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The Addictive Qualities of Tipping Camgirls

  • Thread starter Deleted member 72761
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I love smoking 🤦‍♂️
I started smoking as a trauma response. I saw my mom do it countless times when she was stressed out. It's like a once-former socially acceptable security blanket.
It took me finally looking at what I spent in the last 8 years (2011-2019) when the pandemic hit in 2020 when throw away funds all the sudden became less to adjust my habits.

I was like, oh wow.... So I could have bought this or had this in savings if I did not spend what I did in the previous 8 years.
I pretty much quit cold turkey with my 'exorbitant' online habits. I still go to 1 models room and tip responsibly because I like the synergy and energy and the positive aspect of her room with the other regulars and herself.
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It took me finally looking at what I spent in the last 8 years (2011-2019) when the pandemic hit in 2020 when throw away funds all the sudden became less.

I was like, oh wow.... So I could have bought this or had this in savings if I did not spend what I did in the previous 8 years.
I pretty much quit cold turkey with my 'exorbitant' online habits. I still go to 1 models room and tip responsibly because I like the synergy and energy and the positive aspect of her room with the other regulars and herself.
But your spending allowed her to have this and that and you weren't of the notion you wanted this or that in place of satisfying this or that.
But your spending allowed her to have this and that and you weren't of the notion you wanted this or that in place of satisfying this or that.
Hers and hims.
Non the less. The realization of my habits sunk in in 2020. I have to forgo pleasures if I want to secure my future financially.
Hers and hims.
Non the less. The realization of my habits sunk in in 2020. I have to forgo pleasures if I want to secure my future financially.
I just think buyer's remorse gets cast on the model and it's not our fault. We're doing our job and if that means you sank yourself financially you'd tell me I was an adult and spent my money wrong just as you feel like you spent your money wrong, right?
I just think buyer's remorse gets cast on the model and it's not our fault. We're doing our job and if that means you sank yourself financially you'd tell me I was an adult and spent my money wrong just as you feel like you spent your money wrong, right?
You can read it anyway you want. It's unfortunate you see the negative in everything.
Have a good Sunday :)
You can read it anyway you want. It's unfortunate you see the negative in everything.
Have a good Sunday :)
Wow how dismissive. I don't see the negative in everything, I see the battle between tipper and cam model. I'm trying to mitigate it but whatever, be stubborn.

You literally said you were spending too much but that model got the things she needed and you already had the things you needed but spending on her meant you didn't what you WANTED. You could have bought a boat and never said hello to her. It's her fault, you said.
I started smoking as a trauma response. I saw my mom do it countless times when she was stressed out. It's like a once-former socially acceptable security blanket.
dude i miss smoking cigarettes so much. it got me to go outside for fresh air, soak up some vitamin d, and take deep breaths when i was stressed. i was shortly diagnosed with anxiety after quitting.
dude i miss smoking cigarettes so much. it got me to go outside for fresh air, soak up some vitamin d, and take deep breaths when i was stressed. i was shortly diagnosed with anxiety after quitting.
I think I'm firmly in the ADHD category. First thing I do is smoke if I'm agitated or bored and both happen a lot.
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I may regret jumping in on this one, but:

It took me finally looking at what I spent in the last 8 years (2011-2019) when the pandemic hit in 2020 when throw away funds all the sudden became less to adjust my habits.

I was like, oh wow.... So I could have bought this or had this in savings if I did not spend what I did in the previous 8 years.
I pretty much quit cold turkey with my 'exorbitant' online habits. I still go to 1 models room and tip responsibly because I like the synergy and energy and the positive aspect of her room with the other regulars and herself.

A recurring sentiment here (and one I happen to agree with) is a that a grown-ass adult is ultimately responsible for making their own smart decisions. That includes recognizing and correcting irresponsible spending without blaming it on anyone else (such as the models you spent it on).

It looks like that’s what you did - took it upon yourself to fix your own issue. You maybe didn’t have the funds you had the previous X amount of years. You looked at exactly how much that was, recognized the drawbacks, and corrected yourself. Unless I missed something, you did this without trying to blame anyone for it, which is pretty ideal, all things considered.

I just think buyer's remorse gets cast on the model and it's not our fault. We're doing our job and if that means you sank yourself financially you'd tell me I was an adult and spent my money wrong just as you feel like you spent your money wrong, right?

But recognizing a bad money decision doesn’t always equate to pinning blame on the model you spent the money on. I didn’t see where Finchomatic blamed anyone. The model has no way of knowing our full financial picture, and wouldn’t be responsible for babysitting overspenders even if she did. And for the member’s part, just because you spend too much on something doesn’t mean you were unhappy with the purchase.

