AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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wait?? I just ... had a blonde moment and realized that guy is the creepy one... from earlier. I thought he was suspended... I really feel uncomfy with him being on this board, and am going to retreat back into the models only section.
Nordling said:
I don't think the objection to capping is referring to the scenario you're suggesting (personal use because you suddenly had an attack of diarrhea during a show, e.g.) The objection is mainly against people who cap models' streams and upload them to "capper sites" so they'll be free to all the freeloaders in the universe.

Haha, right, the major problem is people who seem fundamentally opposed to paying for anything. But, if someone had a diarrhea emergency and wanted to view the show after re-hydrating, he/she would still be freeloading by downloading it from a capper site.

I guess my point was just that there might be some price level at which MFC could get a fraction of capper-site downloaders to pay for old shows, which might help to make up for the losses. After all, sites make enough off of porn videos on demand to offer that service despite proliferation of tube sites. As it stands, the DMCA whack-a-mole method means that cappers and MFC's legal counsel are the only ones making money off of old shows, so it seemed like MFC could stand to try something different.
Miss_Lollipop said:
wait?? I just ... had a blonde moment and realized that guy is the creepy one... from earlier. I thought he was suspended... I really feel uncomfy with him being on this board, and am going to retreat back into the models only section.

With you on that.....

Miss_Lollipop said:
wait?? I just ... had a blonde moment and realized that guy is the creepy one... from earlier. I thought he was suspended... I really feel uncomfy with him being on this board, and am going to retreat back into the models only section.
Well, I think that was Vlad that got banned for saying such things, and that majority of people think that trotsky is still Vlad in disguise. Which until this point I have given a little bit of benefit of the doubt to him, but in all honestly this forum can only handle such a certain dose of stupidly argumentative people at a time, and thus, the days of trotsky are going to be over in just a moment.

We'll all join hands and sing for a bit until he creates yet another account and tries to be a new person here at ACF.
trotskyleon said:
SweetSaffron said:
And to the people suggesting that MFC/models should encrypt the stream:
Really? Because there's no possible way to get around encryption, just like having a password means that nobody can hack your email right? It's the same as the locked door - does locking your door stop someone from robbing you? No. Hell, someone once broke the window of my dad's UNLOCKED car to steal his stereo, and the faceplate was in his back pocket!

So fuck it! Lets get rid of passwords for emails. Get rid of personal identification numbers and hey why bother signing for something? :lol:

By encrypting the stream or restricting access you are making it more difficult for them to capture it. Which means they are less likely to copy and share it. It doesn't guarantee anything, but that is life.

By at least having lock, you are making it a little more difficult so if a robber comes around..instead of stealing from ur car, they can steal it from another car because its easier.

I really don't understand how encryption will solve anything
Currently the computer processes looks like this
Model video capture --> video compression -->send to MFC--> MFC streams to users--> video decompression--> Fap
adding encryption
Video capture-->video compression->encryption->send to MFC ->MFC streams to users-->decryption->video decompression--> Fap
Plenty of models and members have old/slow computers so adding another step in the process just makes the already laggy, jerky video stream worse.
Presumably the pirate is able to create 100+ basic accounts to log into to capture the streams after they have been decrypted. What I am missing?

By and large the internet is built on principal of cooperation or as Vern Cerf once said, don't be a jerk. When people are jerks it fucks it up for the rest of us. A classic case is computer games. Electronic Arts debacle with Simcity is just the latest example of how pirates fuck up stuff for the rest of us.
Some suit at EA decides that piracy of video games is such problem (and sadly she was right) that the new version of SimCity requires you to connect to the internet at all times. Now EA failures were truly epic, (a computer game launch doesn't get covered in the NY Times unless is news) and they deserved all the criticism they received. But the root of their problem is piracy if people didn't steal games, the companies would not go to absurd length, like making a single player game multiplayer to thwart them. So now a classic game is unplayable. It is why I rage when pirates claim their crime is victimless.

Now there are two approaches to dealing with crime. One is to require everybody to take measures to protect themselves; add deadbolts and alarms systems; put girls in burqas and separate them from men, require everyone to change passwords every month, answer security questions, get the retina scanned before logging on to MFC. The other approach is to find the criminals and lock their ass up in jail.

