AmberCutie's Forum
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Who do you think your heroes are now that you're adults

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Mar 21, 2010
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The reason I ask this guys is that I consider all the models heroes because they work really hard & some don't get too much appreciation for all the work they put in. I also consider my kid sisters heroes of mine as well knowing they put up with me so much & I appreciate that they give like me . Hope you guys have heroes in mind as well
For me, it's my grandma.

She always works hard and keeps going no matter how things are. That, and she always is as happy as she can be.

She's a school bus driver (she's laid off for health reasons just now though...) but I honestly believe that job would be harder than modeling.
Tommy. He's a pretty cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything.


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Yeah, except he was also red ranger in one series and black ranger in dino thunder. plus he nailed two pink rangers.

Before I type this, I want to know I'm not looking for sympathy. Just stating my hero :)

My hero's my mom. She died in October of 2008 after a long and brutal battle with Crohn's disease which eventually turned into colon cancer.
She taught me everything and I know that she's in Heaven watching over me :)
My hero is nameless.

He/she is the one who, day in and day out, works at a job without complaining, no matter how bad it gets, in order to make sure his/her family is taken care of. Who, at the end of the day, people have relied on without realizing they did rely on him/her. Who knows how to make ends meet when things get rough, and always has a bit of advice ready for those who need it- simple, but powerful, words of wisdom and truth that only those on the "bottom" of the social ladder can learn without being told.

Okay, so maybe they can complain every once in awhile. Who doesn't?
My heroes - Childhood:
Axl Rose

My heroes - Now:
My best friend (Whose name I will withhold)
Bill Hicks
George Carlin
John Lennon
Hunter S. Thompson
Ricky Gervais
Stephen Merchant
Axl Rose
Childhood heroes:
Eddie Izzard
George Carlin

Batman has since turned in to a slight obsession. >_> The last two however I still admire, just for different reasons. Both of them being comedians/actors who's main shticks were just clearly not giving a fuck about what people think and believing you should say what's on your mind.
Guys all of you have come up with neat suggestions & even though I may not know a lot of them I consider you guys my heroes as I love the way you guys have just put it on the line for me. Amber I hope you can give me some of your heroes as this has been a learning experience for me & know that you're a hero of mine.
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