AmberCutie's Forum
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How do you deal with demanding premiums? (Mfc)

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Jun 21, 2018
Hi everyone!
I am a newer cam model, July will be my third month. I find i sometimes run into a situation and i never know how to handle it without my anxiety spiking.

What do you do when a premium member is trying to instruct you through a show?

I have had a couple members pm me that try to instruct me move by move how to perform my show. They will do 2 or 3 small tip walls of about 5-10 1 token tips saying they are trying to get the room going, but then in chat keep telling me to take of my clothes when i havent hit my countdown. One specific member would than take credit for another person tipping even though they are a regular of mine and this guy had nothing to do with my reg tipping.

It just seems like there are some members that feel if they do a couple small walls they can run my show and than take credit for certain things that had nothing to do with them in the first place. I explained to them that its my show and that i am not doing everything they say because it is not their show. I enjoy interacting with people in my room, not silently stripping for someone that tips a little wall every so often. The specific members doing this than tell me to lower my countdowns and what not. I even had the same member tell me because a tip color was different that it wasnt real, but it was an mfc share tip not in room and it came in fine on my end.

I will usually try to say i know what im doing and its my show, but than some get mad at me in pm or public chat, others will just make an excuse and leave.

Long story short i guess, how do i deal with these types of clients that are demanding things faster than they are earned? I want to try to be polite and all, but its my show and when there are people like this that try to run my show, it makes me feel like im not doing a good enough job and i become discouraged. I dont feel like it helps me at all but it keeps happening and im running out of ideas on how to handle it.
I warn people once, “no demands” or “this is my show and I am in charge of it.” If they continue I block them or silence them.

Thank you! I think i have to start being a lot more cut and dry with bans. I think sometimes i feel bad banning people when they say they are trying to help. But i know they are trying to just get a cheap show
Thank you! I think i have to start being a lot more cut and dry with bans. I think sometimes i feel bad banning people when they say they are trying to help. But i know they are trying to just get a cheap show
I just banned one of my largest and most regular tippers. It sucks because he’s the one that normally tips large amounts to finish out my goals, but I promised myself I would not take disrespect from ANYONE, even if they are paying me.
1 warning. Ban.
I room help for a model on MFC, her two rules are no directing and keep dirty talk in hidden tip notes. When people fail one of those two rules there isn't any discussion I am instructed to just ban them.
That seems like a great way to stay cut and dry with it!
Long story short i guess, how do i deal with these types of clients that are demanding things faster than they are earned?

I don't understand this? Either say no or tell them the price. For members the money is how they earn the show they are looking for. Sounds like you're letting them use tip walls to 'set' your price to put up with it for you. It's so much easier to just set a price that would make you comfortable with it and if they can't meet that price they can't have it. Member's only requirement is to get what they pay for they don't have to build any bond toward you to do this. emotional empathy can be faked like an orgasm so doesn't make a good form of currency. I'd tell you anything you want to hear if I get what I want since talk is the cheapest currency.

tl;dr Take control of the situation and set a price for the trouble and don't keep them trying to 'feel out' a price or say no. If members what something for the money just be direct and tell them how much or no so they can go someplace else. Banning people for what you fail to inform them is a waste.
What do you do when a premium member is trying to instruct you through a show?

Tell em tip the appropriate amount or gtfo. If they fail to follow instructions, reference @JoleneBrody's post. Get VERY comfortable with the ban button, and very clear with your limits.
I agree with Jolene either ban them or toss them outside through a window both are very effective :D

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