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Who would you vote for?

  • Donald Trump

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party)

  • Jill Stein (Green Party)

  • Other

  • None

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Maybe this election will teach a new generation of voters what not voting, or just protest voting gives you if you are in what is basically a two party system. I look forward to the next presidential election in four years when the republicans get to run on what the congress, president, and supreme court have done for this country. They will have no excuses with every branch of the government under their control.
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Maybe this election will teach a new generation of voters what not voting, or just protest voting gives you if you are in what is basically a two party system. I look forward to the next presidential election in four years when the republicans get to run on what the congress, president, and supreme court have done for this country. They will have no excuses with every branch of the government under their control.

I just love the sour loser attitude. Hillary didn't lose because people didn't show up to vote. Hillary lost because people showed up in overwhelming numbers for Trump. Perhaps next time select a candidate that isn't a complete criminal. Or choose someone with a project instead of identity politics. Or use the democrat in the White House to unify instead of divide along racial lines. Or take blue collar workers into consideration every once in a while.
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I am so happy!!!!! But am crying. I can't stop crying. I felt he will win and I think seriously this is historic moment and he will be one of the best presidents ever- really caring about USA true patriot kind. I knew he will win but I did not expect to have all these feelings when he did!
Here is his speech and I picked this video out of many because is well done.
I want to take this opportunity to thank my thread pals during this cycle:

@LuckySmiles for helping combat the anti-trump propaganda in the media. We did it!


to @Lili_Loves for all her good hunches and intuition


and the latecomer @Simon for helping explain shit like everyone was 5 years old


We did it!

And now, by the power invested in me as the author, I hereby declare the end of this thread. It was a good, decent, and long thread, it served us for 60 pages and nearly a year. But most importantly, it had a beautiful finale.

See you in 73 days and another thread.
I have always predicted a Trump victory even though I voted for Hilary.

I predicted it the second I saw the horrifying division and garbage of the first NV caucus.

I predicted it when Hilary's emails showed that the DNC was working against Bernie.

I predicted it when the DNC didn't listen to the concerns of the youth, and instead picked the fucking aging iconoclast of the "establishment".

I predicted it when the DNC did NOTHING to unite the divided party, when Hillary supporters continued to shame and deride third-party candidate supporters through out this entire election, when the media kept calling people Bernie-bros and when my democrat friends chided me for being a child and not just accepting that Bernie lost.

Of course people voted for Trump or third-party. Hilary is everything we hate about the establishment.
(Trump is too, but let's be honest, the election is a popularity contest and he's been marketing longer than any other candidate has.)

So, go ahead DNC, sleep in the bed you made.

You fucking gave us President Hate-Cheeto.
From an outsiders POV, this was an election won on fear, not lost on apathy. I trust that people voted for what they really wanted, to 'make america great again'. I fear the logical worst case scenario may be something like war in the south china sea. As an outsider I hope that the US focus sticks to internal politics over this period.

I do wonder if a woman will ever be in the running again given such a large defeat. This result must set back future candidates.
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Maybe this election will teach a new generation of voters what not voting, or just protest voting gives you if you are in what is basically a two party system. I look forward to the next presidential election in four years when the republicans get to run on what the congress, president, and supreme court have done for this country. They will have no excuses with every branch of the government under their control.

Bush has been blamed for every problem the last 8 years. Any problems the next 4 years are Obama's fault.
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Maybe this election will teach a new generation of voters what not voting, or just protest voting gives you if you are in what is basically a two party system. I look forward to the next presidential election in four years when the republicans get to run on what the congress, president, and supreme court have done for this country. They will have no excuses with every branch of the government under their control.
Or maybe it'll teach the Democrats to not run an establishment, corporatist, two-faced, war hawk with no message other then vote for me because the other guys a monster.
I do wonder if a woman will ever be in the running again given such a large defeat. This result must set back future candidates.

