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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Oct 4, 2010
So after a 3 month hiatus I decided to renew my account today and try out the new stuff in the Cataclysm patch. I logged in and I'm completely lost. After doing some research I think I have my spec worked out but I'm completely lost on my rotation. Ahhhhh anyone else WTF-ing?
I'm actually feeling pretty good about most of it. I've been struggling a little bit with my DK. Blood tanking is pretty faceroll easy still but is substancially more boring as I sit here with nothing to press sometimes with how Rune cooldowns work now. Amber went pretty much exactly the spec I'll be going for my main's offspec with her Shadow Priest and is getting good numbers so I'm not worried there. Already tested my main's holy spec and it seems to have more healing throughput though being in a slightly less "unlimited mana" situation than before. I've finally decided that Marks is simply not the spec for me with how they've changed it and will be going Survival on my hunter. Already have the spec ready, just need to log over to her, spec, and reglyph. Holy Paladin is going to be insane. Already have my spec ready for that too. My mage's arcane spec seems pretty wicked and my rogue's combat spec is about where I expected it to be based on his relatively poor gear. I haven't tested my Warrior's tank spec but suspect it will be just fine. His Fury spec still seems VERY lackluster though which makes me rather sad since it'd be fun to play if I could just get the numbers to be worth a raid spot.

Oh... glyphs. So now there are 3 categories that unlock 3 at a time. You get 1 primal, 1 major, and 1 minor each time you unlock glyphs with the last 3 becoming available I *think* at 75. You now learn a glyph forever and can switch it as long as you have this vanishing powder stuff to remove the old glyph in your inventory. The current stuff is only good at pre-Cata levels but can be bought from any Inscription Vendor and some trainers when there's no vendor nearby (i.e. Shattrath) so don't buy it from the AH for now.
I find that with my Unholy DK if I unload like I can I will gank aggro every time off a warrior tank. Warrior tank aggro needs to be buffed.

What particular issues are you having xoEve?
I was more than overwhelmed at first too. Things look pretty different, and I was major WTFing about the glyphs. Respeccing took quite a bit of time and research to see what the new shizz is. I'm still a bit lost on rotation, especially with my mage now that Arcane Missiles is a proc instead of a constant spell. :shock:
Well I have to say I kinda like the new changes... reason is that it makes us have to work a little bit hard to get things done and it is not just all handed to us. I my self have been playing from the start and remember how it was back then and to see the game go on and it get a lot easer over the last few years was kinda sicking. but now it has become a bit more fun again.... although I have to say as a war tank it is a bit harder to hold argo but it does make it fun and a challenge.

"For The Horde"
Ravensigh said:
Well I have to say I kinda like the new changes... reason is that it makes us have to work a little bit hard to get things done and it is not just all handed to us. I my self have been playing from the start and remember how it was back then and to see the game go on and it get a lot easer over the last few years was kinda sicking. but now it has become a bit more fun again.... although I have to say as a war tank it is a bit harder to hold argo but it does make it fun and a challenge.

"For The Horde"

I don't think anything is harder, per se. I think it's just taking some getting used to. I've played since the beginning also, and I'm glad they've made lots of things easier, or I'd never have made any alts. :)
I will say that all of my 80s took some getting used to. I have a Prot Warrior a Blood DK and a Mut rogue.
My problem with my warrior in random heroics is that I am not given time to GET agro on all mobs before DPS goes AOE-Peshit and pulls a mob off of me. I can Vigilance one DPS (usually a huntard) to get a free taunt evey time they pull (EVERY time basically lol)one off me to get agro back. They don't understand that I have to rend first before Tclap for maximum threat.

I JUST specced my DK and tried to solo Chillmaw to see how I faired. I found it EASIER to solo than it was before the patch! Not only that, I am certain that my rotation was absolute garbage too. note: I didn't even pop Army of the Dead either (mainly because I forgot where I moved it to on my action bar). IMO this is the new faceroll class/spec that used to belong to Ret Pallys. My gear sux and my rotation is not optimal yet i can still pown like a boss

The jury is stil out on my Rogue. All I've done is one Headless horseman run with her.

I think 4.x all the way through Cataclysm is going to be more about the levelling experience than endgame content. You might alomost be better off starting over from scratch with a new character to re-learn how is is going to be played now and in the future rather than sulking about how gimp you are with your old playstyle. Blizz ALREADY doesn't care about lvl 80. lvl 10s and lvl 85s are going to be the focus for the next couple years til the next expansion.

PS. Give a class that you absolutely HATE a whirl. I have NEVER liked Shammys or Pallys, but have rolled one of each to see how they've changed. I am williing to bet that a Shammy will become my main in the near future
I DO like the updates. I think it makes leveling/questing very easy and straight forward. I like the simplicity of the specs now but my rotation is whacky because there are all these new procs and abilities that I am not used to. Destro has always been my favorite spec and I felt kind of lost when I was forced to go aff once destro started to fall behind so I am glad to be destro again but when I did the suggested rotation I had 100% threat and was pretty much blanket tanking. Maybe the tank just sucked major balls but I will need to play around a little more before I feel comfy again.
xoEve said:
<snip> ...but when I did the suggested rotation I had 100% threat and was pretty much blanket tanking. Maybe the tank just sucked major balls but I will need to play around a little more before I feel comfy again.

