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PVT show bug

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Apr 11, 2024
10 mins pvt with recording enabled, but only first 50 seconds were recorded.
Is there a way to recover my pvt recording? Now the girl refused to reenable recording even though it was her responsibility.

I really wanted this girl, and by that I mean "returning the tokens" still seems like a loss for me because I only want this girl and her pvt with recording enabled.

Made a ticket earlier today and my username is hikaruf.

10 mins pvt with recording enabled, but only first 50 seconds were recorded.
Is there a way to recover my pvt recording? Now the girl refused to reenable recording even though it was her responsibility.

I really wanted this girl, and by that I mean "returning the tokens" still seems like a loss for me because I only want this girl and her pvt with recording enabled.

Made a ticket earlier today and my username is hikaruf.

If she did the private show for you, wanting the tokens returned is a dick move. It sounds like there may have been technical issue, and you should try to remember the model is a human, and that issues arise that are not always in her control.
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Hello @soul1995678 I have confirmed that the support team has responded to your inquiry. Ticket #23334560
Thanks for the responses, all. Is there a way CB can help me to politely ask this girl to reenable her recording?

Because to be honest, I never wanted a pvt with a model without recording enabled no matter how pretty the person is. The girl told me it was "her mistake" that she forgot to disable the recording and I basically got the recording even though I didn't deserve it since it was for free, and she said she was lucky that the recording failed loool. :(((((((
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Hi. I agree with Amber. Expecting your tokens back would be ridiculous, and if CB actually grants your request…that would mean the model just gave you a whole private show for free…which would be awful. I hope that in your support ticket, you didn’t actually go through with asking them to return your tokens. If a member did that to me (just because he’s mad he didn’t get a free recording to go along with the show), I’d be furious and would ban him from my room.
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Is there a way CB can help me to politely ask this girl to reenable her recording?
No. And it's disgusting that you try to make her do something she's not comfortable with in a sexual context. From what I understand she probably enables recording if you tip extra before the private, so just do that. If she will even agree to do a private with you at this point, I would not.
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Hi. I agree with Amber. Expecting your tokens back would be ridiculous, and if CB actually grants your request…that would mean the model just gave you a whole private show for free…which would be awful. I hope that in your support ticket, you didn’t actually go through with asking them to return your tokens. If a member did that to me (just because he’s mad he didn’t get a free recording to go along with the show), I’d be furious and would ban him from my room.
If the customer expects a recording and the site doesn't work it's not ridiculous to get some kind of refund, but of course it should come out the site's pocket. The Terms probably say CB doesn't owe users anything, but happy token buyers buy more tokens
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If the customer expects a recording and the site doesn't work it's not ridiculous to get some kind of refund, but of course it should come out the site's pocket. The Terms probably say CB doesn't owe users anything, but happy token buyers buy more tokens

Sure, if the recording is something that was promised to him along with the private show itself, and he doesn’t get the recording because of a site bug…I would say maybe a PARTIAL refund out of the site’s pocket. Absolutely not a full refund…that would be absolutely ridiculous imo (He still got a private show). And the model should still keep all of those tokens she’s earned from the private show itself.
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No. And it's disgusting that you try to make her do something she's not comfortable with in a sexual context. From what I understand she probably enables recording if you tip extra before the private, so just do that. If she will even agree to do a private with you at this point, I would not.
You have to understand that it was her mistake to begin with that she forgot to disable recording, and followed by CB's error. I didn't do anything wrong. I basically would never take her to pvt without this recording.
I didn't say a single thing to trick her.
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Sure, if the recording is something that was promised to him along with the private show itself, and he doesn’t get the recording because of a site bug…I would say maybe a PARTIAL refund out of the site’s pocket. Absolutely not a full refund…that would be absolutely ridiculous imo (He still got a private show). And the model should still keep all of those tokens she’s earned from the private show itself.
Why wouldn't I get a full refund? I literally only want to pay for things I can rewatch 9999 times. What makes you think I wanna pay for something that's like a random porn I find on the internet?
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Why wouldn't I get a full refund? I literally only want to pay for things I can rewatch 9999 times. What makes you think I wanna pay for something that's like a random porn I find on the internet?
Because you still got a private show. The basis of cam sites are LIVE shows, the recordings are an additional perk if/when they're available.
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Why wouldn't I get a full refund? I literally only want to pay for things I can rewatch 9999 times. What makes you think I wanna pay for something that's like a random porn I find on the internet?
because they take the tokens from the model. And the model did your show. While the key thing for you may have been that it was recordable, that's not the ONLY aspect of the thing. She still deserves to get paid for her time.

