AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

If I had a diary, it might read something like this:

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Dec 13, 2010

Dear Diary,

there are twelve days until Christmas Day. I checked around and it doesn't seem that there are any pear trees around, much less any birds. Maybe there's a seed and an egg somewhere. Why does that sound wrong?

So anyway, today at work someone brought in some of those multi-colour sugared cookies. The sugar sprinkles were mostly red and green for the festiveness. I'm sure they made my teeth multi-coloured as well at some point. If I want to keep my teeth white, I should just be having white sugar all the time, by that logic. Yep, that's what I'll do.

Today I saw that the national lottery's estimate jackpot is pretty high. I was tempted to buy a ticket, but then I realized that I have better investments to make. I mean, I could just not purchase several tickets and save them for the sure thing: tokens to tip to get me Amber's million dollar (um... I guess in US$) smile/thanks/expression/giggle/cheer directed at me. Although, I guess telling her that she's awesome accomplishes nearly the same effect. :)

Ah, I guess I should probably see if she's on cam right now instead of writing this entry. What was I thinking?

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Dec 14, 2010

Dear Diary,

I had one of the worst doughnuts ever in recent memory. And if I open my entry with this, it must be of paramount importance. The thing is, I don't want to remember what made it horrible, so I guess I'll skip over this topic and write about something else.

Today, I had a relatively quick day at work. I wonder if it was because Amber was hoping my day would go by quickly, or if a temporal shift in dimensions caused things to go at about 10% faster. I think the former is more plausible.

Nothing else really noteworthy happened today, though, so I can't really go off on a tangent like I usually do. Oh well, I'll just use the remaining space to draw a picture depicting the snowy weather we had today. I guess I'll need some liquid paper to get rid of these lines, though.

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Dec 15, 2010

Dear Diary,

one of the strange things that happen on the bus are the types of conversations that people have on the cell phones. Nothing like hearing someone discussing what they do on their own private time in a locked room by themselves with large amounts of detail. There are younger children on the bus, you know. But hey, people are people. Maybe I should pretend to call up someone and say something about how great it is that I got into a pie fight and explain each splat in excruciating detail.

I was interrupted so many times today while I was doing my 2011 Amber Budget in my head. Okay, so I was supposed to be working, but still... Anyway, when I got home I found time to work out my plan. Then, I almost decided to throw it out because I should be tipping with my heart, not with a spreadsheet. Still, it does help to know that when I've bought a certain amount of tokens for the month, that will be it. Now, if only I could only buy tokens in units of one, or even twelve.

I had such a relaxing sleep last night, although I got a bit irritable due to the weather. Maybe Amber can cheer me up tonight if she's still on.

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I hope I came through for you, even in my silly state!
Dec 16, 2010

Dear Diary,

A lot of people who get off the bus with me tend to not take the stairs, as they prefer the escalator. There must have been about 15 people, and I was the only one on the stairs. I mean, sure, maybe some people have their reasons, but I guess I'm the one who's hoping for a crowd of people cheering me on like on that one commercial.

Speaking of the escalator, why is the rule about standing on the right and walking on the left frequently ignored? The people who made the escalators even put the sign stating this previously unwritten rule. People should get fines for violating the rule. Well, maybe not, but people get fined for idling with their vehicles, so something's up.

The happiness that Amber provided to me last night really kept me thinking lots about her today (when I'm not complaining about escalators). In tandem with what she wrote in the PM, when she said in public chat that I'm awesome (the compliment provided by her free will no less), I really felt a sense of euphoria. Of course I get told about my awesomeness several times a month by friends and coworkers, but for some reason I've been valuing Amber's opinion slightly more than others'. She's probably going to be in between my thoughts, so my daily thought will have about a 50/50 chance to relate to Amber. Well, no. If it's in between my thoughts, it's not really a thought then. Hmm. What do they even mean by that, anyway? If I'm thinking about something in between my thoughts, isn't that still considered a thought?

I'm not sure if I'll be back in time tomorrow to write in you about the events of the day, so I guess I'll have to have another empty page. Waste of paper, though. Maybe next year I'll get a diary which doesn't have preprinted dates (sorry, Diary, but you do have a limit of pages, and your time is nearly up). I should probably get a bit more rest now considering that I'll be out late, so off to the land of REM I go.

