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DMCA takedown experienced required!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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May 10, 2020
I am having an issue, well I found recorded vids of my previous public shows on CB posted on a specific site, and I want to use DMCA takedown service to remove these videos which was recorded without my permission. So I'm asking if there someone who have experienced something like this can guide me, and if he already have used DMCA to takedown the videos, I got account on DMCA but I'm pretty lost, there r alot of options n honestly dont know how can I go through ??
DMCA is the name of a copyright law of the USA. One clever guy registered a company under the same name "dmca". I'm guessing that you mean

This may sound "official" but it is just one company among many other offering copyright services.

If the site that you found your video on basically has recordings of every of your broadcasts, the chance is very high, that they do not care about copyright laws and a takedown request will be ignored. Why do they just do that? Because they *know* that you will not sue them if they don't react.
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If they are Chaturbate shows you can send links to these directly to and they will attempt to have the content taken down on your behalf, as they offer to do this for any Chaturbate broadcaster they are rather experienced in the process.
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DMCA is the name of a copyright law of the USA. One clever guy registered a company under the same name "dmca". I'm guessing that you mean

This may sound "official" but it is just one company among many other offering copyright services.

If the site that you found your video on basically has recordings of every of your broadcasts, the chance is very high, that they do not care about copyright laws and a takedown request will be ignored. Why do they just do that? Because they *know* that you will not sue them if they don't react.
Well the videos don't even have the logo of cb and this is weird and yes I meant the site that gives u badge u can put on ur broadcasting and do takedowns if ur content were recorded or vids got stolen, I opened site they got 2 options: 1st DIY do it urself with 10$/month but this will let u do the whole process on ur own and u might had to contacts sites with personal details I heard some pornstars succeeded in using their stage name. The other option is hire dmca agency which request 199$ and they will do whole things on ur behalf without need to send notices to sites by urself and from what I read on articles this is more safer because u dont have to expose ur personal details the agency will do it on ur behalf. Not sure if this is more effectively that's why I am asking if someone got the experience with dmca. And for the part that they might ignore my request, do u mean that dmca already knows that I wont sue them so they could act lazy-ass ?
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1st DIY do it urself with 10$/month but this will let u do the whole process on ur own
Why in the living fuck would you pay a site monthly just to do the work yourself? (Not aimed at YOU you but in the general sense of anyone.)

Please don't pay them for that.

As noted above, contact the cam site that the recording was from and ask them to get the vid taken down for you. You don't want to be sending shady pirate sites your personal information just to have a video removed that'll probably just get re-uploaded there and everywhere.
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Why in the living fuck would you pay a site monthly just to do the work yourself? (Not aimed at YOU you but in the general sense of anyone.)

Please don't pay them for that.

As noted above, contact the cam site that the recording was from and ask them to get the vid taken down for you. You don't want to be sending shady pirate sites your personal information just to have a video removed that'll probably just get re-uploaded there and everywhere.
So do u mean that I go directly to contact CB telling them to takedown the vids ? Not even proceed with the pro choice on dmca with 199$ ?
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So do u mean that I go directly to contact CB telling them to takedown the vids ? Not even proceed with the pro choice on dmca with 199$ ?
Definitely try doing it through chaturbate before even considering paying a company to help you. And if CB can't get them down, even a paid company may not be able to. There are also other sites that can assist with removing content that are better priced than that one.
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Definitely try doing it through chaturbate before even considering paying a company to help you.
Yes. This.

I have emailed CB support directly in the past & they removed the videos on my behalf. Some even had the CB logo cropped out. Just send them the direct links to those videos, not just the name of the site. I believe they even sent me a confirmation email after it was completed. That was a couple years ago though, so not sure if they still send an email afterwards.
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Yes, go through your camsite.

By the way, the dmca badge does not "create copyright" or create any kind of extra protection. Neither does any warning text on your profile. You have the same rights without all this. The copyright on your works belongs to you from the moment of creation (=streaming). This badge is just clever marketing by a company.
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Also DMCA is the US version of a copyright principle that is basically the same all over the world. In Europe it is called EUCD, in other countries it will have other names. If a badge did anything, you would have to put one hundred different badges on your profile.

So forget badges and texts and these things. Doesn't hurt to have them but they also don't create extra protection.
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Maybe some models use a service from a site called (maybe other exists, I just found this one to try)
I tried it by curiosity with a free account : the badge contains some tracking code linked to your account and it seems that you can track the use of your content by this way but I didn't go far in this test and can't understand well how to use the free features ^^
Takedown actions are paying there.
maybe the presence of this can a little discourage pirates, and especially if it stands right on the middle of the stream... but this would also discourage many viewers.
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Maybe some models use a service from a site called (maybe other exists, I just found this one to try)
I tried it by curiosity with a free account : the badge contains some tracking code linked to your account and it seems that you can track the use of your content by this way but I didn't go far in this test and can't understand well how to use the free features ^^
Takedown actions are paying there.
maybe the presence of this can a little discourage pirates, and especially if it stands right on the middle of the stream... but this would also discourage many viewers.

I used for a while, and had their logo on my stream, but streams got copied anyway. In some video's the DMCA logo was cropped out, at other websites they just showed it including the DMCA logo. I contacted them to had my video's taken down, I had like 20 links or something, not sure what the total amount was, but it was something like 45k usd or something I had to pay. Cancelled my subscription immediately.
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Definitely try doing it through chaturbate before even considering paying a company to help you. And if CB can't get them down, even a paid company may not be able to. There are also other sites that can assist with removing content that are better priced than that one.
Hello news flash that CB has taken down some of links but not all links they asked me to resend the site which has recorded videos and send each link for each video the url itself well I am waiting for final update but u told me about other sites that could help me so can u mention them in a reply?
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Hello news flash that CB has taken down some of links but not all links they asked me to resend the site which has recorded videos and send each link for each video the url itself well I am waiting for final update but u told me about other sites that could help me so can u mention them in a reply?
FIrst as I noted before, if CB is struggling to get them down, so will other companies. My recommendation is to not worry so much about it beyond what CB is willing to do.

However you could check out cammodelprotection or model-launch.

I do not personally feel like any of these services are worth paying for.
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So do u mean that I go directly to contact CB telling them to takedown the vids ? Not even proceed with the pro choice on dmca with 199$ ?

Don't ever bother to to this. DMCA ltd (the one giving the badges) is a private company that just attentionwhored on using the name of the DMCA law (which btw is absolutely non related about copying content - you can easily find the law text - this is only about removing the hoster responsibility for stolen content poster by users, so it's exactly the opposite of what models usually think about it).

They will probably take 199$ to send a mail to the hoster of the stolen videos nicely asking them to remove them, and if the hoster doesn't comply, they will return back to you "The hoster is outside US juridiction, sorry we can't do anything, thanks for your money btw"

Never worked with them but I'm 99% sure about this.
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