AmberCutie's Forum
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I like you so much better when you're angry!

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Aug 7, 2011
What do you think of when you go to a model's room and she is ranting about something or another? Typically, when I see this I will stay and see what the deal if and if it is silly, then I shake my head and leave. However, I have noticed that a lot of models that do this tend to have a lot of people in their rooms. I am sure it isn't due to amusement, but more so that they want to watch the trainwreck, however I am unsure.

So what's your opinion on seeing a girl that is ranting or complaining about something?

For Example:

I am an overly opinionated person. When something bothers me, I tend to let my room know. I have this hard to describe way of acting out my emotions. I appear to be angry when I am not really, 90% of the time it isn't even anger, I am just frustrated and venting. A lot of my regulars have become regulars on the nights where I was upset with someone or went on a ranting rampage. I don't LIKE being upset or having to tell my regulars to stop doing certain things. (a VERY SMALL handful of regulars have my cell number and SOMEONE was calling me DURING my orgasms almost every time with their cell number blocked) OR (they would flood my room with stupid emotes and comments to try and make me laugh during my shows) etc.

But that doesn't seem to stop them from saying I am sexy when I rant. I think this give me a HORRIBLE appearance and think it is such a better experience when I am laughing and joking and having fun with everyone.

I have to witness a rage to judge. Some rages, or rants really, are totally justified, and as long as the model doesn't suddenly leave the impression that she's insane, I kind of like them. If done right, they show you're in charge of your room. If you get the impression members are humoring your rant, then you have to decide if they're getting the wrong impression and not taking you serious, or should be dealt with as trolls.
I do not mind when you get upset because you always have a good reason for it. Personally I do not like being angry because that makes me feel sick and I try not to inflict that on others.
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My therapist says never to let my emotions do the thinking because that isn't their role. I think that probably applies to MFC as well. She gave me a smart trick to switch from the feeling side of the brain to the smarty side of the brain too. All you have to do is ask yourself a question. It starts the wheels in another direction and keeps the emo in check.

That said, I don't mind a model who is occasionally upset or overly emotional. If it's an everyday thing that's another story and a story that I am not interested in seeing (or funding). MFC should be fun. I don't want debates or tears on my screen.
I feel the same way about this. I am much like you.....when I hear girls ranting I like to listen and see whats being said and what the rant is about. Then most time I just :lol:

However in my room, I am another one that would just rather talk and have a good time. I am fairly sarcastic and have a very sarcastic sense of humor and most of my regulars love this and find my smart ass remarks amusing. I am slow to anger unless I am just having a bad day, which we are all entitled to once in a while, or drinking. Now I try not to make a habit of getting wasted on cam but when I do, I curse like a sailor and will tear anybody a new one who crosses me wrong. My regulars love this and actually request a "drunk rage" night about every 2 months. I have many people come back to my room and tell me how hilarious I was on those night and how much they enjoyed just hearing me rip all the fuck-tards (as I like to call them) a new one. The only problem is while this is fun and everyone finds it amusing I never seem to make much money on those nights so I do not do them often.

I think guys just enjoy seeing us be real. We cant be happy all the time and even though when we are on cam we try to act that way I think this is there eye opening moment of "wow, she is a real girl, with real emotions...."

Note: I do not encourage getting wasted on cam to the point of passing out and not knowing what you are saying nor do I think you should make a habit of doing it on a consistent basis, but I will admit if you can stay in control its a great way to let loose and have some fun on occasion.
ohmystarz said:
So what's your opinion on seeing a girl that is ranting or complaining about something?

My opinion is usually: Ah, that's her game. Cool!
I stick around if these rants are relevant to my interests in the same way I stick around if the boobs or ass are relevant to my interests. It's just a thing. If the chic is happy, no matter what her cam score is, then meh. My desires vary on a day-to-day basis, too. If the rant is annoying or I disagree I tend to just move on.

But that doesn't seem to stop them from saying I am sexy when I rant. I think this give me a HORRIBLE appearance and think it is such a better experience when I am laughing and joking and having fun with everyone.

Just repeat in your head when you feel like you're about to get opinionated: 'I believe this will give me a horrible appearance' over and over and over until you shush! If in the end you find you actually enjoy ranting and it is not giving you a horrible appearance, then let loose!
Like most everything else: it depends.