Sounds to me like you're doing it right. :handgestures-thumbupright:
4.0.1 = WoW by Playskool.

Things that now cause a memory leak and crash my computer, requiring a power-cycle:

Warlock Summon portals
Warlock Healthstone portals
Mage Snack-table portals
Feasts (of any kind)
Anything that produces a "gear" cursor when you mouse over it (I'm not kidding).

My computer is a piece of shit, so I can't support any of the new graphical effects. I'm basically being forced to buy a new computer to even run the fucking game now.

So many things were outright broken with this patch that I'm seriously considering quitting WoW after having played since launch.

*EDIT* However, my priest is now a fucking titan of healing and my mage's DPS output is absurd.
Yeah... I saw a thread about the gear icon crashing some people's games. I don't know if I am affected because I don't know that I've done anything with a gear since 4.0.1 went live. I did have a problem with water textures over Fair but that was because of a problem with them and use of SunnArt Viewport. I disabled my Viewport despite how much I like it because the new water effects are pretty amazing.

And yeah... my holy priest suddenly feels... I don't dare say it but maybe a touch... you know. I love it.
I'm having an issue where if I tab out during a flight, I disconnect when I land (if I am not back in game by then.) I read on the official forums that others are having same problemo... I really hope they fix that, cuz I hate staying in game for a 10 minute flight, but I hate having to re-authenticate even worse.
Freq said:
I JUST specced my DK and tried to solo Chillmaw to see how I faired. I found it EASIER to solo than it was before the patch! Not only that, I am certain that my rotation was absolute garbage too. note: I didn't even pop Army of the Dead either (mainly because I forgot where I moved it to on my action bar). IMO this is the new faceroll class/spec that used to belong to Ret Pallys. My gear sux and my rotation is not optimal yet i can still pown like a boss

I solo'd Chillmaw with my DPS unholy spec. I was happy. I should try with my blood offspec and see how I do.
omfg... so I realized I was missing a chance to capitalize on a bunch of glyphs I'd made on a Warlock I was leveling. I checked today to see how they'd sold and decided while I was on to throw together my first stab at a Destro spec. HOLY FLYING MONKIES MY WARLOCK IS A BLAST! I may have to return to my roots. I started WoW in retail as a Warlock and feel I may be coming home, so to say. I love that they finally have a new solution for Soul Shards besides "overly expensive specialty bags!" and I like the way they're used now. I NEVER thought I would say those two things. REJOICE!

Also, I made over 300g from the glyphs... and that was throwing up prices that were pretty majorly undercutting the competition in most instances.
Mirra said:
omfg... so I realized I was missing a chance to capitalize on a bunch of glyphs I'd made on a Warlock I was leveling. I checked today to see how they'd sold and decided while I was on to throw together my first stab at a Destro spec. HOLY FLYING MONKIES MY WARLOCK IS A BLAST! I may have to return to my roots. I started WoW in retail as a Warlock and feel I may be coming home, so to say. I love that they finally have a new solution for Soul Shards besides "overly expensive specialty bags!" and I like the way they're used now. I NEVER thought I would say those two things. REJOICE!

Also, I made over 300g from the glyphs... and that was throwing up prices that were pretty majorly undercutting the competition in most instances.

Yeah I think my warlock is my favorite toon to play right now. I'm sorta pissed that they replaced my 20 slot soul shard bag with a 14 slot regular bag though. Fuckers.
Well, Combat for rogues have gone to crap. Good thing I play mutilate. I was talking to a rl friend last night, he's rather pissed,he plays a hunter. It seems that they're now reliant on a new shot that they get at 81. Seriously, wtf? He said his dps in icc has gone down by a bit. The new stuff for paladin tanking takes a little bit used to. Before the patch, I had two macros, one for my 8/9 second cooldowns and one for my 6 second ones, and I would just go back and forth between the two while tanking, while taunting targets off of people that pull aggro. Now, I just hit crusader strike/hammer of the righteous whenever it's up, then shield of the righteous, throw in an avenger's shield every now and then, and consecrate when it's up. It's almost like tanking as a warrior.
They broke the 969 tanking macros? Glad I decided to go Holy mainspec with Ret offspec. ><

I don't know how Combat is overall but at the gear level of my rogue (approximately Ulduar 10 level gear?) he does alright. I didn't think it was that broken to be honest. As for Hunter, I reckon Marks looks rather meh, Beast is screwed without Cobra Shot, but Survival *should* be good now and even better with cobra shot. I haven't tested it yet though so I'll get back to you on that. :p
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