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Totally Obvious Revelations

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Inactive Cam Model
Mar 8, 2010
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Have you ever had a revelation that was probably completely obvious to the rest of the world?

I just had two of them tonight, so thought I'd start a thread where we can share them.

1. POTUS is President of the United States.

In my defense, of and the are usually not included in stuff like this, so it should be PUS. But that's just nasty.

2. Money Laundering. So called because you gotta make dirty money clean, the way you do laundry.

In my defense- I do not have a criminal mind. I do not understand people who cheat the system. I understand the fed-upness with the system, but I do not understand cheating it, because cheating it makes it that much worse for everyone else.
I thought this said Totally Obvious Relations, then when I realized it said Revelations, I thought it meant the same thing for about a minute. :woops: I'm sure I've had more than my fair share but can't remember at the moment. :shifty:
LadyLuna said:
1. POTUS is President of the United States.

In my defense, of and the are usually not included in stuff like this, so it should be PUS. But that's just nasty.

Until I read the election thread here I had never heard this term and people kept saying it so I had to google it. Immediately I felt really stupid. Just wanted to share so you knew you weren't alone.

Random abbreviations keep popping up everywhere and as someone that rarely uses abbreviations beyond 'lol' and 'brb', I find that I have to google. So things like 'ftw' (for the win) and 'smh' (shaking my head) baffle me and should be totally obvious revelations. :whistle:
AllisonWilder said:
LadyLuna said:
1. POTUS is President of the United States.

In my defense, of and the are usually not included in stuff like this, so it should be PUS. But that's just nasty.

Until I read the election thread here I had never heard this term and people kept saying it so I had to google it. Immediately I felt really stupid. Just wanted to share so you knew you weren't alone.

Random abbreviations keep popping up everywhere and as someone that rarely uses abbreviations beyond 'lol' and 'brb', I find that I have to google. So things like 'ftw' (for the win) and 'smh' (shaking my head) baffle me and should be totally obvious revelations. :whistle:

I only know POTUS because of a geeky game I play. Most internet abbreviations (including many appearing on this forum) totally baffle me too. They kind of bug me (probably in part because I don't get them, true), and I wish people would spell them out.

FrenchKitty said:
Why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side.
Well, the "other side=death" part of it had escaped me for 30 years.
Now feel stoopid.

I have my doubts that this is really intended in the joke. I think it was just meant to be a really trivial reason. If I'm wrong, then you can put me in the stoopid pile too.
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lordmagellan said:
Ha! Well, Luna, have you figured out FLOTUS?
That sounds like floating poop. Just sayin.
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yeah, ive been there more than once... my very first was when i was a kid. i learned to read real early. by the time i was 5 i was reading full on books by myself. i ran across an interesting word that looked like it should be pronounced picenice. 2 years later i heard someone say the word correctly at a book reading and finally figured out how to say picnic.
O.k. the first I think is understandable. When I was 5 there was some very heavy guerilla fighting taking place in Central America some place. I remember at first being frightened hearing a few radio news reports of this over the course of maybe a week. Doubting what I had been thinking, I finally asked my father if there were really gorillas somewhere with guns fighting and killing men. :lol: Boy was I relieved.

This I can still hardly believe this myself. I was 32 years old when I realized what, "put the toilet seat down" meant. I had been taught to always put the cover down, - there was never any question that I would not put the seat down. The complaint was never directed at me, so I never paid any attention, just thought there were a lot of woman extra concerned about having the cover/seat down. The way I discovered my mistake of all those years, was when someone complained to someone in my presents, and I said, "you don't even have a toilet seat", (they had no cover) There were 6 ppl there and it took them a while to realize I wasn't kidding. :woops:
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LadyLuna said:
Have you ever had a revelation that was probably completely obvious to the rest of the world?

I just had two of them tonight, so thought I'd start a thread where we can share them.

1. POTUS is President of the United States.

I didn't know what the hell POTUS stood for until I saw Transformers Dark of the Moon (which is my favorite Transformers movie out of all three). :lol: There's a scene where Sam Witwicky is bragging about how Obama ("POTUS," as he called him) gave him a medal. :cool:
southsamurai said:
yeah, ive been there more than once... my very first was when i was a kid. i learned to read real early. by the time i was 5 i was reading full on books by myself. i ran across an interesting word that looked like it should be pronounced picenice. 2 years later i heard someone say the word correctly at a book reading and finally figured out how to say picnic.
Ha! funny I was exactly like that! reading books way above my understanding level and mispronouncing words. Mine were exsanguinated and dischivelled (in french though ^^) the dischivelled one I even misunderstood the meaning and went about thinking it meant "having all your hair pulled out until you're bald" for years lol.....
AllisonWilder said:
So things like 'ftw' (for the win) and 'smh' (shaking my head) baffle me and should be totally obvious revelations. :whistle:

Since I learned FML a long time ago, I was having such a hard time figuring out smh. I kept thinking it was "suck my... wait, what starts with h?" :lol:

And yeah, I've had so many throughout my life that I kinda don't remember most of them. I just had two in one day, and realized that it might be fun to poke fun at myself and give other people a chance to feel a little better if they have the same thing going on.

