well might have passed. Anyway I just think her strategy totally backfired for me.
I noticed that again two days ago... Hanging out in Miss MFC #1 or #2's rooms for ages during the last hours of the month, drawing attention to themselves with with their nice position on top of the user list and their big fonts. :(
LilyMarie said:
I noticed that again two days ago... Hanging out in Miss MFC #1 or #2's rooms for ages during the last hours of the month, drawing attention to themselves with with their nice position on top of the user list and their big fonts. :(

I noticed that too. There were a few models asking stupid questions which were obviously off topic and not helping with the room vibe or the aim to reach the top spot on Miss MFC. Even more annoying was their insistence on repeating their questions/comments several more times when it was ignored the first time. And then their fans would weigh in with "hey Joey/Leighton do you know how lucky you are to have [insertmodelnamehere] in your room. She is so cool". Also never saw a tip coming from either the models or their fans who acted like this... :roll:
"I'm not like other girls."

I see this on profiles sometmes, it bugs me to no end. See, I don't like generalization as is, and even less so if it's used by someone to elevate themselves by way of dragging down everyone else around them.

Also, the only thing all girls I have thus far known have in common is the fact that they are all in posession of female reproductive organs. If I read that "you're not like other girls," then I am forced to assume that you do not have a vagina.
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