Crime in the US has fallen dramatically, crime rates are down 30-50% from their peaks 20-30 years ago. We also have a record number of people locked in jail, this is not a coincidence. Now I can't lock these big time pirates up, but what I will do is call them out as thieves,stealing money from among others young camgirls, and shun them and their supporters.
Miss_Lollipop said:
trotskyleon said:

But if you leave the tv on the side of a busy road. Can you blame someone for stopping by and picking it up?

Even with your example. How do you prove that you didnt leave the door unlocked for someone to come pick up the TV? Unless you have sign saying do not enter?

I hesitate to respond to this idiocy. But for the sake of ... hoping I'll get through.

If I walk down in the lingerie, do we blame me or the guy that rapes me?

Doing something that might not be SMART does not mean we absolve the person committing the crime. Ever. It's just not logical. Someone being DUMB does not make it OK to steal, rob, rape, or do anything else nasty.

You are required to be responsible for yourself and your own actions. YOU and YOU alone are responsible for them. The dumb person who leaves a TV on the side of the road, the door open to their house, DOES NOTHING TO FORCE YOU to rob them. Therefore, YOU ARE TO BLAME.

This is really. fucking. basic.

Your post reminded me of a good photo I just saw on Tumblr today.

AmberCutie said:
...and thus, the days of trotsky are going to be over in just a moment.

We'll all join hands and sing for a bit until he creates yet another account and tries to be a new person here at ACF.

trotskyleon said:
SweetSaffron said:
And to the people suggesting that MFC/models should encrypt the stream:
Really? Because there's no possible way to get around encryption, just like having a password means that nobody can hack your email right? It's the same as the locked door - does locking your door stop someone from robbing you? No. Hell, someone once broke the window of my dad's UNLOCKED car to steal his stereo, and the faceplate was in his back pocket!

So fuck it! Lets get rid of passwords for emails. Get rid of personal identification numbers and hey why bother signing for something? :lol:

By encrypting the stream or restricting access you are making it more difficult for them to capture it. Which means they are less likely to copy and share it. It doesn't guarantee anything, but that is life.

By at least having lock, you are making it a little more difficult so if a robber comes around..instead of stealing from ur car, they can steal it from another car because its easier.

Uh, in the example I gave, my dad's car was unlocked, but the person never checked the door, just bashed in the window. A lock isn't going to stop someone who's hell-bent on stealing your stereo - they were already going to do it, whether the car was locked or not. They already lack the morals that tell them stealing is bad, nothing's going todeter them. Same with cappers - they are going to cap the stream anyway, because they lack the sense of "this is wrong."

The point many of us are trying to make is that we shouldn't have to encrypt our feed, because people should know better than to steal our content. But, nobody spanks their kids anymore, so they all grow up without a conscience. (The last sentence is 100% my personal opinion)
SweetSaffron said:
But, nobody spanks their kids anymore, so they all grow up without a conscience. (The last sentence is 100% my personal opinion)

I agree with this. People need to learn at an early age that there are serious consequences to their actions.
I wasn't often spanked as a child, because I learned after the first few times that my parents meant business. Our society's gotten too soft in recent years!
returning to the topic

There is piece of software known as L4 which is dedicated app for recording the free public mfc streams. A working copy of which was provided to MFC 2 or 3 months ago. I'm not sure what the result was or if any tweaks were made or limits put on the amount of connections per i.p per stream in effort to distrupt it.

At this stage I would think they are only concerned about limiting hacking/recording of the paid for PVT/Truepvt and group streams.

If you're that much of a fucking loser to sit behind your computer all day, recording, and making a buck or two off vid views... don't forget to make a queefing/farting/burping/complaining compilation for me.
Just took a quick look. There are quite a few on The Pirate Bay.. but this site has files with hundreds of videos in. Absolutely dreadful.
From what I've gained by reading this, there really is nothing that can be done.

I'm with Rhyder, I guess.
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nzhere said:
At this stage I would think they are only concerned about limiting hacking/recording of the paid for PVT/Truepvt and group streams.
Can someone confirm that this is happening on a large scale at the moment?
I know about one model whose groups have been hacked and recorded. Anyone else?
One of the most retarded things I've ever heard.
It's like they're threatening camgirls "you will be recorded constantly! Whether it's a show or not, whether a capper is there or not, everything will be recorded and shared!"