That's just silly. Why are all female candidates going to be judged based on Hillary? If Trump had lost would you say that is going to set back all future male candidates? There were a few other women who got elected to other positions last night, I think people are intelligent enough to not base their vote on just their mutual having of ovaries but weigh up what the candidate reprisents. At the end of the day Hillary was a very poor candidate and there was too much stink surrounding her, at least all of Trumps stink was non political and that is nothing to do with her being a woman.

If I was American I wouldn't have voted for Trump but I can understand why people did, just like I voted against Brexit I can still understand why people did it and it's not becuase they're all idiots or racists or xenophobes or whatever people like to call them, sure some of them are but most are just your average Joe with real issues and feelings that they don't feel are being served by the ruling classes. This was a big FU to them.
I'd just like to thank everyone in this thread for keeping the blood temps generally at a vigorous simmer, where elsewhere people have been absolutely boiling over, losing their shit on a daily basis for months. I know this thread has been a real roller-coaster at times, but overall, it hasn't reached the peaks of insanity seen elsewhere.
Yes I agree and I also thank everyone for doing their best to keep it a peaceful'ish discussion.
And now, by the power invested in me as the author, I hereby declare the end of this thread. It was a good, decent, and long thread, it served us for 60 pages and nearly a year.
I think it's only fair to let people have time to share their final thoughts after that emotional night America just endured. :) I'm sure this will fizzle out over the next few days and I will lock it and we'll all move on.
4 years are Obama's fault.
That's going to be an awful part of future conversations with friends/family members who supported Trump. We can't criticize any errors because it'll just be "because he's trying to fix what Obama broke".

Funny conversation between Jawbs and I while sitting on the couch watching multiple channels of election coverage last night:

Jawbs: Why do you want Hillary to win now?
Amber: Because at least we know what we're getting from her, even if she's corrupt and awful. It's less scary than Trump.
Jawbs: So, like, comparing a spider you can see on the wall versus a surprise spider?
Amber: YES just like that! They're both awful situations, but at least the spider on the wall allows you time to plan out how you're going to survive. Surprise spiders just cause panic and chaos.
I think it's only fair to let people have time to share their final thoughts after that emotional night America just endured. :) I'm sure this will fizzle out over the next few days and I will lock it and we'll all move on.

I was only joking as a way of saying goodbye to the thread. I thought it was funny to use "power invested in me as the author" in the context of ACF, precisely because none of us have that kind of power. It is always best to let things die a natural death, who knows maybe people will continue to use it to comment on Trump's presidency.
I am so happy!!!!! But am crying. I can't stop crying.
You may not believe this, but it is the truth. If trump had lost, you are the one supporter I genuinely would have felt bad for.
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I was only joking as a way of saying goodbye to the thread. I thought it was funny to use "power invested in me as the author" in the context of ACF, precisely because none of us have that kind of power. It is always best to let things die a natural death, who knows maybe people will continue to use it to comment on Trump's presidency.

I really liked the "ending" of the thread. I thought would be cool to create brand new thread as soon as possible for this new chapter in USA history I mean this is going to be exciting chapter I vote for new thread soon however will go with the flow. I sort of have zero thoughts at this point though - mission accomplished feeling is all.
Man I am feeling bummed and weird about this. I've been blowing up my Twitter and good grief my Facebook. I actually feel a bit of terror. I'm not afraid of Trump, but I do feel like the far right is set up to do crazy stuff right now and let him take the fall. It also makes me nervous to think how many people are really ecstatic to see him win. Like... David Duke is openly parading. Even if you think Trump is the better candidate, does it not bring some discomfort watching the KKK be excited about the trajectory of our country? I didn't anticipate being this bothered. How are you all coping? I need to calm myself down, man.

Glad that Florida passed medical marijuana. Nice to know that superdelegates cannot decide an election, but scared for our country. Bummed that Rubio still has a job. The Democrats really screwed us all with their egos.
Even if you think Trump is the better candidate, does it not bring some discomfort watching the KKK be excited about the trajectory of our country?