If you are entertaining when you rant, i.e., if you have a good command of language and if you make interesting, even if not altogether valid, points, then you will be worth listening to, and I might be interested in what else you have to say when you are not ranting. If you are inarticulate and are going on stupidly about something that is probably your fault anyway, then that's just sad.
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ohmystarz said:
What do you think of when you go to a model's room and she is ranting about something or another? Typically, when I see this I will stay and see what the deal if and if it is silly, then I shake my head and leave. However, I have noticed that a lot of models that do this tend to have a lot of people in their rooms. I am sure it isn't due to amusement, but more so that they want to watch the trainwreck, however I am unsure.

So what's your opinion on seeing a girl that is ranting or complaining about something?

For Example:

I am an overly opinionated person. When something bothers me, I tend to let my room know. I have this hard to describe way of acting out my emotions. I appear to be angry when I am not really, 90% of the time it isn't even anger, I am just frustrated and venting. A lot of my regulars have become regulars on the nights where I was upset with someone or went on a ranting rampage. I don't LIKE being upset or having to tell my regulars to stop doing certain things. (a VERY SMALL handful of regulars have my cell number and SOMEONE was calling me DURING my orgasms almost every time with their cell number blocked) OR (they would flood my room with stupid emotes and comments to try and make me laugh during my shows) etc.

But that doesn't seem to stop them from saying I am sexy when I rant. I think this give me a HORRIBLE appearance and think it is such a better experience when I am laughing and joking and having fun with everyone.

I do it all the time. When something bothers me I let people know and when someone is like your a ho or whatever I'm like don't you dare talk to your mama like that but my regs know that's my way of telling them bitch gtfo.
As both a Pisces and a nurse I cant help but try to help out someone in need , especially if I know a model well enough.

If it doesnt involve tokens then Id be more than happy to help or dish out advice in the best way I can,whether some medical advice, a lil monetary help (via paypal), sending em a victorias secret outfit i picked out myself (this is happening a lot lately lol )or just reassurance that the complainer is doing nothing wrong and its natural to feel frustrated and let it all out sometimes...

Thats just the way I am... ;)
As an aside, Natasha Pink does some epic rages against the bloobtards in her room. Priceless!
JerMajesty said:
As both a Pisces and a nurse I cant help but try to help out someone in need , especially if I know a model well enough.

If it doesnt involve tokens then Id be more than happy to help or dish out advice in the best way I can,whether some medical advice, a lil monetary help (via paypal), sending em a victorias secret outfit i picked out myself (this is happening a lot lately lol )or just reassurance that the complainer is doing nothing wrong and its natural to feel frustrated and let it all out sometimes...

Thats just the way I am... ;)

That's really cool that your a nurse. I am hoping to be going to school very soon to get my RN cause LPN's don't get as many job opportunities anymore.I am a leo (i am obsessed with my sign lol) and I used to be a cna for 2 years it was one of the best jobs I have ever had!
I have several points to make here:

I apparently got a little drunk last night and all I can really remember were a bunch of comments saying, "here come the rant!".

I also very RARELY get drunk on cam because I don't think it looks very good to the newcomers in your room when you are already drunk and you're glugging from a bottle - then again I was drinking Redbull and vodka from a cup :p

Why in the hell am I awake at 8 am? I went to bed like 4 hours ago?

I don't think my rants ever really portray me in a bad light. Usually I am ranting about how I am not a hooker, so you can't send me tokens and expect me to meet you and fuck you or that 20 tokens means I am your bitch and I will do anything. (these are ALL based on comments that someone has said to me.)

Also, I usually rant at the people that tell me I look like I do crack or meth, because I quite obviously do not do drugs, not even pot. Apparently, these people have never ACTUALLY seen a drug user. but think because I am skinny and have all of my hair and teeth that I do drugs?

Shockingly, I have no hangover, that's weird.

What is Jermajesty talking about?

No, I am not still drunk.

I am actually really trying to get to the point where I just ban people instead of chewing them a new asshole, because I think that is easier. I dunno who the guy was that came in my room last night, but I think I love him. :clap: :dance: Every time someone said something like "can I see your ass bb" he said, "can I see yours?" etc. :lol: I think he might be my soul mate.