Well yeah, it's a pretty serious threat. Enough that I would probably consider quitting camming for. I don't like cappers. I don't like being capped. Being capped every now and then isn't a huge deal though, it just sucks. Having a few public shows recorded is one thing. Having my every move on cam documented and shared around, staying around the internet forever is not what I signed up for. I talk a load of crap on cam, I do silly things etc. People recording that kind of stuff... well imagine someone records every conversation you ever have with your friends without you knowing about it? It's creepy and it would definitely take the fun out of things.

This is the difference between stealing a few items from a shop and going in and raiding the whole thing. It's greedy and it's stupid. These guys may hate camgirls, and may love the idea that they're scaring them, but they also clearly want and need them too, otherwise they wouldn't dedicate so much time to them. This genuinely is something that could stop models from camming in the future. It also encourages more creepy stalking rather than just wank material.

Maybe I totally got the gist of this whole thing wrong, I hope I did, but this is what it sounds like. Things like this could actually destroy camming forever. Cappers need to learn that even though they left their basic morals behind, they should keep some common sense too. If you go to a rose bush and cut a few stems off it will still survive. Take the whole tree and it will die. They need to learn where the line is.

Basically do cappers really want to stop camgirls from camming? Do they want us to feel unsafe when we work and stop doing certain things in the chat? All they will achieve from this is that.
Let's face it, who really wants to watch a fuck load of the times of me or another girl on cam when it's not live? Live is fun, but even then can get dull, not live... sounds pretty boring to me! I mean sure, for a bit something really interesting, but not the whole thing!
YES, YES, YES to everything you said, Isabella.

Isabella_deL said:
Let's face it, who really wants to watch a fuck load of the times of me or another girl on cam when it's not live? Live is fun, but even then can get dull, not live... sounds pretty boring to me! I mean sure, for a bit something really interesting, but not the whole thing!
It is boring. They don't make complete collections of a girl's every shift because they want to watch them and be entertained by them or get off to them. They do it because they can and because it makes them feel powerful to know that they are able to do this. (This is my theory at least.) It's a power thing for the guys who are most active in making these huge collections. Everyone gets their self-confidence from different things.
Isabella_deL said:
Basically do cappers really want to stop camgirls from camming? Do they want us to feel unsafe when we work and stop doing certain things in the chat? All they will achieve from this is that.

Yes, they do. They get a big boner power-trip knowing they had some sort of power over the lives of any of us. I'm not talking about the dude who records a few shows now and then when he's busy and can't watch; I'm not talking about the guy who sees you're doing something unusual or special and thinks, "Wow, I should record this, I bet someone would want to see this later!" I'm talking about the pathetic dudes who dedicate hours upon hours upon days upon weeks to capping, uploading, and then maliciously reupping the files that have been removed.

They are the kind of dudes who would say you were asking for it if you got raped (after they gave your personal information to your rapist.) They are small, and sad, and jealous that there are people in this world who make money off of camming. They think we do "nothing" and that people throw money at us for no reason and that we are uneducated scamming attention whores who are too lazy to get a "real job". They're mad because they don't know or understand how to get attention, or be charismatic, or how to make a living off their personalities because their personalities fucking suck (surprise!) So they take solace in the little power they can get, knowing that if they cap you you might be under their thumb. If they cap you, they have power! You're scared-- you said it yourself. It could cause you to stop camming. They like that. They love knowing that they have the power to make you scared, because it tricks them into thinking they have the power to actually do anything to you. When someone quits camming because the capping becomes too much, they can say, "She stopped because of me. I did that! That stupid bitch wasn't as smart as I am, take that you dumb whore!"

I would say they are probably jerking off to this right now, just knowing that we are talking and thinking about them at all; but I know they aren't. They think they're too good and smart and awesome to jerk off, and jerking off is for lesser being than themselves. It's cool because in the end, I spend much less time and energy on them than they spend on me.
This is a great thread.. I am glad to see that MFCArchivxx is finally getting some of the attention - and legal heat - that he and fileguard deserves.
In the meantime, how many people are aware of this new tube site which I brought to the attention of in May? These guys were using screencaps of Chaturbate models to snag passing web-surfers and take them to feeds of MFC models. Interestingly enough they offer links to the live shows of models who appear on IFriends. So they were using stolen MFC shows to promote a competing web-site. Go figure... Anyway this is what I sent to MFC May.4th. With no response of course.