Put yourself in her shoes.

You did work for someone, lets say you work as a consultant and you took a consultation call on a platform where there was a record button you mistakenly had on. The client saw that, and decided to pay you for your call because he wanted to do a consultation where he could watch back the call and take notes. You did the call, the recording failed and in the course of figuring that out.. you realized that the button was on when you did not want clients to be able to record your consultations.

So you turn the button off, and you tell the client it was a mistake.

Totally understandable that the client is a bit upset, but YOU - who spent an hour call imparting your specialized knowledge to this person - still deserve to be paid for that. The client still got the knowledge. You still took an hour out of your day to do the call.

Now... and in a sexual consent issue on top of this.. where it is even more important that everyone feels comfortable and consenting at all times. Just like in sex, someone can change their mind at any point and stop.

She's told you that she doesn't want to be recorded and you've ASKED SUPPORT to pressure her to do so in future? My guy... why would you get off knowing someone was uncomfortable? Just find another model. You are not entitled to our discomfort for your pleasure, no matter if you're paying or not.
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Why wouldn't I get a full refund? I literally only want to pay for things I can rewatch 9999 times. What makes you think I wanna pay for something that's like a random porn I find on the internet?

How entitled of you. You got your private show that you paid for. I said what I said. You and anyone else in this thread who thinks you deserve to have ALL of your tokens back are being ridiculous imo. Stop trying to get a freebie…after this model WORKED to give you a private show.
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I'm a bit confused, you say it was a because of a bug that you didn't get your recording but it's also because the model didn't enable it?
Seems the truth lies in that she had enabled recording for a different client and forgot to turn it off before her next shift. He started private and she accepted then realized it was recording (I've never done a recorded show, I presume there is a difference in the screen a model sees, wording wise) and turned it off in the private. He didn't know she turned it off until after he left and went to watch the video.
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Seems the truth lies in that she had enabled recording for a different client and forgot to turn it off before her next shift. He started private and she accepted then realized it was recording (I've never done a recorded show, I presume there is a difference in the screen a model sees, wording wise) and turned it off in the private. He didn't know she turned it off until after he left and went to watch the video.
For models it's just in the settings, but as a user, before your pvt private request gets sent to the model a confirmation box comes up that indicates the private cost, along with if the model has enabled recordings or not. For someone who claims they care so much about recordings it seems odd to me that they would miss that.

But then if that's not the case and it was an actual bug, it seems strange to want the model to give a refund instead of the site, as it would be their fault, not the model.
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For models it's just in the settings, but as a user, before your pvt private request gets sent to the model a confirmation box comes up that indicates the private cost, along with if the model has enabled recordings or not. For someone who claims they care so much about recordings it seems odd to me that they would miss that.

But then if that's not the case and it was an actual bug, it seems strange to want the model to give a refund instead of the site, as it would be their fault, not the model.
I know how to use the site. JFC
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He started private and she accepted then realized it was recording (I've never done a recorded show, I presume there is a difference in the screen a model sees, wording wise) and turned it off in the private.
Is the model really able to change the settings for the private after it has started? If the model did change the parameters after the private has started I have less sympathy for the model; that is pretty shady. If she realized the mistake after the private started she should have said something, stopped the show, and restarted with the correct settings.

For someone who claims they care so much about recordings it seems odd to me that they would miss that.
The OP did get a recording, but only 50 seconds long, so he would have seen that recording was enabled when starting the private.

