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Dealing with uncomfortableness

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Lua Moon

Cam Model
Jun 4, 2018
United Kingdom
Twitter Username
MFC Username
I’ve recently sold my Snapchat through MFC to a couple of regulars from my room. There’s one in particular that is starting to bother me... he will message me almost hourly. Like, non-stop. It’s ALWAYS dirty talk...always. He persistently asks me very very personal about my sex life and the standard “what would you do if I was there” and most recently “Have you ever had sex in the bath and if not, can I be your first?” and not to mention the fact that he calls me babe on every sentence I receive from him. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but it’s really starting to bug me. How do you handle people like this? Is it to be expected? I’m not very assertive and I try to avoid making other people feel bad but now it’s gotten to the point where I avoid opening his messages because I feel so uncomfortable.
I’ve recently sold my Snapchat through MFC to a couple of regulars from my room. There’s one in particular that is starting to bother me... he will message me almost hourly. Like, non-stop. It’s ALWAYS dirty talk...always. He persistently asks me very very personal about my sex life and the standard “what would you do if I was there” and most recently “Have you ever had sex in the bath and if not, can I be your first?” and not to mention the fact that he calls me babe on every sentence I receive from him. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but it’s really starting to bug me. How do you handle people like this? Is it to be expected? I’m not very assertive and I try to avoid making other people feel bad but now it’s gotten to the point where I avoid opening his messages because I feel so uncomfortable.

I would suggest trying to be honest with him. He may think it's ok and acceptable to do it if he bought the snapchat so he may see nothing wrong. Knowing you're uncomfortable with it though, may make him realise and think "oh shit" and stop. If that is the case then all great. However, he may start being a dick and get angry, in which case if he does you see his true colours I guess and.... buh bye to him.
Tell him it's not acceptable. If he continues anyway, block him. He paid for snapchat access, not to be a creep.
One thing that may help make it easier is to have a "policy" for snapchat or anything really where ppl are crossing boundaries

That way when he starts up u can say "gosh I'm sorry but it's my Snapchat policy not to dirty talk"
Or "sorry my snapchat policy is not chatting" or "my snap policy is that chatting is extra $"
One thing that may help make it easier is to have a "policy" for snapchat or anything really where ppl are crossing boundaries

That way when he starts up u can say "gosh I'm sorry but it's my Snapchat policy not to dirty talk"
Or "sorry my snapchat policy is not chatting" or "my snap policy is that chatting is extra $"

Ahhhh that's super smart!!
I’ve recently sold my Snapchat through MFC to a couple of regulars from my room. There’s one in particular that is starting to bother me... he will message me almost hourly. Like, non-stop. It’s ALWAYS dirty talk...always. He persistently asks me very very personal about my sex life and the standard “what would you do if I was there” and most recently “Have you ever had sex in the bath and if not, can I be your first?” and not to mention the fact that he calls me babe on every sentence I receive from him. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but it’s really starting to bug me. How do you handle people like this? Is it to be expected? I’m not very assertive and I try to avoid making other people feel bad but now it’s gotten to the point where I avoid opening his messages because I feel so uncomfortable.

Snapchat should always, ALWAYS have levels to it, in my opinion, like @Miss_Lollipop touched on. There are so many features to it. Base rate, people can see my sexy story. That's it. Chatting is extra, monthly (there is never a price for lifetime chatting, I am busy). People who tip regularly and hang in my cam room regularly might get chatting for free on occasion, IF I am feeling social and IF I have free time. I literally had a guy who would constantly DM me on Insta laugh at me when I told him I was exhausted from working so much. "Work" he said, "pshhh". He was a regular tipper so I made the exception to try to answer his constant correspondence with me outside of my WORK hours of being live on cam. He seemed to then insinuate that all that we juggle is not, in fact, work, and he got his ass bloooockkked. He can take his $50 and fuck off at that point. Didn't even have to dirty talk with me, just was straight up rude and ignorant and didn't even deserve an explanation from me. Safe guard your time and energy. You are not a volunteer in your offer of a public service (connection, companionship, entertainment, sexy stuff, whatever). The people who want what you offer for less than you deserve for it are not going to be the ones to help you. YOU have to set the boundaries in a matter of fact, no apologies, manner. Constant dirty talk should be at a private rate IMO. Calling can be an extra too. A monthly or pay by the session extra. When people want my phone number I tell them that they can pay Skype rates which are about $200 an hour at the lower time thresholds and about $180 an hour if they commit to a whole hour. I am a sex worker, not a minimum wage slave. I've had clients that expect special treatment after buying things from me, shows, snapchat, whatever, but they need to realize that girls are probably not going on cam to flirt and find a boyfriend. They are there to make money. I will be fully engaged with someone when they are actively paying for my time, but after that they are simply one of many people I make time for. Sure, maybe some of us are out to make friends on cam, but friendship cannot be bought. Maybe MAYBE it'd be open to finding a partner through camming one day, but if people seriously think buying one service from me and abusing it is going to get them closer to me, they've got it completely backwards.
I'm just gonna echo others for emphasis by saying please please please don't be afraid to set strict parameters for how you operate any of your services. For your own mental clarity, it's really beneficial to have every single guideline spelled out for guys so that they can't feel short-changed in any way down the road.