/strange weird randomness. (Also, my thoughts are idiotic and weird, this is why I don't post very often.)
Uh just stating I like tend to sympathize/ help out some ranting models/ones who are having bad days. Sorry for the confusion.
I think, depending on the topic of the rant, seeing a girl red-line is quite humanizing. I'm really emotionally consistent so if I'm going off on something akin to a rant the room thinks it's quite entertaining, kind of an "aha! you ARE a real girl and not a CamBot!" moment for them :)

But I don't rant about things like tokens or premium behavior, I just rant randomly about things that bother me in real life like elderly and ethnoculturally diverse drivers, teenage girls from my region of Canada who for some reason talk like they grew up on the Jersey shore, people who chew gum like horses chew cud, the dudes at dance clubs who pretend to be dancing with you even though you're not dancing with them, my neighbors 6am weed whacking habits, the explosion of zombie-texters on the university campus (armies of people walking around with their heads buried in smart phones not recognizing my right to exceed the speed limit in pedestrian areas) etc... obviously I could go on - but back to topic!

Revealing that things irk you brings depth to your personality, but it's all dependant on what you're raging about!
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I caught a model complaining about a g/g show went wrong & she was just bitching about the other girl for over 2 hours! She had over 300 people in her room & when i came back she was down to 140 because nobody wants to hang out with negative nancy.
First off I merely entered this thread because I saw the name KellyKapowski.

Now as for the bitch fest as others have said it all depends on the topic, if she is at least entertaining and has command of the english language and her audience. I think this will spark a conversation with others in her room either to agree or disagree with her opinions and keep things lively. She shouldn't be that way all the time however, I mean come on, get happy! But I never trust anyone thats happy all the time either.
Im seriously surprised no one has mentioned UKGameGirl. She goes on the most entertaining and profitable rants Ive ever seen in my life. I think it depends on your personality. Some rants come off as silly and endearing. Others come off about as cute and loveable as Pol Pot.

Also: Kelly Kapowski is such an awesome MFC name ;)
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I only rant for my longest of 10 mins about something then move on still have all my regs. From time to time I will get a guy that's like I want to fuck you when your mad that was hot lol. But yea if you tend to rant don't rant for a long period of time then go back to the nice vibe that was in your room before a troll came in.
To me, it depends much more on what the rant is about. The other night, I saw a model bitching about being knocked out of the top 20 by 3 very popular models who hadn't (in her mind) worked as much or as hard as she had. She was saying that she was online every day and they hadn't, yet they had passed her. And I was completely unimpressed by her drunken ranting.

Conversely, I saw a model a few weeks ago ranting at some troll who failed miserably at his efforts. She might have been drunk, but it was hilarious. She just ripped him up.

Models- if you can deliver the rants in a funny, intelligent way; it will work to your advantage 99 times out of 100. But you can't do it all the time either because it can get old if you do it too much.
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I usually only rant when someone comes in and trolls me or it is time for a ban. I think they actually wait until I rant to start tipping me. It's very odd. I finally had too much of a regular I have had for the past couple of weeks, so I tore him a new asshole because he was weird and annoying and not in any good way and I was getting tips left and right from people with tips notes saying "Oh god that's hot". Weirdos.

Anyway, yeah I think if a girl is ranting about a CERTAIN model in particular then it is a real issue, especially if she names names (guilty of this sometimes) but for them to say they "work harder" than other girls is just ridiculous. I mean really, the top 20 girls have been on the site for a while and have built their fan base and are well known, what are you gonna do? Turn everyone off to these models by talking bad?
When I see a model talking trash about another model I usually just leave and never return :lol:

I personally don't find it a turn off if a model is angry/upset.. unless it's a common for them. I find it interesting... I've been upset on cam before (briefly of course) but the members tend to pull you out of an upset/angry mood anyway.

Trolls getting pwned is always a laughing matter for me, so when a model can call them out and laugh at them I usually tip them if I have any tokens in my account. More girls need to grow some and put losers in their place!
VixenMeow said:
When I see a model talking trash about another model I usually just leave and never return :lol:

I personally don't find it a turn off if a model is angry/upset.. unless it's a common for them. I find it interesting... I've been upset on cam before (briefly of course) but the members tend to pull you out of an upset/angry mood anyway.