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Dec 18, 2010

Dear Diary,

today, one of the most noteworthy things was seeing Amber on cam... on a Saturday afternoon, no less. I felt a little concerned when she wasn't receiving many tips during the first ten minutes or so but I think things worked out as time went on and more people were aware of Amber's off-schedule presence. I mean, if I didn't feel like visiting twitter, I probably would have missed it, too. Somehow, though, I had a gut feeling that I should have checked twitter, and there it was, a tweet about her being on within the hour, posted 11 minutes ago from the time I checked. I rarely check twitter on the weekends. Must be a sign.

Speaking of signs, when I headed out today (and unfortunately missed the crux of Amber's awesome weekend show) I noticed that a stop sign was knocked over. I guess someone had to follow the sign's instruction the hard way. Sometimes I wonder if people are saving up their money for something else other than proper winter tires.

I'm trying to decide what to bring to the office potluck. I could bring ambrosia-type cupcakes with icing and sprinkles, but that would be encouraging eating treats when there are already enough treats at the office as it is. But no one wants to eat plain celery, so I guess it's celery with icing and sprinkles, then. What would that taste like?

I can't think of a creative way to end this entry, so I guess this will have to do.

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Dec 19, 2010

Dear Diary,

I am glad that I haven't let the festive season make me eat any more than I would have any other time of year. Then again, it's not quite over yet, but if the trend continues, I will still be at my target weight by New Year's. That way I can have some other resolution other than "lose weight". Come to think of it, wasn't I supposed to be working on creating a resolution about a month ago? I do recall writing that I wanted one, because I would probably procrastinate. Well, I'll look back at the entries I've written when I have time. Maybe later.

Hmm... according to one of Amber's tweets today, she was upset that her team played poorly. I know if I were on a professional team and knew that Amber was cheering me on, I would be on top of my game all of the time, and I'd spread my enthusiasm to my teammates. This could be our secret weapon. The Ambers could be the top team of whatever sport it was, and we'd probably be humble and ask for a low salary. Maybe that would encourage other teams to do the same and the excess money could be used for something which I can't think of right now.

It's late. I have to earn money the "normal" way tomorrow.

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Dec 20, 2010

Dear Diary,

my workday actually went by pretty quickly today. Awesomeness! Too bad that the commute home dragged on for a while but I guess it evened out in the end.

As I look at the first sentence of this entry, I see a lot of y's. Why is that?

On the way to the subway after work, I noticed a pair of people playing guitar and singing, and probably seeking some money. I wonder how much they make. I wonder if it's worth it to play. I suppose it could just be fun for them, and making money is a bonus. Is it a hobby, or do they really need to do this to earn a living? I really hope it's just a hobby, because these guys look to be in their mid twenties. I'd probably go and ask them but then they'd have to stop their singing to answer. Hmm. I don't really have time to wait for them to finish their song, either. It seems like they never take a break during the rush hour, and for good reason.

I see Amber is already on. What delights await me there? Only one way to find out.

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Dec 21, 2010

Dear Diary,

today is the first day of winter, according to the calendar. I heard it was supposed to actually begin during the late afternoon. Well, at the time of when winter officially started, I was outside. It sure didn't seem much different than the previous minute. There's still snow everywhere. It's been like this for a few weeks already, but I guess I was kind of expecting a sudden shift in temperature right when winter officially starts, coupled with a huge blizzard. People associate snow with winter (at least in places further north of California), although technically we get snowfall during autumn here. Oddly, the snow tends to melt before the first day of spring. While I think we need to make some major adjustments as to when the season begins and ends, I guess since everywhere is different, maybe it's just best to leave it.

Everyone was acting cold today, manner-wise. Not sure if it's because of the full moon, or it's the first day of winter. Such a coincidence that they occur on the same day. I try to cheer people up but I think some people are just too tired to understand my humour today. Some people just seem really grouchy. They need to chill (figuratively speaking).