I found this out the hard way with selling something as simple as a Twitter follow-back and DM privileges. I should have known that would be nothing but an open invitation to get guys to flock over to Twitter and think a measly $25 was enough to pay for unlimited free chat. I then tried to tweak it so that they knew the DM privileges were to be used sparingly or if I was unavailable on other sites. And of course, they still didn't get the hint (or did and just chose to ignore it) and waited until the very moment I went offline on my paid-chat sites to bombard me with more DM's. Long story short, it was a disaster until I just stopped offering that altogether. In my case, if I were to go at it again, I'd make a very strict No-DM policy or at the very least add a significant surcharge for it and only for a specific timeframe (1 day, 1 week, etc).

Alternatively, not all members are like this; I had one good regular who didn't take advantage at all and simply wanted to be mutuals. But most abused the leniency of it, so strict guidelines are truly your best friend in these situations to prevent any issues.

Also, not allowing dirty-talk at all is totally an option. You don't have to monetize it if it makes you too uncomfortable altogether. Just tell them to cut it out and if they don't, time to block.
Unfortunately, some people will take advantage of a situation, no matter what you do. Or boundaries you place. But, I think the vast majority of people will understand the limits, and respect them.

Sometimes, people will get the "shiny and new" feeling whenever they get something and want to use it frequently. Which may be the case with this person as well. But, in no way does it validate how someone treats you poorly. As others have said, lay out some boundaries with him. Also, make sure you update any/all areas that you sell SC/Kik//messaging where you mention said rules so people can see it and it is plain to see and read.

Hopefully it's just a matter of explaining the rules. If not, don't be afraid to ban/block him.
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Thank you everyone for your input! I’ve updated my terms on MFC share so hopefully from now on anyone that does purchase my Snapchat will understand. The thing is, I’m totally cool with having chat as an option to everyone that buys it as long as I’m free and have the time available to talk. It’s just the dirty talk that gets me! It’s something that I only ever allow in privates or in tip notes so for someone to just expect it, with no warning.. it bugs me.
what would you do if I was there”

For some reason, nobody appreciates my response to this: "Taser you and call the cops, duh - what else am I gonna do when a stranger breaks into my bedroom?"

Dirty talking what I would do sexually with people I'm not attracted to (I am le gay) makes me yak, I don't do it even in a private.
It's bad behaviour that is all around the internet. The anonymity gives a lot of weak persons power to be rude and unpolite.
Setup rules your guests or clients have to follow and kick or ignore anyone who fails to follow them!

No need for excuses, you all are worth to get paid for what you do, it's simply a service ... lol ... a very special service, I have to admit!
I am proud to know some of your colleagues pretty well! You all do a very needed job which is really underestimated!

Keep on running your businesses ... it's so much needed and makes the world a bit more happy and peaceful!

Just my 2 Cents ...
Sorry to hear your experiencing this and yes it’s normal to experience it but never tolerate it. I have zero tolerance with these men now, they cross the line and that’s it. I’ve been down the tolerance road and it never ends well for me.

I stopped having snapchat or any outside source for them to contact me. This is where all the problems usually start. I think these guys think their special once they nab you outside of mfc.
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