Trolls getting pwned is always a laughing matter for me, so when a model can call them out and laugh at them I usually tip them if I have any tokens in my account. More girls need to grow some and put losers in their place!
You should go in and spend some time with Heidi_Voltage, she is a blast when it comes to troll bashing. and she loves having models come in with their model accounts. Doesn't hurt the fact that she's gorgeous and has a strut that most guys will pay her to teach their wives and girlfriends how to do it.
GreatDane said:
VixenMeow said:
When I see a model talking trash about another model I usually just leave and never return :lol:

I personally don't find it a turn off if a model is angry/upset.. unless it's a common for them. I find it interesting... I've been upset on cam before (briefly of course) but the members tend to pull you out of an upset/angry mood anyway.

Trolls getting pwned is always a laughing matter for me, so when a model can call them out and laugh at them I usually tip them if I have any tokens in my account. More girls need to grow some and put losers in their place!
You should go in and spend some time with Heidi_Voltage, she is a blast when it comes to troll bashing. and she loves having models come in with their model accounts. Doesn't hurt the fact that she's gorgeous and has a strut that most guys will pay her to teach their wives and girlfriends how to do it.
She sounds lovely! I checked out her profile... you didn't mention she was english.

Pwning trollz in a British accent.... WANT!
VixenMeow said:
GreatDane said:
VixenMeow said:
When I see a model talking trash about another model I usually just leave and never return :lol:

I personally don't find it a turn off if a model is angry/upset.. unless it's a common for them. I find it interesting... I've been upset on cam before (briefly of course) but the members tend to pull you out of an upset/angry mood anyway.

Trolls getting pwned is always a laughing matter for me, so when a model can call them out and laugh at them I usually tip them if I have any tokens in my account. More girls need to grow some and put losers in their place!
You should go in and spend some time with Heidi_Voltage, she is a blast when it comes to troll bashing. and she loves having models come in with their model accounts. Doesn't hurt the fact that she's gorgeous and has a strut that most guys will pay her to teach their wives and girlfriends how to do it.
She sounds lovely! I checked out her profile... you didn't mention she was english.

Pwning trollz in a British accent.... WANT!
You may want to keep some towels handy, ummm Just in case something may spill ;) Just for your information, she's going to be on Thursday approximately 07:00 EST to the best of my recollection. just wait until she shows off her fish collection and her nerd side too. Star Wars is only one of said ummm hobby's
As a Starz regular I can tell you I am one of those "weirdos" that find her extra hot while ranting. It is her being honest and expressing herself, usually half naked while doing it which doesn't hurt. We don't troll for rants but get them occasionally, which is fine with us.

Luv ya Starz
Well, at least your not like me, I tend to get vindictive when my buttons have been pushed, and it takes a whole hell of a lot to push them. I'm not a hater. And, for the most part, I don't let some cyber-acquainted get me riled up. People in person, on the other hand, have an unfair advantage of in-person perception. I've been angry before truly angry, and that's not a side of me that I like to bring out. She's mean, vile, and does things like throw letter openers at people's heads, pulls firearms on unruly bums that are drunk and try to harass her, arm-locks the random grabby drunk jerk in a bar and tries to claw his face off. Yeah, I don't drink much because of some of the incidents listed above, alcohol tends to bring her to just below the surface.
My etiquette coach once told me (yes I had to go to etiquette classes, Nana's orders) that a woman should always smile when she enters a room. Her smile has the power to disarm others and, lift the spirit of the room. It's worked for me so far. But, I have had the occasional misogynist rile me up just because it amused him. They usually don't think long-term.
I enjoy watching a rant sometimes, but probably not for any reason the ranter is going to appreciate, or make tokens out of.
I took Saturday night off, but on Friday I had about 5 new people come in and ask me if I was gonna rant that night. A few of them had been guests and gotten a prem account so they could talk to me. I asked them why they wanted me to rant and they said that I made great points when I ranted and I looked cute when I did it.

In fact, one of my regulars wrote me a poem about my rants! The odd thing is that during a lot of them I alcohol is involved. I guess if ranting is what I have to do to get new people in my room, I will do it from time to time! :D
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