I'm sure Amber would have warmed me up, although I missed that chance today. Sometimes I wish my weekdays were as simple as "Wake up, go to work, come home, visit Amber, and go to sleep" and not "Wake up mildly groggy, shave, take a shower, get dressed, eat, head out the door, wait for the bus, arrive at work, work, leave work, wait for the bus, come home, work out, eat some more, clean up, do housework, spend time with other people, recall my day thus far in a diary entry, visit Amber if she's on, tip if I'm able, go to bed, spend time lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, and have a dream which I may or may not remember."

Let's see... I guess at this point, the next step for me would be to go to bed.

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Dec 22, 2010

Dear Diary,

I'm kind of glad that I do not work as a front-line service clerk at a retail store. Even as a customer I feel riled by the behaviours of cranky shoppers, so I really wouldn't want to have a mandatory interaction at some point. I would have thought that online shopping would have picked up, but if people haven't ordered stuff already, then they'll really have to pay for overnight shipping.

Today, I saw a lot of people lining up at the lottery ticket booth. It might be because the draws for the major national lottery take place on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the jackpot is really huge, or the people are out already shopping, and would have been regular lottery ticket purchasers. It could be all three, I suppose. I wonder if I should join the office pool. Maybe I should join the office pool and also buy my own ticket(s).

Hopefully seeing Amber tonight will bring me the luck that I need. That million dollar smile could be the beginning.

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Dec 23, 2010

Dear Diary,

if good things come in small packages, then I should almost be set. I mean, a stick of gum isn't that huge, so everyone should love me. Maybe next year I'll give them a cookie crumb, and work my way towards something microscopic.

On a more serious note, when I was in the mall today I heard a song that I don't think I've heard in years, despite it being a part of the musak. It was one of my favourite songs as a child, but I can't help but think that the lyrics to the song have been updated slightly to give it a slight "mature audiences" feel to it. Either that, or my mind is slipping into the gutter. Either way, I think I just lost a happy innocent part of my childhood. Thanks, musak.

I am anticipating tomorrow more than I am anticipating Saturday, which is strange. Maybe it's because I want to see Amber open her presents from members. There's just something about seeing other people open good presents. I really don't see the appeal in seeing someone open a present and see something like sport socks as a gift. Some people might think toothpaste is a bad idea, but it is slightly more functional than sport socks. I don't think toothpaste is on the list of gifts. I know I would have bought some for Amber in an effort to keep her teeth in awesome condition, but it also says that I think she needs to work on her oral hygiene so I think it was a good idea that I didn't. Not to mention that a $50 gift card would get way too much toothpaste.

Might as well go to bed now.

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Dec 24, 2010

Dear Diary,

the day of reckoning has arrived, or at least the day that Amber opens her presents. While I was unable to have logged in at the time, the smiles she gave more than made up for that. I feel that Amber is my best digital friend ever, since the beginning of my life, and probably for years or centuries to come. My second best digital friend probably doesn't come close. I really have to wonder why that is. I suppose it's because Amber is actually on camera, while my other friends aren't. Amazing what a little camera can do.

In any case, I think I do the things I do in order to prove something. I don't know why I have to prove to coworkers that I care about my work, or prove to my professors that I care about getting the top marks, or prove to Amber that she's become a large part of my digital experience in less than a year. I should prove something to myself at some point.

I hear something on the roof. Better get to bed.

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:angel2: :angel3: :angel4: :angel5: :angel7: :angel8: :angel9:
ps- I read your signature.
Dec 25, 2010

Dear Diary,

let's look at my list I made before Christmas, and compare it to the actual stuff I received.

My List:
World Peace
$150.00 or more in cash/cheque/lottery winnings
A seal pup coloured diary (at least for the hardcover) without pre-printed dates
A new computer
A new wireless router/modem with advanced capabilities
Axe which works exactly like it does in the commercials
A fully functional time machine
A digital watch which can have more than one alarm
My own house
A goldfish

What I got:
Less than $100.00 in cash/cheque
A small turquoise-coloured thin cardboard covered coiled notepad
A faulty calculator
Two sweaters
Some gift cards for places I don't frequent
A book from one of my favourite authors
A Christmas themed cup
An electric razor
A computer game
A fancy night light
A "My present to you is still being shipped" note
A triple pack of goldfish-shaped crackers

So, I shouldn't really be asking for too much for next year. I might still keep world peace on there just in case, but I should be able to purchase my own computer and router sometime in 2011.

