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Hip Surgery and Recovery 2016

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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As some of you may know, I've been dealing with a hip problem/injury for some time now. MRI shows I've been dealing with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in both my right and left hips for a long while, and back in June of 2015 I ended up with a labral tear in my left as a result of too much stress on it from a show I did on MFC, then injuring it with bad bowling form. (Go ahead and laugh. Injured while bowling? HA! Only Amber could do that.)

I've been through 2 rounds of physical therapy to try and sort it out, but will be finally going through arthroscopic surgery on my left hip this week. The impingement will be rectified and the torn labral cartilage will be reattached.

I'm both relieved that I will finally be on the path to less pain, but also quite tense and anxious about the surgery and months of recovery that will follow. I'm not the toughest cookie in the jar when it comes to dealing with pain and such. I'll be using a machine at home for 6+ hours a day to help it heal correctly, be on crutches for at least a month after, and doing loads of PT for upwards of 4 months.

Thus, I will not be around on cam a whole lot over the next couple weeks during the initial recovery. And when I am able to get on cam, I'll be pretty immobile and limited on what I can do. For a cam girl, not being able to be on her normal hustle and able to hit normal goals can be pretty unsettling. Over the last 6+ years I've not really taken more than a few extra days off here and there, so I'm wiggin' out just a tad. I feel like any casual regulars whom I have gathered in AmberLand over the last few months will easily forget I exist and find other girls with a similar mojo to spend their time with.

And while I know my most dedicated of regulars will be in contact with me on Twitter and other media, I won't be living up to my usual amount of entertainment and time shared than they are used to. I imagine those bits of time I am able to get on cam and hang out they may feel pressured to help hit goals that day since I won't be able to hustle for masturbation countdowns and such from the casuals. I don't want that pressure to be on them though of course I will appreciate any and all support during this odd time. I'm going to do my best to have content sales and games for newcomers to help make the time on cam as productive as possible, so hopefully all will work out swell and the AmberLanders don't get too annoyed at my attempted sales tactics. :)

Oh the worries and plannings of a cam girl...

Anywho, I do have a couple of videos I'll be pushing pretty hard throughout February. They will be available after the month ends at full price, but anyone who gets them during Feb can have special bundle pricing. (Image and link below! /shameless promotion)

I'll be on cam this evening (Monday) for one last cam shift before I take my short hiatus. It'll be my last cum show and last butt wiggles for a while, so drop in and enjoy it if you're around.

Jawbs will be keeping an eye on admin/moderation stuff here over the next week or so, but ACF approvals this Friday will be delayed until the next batch the following week. You may see me around here or Twitter intermittently during the next couple weeks and I'm looking forward to chatting offline (off MFC, I mean) with many of you. Your jokes and kindness will go a long way to keeping a positive Amber!

So I'll leave you with this link and info, and say "Thanks in advance for the support and happy vibes and see ya in a bit!" :)

Big hugs and good luck with the physical therapy!
I also want to warn my usual Twitter followers that I am scheduling some video sale advertisement tweets. So you may think I'm around and ignoring you when you see activity on my Twitter, but some of it may be the robots I employ. :)
Sent you a little tip today... with message, best of luck on a good recovery. Not sure it got past any blocks, but for real hope all works out perfectly.
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Oh my goodness I am so sorry you're going through all that. Here's wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery! Gosh I didn't realize bowling was a contact sport. ;)
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Scars are sexy and a good conversation topic in freechat. Substitute 'bowling' with 'sharkhunting' and it'll kick up the interest.

All joking aside, good luck with this and I'm sure it'll go fine. :h::h::h:
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I am making daily vids to track my recovery and stuff. I'll post them here as they are available on youtube.

Glad to hear. You seem to be doing a fast recovery.
It's hard for me to see it that way since I'm still basically bedridden. But I'm proud that I'm ignoring/avoiding the hardcore hip pain and not depending on the drugs.

Hopefully my stomach will get more normal soon too now that I'm off them.
Day 4! May need to turn up volume a bit on this one, sorry.

Good lord I am out of the loop. I am glad the surgery went well and altho you are in pain now I hope the long term pain is gone for you. And knowing you...I am really amazed at the first days after the surgery when you held the phone over your face you didn't drop And if it was the iPad that's even more amazing. Take it slow and don't over do it. Recovery takes time. Good luck CutieButt =)
The 3 hole thing is from them doing the operation by blowing up your skin with gas and working through those holes and a cam inside. I had my knee done and I was awake during it although, so stoned that I just sort of laughed while watching it on TV. You're on the right track to hold off on the drugs unless it gets unbearable.

I can tell by the way you're moving that you're on the road to recovery. Also, your color is good. Follow the program and avoid the urge to push it. Don't try to impress the punks at the skateboard park with your sick moves on a hoverboard. :rofl:
The 3 hole thing is from them doing the operation by blowing up your skin with gas and working through those holes and a cam inside.
I had arthroscopic gallbladder surgery some years ago. I know what the holes are about, but my surgeon said there'd be anywhere from 2 to 5 and I didn't know what the final number was until I removed the bandages :). My gb surgery with the gas thing was so painful. I didn't know/realize they had to use gas for the hip one, but knew there was a camera (the "scope" part) and tool(s). I do know they pulled my hip out of socket (traction), and the contraption they put me in for that has left my ankle and foot partially numb and swollen. I was warned that my pussy (he didn't use that word lol) might be left like that, too, but I got lucky and that isn't the case with me. :)

Day 5:

I don't think I'm going to get to a video blog today, I'm not feeling up to it at all.

After yesterday's PT and video, I was struck with some crazy fatigue and cramping in my outer hip muscles. I slept very badly due to that in addition to my stomach problems. This morning I was very stiff and sore from my limited sleep position options.

I'm going to try to sleep on my right side tonight with pillows between my legs. Both my surgeon and PT have said it's OK and gave me instruction for such.

For some less glamorous details...

I read and watched videos of people who go through similar surgeries and everyone warned about constipation from painkillers, but holy moly I didn't think it would be so bad! I even stopped my pain meds after only 2.5 days in order to avoid this being a lingering issue. They gave me enough painkillers for 2 weeks... I don't know how people can deal with the side effects! I took 2 different over the counter pharmacy items, drank lots of coconut water, and finally this morning had a bowl of prunes. I'm happy to say things are FINALLY moving in the right direction again.

The combination of that resolving itself, and a pretty aggressive PT appointment today (I had to get on the stationary bike today and had a mini panic attack on it), I'm positively wiped out tonight. I've felt pretty weak, shaky and a little nauseous since I left the house for PT and am struggling to get warm and comfy.
Day 6: Victory! The stairs were my bitch. Well, sorta.

Whenever I hear your stair issues I remember my surgery years ago, I got up my stairs using one leg to do all my lifting. Then I spent two weeks trapped up there, because my grandmother who was staying at my house to help me told me I was not allowed to go back down them until my two weeks recovery was up. I was so happy when I had my lifting and other restrictions removed, and I could get back to normal.
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Watching your videos here it's amazing to see how much better you look/sound every day. From here it looks like you're recovering quite well. Obviously it will feel slower on your end, where you live with the pain and challenges 24/7 and only experience gradual improvement so it can be harder to see the progress, but when we only glimpse your experience through these brief slices that jump forward a day or two at a time the changes are pretty dramatic!

You're doing great and I look forward to seeing you completely recovered. :)
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