But then if that's not the case and it was an actual bug, it seems strange to want the model to give a refund instead of the site, as it would be their fault, not the model.
In the first post the OP wanted the full recording not a refund. If it was a glitch on CB's end they should be able to give a refund without taking tokens from the model. They have done that for me in the past, it was a different situation but I received a refund and I was able to confirm with the model that she did not lose the tokens.
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I presume there is a difference in the screen a model sees, wording wise) and turned it off in the private. He didn't know she turned it off until after he left and went to watch the video.
My shows are all recorded and it is not mentioned anywhere when the show begins, only at the end a notification appears in the chat that says " A recording of this show has been saved " or some such. But It does not say it anywhere when you begin the show. I have never tried to disable it midshow, so I wouldnt know if it is possible - I would assume it is not?

Also, as models we do not get to keep the recordings on CB. Only the user keeps them. So in this case, the model has no way of a) checking if the recording is indeed corrupt and / or b) giving the user access to it from her end.

I say this, because on Stripchat models get to keep the recordings in their own video gallery and can choose to publish them for sale.
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For models it's just in the settings, but as a user, before your pvt private request gets sent to the model a confirmation box comes up that indicates the private cost, along with if the model has enabled recordings or not. For someone who claims they care so much about recordings it seems odd to me that they would miss that.

But then if that's not the case and it was an actual bug, it seems strange to want the model to give a refund instead of the site, as it would be their fault, not the model.

I am curious though, i assume the answer is "no" but once the private has started and recording IS enabled, during the private can the model go to her settings and disable it?
I am not saying this is what she has done at all, but it's just curiosity if this CAN be done. I feel like it is not allowed/possible but at the same time, I feel like it might be possible.
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I am curious though, i assume the answer is "no" but once the private has started and recording IS enabled, during the private can the model go to her settings and disable it?
I am not saying this is what she has done at all, but it's just curiosity if this CAN be done. I feel like it is not allowed/possible but at the same time, I feel like it might be possible.
I have the same question and assumption, which is why I replied the way I did, assuming that it was a CB glitch.
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I have the same question and assumption, which is why I replied the way I did, assuming that it was a CB glitch.
Unfortunately there's no way to find out except to try it and that's not a hornet's nest I'm willing to jump into for the sake of someone I'll never interact with outside of this forum.
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If anyone wants to try whether we can disable recording mid show - I can do it, for science, and for the team, you know. :cool:
I am online now.

/My CB link.
It seems you are gone for the day. As a rule I don't visit models from the forum (it just feels kinda weird and like an invasion of your privacy). However, for the sake of science I will join your room the next time I see you online.
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Because you still got a private show. The basis of cam sites are LIVE shows, the recordings are an additional perk if/when they're available.
Do you not understand what I wrote? I paid for a 10 minute show, and got 50 seconds of the recording. It's CB's fault that I was disatisfied with it.
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How entitled of you. You got your private show that you paid for. I said what I said. You and anyone else in this thread who thinks you deserve to have ALL of your tokens back are being ridiculous imo. Stop trying to get a freebie…after this model WORKED to give you a private show.
You camgirls really need to learn how to read. I got 50s of the recording of a 10 min show in which she didn't even show nudity. Never had I said this girl didn't deserve any of my tokens. I was basically asking CB support because they usually offered a show refund, but it would've been a lost for me since a lost the opportunity, and perhaps for the girl because idk if the tokens are taken away from them or not
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Never had I once implied I wanted this girl to suffer because of CB's glitch, and almost all the camgirls blamed me for that lol.

I was basically just looking for a win-win solution. At first, it was a win-lose solution for me since the model got the tokens, I got nothing but a bugged recording, and CB offered me a full refund.
Then I was like "even getting a full refund" means like I lost an opportunity because time is more valuable then money
What happened earlier today was I deleted the 50 second recording of the 10 min show, and the bugged show (which is now 10 mins full) miraculously appeared, even though it's been 2 days. I think CB solved it without telling me, and I believe the tokens weren't taken away from the girl either. Case seems solved tbh
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