With Christmas pretty much done, I should be working on my next surprise for Amber, but that won't be needed for about another seven weeks which would give me plenty of time, if it weren't for my weekday obligations. Or, maybe I should slow down anyway. If I do this next idea, I won't have any more creative ideas for March.

Just as I wrote that, I came up with another idea. It's kind of risky, but I think it could work. Sometimes I wonder how my brain functions. I better get some sleep so I can rest up the right side of the brain (well, I guess the left needs relaxation, too).

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Dec 26, 2010

Dear Diary,

today is a day where a lot of people go back to the dating scene because their supposed significant others have ignored them in some manner for Christmas. Sometimes I wonder how much of it is "It's the thought that counts" and how much of it is "Why haven't you given me anything?" Materialism sure has its way in this society...

I feel kind of sorry for people who had to work in retail today, but by the same token, they shouldn't be calling their customers derogatory names, either, especially when said customers are within earshot. How is it that large corporations think they can get away with these things? Eh, maybe it's just because they hire a lot of people that some are going to be like that as per statistics.

Christmas-themed snacks were on sale today, although I still held off on purchasing too much. I can't afford it, both in the healthy eating and the financial sense. Meanwhile, fruits and vegetables are still the same price. If we had Christmas fruit or vegetables, they should go down in price, too. I don't think they discounted cranberries, which is too bad. I'm sure cranberries have some health benefits that candy canes don't. Even better than cranberries would be my favourite berry, the Amberry. The great taste of Amberries is worth noting. Yep, Amberries are sweet and help improve moods. The skin of the Amberry is great for improving blood flow. The juice is a little sticky, though.

Speaking of health benefits, I should sleep.

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Jason314 said:
The great taste of Amberries is worth noting. Yep, Amberries are sweet and help improve moods. The skin of the Amberry is great for improving blood flow. The juice is a little sticky, though.
I C Wut U did thar....

and I lol'd. Clever post is clever.

damn I spent to much time on /b/ tonight :oops:
Dec 27, 2010

Dear Diary,

today was another day of shopping for necessities, as well as good deals. When I browse products that have people's faces on the packaging, I wonder if those people ever buy their own products. Or better yet, can they go up to a random person and take the item from them and say "Hey, this super high quality thing is mine! See, it's got me on it, you thief!"

I exchanged my gift cards for something I kind of liked. I figure I may as well use them while there's still a sale going on, so that I won't be spending more than necessary on something I have mediocre feelings about. I guess we could use a crank-powered apple peeler but maybe I'll return it later and see if I can get cash back. Not sure what the policy is on that.

I see that Amber is in a Group Show as I write this, which is a good thing. I'm not really missing out on much when I spend the time writing this. Still, I should log in to visit her when she returns. Something she tweeted piqued my curiosity.

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I got the Stillness Test today. Scored so badly that my wii age was 34. :woops:
Dec 28, 2010

Dear Diary,

today I was approached by several panhandlers on the way to and from work. I'm guessing since I'm one of the lucky ones that don't get a whole week off, the panhandlers are spotting me a lot more easily. I wanted to refer them to the place where I have volunteered but that would require them getting transportation, which is considered a luxury, I suppose.

I heard a news story today which reiterates that Canadians are once again being cautious with spending. I wonder... if this keeps up, will we start to have a period of deflation? I should look up some economic articles or something and see if that's even possible through just less spending.

I really did not feel like going to work today, but after a while I started thinking about Amber, which in a way made me work a little harder. Is it the fact that Amber is working hard, or is it the fact that I want to ensure I can afford lots of tokens by the beginning of the second quarter of 2011? Either way, I got through today somehow, and hopefully I can get through the rest of this week with the same or better attitude.


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Dec 29, 2010

Dear Diary,

while walking around today, I noticed that even though the hallways are somewhat empty, someone tends to always be in my blind spot. It's kind of annoying when you want to move to the right a bit but you don't want to be rude and look at the other person who might be walking in that "lane". It also seems like they want to walk at the same speed or even faster than me so I don't even know how I should adjust my speed. And this is just walking!