The far right is such a tiny movement in the US it makes me chuckle when people speak of them like they were dangerous instead of 5 loons. By the same measure the communists supported Obama and I don't think you would have stopped supporting him only because of it. Because people are defined by the content of their character, not the ones who support them.
The far right is such a tiny movement in the US
When you say the far right, who do you mean? Because, to me, far right is anyone who goes past conservative and into taking away the civil rights of other. By my assessment, Mike Pence is in the far right, and I suspect he'll be calling a lot of the shots. Also, the KKK is everywhere I've ever lived, but I've never lived in the Western part of America only north and south. Are these people not also in the west?
I've seen models tweeting and snapchatting stuff almost identical to "if you voted for Trump, you're dead to me, I don't want your money, never talk to me again"

It's just.. wow.

I'll take them! I'm all up for the challenge of trying to convert Trump voters into less discriminatory and less fearful people via the power of pussy-magic.
The far right is such a tiny movement in the US it makes me chuckle when people speak of them like they were dangerous instead of 5 loons.
This is nonsense.
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I'll take them! I'm all up for the challenge of trying to convert Trump voters into less discriminatory and less fearful people via the power of pussy-magic.

That is a lot more healthy response than the "I hate you, you're disgusting" approach lol

I don't believe if someone voted for Trump that automatically makes them a bad person or hateful; maybe if they told me the reason they voted for him I might find it ignorant, but ignorance is a lot different than hate.

Should be open to healthy conversation, not spitting venom.
When you say the far right, who do you mean? Because, to me, far right is anyone who goes past conservative and into taking away the civil rights of other. By my assessment, Mike Pence is in the far right, and I suspect he'll be calling a lot of the shots. Also, the KKK is everywhere I've ever lived, but I've never lived in the Western part of America only north and south. Are these people not also in the west?

From your description what the far right is will depend on the concept the beholder has of what things constitute civil rights. Is abortion a civil right? if you consider it to be a civil right then anyone who is anti-abortion would be classified as far right. You would be throwing roughly half of americans into the "far right" bag.

In my opinion the far right is anyone who acts on their beliefs about the supremacy of their race by committing violent acts against those they consider to be inferior. So KKK, and Hooligans would fall into the far right. The way I see it, considering someone to be far-right or far-left is about militancy so it has more to do with the actions they take than the opinions they hold.
Is abortion a civil right?
Tough one because it only applies to women. Like, it's easy to assess marriage equality as a civil right because if I can marry the dick I like and Tom can't, he's being denied a right. I don't think being pro-life automatically makes someone right or even far right though. I would say the group who believes abortion should never be an option, even in cases where it would save the mother's life, are certainly far right. They would be denying her right to life.
At the end of the day Hillary was a very poor candidate and there was too much stink surrounding her, at least all of Trumps stink was non political and that is nothing to do with her being a woman.

Unfortunately... The reason Trump has zero political stinks is because he has ZERO political experience..... That is one of the most mind-boggling aspects of this entire mind-boggling race.
Fuck the DNC. Fuck them. I hope they burn to the fucking ground. The only reason why Donald Trump was elected president is because the DNC is fucking full of pro establishment, corporatists that fucking chose to go against the agenda of the American people and follow their own self interests. They actively pushed out and blocked Bernie Sanders from becoming the nominee because he implements real fucking change that would ultimately put them out of a fucking job. Americans are fucking fed up with career politicians, they fucking hate the establishment, yet they chose Hillary Clinton to be the nominee thinking everyone would rally behind her. NOPE. She's literally the spokes woman for oligarchical governance. People hate her and the establishment so fucking much, that they are willing to vote for Donald Trump in protest. Yes, some Trump supporters are racists/bigots whatever, but some aren't. He was the "brick vote" for A LOT of people. Meaning they simply voted for him because they are fed up with the system and Donald Trump is the "brick" thats gonna destroy it all. Politics as we know it in America have changed forever.
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