I’ve looked at my token history many times and recognized periods of time when I got a little too carried away. I loved the entertainment I got for my money, but nonetheless, I probably should have reined it in a little. That’s on me, and nobody else. And I corrected it going forward. I feel like that’s a good thing.
I may regret jumping in on this one, but:

A recurring sentiment here (and one I happen to agree with) is a that a grown-ass adult is ultimately responsible for making their own smart decisions. That includes recognizing and correcting irresponsible spending without blaming it on anyone else (such as the models you spent it on).

It looks like that’s what you did - took it upon yourself to fix your own issue. You maybe didn’t have the funds you had the previous X amount of years. You looked at exactly how much that was, recognized the drawbacks, and corrected yourself. Unless I missed something, you did this without trying to blame anyone for it, which is pretty ideal, all things considered.

But recognizing a bad money decision doesn’t always equate to pinning blame on the model you spent the money on. I didn’t see where Finchomatic blamed anyone. The model has no way of knowing our full financial picture, and wouldn’t be responsible for babysitting overspenders even if she did. And for the member’s part, just because you spend too much on something doesn’t mean you were unhappy with the purchase.

I’ve looked at my token history many times and recognized periods of time when I got a little too carried away. I loved the entertainment I got for my money, but nonetheless, I probably should have reined it in a little. That’s on me, and nobody else. And I corrected it going forward. I feel like that’s a good thing.
Of course it's a good thing to not financially ruin yourself, I'm just reflecting on the "omg she made me" attitudes. No one made anyone do anything.
I may regret jumping in on this one, but:

A recurring sentiment here (and one I happen to agree with) is a that a grown-ass adult is ultimately responsible for making their own smart decisions. That includes recognizing and correcting irresponsible spending without blaming it on anyone else (such as the models you spent it on).

It looks like that’s what you did - took it upon yourself to fix your own issue. You maybe didn’t have the funds you had the previous X amount of years. You looked at exactly how much that was, recognized the drawbacks, and corrected yourself. Unless I missed something, you did this without trying to blame anyone for it, which is pretty ideal, all things considered.

But recognizing a bad money decision doesn’t always equate to pinning blame on the model you spent the money on. I didn’t see where Finchomatic blamed anyone. The model has no way of knowing our full financial picture, and wouldn’t be responsible for babysitting overspenders even if she did. And for the member’s part, just because you spend too much on something doesn’t mean you were unhappy with the purchase.

I’ve looked at my token history many times and recognized periods of time when I got a little too carried away. I loved the entertainment I got for my money, but nonetheless, I probably should have reined it in a little. That’s on me, and nobody else. And I corrected it going forward. I feel like that’s a good thing.

Perfectly stated, and I 100% agree! I read through his posts like three times, and nowhere in his posts did I see him blame anyone. 🤷‍♀️ And it doesn’t sound like “buyer’s remorse” either. He realized that in order to secure his future financially, he’d have to dial it down a bit on the big spending. He still tips the model that he does visit. :) 2020 affected lots of people, and caused us to make important decisions. I had lost a job I’d liked…where I was appreciated, and had to go on unemployment for a while.
Perfectly stated, and I 100% agree! I read through his posts like three times, and nowhere in his posts did I see him blame anyone. 🤷‍♀️ And it doesn’t sound like “buyer’s remorse” either. He realized that in order to secure his future financially, he’d have to dial it down a bit on the big spending. He still tips the model that he does visit. :) 2020 affected lots of people, and caused us to make important decisions. I had lost a job I’d liked…where I was appreciated, and had to go on unemployment for a while.
My statement was a generalization not an indictment of him specifically.
My statement was a generalization not an indictment of him specifically.

Okay, gotcha. It’s just the way you quoted his post that made it seem (to some of us, at least) like you were singling him out.
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Okay, gotcha. It’s just the way you quoted his post that made it seem (to some of us, at least) like you were singling him out.
Rolling stream of conciousness, I got on a tangent. :)
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Lately I've been buying tokens for the day, which has made it very easy to keep a reliable mental record of expenditures. I'm also only buying two days a week, three at most, but sometimes just one.

One thing I've noticed about the studio is the vast amount of girls who work. This makes it more difficult to get attached, but easier to step away without remorse. I've become fond of a select few, two of whom primarily stream separate from the studio. I've also observed a bit of drama between some of the models, which is bound to happen given the circumstances. The ones working separate do not have this issue.