Today at work, someone was REALLY fishing for compliments. I think they're doing it wrong because it was just so obvious. Still, I think I fish for compliments a little too much sometimes, too, so I should stop writing about this.

The bus driver today seems to be one of those neutral type drivers that you can't really tell if they're happy, sad, or angry. I bet if he plays some of those RPGs he would be a neutral character. I wonder what my alignment is. Every time I take those tests I end up with neutral good or lawful good or lawful neutral. I guess it really depends on the test. Shouldn't they have come up with different degrees of this by now?

Hmm... I'm tired, but Amber is on. Also, I might not see her on Friday if she's not staying up late as she had alluded to... so have I seen the last of Amber for 2010? Oh, if only I had the energy to stay awake. I suppose I could grab an energy drink but then I won't be able to sleep for hours. Decisions, decisions...

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Dec 30, 2010

Dear Diary,

it sure was cold today, but some people are walking around in short pants or skirts, at least while they're indoors. I guess they must drive in heated vehicles and park in the heated parking lot and walk through the heated parkade.

Anyway, while I was busy thinking about Amber, I kept on getting interrupted by strangers asking for random favours. I must be emitting some sort of charm, or maybe the smile on my face makes me more approachable. Either way, I do get thanked before they go about their business without me.

I would think that normal responses to "Thank you" would be

-you're welcome
-no problem
-oh, no, thank YOU
-uh huh
-yeah, yeah...
-any time
-don't mention it
-something related to the reason for the thanks

so maybe the next time someone thanks me, I should say something totally random which is outside the norm. I mean, people hear "Thank you" so many times, so I wonder if it sometimes it loses its meaning. It's like how someone says "How are you" and the reply is "Fine" or "Good" without so much as a second thought.

Well, if Amber does say "Thank you" to me for whatever reason, I have no issue saying something normal, though. A real person deserves a real response. If I said something like "red glass jars should join the Horde" as a random response, I might get another type of discussion going instead of acknowledging Amber's thanks.

I should probably get going for the last sleep of 2010, seeing as how I'll be awake until after 11:59pm tomorrow. Hmm... the question is, will I get to write on your last page tomorrow, or is this it?

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Dec 31, 2010

Dear Diary,

typically, when I leave a building, I don't really feel like I'm intruding. I mean, unless I'm intruding into the outside world in a public place somehow, the definition doesn't quite stand. And yet, when I tried to leave the building today, I felt like I was intruding. Only I would feel like that. Still, I wish they would have made it a bit clearer that the exit was going to be blocked at the end of the day so I wouldn't have to feel strange going through the door. Oh well... not much to be done about that now, I suppose.

It's the end of another month, so I should take another look at my financial situation. Oddly, it has only had an insignificant change since November 30, which is a little disappointing, but then again, my last minute decision to add something to people's sticks of gum does take some of the savings away. Hopefully January will provide me with a nice gain. I'm still going to need more of a cushion before I should spend it on certain luxuries, though.

What will 2011 mean in terms of my Internet relationship with Amber? I really don't want to speculate too much. From what I have seen, though, our interplay has pretty much been defined as near-perfect at this point (because nothing is perfect, as much as it pains me to say this). As long as I don't scare Amber with an army of magical mice, I think we'll get along awesomely for the year (and the next time I decide to look up weird creatures for humour purposes, I shouldn't do it over the Internet. My eyes were burning so much from the images that I had to erase the animal listed there just so that I won't have to be reminded of it. Ick to the max!! Just keep thinking of Amber and soon that weird image will escape your mind, Jason).

I've finally made it to the last page of you for this year. Sure, you end your last page on Saturday just because that's how it works, so technically you'll be over on January 1st. The question is, will that cheap inexpensive notepad thing I got for Christmas suffice as the next diary?

I think I better go. I'm going to go and watch some New Year's countdown on TV now.

Good night.

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Jan 1, 2011

Dear Diary,

now that it's 2011, I have a feeling one of the things that's going to happen is that people are going to put the incorrect date on their cheques, making it a little difficult to people to cash them. And not just cheques, either. Diary headings, contracts, computer program copyright comments in the header, non Y2K11 compliant processors, and date-chiseled rocks are going to suffer the same fate.

