AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

I'm back! Well, kinda.

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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I feel pretty accomplished for the day already. Laundry started, light cardio workout*, trip to the vet about Sugar and Boxxy, a trip to the Doctor*, groceries purchased, appointment set for my physical therapy session, caught up on my internets.

*I mentioned in my tweet earlier that I wasn't feeling all that great, so I went to urgent care just to see what was up. I've got some little sinus issue that's making me feel ick. I promised myself I'd get back on my workout schedule after my trip, so I still did a workout, just took it a bit easy since my head ain't right.

I apologize that I am going to keep my MFC friends waiting a bit longer before I magically reappear on camera. I want to make sure all is right with me before I get back on my MFC schedule so I can really enjoy myself with you guys. With my neck still wonky and this nasal funk I'm not quite myself, so I'm just going to take the time I need to fix myself up while I'm already on somewhat of a hiatus. Will I be back tomorrow? Wednesday? Not til next week? Who knows. All I can promise is that I'll keep you updated. I can also promise to kick anyone's ass who has a problem with that! Ha! :dance:

I will take this opportunity to report that I am in LOVE with MtG. We did somewhat of a card draft yesterday to finalize our main decks. I added some red cards, mainly Goblins and some instants/sorceries, to my already awesome black Vampire deck. It rocks. I will say, though, I am PISSED :snooty: that our friend ended up winning a nice shiny vampire card that I intended to be mine. But I guess that's just the luck of the draw for me, so to speak. I still spanked his ass in the round we played last night.

I plan on making a special blog post later tonight/tomorrow documenting my whole trip. I'd do it now, but we need to upload all the images from our camera first so I can use some in the post. So this measly entry is all ya get for now!
You are hella missed beautiful, but I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying take care of yourself and get better, no matter how long it takes!

and OMG MtG!!! I love that game with a nerdy-intensity. I left all my decks back in NC with the little brother, but the hubby and I had damned near close to 50-something decks (mostly painstakingly made at a tiny hole in the wall card shop that sold individual cards. I got free ones all the time for being cute). Seriously though, stop making me fall in love with you. :lol:
Yep... Amber will be better by tomorrow. To make sure of that, I may need to send all the physical therapists in California bundles of cash to do the most excellent job on all patients matching a photo, as well as to prescribe super rare medication as needed.

AmberCutie said:
I will say, though, I am PISSED :snooty: that our friend ended up winning a nice shiny vampire card that I intended to be mine.
Which card is this? Do you like it for its shininess or its effect?
definitely take care of yourself first and foremost, while you are missed there's no point in coming back only to have to go out again because you weren't ready.

and all this MtG talk has really made me sad that I haven't played a physical game in ages.
Amber if you want to win in mtg use a goblin bidding deck. It is very simple to use. Or if you want to be an ass to your opponents make a cycle deck.
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