I'll explain- I average one of these "revelations" every two weeks. Though half the time, they're something I knew before but forgot.
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i'm known in my family for having these revelations often (and lightly made fun of for it). i know what words refer to, but i don't notice that the definition is in the word itself sometimes.

Some of my favorite realizations:

Paper towel - It's a towel made out of paper
Quarter (money) - It's a quarter of a dollar
Stroller - You "stroll" with it
Tumbleweed - It's a weed that tumbles

There are SO many more and i have them a few times a month. It's strange to most people because they see these as really obvious things but i just don't think past knowing what the words refer to. i like to think it's because my brain is so full of complex, deep stuff that i don't notice the simple things. Yeah, that's it... :lol:
SophiaLocke said:
i'm known in my family for having these revelations often (and lightly made fun of for it). i know what words refer to, but i don't notice that the definition is in the word itself sometimes.

Some of my favorite realizations:

Paper towel - It's a towel made out of paper
Quarter (money) - It's a quarter of a dollar
Stroller - You "stroll" with it
Tumbleweed - It's a weed that tumbles

There are SO many more and i have them a few times a month. It's strange to most people because they see these as really obvious things but i just don't think past knowing what the words refer to. i like to think it's because my brain is so full of complex, deep stuff that i don't notice the simple things. Yeah, that's it... :lol:
TOTES! :lol:

I grew up around Harleys, worked on them, sold merchandise, etc. and always knew "FTW" to stand for "Fuck The World." So when I enter this internet culture and I found so many people lacing their statements with "FTW" it left me a little confused. Then my friend explained it to me. FTW will always be Fuck The World in my heart.
Ha ha! Yeah, "fuck the world" makes more sense anyway. I mean, seriously, I have never in my life heard anyone say "for the win" in casual conversation. And the way it's used online doesn't usually make sense; I don't think I've ever seen it used that way when any kind of actual contest was being referenced. lol
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i always though it meant fuck the world too!! but thats cos of a song (by the hives) and thats what they used it for and it was before that internet abbreviation! im sure we are right though! ours came first ;)
lordmagellan said:
SophiaLocke said:
i'm known in my family for having these revelations often (and lightly made fun of for it). i know what words refer to, but i don't notice that the definition is in the word itself sometimes.

Some of my favorite realizations:

Paper towel - It's a towel made out of paper
Quarter (money) - It's a quarter of a dollar
Stroller - You "stroll" with it
Tumbleweed - It's a weed that tumbles

There are SO many more and i have them a few times a month. It's strange to most people because they see these as really obvious things but i just don't think past knowing what the words refer to. i like to think it's because my brain is so full of complex, deep stuff that i don't notice the simple things. Yeah, that's it... :lol:
TOTES! :lol:

I grew up around Harleys, worked on them, sold merchandise, etc. and always knew "FTW" to stand for "Fuck The World." So when I enter this internet culture and I found so many people lacing their statements with "FTW" it left me a little confused. Then my friend explained it to me. FTW will always be Fuck The World in my heart.
O.k. I know I see it all the time, and Polly know what it is other than "Fuck The World", but, yeah, that's all that's coming to me right now? ATM had me real confuzed too, real confuzed, cuz the first few times I saw it used $ machine sorta fit. After that I spent a week or two thinking, "what a jackass","ATM, I'm broke," "Are we supposed to think he's cute talking to his ATM", and other such things. Then one day I realized the statistical odd were too unbelievable, - since there could not be that many ATM jackasses, there
had to be only one. Mirror please.
Being from groups of geeks, I learned "For The Win!" long before fuck the world. We actually said it in high school, so I got online and after learning brb and lol, ftw as for the win was an incredibly logical conclusion for me. Then I saw it once as fuck the world, and got very very confused. ("Why is he saying for the win after talking about the asshole drivers? Or does ftw mean something else?" was actually posted by me.)
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camstory said:
O.k. the first I think is understandable. When I was 5 there was some very heavy guerilla fighting taking place in Central America some place. I remember at first being frightened hearing a few radio news reports of this over the course of maybe a week. Doubting what I had been thinking, I finally asked my father if there were really gorillas somewhere with guns fighting and killing men. :lol: Boy was I relieved.