"Hey, I thought you might want to look at this pirate forum - MxFrxxCxxs4You - which hosts uploads of MFC Model content in order to promote cam shows on Ifriends.
I know that you guys are pretty relaxed about pirate members posting your models shows on forumophilia and MFCArchiver on fileguard etc. but does that zone of indifference extend to Ifriends? I thought you were competitors?"

As of this morning this site was still up but using a rather different format - so it now looks like just another run of the mill pirate forum with links for video downloads rather than a tube site.
LilyEvans said:
Isabella_deL said:
Basically do cappers really want to stop camgirls from camming? Do they want us to feel unsafe when we work and stop doing certain things in the chat? All they will achieve from this is that.

Yes, they do. They get a big boner power-trip knowing they had some sort of power over the lives of any of us. I'm not talking about the dude who records a few shows now and then when he's busy and can't watch; I'm not talking about the guy who sees you're doing something unusual or special and thinks, "Wow, I should record this, I bet someone would want to see this later!" I'm talking about the pathetic dudes who dedicate hours upon hours upon days upon weeks to capping, uploading, and then maliciously reupping the files that have been removed.

They are the kind of dudes who would say you were asking for it if you got raped (after they gave your personal information to your rapist.) They are small, and sad, and jealous that there are people in this world who make money off of camming. They think we do "nothing" and that people throw money at us for no reason and that we are uneducated scamming attention whores who are too lazy to get a "real job". They're mad because they don't know or understand how to get attention, or be charismatic, or how to make a living off their personalities because their personalities fucking suck (surprise!) So they take solace in the little power they can get, knowing that if they cap you you might be under their thumb. If they cap you, they have power! You're scared-- you said it yourself. It could cause you to stop camming. They like that. They love knowing that they have the power to make you scared, because it tricks them into thinking they have the power to actually do anything to you. When someone quits camming because the capping becomes too much, they can say, "She stopped because of me. I did that! That stupid bitch wasn't as smart as I am, take that you dumb whore!"

I would say they are probably jerking off to this right now, just knowing that we are talking and thinking about them at all; but I know they aren't. They think they're too good and smart and awesome to jerk off, and jerking off is for lesser being than themselves. It's cool because in the end, I spend much less time and energy on them than they spend on me.

My guess is that this is simply a moneymaking exercise with no personal feelings involved......
Someone figured out that there is a niche market for recorded camshows and he goes full in to record everything to be number 1 there....
I can imagine a guy retired maybe at 50 with a fat pension and plenty of time at his hands and a technical background.....
No idea if the money should come from advertising or a kind of premium access to content....

But maybe I am wrong..
Don't over think it. It's just a bunch of pathetic losers who have no control over anything in their life but figure they can flex some muscle by stealing shit. They may even be compensating for physical inadequacies, but definitely issues with socialization and women. I agree with the Lilys.
LilyEvans said:
Isabella_deL said:
Basically do cappers really want to stop camgirls from camming? Do they want us to feel unsafe when we work and stop doing certain things in the chat? All they will achieve from this is that.

Yes, they do. They get a big boner power-trip knowing they had some sort of power over the lives of any of us.

Or maybe a not-so-big boner?
LilyMarie said:
Can someone confirm that this is happening on a large scale at the moment?
I know about one model whose groups have been hacked and recorded. Anyone else?
I wouldn't call what you are talking about hacking and yes I imagine it still happens all the time. They may have to use 1 token to record the groups/pvts or they might be able to record them without using any tokens.

Hilarious to see the assumptions people leap to about cappers. I don't see the fun in it but I'm not sure it makes them rapists with tiny penises looking for some sort of imaginary control over a stranger. If you're not cool with being recorded while masturbating for strangers in exchange for money on the internet then I'd recommend not masturbating on the internet.

Dude was odd but he didn't bother me. His account may be dead but his spirit lives on.
Just as a note(cause it's one of the more annoying aspects of this entire thing), this guy(s) posting the most of this content is not spending hours and hours a day capping and posting. This is a fully automated system that auto-caps any model with more than a couple hundred viewers, or any model he tells it to, then processes it and posts it on a filesharing site. He doesn't even have to touch it beyond directing it to cap a certain model to every now and then.
PunkInDrublic said:
If you're not cool with being recorded while masturbating for strangers in exchange for money on the internet then I'd recommend not masturbating on the internet.

