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Movie to TV Series crossovers

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Mar 5, 2010
I heard recently that Charlie Sheen is shopping around for a TV station to run an adaptation of the Adam Sandler movie "Anger Management" as a new TV series that (I assume?) he will star in.
This got me thinking about what movies would everyone like to see become TV shows?

I think the 007 movies would be an awesome TV adaptation!
I that James Bond would make an awesome TV show...with a few caveats:

1. Base it on the original Ian Flemming books
2. Make it a 30 minute serial (i.e.: 1-2 episodes per chapter).

The books are more character driven, hence would be cheaper to produce that the movies with all the "Matrix-like" CGI. Unfortunately, in this day and age this scenario probably wouldn't have time to build an audience fast enough for the "major" networks.
Harry Potter. Harry Potter. OOO! Harry Potter. Harry Potter. YEAH!

I don't care. I love it. I want my brain to roll around Hogwarts forever!

oh wait...

Srsly though, American History X would have been the perfect candidate for this if they had stuck with the original ending. The original ending had Derek buzzing his head again, indicating that he was returning to his skinhead ways. Then the TV show could have had stories regarding race wars, etc.
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