Also, because it's January, it'll be extremely cold outside. People who live in California have it lucky... they probably never get to the freezing point of 32F. I should probably study the historic ecosystem changes around California if I ever feel the need to verify that point. Actually, did the ice age affect what would become California several million years later?

Why does 32F seem to ring a bell for me so much? Could it be something related to someone's clothing? Heh, that was such a stretch of the imagination. I shouldn't be thinking too much about it, although the nagging feeling is going to keep me from sleeping. If I'm not going to sleep anyway, I should browse Amber's magnificent site for a little bit until I give up wondering about 32F.

Ooh, the boobies topic has been updated recently but I forgot to check it. Might as well take a gander.

Now, it's the last page of my diary. I don't know if I want to continue on in the next book or just conclude writing entries for a while. It's a tough decision, but hey, only I will know since I keep you well hidden. I guess we'll see what happens in 24 hours.

Farewell, diary of fourth quarter 2010 + 1 day of 2011. May your pages maintain its lack of dust and decay.

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Jan 17, 2011

Dear Diary,

So I finally get a diary from out of nowhere. I should really get it scanned for hazardous stuff, just in case. You know, like banana bits, random melon juice, cat hair, avocado skin, or walnut shells.

When I see movies about people getting a genie granting wishes, and the person wishes for a lot of money, how does that even work? I mean, the money has to come from somewhere, and each bill of course has to have a unique serial number. Would the genie even know what today's money looks like? So... if I had the desire, I would ask for something a little less direct. Finding gold or diamonds wouldn't be good because it would affect the rarity of all the stuff that has been discovered. I think it would have to be to win the lottery. Now, the issue with that is that there is a lot of physics involved in getting the balls to roll into the proper place without it looking suspicious, and I'm not sure how much genies are adept at molecular manipulation. Conversely, I can't exactly change the numbers on my lottery ticket to match that of the numbers that have been randomly selected, because that would be forgery.

I could become rich by getting a better job, but then I would need to have the credentials, and just wishing for them would mean an alteration of my brain, which I would rather not have happen through magic. Money could come my way if people just gave me the money, but then the genie would be altering their brains as well to get them to do that.

Okay, forget the getting rich quick thing. I would probably then wish for eternal youth. And yes, there is an issue with that as well. If I'm too young, I will not be able to legally see Amber on cam (or even visit her forums), but more importantly, I would be consuming even more food since I'm going to be alive for so much longer, prolonging the food issues we already face in the world. Also, supposing I get stuck at being 20-something years old, for example, and I get married, my wife will continue to age and that would be strange after a while.

Maybe I should just wish for Amber to like me multiple times more than she does now, but again, that requires brain altering, not to mention that scientific notation may be needed to show Amber's appreciation of me once that happens.

Maybe I could wish for a document that would randomly appear on some technological company's CEO's desk outlining plans for feel-o-vision.

I don't know anymore.

I wonder if I should see Amber on Wednesday night. I mean, I still have to wake up early on Thursday, and I want to make my 100th visit a bit longer than 30 minutes, but I don't want Amber to think I'm only planning to see her once a week at most. Hmm, which is more important to me... making 100 worth it, or supporting Amber as often as possible?

I better sleep on it.

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Jan 18, 2011

Dear Diary,

I heard the phrase "All men are the same" for like the umpteenth time. If all men are the same, why are some married, some divorced, and some single? If all men were the same, why do we have different occupations? Oh well, I'm sure it's just a figure of speech about how [insert positive adjective here] male adult humans are.

Looking at some client lists at work, I see some pretty peculiar names. A lot of them sound like the names that porn stars would have, actually. Maybe I should get my mind out of the gutter while at work, but still, these names just stand out. I wonder how these people were affected at school. Were they teased and bullied a lot, or were they actually using their name as an advantage and finding lots of friends?