Or just save the masturbation for private/true private/exclusive where fewer people get to see it (vs. the number of people who'd see it/record it in public chat).
JerryBoBerry said:
Oh, and your analogy to recording broadcast TV doesn't hold true. It is illegal, just not pursued. Although if you publicize it too much I imagine the National Football League might come down on you for recording the 'yearly BIG playoff in football. Them guys are militant about their copyrights. Technically I'm not even allowed to say the word that means 'yearly BIG playoff in football' without their express written permission, it's trademarked and they've sued bars galore for doing so.

False, in the US. The whole time shifting thing was a big point of contention when VCRs came out. The networks tried to get them made illegal. The courts smacked them down, saying time shifting for personal use is perfectly legal, even if the people who record fast forward through the commercials.

The major legal issue involved in time shifting concerns "fair use" law and the possibility of copyright infringement. This legal issue is first raised in the landmark court case of Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. or the "Betamax case". In 1979, Universal sued Sony, claiming its timed recording capability amounted to copyright infringement.

Sony argued that the advent of its Betamax video recorder in 1976 did not violate the copyright of the owners of shows which the device recorded. A district court found that noncommercial home use recording was considered fair use and ruled in favor of Sony. In appeals, the United States Court of Appeals reversed this decision in 1981 giving the edge to Universal, but the Supreme Court of the United States reversed it yet again in 1984, and found in favor of Sony 5–4. The majority decision held that time shifting was a fair use, represented no substantial harm to the copyright holder and would not contribute to a diminished marketplace for its product.

Some providers, such as satellite TV companies, have introduced DVR features allowing consumers to skip over advertising entirely when watching a program which has been recorded to their DVR. The legality of this service, for which an extra fee can be assessed, has been challenged by television broadcasters, who assert that this form of time shifting is a violation of their copyright.

There's still a semi fight going on over DVRs. But, since it's still time shifting, the old SCOTUS ruling should still stand. All that's changed is the method of recording, going to digital and hard drives over analogue and magnetic tape. Time shifting television programs for personal use is perfectly legal.

Of course, then there's always Jack Valenti's testimony before a House Judiciary panel in 1982 declaring that the VCR would be the death of the movie making industry.

I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone…

Of course, the movie industry went on to make billions from home video sales, completely destroying the notion that the VCR was going to doom them.

I know this is tangental, but saying recording TV is illegal for personal use is just a flat out falsehood. Using those recordings for non-personal use (rebroadcast, etc.) is not legal.
Nordling said:
And anything a member can see on their monitor can be capped, whether the stream is encrypted or not.

This is true. There are a multitude of free and not free screen cap programs out there for anyone to use. If it's on the screen, it can be capped. It's how many people on YouTube respond to other videos and have the other video within theirs for point by point responses.

Encrypted, unencrypted, still picture, moving, whatever. There are screen cap programs that will cap them.
PunkInDrublic said:
Hilarious to see the assumptions people leap to about cappers. I don't see the fun in it but I'm not sure it makes them rapists with tiny penises looking for some sort of imaginary control over a stranger.

I don't think the point is that they personally are rapists, but a fair few cappers have released camgirls real names and details onto these websites maliciously, doing this could potentially lead to a camgirl getting stalked and possibly raped. Releasing details of a girl to a bunch of people you don't know who would really like to fuck her is dangerous. If you do it you will probably understand that there could be some really serious consequences for the girl.

A lot of cappers do it maliciously, and those who aren't doing it for those reasons do not care about the consequences of it. At least not the consequences that will effect them. However nice you are to your friends, even if you live a perfectly normal life etc, someone who does something as a hobby or for money knowing that it's damaging and upsetting other people, in fact the people that are giving them what they enjoy doing so much, well, good people don't do things like that. No not everything is black and white, but pretty much you either care about other people in the world being hurt by your actions or you don't.

I tend not to really think about cappers except when they get sprung to attention, like in these threads. I don't care how big their penis's are, I don't care how old they are, how fat they are, whether they're retired or working, or whether they do it for money or for fun. It's irrelevant. The only thing that's important is that they do it.
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