This I can still hardly believe this myself. I was 32 years old when I realized what, "put the toilet seat down" meant. I had been taught to always put the cover down, - there was never any question that I would not put the seat down. The complaint was never directed at me, so I never paid any attention, just thought there were a lot of woman extra concerned about having the cover/seat down. The way I discovered my mistake of all those years, was when someone complained to someone in my presents, and I said, "you don't even have a toilet seat", (they had no cover) There were 6 ppl there and it took them a while to realize I wasn't kidding. :woops:
Being an army brat, I asked my father almost the exact same thing. The difference being I asked it at a group welcome home party so I made a total ass out of my father in front of all his teammates. :lol: What can I say? I was 10. *shrug*

As for the toilet seat, I'm INCREDIBLY picky about leaving the cover up. Don't do it. Period. It's impolite. If you didn't flush well or the toilet isn't spotless, I don't want to see that crap. *gag* My mother is the same way and it's the reason I'm so picky about it, but I don't care. It's a manners thing for me. If you have guests come over and you forgot to clean the bathrooms, if you leave the cover down then they're more likely to not notice if you've got rings than if you left the lid up to advertise all the bad smells and rings to the world. :twocents-02cents: Don't use the bathroom at my house unless you're going to put the lid down. Doesn't matter who you are, I'll go harpee shrew on you for it. :eek:
WOW, this one is still warm its so fresh. ("Quality", a word used a lot in this post, mostly should not be given the meaning of good, or desirable, as in most cases it was meant much like "proprieties"of this or that. Where it means more than that, I think will be evident.)

Reading Luna's post@personalattention in which she tells of the type of member who is a pushy prick, I was hit with an Obvious Revelation. When ever I hear of members acting like dickheads it pisses me off to some extent. I may be pissed more or less, b/c of what they did, but regardless the flavor of rude, nasty, mean, or general maleness, I feel pissed b/c all these can be avoided in great measure by having the desire to avoid them. My mindset is always WHY do these guys act like such ass holes? -WHYdo they not care that they are such ass holes? Well even tho that is still how I always feel, the answer to those questions, I worked out long ago. There are simply a lot of ass holes out there.

Well, what occurred to me for the first time tonight, reading Luna's post, was the yin/yang of members/men behaving badly. I very often find a different prospective when I examine the yin/yang of something, and that always feels like an obvious revelation. Why, I don't always see this, in fact, most often don't see, how there is no light with out dark, no silence with out noise, etc, I do not know. It always seems so obvious when I do see it, and makes me feel thick headed, that I didn't see it from the get.

Its a preschool understanding and effort to be aware of yin/yang that caused me to very much dislike, the somewhat popular expression, "it's all good", No it's not, nor can it be, ever. If its all anything, then that anything loses all measure of quality. "Those are all potato chips", allows the only quality of 'potato chip' to be, that it is not something else. "Those are the salty potato chips" gives 'those chips' the quality of being the 'salty ones'. If all potato chips were of equal saltiness, that statement would make no sense. For some chips to be saltier, some have to be less salty. And conversely, if it were all good, it would all be the same, and good would lose all meaning, or quality. From a logical POV, "its all bad" should be just as popular, they both work out to the same thing.

What felt like an obvious revelation tonight, was that these members/men behaving badly, or like men, cave men, allows myself and other members/men who care that we aren't assholes, to have desirable quality. It is the un-concerned, rude, mean, asshole, that no Model wants to see/deal with, in her room, that provide much of the quality for the caring, polite, kind, gentleman members, who most Models want in their rooms. There are other qualities of course, and I now see that those qualities, in fact all qualities can be viewed as yin/yang. That I, and many member can not afford to tip more than .5-1K is what makes a 5-10K tip so impressive. (or whatever tag you wish. I have only recently come to this thing of thinking. I am clumsy, and make mistakes like equating yin/yang with terms of worth, or desirability.) so, I still don't like that there are lots of guys who treat Models poorly, and I will always dislike that in principal, and on an individual basis.

Would I wish that there were no men ever, anywhere, who treated Models/woman poorly? Before tonight, before I thought about the yin/yang, I would have said, yes. Well, as fucked up as it sounds, I hope there are always some members/men behaving badly, acting like men, like cavemen.

Members like Killer_Joe, Nordling, MrRodry, Marokite, SoTx, Phil, Jupiter, Los, (and I'm sure a bunch more here, that I have no reference for, - no experience being in the same room), might still be above average room guest, but would lose much of their quality, if it were not for, lesser desirable members, some Happily Gone from this forum, and others, behaving badly.
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