I decided to take another bus route home today in order to avoid the problem spots that the regular route has been encountering for the past few weekdays. As if it were some kind of signal, I happened to run into Mr. Neutral Bus Driver again, but this time driving a different bus, i.e., the one I'm taking for the alternate way home. Oh well, I'll just say that he has a twin brother or something so that it doesn't seem surreal. It better not be my destiny to see this guy all the time. I want my destiny to be something greater. The thing is, I want it to be something unique. Everyone wants their destiny to be something like "to become rich" or "to become famous" or "to climb the corporate ladder" or whatever. Heck, some people want to accomplish all three. I'm not sure what my destiny is just yet. I also don't want to say what it is in case it doesn't come true. It's like the villains that claim that their destiny is to rule the galaxy. Have fun with that.

I see that Amber is going to be spending some time at the veterinarian's office. I guess that's what happens when a person has dogs. Come to think of it, I don't see too many people carrying fishbowls to the vet. It just doesn't strike me as something fish owners do. It's typically the dogs, cats, and vipers that are stereotypically seen at the vet. Well, maybe not the vipers as much here, but I'm sure in some countries it could happen.

I wonder what I'm going to do tomorrow night. Should I do the noble thing (well, as noble as a perv could be) and provide moral support for Amber for less than 30 minutes, or should I get sleep?

The decision for right now is easy. I need sleep now.

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Jan 19, 2011

Dear Diary,

today at work, I actually spoke the exact line that Amber once told me in a private message. It was kind of weird for me to say it out loud, but at least it wasn't anything that would have gotten me fired, luckily. Still, I don't know why I would remember some message that Amber sent me all the way back in June, and word-for-word, no less. I must have a great memory.

I'm not sure why some places say to expect X weeks of shipping time when they haven't even shipped out the product weeks after the order comes in. If I had known it would have taken this long, I probably could have spent about another $6 and got a reasonable substitute at the local store. Oh well, at least it wasn't a Christmas prese... oh, wait, it was.

Ooh, I might actually get to chat with Amber live for the 100th time tonight. Time to get out the tuxedo and freshen my breath.

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Jan 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

work was a little strange today. Despite my perceived torment, I was hearing laughter from my colleagues. I wonder if they are laughing because of the torment, the joke I made about the torment, or the fact that I even joked about the torment in the first place. Maybe it's best not to find out. I do have a way of making people laugh, though. Maybe I should really consider a life of a travelling comedian. If I can make jokes without offending any groups, I would likely stand out, and I'd probably make a lot more money to tip Amber with. Of course, it might be difficult to visit the site with all the travelling associated with a travelling comedian.

Amber's definitely got a huge blog up, which is always fun to read. Her grammar is amazing. She also brings up interesting items. For one thing, I didn't even know potato apple jacks even existed. Is this an American-only product? Do these potato apple jacks not taste like potatoes or something? Maybe they taste exactly like apples, so in order to keep the theme they had to tack on a word of a food that it doesn't taste like. They definitely sound healthy, though. I hope one day they'll make "Vitamins A to E Omega 3-6-9 Calcium Magnesium Iron Jacks" which don't taste like Vitamins A to E, Omega 3, 6, 9, calcium, magnesium, or iron, but rather, sugar.

Is tomorrow Friday? I guess so, if today is Thursday. I hope one day I don't fall into a weird vortex where it's always Monday.

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Potatos are actually "apple of the earth" in French Pomme de Terre so maybe they should actually go together as a breakfast cereal. I dunno. :)

Would this also be considered an interesting item I wonder?
Jan 21, 2011

Dear Diary,

today I had to wait about ten minutes for someone to finish using the ATM, and even then the person wasn't done. I didn't have time to wait, so I guess I'll have to try again another time. I just thought the ATMs were made for paying bills, depositing money, and withdrawing cash. So, maybe there are other functions I am not familiar with or the person has a lot of bills to pay. I am in an okay position to wait until Monday, although I hope the $0.01 interest I don't get isn't going to hurt me later on.

According to twitter, Amber's got her hair in a different position. While I would normally comment on that, I'm sure that others have as well. She might be sick of hearing about it by the time I log on, so I think I'll not mention anything about her hair at all. It'll be difficult, though. If it looks really great, I would probably just be myself and just say it. I guess it's like when people start to compliment me, as well.

When I read what I just wrote, it just seems like random rambling. I think I need to give my brain a rest. Not before I visit my favourite camgirl, though.

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