I certainly have escaped the addictive aspects I referenced in my first post. Now I'm drawn primarily to the aforementioned few, but there is nothing addictive about it, especially since I'm aware at any moment they could disappear from the studio and I'll never see or hear from them again.

I still enjoy my time with the models but also feel like I could walk away myself and carry on as if I never met any of them and all would be fine.

Apologies if something above doesn't make sense. It probably reads more like a mindless rant because it's almost 3:00AM and I'm quite tired after a night of chaturbating.
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I was very addicted to camsites. I spent everything I could afford. I started working in the weekends and even considered taking out a loan. But then I said to myself; This is going too far. So I stopped visiting random models and stick to just one I really like. I even went further and made all kinds of calculations to control my spendings. Here's how I do it now:

I have about 10.000 tokens to spend each month. With this amount I still have enough left for my hobbies and save a little. The model I visit is online around 3 times a week (so 12 days a month) and so devide that 10k between those 12 days. The result is the max I can spend each of that day. If I spend more, this amount lowers. If I spend less or the model skips a day, the average goes up. This has worked out pretty well for me. It makes tipping a bit less spontanious, but in the end it feels much better and even feel a bit proud of myself for being able to stick to it.
One of my favorite models has left the studio. I knew it would happen eventually, but it's still sad.
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One of my favorite models has left the studio. I knew it would happen eventually, but it's still sad.
I've noticed this a lot in the past few months (since Christmas). A lot of the models I previously favourited and would see online in the passing, suddenly all just went offline and didn't come back. Times are tough I guess.
One of my favorite models has left the studio. I knew it would happen eventually, but it's still sad.
Yes it is. One of my favourite models stopped several months ago. I knew it was coming as she had finished her university degree and was going to work (in her words) as a Border Guard. In Russia. I worry about her constantly.
Today I decided to unfollow the studio accounts. I might pick them back up later, but felt like it's best for me now. This is mostly due to me developing a fondness for two solo models who occasionally stream together, both of whom used to work at the studio but no longer do. I'd rather spend my time and tokens with them. Lately when I've been in the studio rooms I found myself wanting to be with the other girls instead. Also I'm planning for a major life event in the coming months that I'd like to devote more time and money to, so that's an additional reason.
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There is so much drama at the studio. Oh my gosh. It has to be an interesting dynamic when that many individuals are involved in intimate actions, but add in boyfriends and girlfriends and it hits another level.
I'm very happy to say that for the first time in the three months I've been a registered CB user all of my credit cards carry a $0 balance.
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My 2 cents as a total geek....
I genuinely can't tell you how many thousands of dollars I've spent on LARP gear in the last 7 years.
I have definitely spent over $50k on lingerie.
I've spent only about $1-$2k on MTG cards.
Again many thousands on Cosplaying at Cons.
Again reckless amounts going to bars when I was younger.

My point?

The initial post mentions dopamine right at the start.

We get one life, and we should enjoy it in our own ways.
If something is fun and you can afford it, do it...and don't feel shame for it later when you look back.
All of the things I mentioned were well within my spending limits and also over either long periods of time or at times when I needed the extra cheering up.
Sure, it adds up but so do your food bill and car costs...and they're not even fun.

Again, staying within your entertainment budget is important, it's fine to go over sometimes but not too much.

Now if you'll excuse me....I recently got into Warhammer and need to waste my hard earnt money...
My 2 cents as a total geek....
I genuinely can't tell you how many thousands of dollars I've spent on LARP gear in the last 7 years.
I have definitely spent over $50k on lingerie.
I've spent only about $1-$2k on MTG cards.
Again many thousands on Cosplaying at Cons.
Again reckless amounts going to bars when I was younger.

My point?

The initial post mentions dopamine right at the start.

We get one life, and we should enjoy it in our own ways.
If something is fun and you can afford it, do it...and don't feel shame for it later when you look back.
All of the things I mentioned were well within my spending limits and also over either long periods of time or at times when I needed the extra cheering up.
Sure, it adds up but so do your food bill and car costs...and they're not even fun.

Again, staying within your entertainment budget is important, it's fine to go over sometimes but not too much.

Now if you'll excuse me....I recently got into Warhammer and need to waste my hard earnt money...
You're right. People have a weird way of classifying what they spent on fun things and somehow managing to feel ok about spending on one category of entertainment but not another. I doubt anyone is sitting tallying up how much they spent on alcohol or meals over a monthly period, or stupidly expensive coffees. Yes, I probably spend more than I should on the model I visit but fucking hell I enjoy her way more than I ever enjoyed a steak or a beer.
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